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American Fascist platform
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What would a American Fascist platform today look like to tap into the populist voters and supporters after Trump gets frauded out of the election by the establishment and the media.

Avoiding outright racist to appeal to voters.

>NO refugees
>Illegals can stay as long as themselves or a immediate family member serves in the US military, and is honorable discharged.
>Break up the banks - reestablish the Glass–Steagall act, and limit banks to serve no more then three states.
>Establish term limits for congress
>Establish by law the goal of maintaining the dollar to 40 dollars for a gram of gold.
>roll back rules established nondemocratic by the EPA, ATF, and other agencies
>review all executive orders issued since 1992, and pass to congress a bill that establishes in a legal manner what regulations need to be in place, and then vacate all those executive orders.

How does that sound?
>richard spencer lisping about the men of the west in a totally fashy Fury haircut
I'm on board :)
What will you do about the negro?

My suggestion, if I may: Death penalty for every violent crime, i.e. robbery, rape and murder.
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Bumping to make this a thing
I'm so ready
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Wow that sounds like a greeaaat plan.
Keep day dreaming, losers.
We make it clear that we support the cops in their duty. Make sure prisons are built to hold the criminal scum that can't follow the rules of civilization.
Sorry muhammad

Last time there was a real attempt at a racewar, the whites killed 168 people
That is, outright, the worst flag I have ever seen in my life.

At least put an eagle or something on there, holy shit.
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I picked a random fake flag from my flag folder anon.
Why would a country change it's flag anyway? If anything you need a nice party logo. Should be easy to find something cooler than a donkey, an elephant or a porcupine.
Will it support free enterprise like the american nazi party?
Its called a party flag anon. Also it showing that we are changing a system that fatally flawed.

You are just arguing about a OP image that I threw up since you are required to put a image up.
I would say yes. Perhaps less so in the banking center with supporting co-ops over traditional banks, but that my personal view,
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Dorks, for fascism you need to reestablish a shame society to proactively combat delinquency before it becomes an ingrained sub culture, while also promoting family unity and duty to the state and/or movement that your form of fascism promotes.

Self governing morality reinforced by a duty to the state.

Just perpetuating modern rehabilitation will increase in prison population far too much, especially if you're planning on pushing for fascism in America.

You need to accept the eventual counter revolution openly, but belittle them by ignoring serious public discourse but breed apathy by disallowing their martyrdom in violent protest and political arrests.

education is the absolute key, especially reforming a standardized model into an aristotelian discourse for humanities and supporting all mathematics with hands on experiments, on top of all weeding out unsuccessful students BEFORE high school, and then forming high schools into specialization schools in specific parts of the country where students are supported by government subsidy to board and study.

Seems vague enough so far, think about it and call me a faggot.
Nice, that's also what I meant.
>reestablish a shame society
Non-whites are genetically not capable of this. Lets make it a little precise: segregation? Carve out some place the size of 14% of the American territory and give the negros independence there? It looks to me, that they are pushing for segregation nowadays anyway. This will need a wall, tough.
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I think that we are in the right mind.

>call me a faggot.

Not saying education is not important, just that the platform is there to sell the idea, this isn't a party manifesto that goes into detail.

Heck, wouldn't call it fascism, would call it the "Popular front" or "National front". The word fascism scares folks.
Divisive elements that you plan on keeping alive in a dictatorship are toxic, but of course, an austrian would know little about proper political organization.

You have to embrace them, although you are correct about their inability to function in a shame society, you can promote the strength of a newly reorganized black community to combat that negative sub-culture potential and who knows, maybe even fixing the black populations familial problems.
You be surprised what a few donations and speaking about how government programs kill the black family will get you support in black ministers, who hold a lot of community sway.
You have to have a solid philosophical and political foundation to build a platform, and every question that cuts into the heart of any matter is going to eventually lead to your core ideology, so you must establish what your ideological brew is going to be before you can state how you plan on selling it.
regardless of black cynicism, their children given real opportunities outside of the poverty sphere their parents are stuck in is a potential they have rarely ever experienced, compound that selling point with a reestablished black leadership supported by black tax payers and semi-autonomous is the only way you can both eliminate their intoxication on public subsidy and reform their pride as a community.

Any opposition would easily shot down if you were to compare the black revival with any peaceful civil rights era movement, but the key here is to establish that it was not a white man that gave the black community its place in the sun, but by the sweat of their own brows.

Regardless of the shenanigans of IQ and ghetto culture, black people too feel the draw towards something greater than themselves, i.e. tribal loyalties run strong in the gang culture.

They aren't completely irreparable in my opinion, but they have to reform themselves by their own hands or they will always hold a recessive role in society.
Dude, not turning people into ash is like super liberal hippie for an Austrian.
Since this is about america, and you want to use terms americans understand and love.

Education should be focused on Duty to your country and community, honor, and establishing the skills people need. ""ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

The Shame society does not have to be established, the society of Honor, respect, and merit needs to be established.
And the Jewish question?
I agree that it needs to be sold as the black community reestablishing itself.

of course, we would need to make sure the black community that is reestablished is that of family, community, and hard work. Millions of blacks migrated to find work in industry, there is still to this day that spark in the black community has. And we need to establish it, and removed the bindings of government programs that prevent this from happening.
No, what has every citizens duty to the country done for us so far as a creed?

An addiction to food subsidies and family court epidemics?

It is a weak basis to hold that creed anything above indoctrination at this point, especially with the ease at which you may pollute the cause.

"My family has served their duty, where then are my benefits?"

Entitlement is the inevitable expectation of a creed where an individual must expect reciprocal exchange with an abstraction.

I believe so as well, at this point any movement in the black community will go up, they are so far in decline and decentralization, just watching the detroit education debacle is a very good example of the utter helplessness there is in trying to reform themselves around modern age problems without modern age organization.
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Hans, I dont know why youre posting on /pol/ when your bull should've been prepped minutes ago.
>imprisoning criminals so they live off tax dollars
>not making an example of them by giving them public lashings and branding them with their crimes for everyone to see forever, if they arent hanged.
For the creed, it in reference to use american symbols to buy in that this is not a "unamerican" thing. The idea is not asking what benfits the government can give, but how you can serve your nation, and then not have the government prevent you in your presuit of happiness.
Actually playing this legit as something that could get support, and not some turner dairy fantasy.
Regardless of how it may sound, it has no supporting institutions readily available to normal citizens.

My point was to have a creed that was self perpetuating under self regulated institutions like a church or household, lending itself as a reminder to black community revival.

How many blacks now can claim the US creed was tailored for them? Duty cannot be first assumed and then reinforced by the creed, the creed must be the beginning of establishing for children what Duty is and reminding adults of its "truth".
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