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>Visit the US for the fourth of July to see friends >Lovely
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>Visit the US for the fourth of July to see friends
>Lovely clear blue sky and warm weather
>Vast beautiful open roads and quiet parks free of litter for afternoon strolling
>Beautiful sun kissed skin girls everywhere in the summer heat
>Huge portions of amazing food, lip smacking ribs and smoked meats, great tasting
>Huge welcoming houses with lots of privacy and silence away from the busy world
>Majority of people would let you spend the night if you were lost in the rain on the streets at night

>Arrive back in the UK
>Its raining, clouds cast a bleak filter of grey over every building
>Nearest park to where I live is polluted with the sounds of local roads nearby, council cares little for rubbish thrown into bushes
>Food is bland and looks the same shade of brown, half of it is a form of pastry, coffee is shit
>Women are skinnyfat and pasty white, faces are beat up
>Can't get any privacy in a house that has the same floorspace per room as a US walk in closet, can hear the neighbours playing a loud movie through the walls
>Miserable people who live to complain, no ambition, no nationalistic pride for our countrymen
>Everyone treats each other like shit
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Anglobro come home
I know that feel. Been to the US twice over the last few years and it feels much more like home to me. Fuck this country.
Come back OP
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Come and stay. Buy some guns. Plenty of 100% white areas to live in
You have to have money to live like that in the US.

Not really
You get sick of all the damn sun when you live in Florida. I wish it would rain more often.
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Come home, anglos
Follow in the rich tradition of our founding fathers and declare your independence.

Or start taking back what's yours.
Yes. You need to be married and employed to a greater degree than a high school kid.

Life sucks, eh?
Why the fuck would Americans even want to visit London? The whole country is a shithole.
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This picture makes me feel so cozy. I'm building a canoe this summer. Hoping to have her seaworthy by fall. I love my country. Don't know why people complain about it so much. So much vast wilderness to explore with your friends, and you can really live your life however you want. B

I'm gonna go make/out/ with my girlfriend on the dock of a lake under the stars now.

Stay cozy, /pol/.
>Come and stay
I wonder how many Americans are delusional like you, thinking that America is some kind of a house without any doors. Getting here legally is a hell of a quest.
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At first I was like: OP

But then I was like: Niggers being niggers

And the worst part about it is I completely understand why.

Mexican boarder hoppers aside, if the US was accessible the entire world would be moving in.
That's why we need Bernie.
>Getting here legally is a hell of a quest.
Yet we have some of the laxest requirements.
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That's not true though. American immigration laws among the most strict in the Western world. Canada or most European countries are way more welcoming
America isn't in any great shape right now either buddy don't kid yourself
iktf, everything here is just shit and falling apart. Small houses, shit weather, high prices the list goes on.
America is about what we Americans want. It's not about what somebody else wants.
We'll take every white man or woman we can get.
Indonesia is starting to look a little antsy.
>Canada or most European countries are way more welcoming
You shit a baby on US soil you get to stay. Pretty lax.
I know this feel lad, the more I learn about the rest of the world, the more the UK pales in comparison.

Our living standards aren't actually that great expendable-income wise, and the housing crisis is the gift that just keeps on giving.

The shite weather is the cherry on top.
no you don't. just don't move to a big city
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I liked the food when I was in the UK
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Yeah, that shit works only for fence hoppers though, and I hope it will ends soon
>The shite weather is the cherry on top.
Its been overcast for the past month where I live, I just want a nice sunny day before the summer ends. Speaking of summer the max temperature today is a measly 16c yet people around here still walk around topless calling it a heatwave.
Come home white man.

Leave that dreary, crowded mess of an isle. Bask in the endless natural beauty of North America and join your white brothers in the fight for a better society.

The writing is on the wall for Europe, and it's written in Arabic.

Get a leaf on that ball!
meh, its really nothing compared to the rest of the world. That dish would be considered a posh breakfast in some areas which just shows you how bland everything is here.
Will you take in an autist like me? I'm really good with designing things and come from an all white family.

Salute to the uk may you always have a welcoming home in canada.

