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Okay can somebody tell me why cant black people just fucking
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Okay can somebody tell me why cant black people just fucking become normal.

Why do they act like victims?

They get called niggers and they flip and make mess (gets called nigger~acts like nigger)

Why cant it all stop?? What does it take?

I dont act like crazy monkey when somebody tells me im white trash or kkk fuck or whatever is supposed to insult me.

What is wrong with niggers????? Why cant they be normal?

They brought us aids and they still victims cmon whats fkn wrong well idk bout genetics
average IQ: 85

Lets not be gentle and highball, lets just say that they think that fucking virgin can cure aids kek

>IQ falling drasticly
black people have the capacity to act "normal" as they are not animals or subhuman. right now they are very lost and bitter about their condition.
>black people ... are not animals or subhuman

You must be new here.
Centuries of a culture started from scratch based around hating another group of people developing in the wrong direction. The African-American subculture is a vicious trap which demonizes the government and its institutions, therefore demonizing education, and which ostracizes anyone who tries to better themselves.

Ahahahahahahhaha top kek
This board isn't a hivemind, faggot. The right wing is making a comeback, but we aren't out of the woods yet, and until we are we're all shoved together in the ass-end of the internet.

Top kek x2
When you are born and raise surrounded by people who tell you over and over that the odds have always been against you, that the system is corrupted, that the evil white man will try to keep him down forever, why would you even try at life. Why would you go through the hardship of getting a good degree and a good job to break the cycle of poverty that has been afflicting your family generations and generations? Might as well just steal shit, sell drugs and ask for your gibsmedat. Trying's too hard.
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oh my god.gif
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>there are people still like this on /pol/
>Why do they act like victims?
Because it works. They know if they make whites feel guilty, they can get whatever they want.
I've been here for years, it's literally never been a hivemind. This is a board that has both fascists and libertarians in significant numbers. The uniting factor is the agreement that right now things are shit, and in a lot of cases they are getting worse.
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>being this sincere
Probably shouldn't call them that, then. Besides, most black people I know would just give you a dirty look.
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