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> " All three adult suspects involved in our Armed Robbery
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> " All three adult suspects involved in our Armed Robbery have been charged by the St. Charles County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office with Robbery 1st Degree and Armed Criminal Action. Bond was set in the amount of $100,000.00 cash only. The suspects will be transferred to the St. Charles County Department of Corrections. "

> " We were able to locate four suspects occupying a black BMW a short time later and recover a handgun. These suspects are suspected of multiple Armed Robberies both in St. Louis and St. Charles Counties. It is believed these suspects targeted their victims through the Pokemon Go smart phone application. "

Stay safe out there Trainers.
>Pokemon Go
You deserve it desu senpai

Pokemon, KEK how old are you fucking autists ?
I heard early that this shit is being used even more than Twitter.
>Unironically supports Big Bother
Deserves it desu
Some girl found a dead body playing PoGo over by her trailer park
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It's getting pretty big for a camera with some layover animations.
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> " Tinder was launched back in 2012, five years ago, while Twitter came out in 2006 — a decade ago. "Pokémon Go" came out last week."
That's what's scary.

>you'll never be smart enough to make billions off of the masses
Yeah but this shit is much shorter trend. No one will be talking about it in 6 months
This, I can't wait for the Gyms in my town to become available again.

now read what this black man says about how pokemon Go is dangerous for blacks:

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>Team rocket
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