Beautiful bc provides unlimited sporting opportunties and brits are welcome
That shit really needs to end.
Should def live here if ya want man.

Everyone thinks Americans hate foreigners but if you come here legally, assimilate, work hard, and love this country, your a full-blood American in many peoples eyes.

I wonder if brits realize how much of north america has their hands out in offering after brexit.

When i buy foreign its only british beer after brexit.
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Yes, Indonesia...

Not out in the country.

>niggers need not apply
>limited numbers of black folks *okay*
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I just liked it, it was a nice change.

But I like seafood, so Japan has even the UK beat.
Of course friendo!

>It's raining

Honestly I love rainy, overcast weather, but that may be because the place i live is almost always sunny and bright, even during the winter. the grass is always greener I guess, but I would love to visit the UK just to experience the country side and the climate for a while.

>beautiful sun kissed skin girls

Yea it's nice too see beautiful women scantily clad in the summer time. But half of our women are hambeasts, so your skinnyfat girls aren't looking to bad compared to them. Also pale skin is just as nice as tanned imo, as long as it isn't sickly.

Anyway I guess I'm just saying to learn to appreciate what you got. Sure you have problems but we have a shit ton of our own.
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Isn't "My 600lb Life" in it's 4th season?
Imagine living in a cold sauna, that's kind of what its like here most of the time.

It can get very irritating sometimes when the house won't stop steaming up from all of the condensation and moisture. Even on what we consider a hot day (20c) you can go outside in the morning and everywhere will be soaking wet from the Atlantic air.

Also everyone over the age of 40 is burned out and doesn't take pride in anything as this country beats every last drop of happiness and hope out of you.
No you just really need to avoid living downtown in a major metropolitan area.
We meet again, bonsai scum.
Regiments at bottom of Kokoda at dawn?
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It's pretty much impossible to move to the US as an Anglo if you don't have a very in-demand skill (I don't, and even then it takes ~10 years to get citizenship).

The only other option is to marry an American which would defeat the point of wanting to be free and get a big house and go innawoods.

So, what countries are realistic options for a Brit wishing to expatriate? Considering the possible ramifications of a Brexit removal of freedom of movement? Good weather, good community, and not impossible to move to.

I've heard Australia is a similar situation to the US.
Damn man that really made me have some thoughts.....

Canada / Aus / NZ seem to be the only viable options
Move to Canada and then once you are. Citizen there just move here. Bam


Funnily enough, my air conditioner is currently set to 68 fahrenheit (20c) right now because the summers here are as hot as hell's asshole. It's been over 90f almost every day since may, regularly reaching over 100 fahrenheit (37c) for the past few weeks.

Honestly, a cold sauna sounds like white man's heaven right about now. Though I understand how the condensation would get old real fast. Still want to visit soon.
Only if you're white. The problem is the traitorous government.
I personally know 3 different girls that married men so they could get their greencards, then divorced them or just went on doing whatever.

You can talk a dumb American girl into a lot.
Brits would freak out at our weather here. Summer's hitting 30-35°C and then winters going to like -25°C lel (at least where I live)
You are always welcome if you want to come back, friend
I've heard Aus is similar to the US in difficulty. I'll have to check out NZ though, I'd definitely consider moving there if it's not impossible-tier.

Is this really how it works? I have a vague idea of it being easier to move to Canada than one would expect as they have lots of unskilled vacancies and such, but is it possible to just border hop like that?

I was under the impression that men were treated harshly in American courts when it came to settlements. Also it does seem a bit heartless if I'm honest.
This is absolute majority of the foreign women come here, seriously. Man come here using their brain, women use their pussy. I'm talking about legal path of course.
I don't know it seems like it would be easy. Would probably be a long process though.

Yeah women have a ton of power in the court system

What part of the UK are you in? I assume the north and scotland are colder than southern england. Not that I expect huge differences, like there is with the US.
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Honestly I would prefer the weather to be over 30c, we had that for one day last year and I enjoyed every last minute of it.

This is what I've got to look forward to for the next week, I know its not the end of the world but its the little things like this that add up.

