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Cenk The Agitator Uygur: JUST edition
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Don't jump to conclusions guys! It's not the good protestors!

This guy was saying a few days ago, over the shootings, that the black community "was not angry enough".

Can we pin this on him somehow? This guy is the BLM propaganda machine and he's now realized he dun fucked up. Just today on the live show, he was saying how Cops need to be put in more danger. He was explaining to his audience that their job is to embrace danger and take risks. He gave these protestors a voice and agitated them. How can he go on and spew his commie bullshit in the land of the free?

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the enemy.jpg
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>everyone needs to lower their tempers and keep their heads cool
>one of the things we try to do at the young turks is try to get everybody to see one another's perspective

This guy is the biggest hypocrite and this video is pure damage control, but he keeps saying "we gotta get the justice" throughout his JUST video.

I despise this man. He cloaks himself in "reason" and "equality", only to agitate the minorities.
He denies the Armenian genocide and named his show/business after the group that committed the genocide.

Why is he popular? Why doesn't he get more criticism for it?
still... why is this picture so fucking hilarious?
toppsest of keks
Because a lot of smart people, especially after the Sam Harris "debate", try to avoid this guy. He's an idiot, but I believe that the Commies got in power just like this.. they were ignored for too long and managed to indoctrinate a large group to seize the means of production.

If Cenk Uygur is not challenged and stopped, believe me, we will continue to be a divided nation.
Because he looks like he's directly in the middle of taking a huge but painful Taco Bell dump. His mortality and fear is showing on his face.
>that thumbnail
does anyone know the shooter youtube page so we can check if he was subscribed to TYT?
I know. i keep telling people this youtube channel is more damaging than the MSM. People are aware of the MSM but youtube videos appeal to younger viewers more. The videos need to be downvoted into oblivion and the comments red pilled.
I'll definitely check into it, once the name and details are released.. TYT's audience is like 70% black iirc. It's BLM incubation and rationalization headquarters.

I'm trying my best to alert fellow Americans, my friend. Glad you understand the severity of these guys, they're the most dangerous outlet that's directly influencing young people. It's sickening to watch their videos.

>not all muslims
>but all cops are bad!
>guns kill people
>except when it's a cop killing a black person, then it's racism!
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The Young Turks.jpg
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I love his show!
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Shut this down NOW
>implying Cenk isn't red-pilled as fuck

Fuck you Cenk

> "it's only reasonable to get angry"
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