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WTF meteorite in Mecca???
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Just saw some nut job on Alex Jones taking real crazy about what he called"black goo" that's some kind of extra-dimensional demonic jizz type substance that's responsible for all insane and evil thoughts and tendencies among us.

Never mind that bullshit though, what caught my interest is when he said that's what the black stone in Mecca is made of and that it's actually a meteor. I looked into it and I guess no one actually knows what it is, so there /pol/, you're now obligated to red pill me on the truth about this mystic stone.

Bonus: What would be the historical ramifications if, say, some overly zealous /pol/ troll were to atomize it out of existence vie explosion?
These are shill shitposts by Bush and Clinton crime family functionaries attempting to distract our m3g4 p0w3r from Hillary's need for jail, and #ChampagneSocialists like Soros using #BLM terrorists like #Deray4Treason to hijack the legitimate black rights movement. (http://blackcommunitynews.com/the-real-power-and-purpose-behind-black-lives-matter-movement) Only reply to them (once) with "sage" in the options and report them. We have to keep /pol clean for legitimate information and ops.
It represents the fallen star of Lucifer. Muslims unknowingly worship the devil.

it is claimed the meteor was sent by god to mankind. was put in there by ibrahim and people since then use it. it is claimed that it purify people sin by god will.

as a muslim i cant make sure if this true or false. the quran does not mention such thing so im doubting such thing
thats nonsense.

>being syrian but not being christian
>kys kys kys

jesus christ tried to safe he was almost born in syria. but you guys fell for a demonic antichrist like pedophile warlord
t.devil worshipper

Islam is Satanism.

Here, have another video of proof you won't watch.
you forgot the video
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you see. i have a respect for christians. and your bait is weak.
woop forgot muh link

I have respect for you as well, my friend.

No one who worships the fallen star at the of the Judgment will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Telling you to turn from the Qu'ran is the greatest wisdom I can give.

But you will just say it's nonsense. Any religion that allows deception is of the Devil. Modern Judaism as well. Convenient then, that the six pointed star and crescent moon+star are the most famous of all Lucifer's symbols through history. Convenient indeed, that these doctrines of deception would bear his signs.
It's also convenient that you worship a man who walked the earth you idol worshipper?

As far as I know, the Kabaa covers a pre Islamic meteorite that was worshipped by Bedoin tribes that lacked the intellectual capacity to comprehend that it was merely a bunch of nickel and carbon that fell to earth instead of some magic ju ju shit. Islamic leadership probably wanted to get rid of it with the rest of the idols that once were in the Kabaa a long time ago, but they knew that they couldn't because there would be a revolt since the thing was so popularly worshipped so they figured "fuck it. Just work it into the script."
i dont like symbols or anything. not even talismans. why would i need a symbol to make me protected from evil or to show a sign of my belief?

the only way to be a successful worshiper is not by following a creed. but to be a pious and learning to what god taught us in his books.

christians ans muslims are all in one sword with a double edge. that small division in the edge is just a small difference between us and you guys.

it depends on who. eastern orthodox and greek orthodox have different views of jesus.
>christians ans muslims are all in one sword with a double edge. that small division in the edge is just a small difference between us and you guys.

do you really belief this shit you wrote mate?
islam denies the holy trinity, he denies jesus as the son of god, muslims belief the holy trinity would contain mary, god and jesus. As you fellow muslims denie that christ died for our sins and resureccted you denie the foundation of christain belief. your religion is cruel and barbaric and where it settles the place is doomed by chaos, unrest, war and destruction, supression, injustice ... the list is endelss but where christianity prevailed humanity could developed solid, just societies.