I look forward to your visit, remember to keep the windows open a crack if you are staying in an old house like mine as that condensation causes mold everywhere in our cramped and poorly ventilated cattle pens.

Dam, I don't think our ageing infrastructure and shitty houses could cope with that sort of temperature. The heating bills would be astronomical as energy is already expensive.
Devon and Cornwall are hot and almost never get any snow, north england gets blizzards and snowed in during winter
Shrewsbury, Shropshire. Granted we do have a micro climate here thanks to the surrounding mountains and hills, we even had a few small tornadoes a couple weeks back but on average we get lots of cloud and lower than average temperatures compared to the rest of the country.
Actually I think London experiences the warmest temperatures thanks to it being more shielded from the Atlantic and closer to continental Europe.
London gets warmest temperatures due to it being almost entirely concrete, it's an urban heat isle. Devon and Cornwall are naturally hot from the gulf stream bringing up warm air currents from arfica and across the atlantic from the caribean
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>Hannibal le unfunny nigger

don't come here
Tbh I love when the weather gets really fucking cold. Something enjoyable about being by a fireplace, under a blanket with coffee and it snowing outside. Or gearing up in boots, a scarf, a winter hat and parka. The tranquility of winter nights too. Dead silent as you walk around. Just awesome to me.

I hate when it's like 95°F and I'm sweating my balls off with no way of cooling down really.
Britfag who now legally lives in the US, reporting in. Can confirm you're full of shit
How are you liking it compared to bongistan? Would you say that you're happier overall?
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>that feel when you arrive back at your country's airport and it hits you that nobody is smiling or making eye contact
>everyone is in a shitty mood, everyone acts as if coming too close to another person or having any kind of social contact might give them syphilis
>people pushing in the lines and acting as if nobody else around them exists
>mfw staring at a French guy across the airport and making eye contact with him until he gets too uncomfortable and looks away as if I have insulted him

>I just want a Five Guys burger
Honestly I haven't looked back. Got a yank wifey, own a pickup truck, and started a small gun collection. The whole immigration process cost an arm and a leg, and has taken 3 years so far, but it's so so worth it. 10/10 would recommend.
What type of visa did you use to start?

Interesting, it doesn't sound as uniform and steady as I thought. But that posted forecast sounds fucking perfect to me right now.

You know, maybe the uk can work a travel visa deal with the us, somewhat similar to what you had with the eu, to make it easier to travel to each other. It would be a welcome relief for a lot of us, I think.
Sure, it can be heartless. But the 3 I was talking about were paid $20K-$60K for the service.

A good friend of mine is going through this right now.
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I don't want all ther londonistanis coming here willy nilly so no thanks.
K1 visa. Met the wifey back in the homeland, she transferred offices because she wanted to see the UK. After a couple of years we got serious, and looked at our options for a future, and decided the quality of living in the US is so much higher, Healthcare costs aside. Popped the question, and figured out getting married over here was the better route, since the company didn't want to process a transfer back for a non US citizen, and deal with the work visa stuff.

Unless you work in an in demand field and get sponsored to get over here bro, it's not gonna be easy I'm afraid. The ESTA visa waiver us UK folks can get is good for up to 90 days to visit the states mind you, in that time you might be able to figure something out.
That's Poland you retard. I understand you were too young to remember that war.

good point
>maybe the uk can work a travel visa deal with the us
Honestly that would sound great as long as people where expected to bring something to the table or fuck off home after a while, the travel thing we had with the EU was good in theory but in practice it was abused by dindus and people coming over for a free handout.
We're still 85% white.
Rainy gloomy weather is great senpai. I'd rather that than fucking sun bearing down all the time. Fuck the sun.
So you're cheater, I see
Chose one
Easy, just agree to some ground rules like only people with sought after skills allowed. That will rule out 99% of the towel heads and it works both ways for the dindus in the US wanted to come here for 'dem handouts.
45℃ plus is not at all unheard of mid summer here.
Don't want them coming to the south west either, we're still 96% white
We are already not white enough. I don't want Ahmeds coming over too.
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Now now Australia not all of us live in a slow cook oven.

we should smoke a bowl or get drunk sometime.

thanks for moving here. next time you are back in GB will you please bring back a couple of irish women for me? i would really appreciate it.
Sounds like shit
It's in combination with cramped housing, overcrowded streets and plastic gaudy parks, short summers and long, wet autumns.

