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Micah X, the Dallas shooter, wrote the letters "RB" on a wall with his own blood shortly before dying. What was he trying to say?

He was trying to write "BRB", he thought he was gonna respawn
really makes you think
Maybe it's "really big", because the CIA forced him.
he was trying to write ARBY'S
robot bomb. all too easy.
Regulus Black duh.
his final attempt at race baiting
prove he wrote those letters bitch

how do we know he didn't print something else and the pigs changed the letters?
Rindu Buffin
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Robot Bomb
RBG - red black green, it's a black panther code
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Unoriginal comment. Yet, it's the best that's been given.

Probably this.
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if it was RBG why the fuck would he not finish it?

He was laughing at cops and telling them he wanted to kill more... its not like he was trying to be subtle
He meant to write RP, aka REDPILL

Maybe because he just got BLOWN the FUCK OUT literally speaking and had only mere moments left of life? Had that thought ever crossed your mind, dunderhead?
well done faggot now kys
without your cringy two-cents it would have been gud
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he was writing shit in blood during the negotiation...

perhaps you should have the facts before you reeeee son
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Cool guy here.png
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The "RB" means, "Recall Blacks."
He was trying to spell BLM, but niggers can't spell
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