Please take some lessons in history and learn how the pedo war monger Muhammad forced islam upon your ancestors. They had only the choice between islam or death. Islam brought the dark age over europe.

educate yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im0IisZ77QI
>Islam denies the holy trinity, he denies jesus as the son of god, muslims belief the holy trinity would contain mary, god and jesus. As you fellow muslims denie that christ died for our sins and resureccted you denie the foundation of christain belief.
thats why i said there is a small difference which is in the end. and we mainly follow what you follow except what you said

>your religion is cruel and barbaric and where it settles the place is doomed by chaos, unrest, war and destruction, supression, injustice ... the list is endelss but where Christianity prevailed humanity could developed solid, just societies
oooo. tell me who this shithole was before Islam since thousands of years before its existence.
and war
oh and it was worse than islam.

let me turn pagan and go steal your daughter and then bury my daughter alive because she is a female. or let me go sack Constantinople in the name of Christ leaving my brethren vulnerable with my treason and treacherous act.
>educate yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im0IisZ77QI [Embed]
>thats why i said there is a small difference which is in the end. and we mainly follow what you follow except what you said


>denying christ as son of god who died for our sins and therfore made is possible for us again to unite with god after death
>small difference
>small difference
>small difference

choose one

Just watch the video matey.
You are pretty uneducated desu.

Middle east was an oasis of knowledge and progression before Islam has hit it.
Islam is anti scientific thats why there are almost no muslim nobel prize winner

nah. i dont follow to Jewish tricks. middle east was full of dumbfucks worshiping rocks and unlimited skirmishes in a rock name

you go live in your" MUH EBUL ISLAM" world
also explain the satanic verses in the Qu´ran
also explain why ISIS are no moslems
>>denying christ as son of god who died for our sins and therfore made is possible for us again to unite with god after death
>>small difference

As i said you are probably pretty uneducated deso


you must have reading the old testament

oh is that big to you? then please tell me how big for having different for having tens of different bibles and not all as the same.

The cube predates Islam. They just took it as their own.
>le pagan meme
Wtf is the cube made of?

Cube is granite. Black stone is meteorite.
Inside the black cube is just a smashed up shiva lingam with melted stuff poured over it. It's just from the pagan days and was destroyed because of being phallic in nature.
Shiva is a moon god of destruction, but his phallus was worshiped because death give way to life, life to the preserver and back to death. Cyclical.
Theres a video on youtube from a muslim guy speaking about it, I'm sure you can find I can't be fucked to look, I'm on shitty sim card internet.
>oh is that big to you? then please tell me how big for having different for having tens of different bibles and not all as the same.

dude with every post i estimate your IQ with -5 points are you trolling or do you really use this as an argument?

You still dont get that without this fundamental foundation christianity would be redundant. We christians get our deliverance our access to heavan after death trough christ and the holy ghost. As ISLAM denies that fundamental thing it is explicit ANTI CHRIST(IAN) you understand matey?
are there sources (reliable) for this claim?
>comes online
>listen here muzzy we have IQ
>German Dungeon porn

plus you need to know ironic shitposting is still shitposting. my barbarian Germanic friend
>>comes online
>>listen here muzzy we have IQ
>>German Dungeon porn
>plus you need to know ironic shitposting is still shitposting. my barbarian Germanic friend

wew lad this degree of autism is pretty high desu
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>calls me autistic for disproving him

have a video on me.
can anyone else please explain him that he di not disprove me i am out anon
Its not made from a meteor, rather it contains a chunk of meteor which fell to earth at the same time aliens briefly visited to give humanity its kick-start.

Our gods were aliens.
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you are just mad we are better than you kraut. a psuedo-human trying to be something.

enjoy being cucked by rapefugees my higher IQ barbarian friend
Dude, are you alright? You dont sound alright.
i need my Anglo friends. we need to get rid of this kraut.

Any sign of you being able to go home yet lad?
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This is what the black cube is.
It's alien technology literally brainwashing people.

Kubrick knew what it was. He was a rich powerful Jew. Jews know what's up since they're (((probably))) aliens.
like the old days. get rid of this Germanic filth. a pseudo-human and a sub-European fucks trying to be victim and a nigger here

grzegorz brzęczyszczykiewicz please.. turn of your proxy
T. Mohammad Abdul Jones
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sometimes i think if there is something worse than Germans.
Mecca originally had a bunch of statues, Mohammed the conquorer decided to smash them and instead worship the shiny rock that fell from the heavens. Because Allahu akbar and all that.

Which is funny, because a couple of hundred years later they were actually really into astronomy and all that jazz. But hey, magic rocks!
Truth even the last day of their no eating rituals is called die backwards "eid"
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