It's hard to overstate how crowded we are. I'm not even from London, but it's simply impossible to get away from other people, aside from driving to a National Park. It's either housing or farmland, and the cramped parks are never far away from houses and they are becoming more and more "child only" zones.

There is no such thing as "going innawoods" here unless you want to travel to the Peak or Lake District, and even then they are popular tourist and camping spots.
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Sorry, I was on my lunch break.
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-20 is a little nippy without a scarf, mitts, and a nice sweater desu
Fuckin heaven.
Hot days, cold beers, landscape that would make God weep.
Love my country mate.
Worth fighting for.

Is it really that crowded? You don't have rural?
Shit son, the vast majority of the U.S. is sparsely populated.
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Your bars are better, you've got good beer (granted, so do we. Hopefully you'll visit again in the fall to get some of pic related), and you hold your government to account for itself in ways that we've failed to do for decades.
The small houses honestly seem kinda cozy. The only nuisance would be noisy neighbors...but the American thing to do in that situation is buy a bigger stereo than them and assert your dominance.
I'm not sure how, paid at least $10,000 in visa costs so far friend, and work 9 to 5 just like everyone else. Maybe not in my chosen field anymore, but slowly working on the US approved certifications for it once more.

Sounds good man, if you ever find yourself in good ol' Nebraska we'll figure something out.
rip hannibal
Right on brotha
There is the odd lake or clump of trees and fields that are unused, but they are heavily populated by dog walkers.

Don't want to sound to melodramatic but for certain "Life in the Woods" types it really grinds you down after a while.

Walking through the countryside means cutting through farmers fields, essentially. It's not like walking through untamed forests and going to silent lakes. That is simply unheard of here outside of the National Parks.
Even in rural places like the south west it's still over-crowded
>I'm not sure how
Because America should welcome only people who it can benefit from, i.e. high-skilled workers. Your way is not much better than fence hopping, even if it still legal.
It's not like I'm against you in particular, I just think we shouldn't allow anyone who can slay an American pussy or suck an American dick to become one of the citizens just based on that skill.
Our daughters really liked your accent.
I only experienced that once here and it made the heating system freeze up as pipes were run externally to save space.

Small houses mostly, even in the country with lots of space the houses are still small and cramped. An average middle class sized house in the USA would be considered a millionaire's pad here. £250k will buy you a shitty 3 bed 1 bathroom semi detached town house here with a tiny garden.

I've seen new builds where a shed will literally fill up the entire garden.
lol you would probably cry when you look at the price of some houses in the Midwest and shit. Giant houses for less than that as well as bigger yards.
Sounds like that'd suck. You can find places to hunt almost anywhere in the midwest and non-Commiefornia rural west here in the states, and there are parklands everywhere. It's really easy to get away from people here, though most of the country doesn't have your delightfully not-sunny weather with few exceptions (like Seattle).
Only problem we have, apart from the sudden influx of mussos is that we have too much coast and not enough trustworthy people to defend it.
Great Anglo minds think alike.
It's normally just about bearable being a relatively well-off country but the mass immigration since Labour in the mid nineties and the housing crisis have made a lot of us Brits doubt about living here at all. I've definitely noticed a trend on 4chan the past 12 months.
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Just look at these houses all huddled in like cattle, these would be considered lower middle class houses for £300k and some would probably have 4 bedrooms squeezed into them.

I've had days where I've just broke down crying because of the cramped houses taking its toll. I have clear outs every month but nothing is going to make this place feel livable.
We used to let Europeans come here a lot easier until 1965. He can do it, I'm well aware of the journey.

