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America at the Tipping Point
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File: ChristChan - 53.png (210 KB, 871x900) Image search: [Google]
ChristChan - 53.png
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Our time is not like, as some suggest, Rome 49 BC when Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon. We are more akin to Chile 1973 AD, at the time of the Chilean coup d’état. It will be the spirit of Augusto Pinochet, not Julius Caesar, that takes hold of America. Given time and catastrophic loss of life by its own methods, a Marxist government in America would eventually collapse from an inability to sustain its own evil. Marxism is a unique enemy, and so far has only been preempted using the methods of Pinochet. I only hope the economic and political answer of the Chicago Boys holds sway during such a time, and not the National Socialist psychosis of Adolf Hitler. I do sincerely hope the best for our nation and people, but I do not have faith in anything or anyone but God.

Proverbs 3:31-35 King James Version (KJV)
31 Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways.
32 For the froward is abomination to the Lord: but his secret is with the righteous.
33 The curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked: but he blesseth the habitation of the just.
34 Surely he scorneth the scorners: but he giveth grace unto the lowly.
35 The wise shall inherit glory: but shame shall be the promotion of fools.

May God help us all, in Jesus name. Amen.

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It's worth it.
Whether we pull through this November or not, the Western World is in for a horrific awakening and turn of events. And the most horrible of all this torture is entirely self-inflicted, we became complacent and weak. Victory has defeated us. At least temporarily.

50% of the entire worlds population will be Islamic by the end of this century if the demographic trends continue.

Bite the pillow lads, at least the libs will be proven wrong a thousand times in the history books, and we will laugh bitterly unto eternity.
I see radical Islamic terrorism in our own country as a symptom, which is why my primary concern has never been the Muslim. Our problems are indeed self-inflicted, and opposing Islam isn't going to solve our fatal internal issues.
>50% of the world's population will be Islamic

Is that what they're calling niggers these days?
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I hope I didn't type too much.
Y'know i would love it if your god helped out, but that's not happening sadly.
Your god is a lie

Atheism is a lie suitable for only bolshevic animals.
>Literally india
fuck off
>Worst Korea has no idea what Islam is
What did I expect?





That's not how you sage, you Judeo-Caucasian Negroid.
Why are you insulting my profession?
Kate is my waifu
No its not
your clearly a christian which means you just add to some high end business
you have nothing to do with god please dont pretend otherwize
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The greatest trick the devil ever played is making you believe he doesn't exist. If you don't accept Jesus as your lord and saviour, you will be thrown into the lake of eternal fire.

Pascals wager.
Telling atheists they will go to hell is like telling an adult santa wont come if they dont behave
do u even logic ?
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