America is open to quite a diverse group of people, provided you come here legally and don't bring crime with you...
Okay, I can see that. On the other hand, the amount I've paid in income and property taxes would've been more than enough for me to pay for an EB-5 visa. The K1 however, worked for our situation better.
The states are pretty open to you guys - not hard for a bong to get citizenship. Cost-benefit analysis man.
Come back. britbro and stay. The south is awesome. guns, beer and freedom. Come to the states, start a small farm. FREEDOM.
Mainly mexicans though

Australia's just like that without a nigger for a head o dat state.
HAH! Yeah, britbong, come get spied on by the NSA!
And farming probably won't work out for you, unless you want to do it under Monsanto.

He's right about the guns tho
Great picture, illustrates what I was talking about before - it being impossible to get away from people - it's either housing or farmland. Typical picture.

I am heart-warmed by all the American responses inviting a move across the pond, but I don't think you understand quite how difficult it is unless you are a highly skilled worker to do it legally.
How lazy are you?
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Shut the fuck up, the Brit is a skilled worker, is white, and loves our country.

>hurr educated white immigrants are bad durr
Most people around here hobby farm. You can make a decent living. Not a lot of cash in it but if your homesteading you save a ton of dosh. Not much can be done about the NSA other than dont use phones. Which honestly, i dont really even use mine. I keep it for emergencies. Go to a nice southern fly over state and go out far enough and you have your own private paradise of freedom with little to no code enforcement or local laws. I live in a unincorporated township. We don't even have cops, just the county sheriff.

Jesus Christ you are delusional...there is a war brewing muh nigga
Well if the mexicans can why can't you?
Hop the border.
Did you even read my message?
This is actually true I walk around with a Canadian friend wearing a heavy down jacket, long Johns and snowboots. While he wore a light shell jacket, jeans, and low top converse through Montreal in the winter at -20 Fahrenheit, with like five feet of snow and thought nothing of it

Do English understand how variable our climate is? You guys would probably die in the Delaware Valley humidity (Philadelphia area) even though it's not that far south. Or do Europeans and English just all think of California like their clothing says?
We respect our fellow whites too much, we don't want to burden anyone by coming over bringing nothing desirable to the table.
Yeah there is but i its happening everywhere. If i had any choice of any nation I would still pick the US. Its the only nation left on earth with the will and the weapons to resist and has the highest chance of peace. You just gotta get lost innawoods.
Well maybe that's why your ancestors colonized other places so much, urge to live in a less depressive environment?
I would strongly advice against that. if you're not spic who can be sheltered within their community, life of illegal immigrant here is hell.
At least choose the legal way >>80682524
if you can't pass as a high skilled specialist
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>America should welcome only people who it can benefit from

How is an educated immigrant from a good country and increase the amount of white people here not beneficial? Did you not read what you wrote? Nowhere did he say it was a green card marriage.

>being able to provide arguments

I see what you mean..how about starting up a butter churning business? I hear that is a good industry to get into now days..
Thanks for visiting the states. It's always good to see the DC have a good time here.
people seem to think it's "quaint"
Did you read this part as well?
>It's not like I'm against you in particular
>we shouldn't allow anyone who can slay an American pussy or suck an American dick to become one of the citizens just based on that skill.
You do understand that this visa is highly abused by all kind of immigrants? Any spic who can't do shit but new babies can marry a spic who happen to be a US citizen and move here legally? Any sandnigger can marry a niggress from ghetto, giving her $10k, and he'll become a US citizen just for that!

>Nowhere did he say it was a green card marriage.
>K1 visa.
I think most people here see the american snowstorms on the news and think its just lots of snow with temperatures similar to our own winters, which are quite mild compared to yours.

But I guess most people I've met think the USA is warm and sunny most of the time.
>>Nearest park to where I live is polluted with the sounds of local roads nearby,

You forgot about the constant drilling noises and construction works taking place as everything is so close together.

Green card marriage means they got married specifically to become a US citizen. The Brit didn't do that. Complaining that we got a desirable immigrant because the process is easy for undesirable immigrants won't make things better.

We need to allow the good ones in and keep the bad ones out.
K1 Visas aren't by default sham green card marriages friend. They require a lot more work than some other types of visa, and face a lot more government scrutiny, but if you meet the mark they're also a lot more secure than an employment visa, with the whole losing employment means deportation thing.
Your ancestors shoulda got on the boat. I know mine did, and I'm black
Money? Of course. But you imply such a lifestyle is only for the rich. The things OP mentioned are widely available to the common man.
I live half a mile from 5 Guys. Tell me what your favorite burger from there is and I'll get one tomorrow to eat in your honor
>Complaining that we got a desirable immigrant
Can you just read what I said once again?

>We need to allow the good ones in and keep the bad ones out
We do, but this is not how immigration laws are set right now.

>K1 Visas aren't by default sham green card marriages
By default - they're not. But this is the most abused way to come in the US.

>They require a lot more work
I have a friend who got here like this, it's not that difficult if your marriage is not a scam. Process for work visas is way more complex and fragile.

>with the whole losing employment means deportation thing
Not true. You still have a chance to use some legal ways to stay. Hell, you can even stay after finishing your college here, but it's not easy as well.
They were loaded onto the boat for a different reason.
Your friend is one of the luckier ones. The USCIS interviews enjoy being pretty brutally invasive, in my experience.

Also I'd be interested in any sources you may have about the K1 being the most abused method of entry, if you have some.
pretty buildings tbqh
Our women are especially obsessed with your country
>America is about what we Americans want.
Nice joke. We're allowing one of the poorest, most uneducated communities in the world unlimited passage
From what I've seen, the UK is only bad for the lower middle class.
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Standard cheeseburger with lettuce, onions, ketchup and mayonnaise toppings, and medium fries.
I always liked how they just scooped an extra helping of fries into the bag.
I honestly don't understand how people can live on a piece of property smaller than 10 acres. I love that I can never hear or see my neighbors except for their dog which always runs into my yard to play with my dog then I hear the neighbor whistle for their dog to come home.

We have bbqs and help each other cut down trees n shit but that's about it when it comes to any interactions whatsoever with them.It is litterally perfect and the way it should be.

How can citycucks even maintain their sanity?
>I honestly don't understand how people can live on a piece of property smaller than 10 acres.
Most American post I've seen this week
Perfect. I gotcha my friend and, yeah, they lay the fries on thick!
>Also I'd be interested in any sources you may have about the K1 being the most abused method of entry
I don't think there is a real statistics available, because no one will tell that their marriage was scam after all.
Also, I'm not talking about the entry as it is, but about the whole process of staying. You can enter on shitton of non-immigrant visas here.
As for why I think it's abused, because it's logically one of the few visas which doesn't require you to posses any skill, so it's easier to cheat. There is also an asylum visa, which is abused as well, but you actually need to have some plausible reasons to make a case

I made the mistake of order two large fries once.

I was literally handed a huge bag filled to the fucking brim with fries

It took us over an hour to dig down halfway to discover two "large" cups. The guy literally just said fuck it and put the cups in the bag and then filed it up over them

Five guys is awesome
Seafood wise, you go to the northwest or the central Atlantic, near Cheasepeake. Crab, shrimp, oysters, mussells, all kids of fresh and salt fish. Good eats.
Just wait till the winters lads! Nothing beats throwing another log on the cherry red fire in the woodstove, drinking coffee and watching the snow fall
American women love British accents, also we are very proud in being part of something great. So show some patriotism and you'll be quite fine!
Just get me the most american and free meal you can think of with the optional extras, tip the waiter for me when they offer great service with a smile.

Then when you go to take the first bite, spare a moment to think about all the poor cucked britfags that have never experienced the customer satisfaction culture and freedom.
If it ever happens for you brit-bro, small town USA is the only way to go. I'm from a town of 2,009 people in God tier Iowa. Also lived in Maine for 8 years. God fucking tier as well

What part of the country were you in?
>I don't think there is a real statistics available, because no one will tell that their marriage was scam after all.

Data on number of petitions recieved, number approved for conditional status over 2 years, number approved for removal of conditions after 2 years, number rejected and number of applicants charged and deported/incarcerated. I'm sure some will get through and beat the system, but having been on the receiving end of the scrutiny, I'm confident it's a very, very low number.

The entry process for this lasts for literal years.

>As for why I think it's abused, because it's logically one of the few visas which doesn't require you to posses any skill, so it's easier to cheat.

You're not wrong about the skill requirement, but that doesn't necessary make it easier to cheat, unless you think all these unskilled people immediately get hired by the USCIS and start reviewing other cases or something.

>There is also an asylum visa, which is abused as well, but you actually need to have some plausible reasons to make a case

Being from the UK originally, I agree with this, bease of the economic migrants claiming they're after asylum is a big issue in Europe, and would argue that logically this would fall under the category of most likely to be successfully abused.

What the fuck am I looking at?

So glad we Americans learned a thing or two from German and Italian immigrants on how to make something to eat. Eating whatever the hell that is ever day would have me as depressed as OP too.
"Full English breakfast", I have to admit it can be pretty filling if you have a long day ahead of you.

-13 is definitely coat weather but that's not so bad. Anything over 0F and I usually wear shorts, only because I can't be fucked to pull all my pants out of the closet lol.
Britain bros, when you voted for brexit I gained a newfound respect for your country. Fighting for independence is as fucking American as it gets, and you are welcome here now.
I wouldn't get too excited, most of the next generation are in favor of EU dictatorship. Once the old guard die off we really are going to be cucked by the brainwashed leftists of my generation making decisions.
nice meme comment. that actually looks fucking delicious. beans, meats, scrumptious looking taters, and those gooms goddamn.
To be fair a lot of places in the US can be like that as well. I live in Southern California in the suburbs and there are a ton of houses being built which sucks because it used to all be wilderness. But houses are that close together and are going for like $1mil. Granted they have very nice interiors and the yard they have is nice, but certain places are definitely crowded

You have to be married for two years before you come over to avoid the 21 month second interview after you come over on a spousal visa.

If you don't want to risk duping an American woman just find a guy you can pay to marry you and just make a few nice pictures of a wedding and hire some people to stand in for a few photos as "family" then just come to America and get a divorce after you got your green card.

I don't know why this isn't a thing since they made fag marriage legal but it's a completely bro tier loophole to get Anglo into America.
i was looking at your country on google maps and thought how fucking depressing it would be living there.
you have like 10 national parks and the furthest point in the forest is like 3km from a road.

i live in melbourne, and im divided between staying here and taking a high paying job or moving out to east victoria with a fuck ton of national parks and getting a huge plot of land.
any ausfags here live in rural/wilderness areas?
We don't have air conditioning in our houses because it is literally never hot enough to use. Maybe put a fan on if its one of the 3 days in the year when its uncomfortably hot
Europe and it's free movement did it.
>>Arrive back in the UK
>>Its raining, clouds cast a bleak filter of grey over every building
>not comfy
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Come home, friend.

We need a president who will relax immigration laws for transplants with European ancestry.
I'm a brit here on a green card i got through work. It's almost impossible to get a visa like mine, it's literally known as the "Nobel prize visa" because it's so fucking hard to get

Meanwhile I've had former illegals actually have the balls to tell me how hard it was waiting for Reagans amnesty because they had to go back to Mexico for a month

UK bros will never get a visa like mine, give up on that dream. Obama made it.even harder in the last few years.
what things would an australian like me have to go through to get citizenship?
i hear things about europeans and brits having to go through alot more, im assuming its the same with australian.
is it any easier if i have large amounts in savings that i can bring over?
Yes actually, investing $500k-1M is one of the easiest ways to get permanent residence.

wew, thats a bit more than i currently have (30,000 aud), would have to save for a while before i got that amount
what are the other easiest ways? i can wait a couple of years, if its too difficult i will probably just move somewhere else in australia
this is me, tripcodes always fuck up because of my IP
As a sushi fan, that shit makes me so jealous
Here's the game plan:
>fly to US, get off of an airplane
>in airport terminal, browse local online weekly newspaper for singles events
>go dancing, rock climbing, etc. Sleep in extended-stay hotel
>use foreigner carte blanche/social diplomatic immunity to attract girls
>meet cute but slightly pudgy blonde American girl who is eager to begin a relationship
>get married 8 months later
>get citizenship
>produce fat white American babies
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