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when did you grow out of socialism /pol/?
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when did you grow out of socialism /pol/?
When I looked at the average person on welfare.
High school when I realized it was bullshit and corrupt.
5th grade
There was nothing remotely socialist about Nazism

This. It was step 2 on the "I'm not satisfied with the status quo and I don't know why" path, following general utopian progressivism.
When I was about 18-19 maybe.
I had been hanging around on /k/ a lot.

Quacks like a cuck, walks like a cuck, it's a cuck.
every day at the end of 7th grade social studies period
Gimme all your shekels goyim and create Israel and then greater israel please. Use war. Take our refugees. Freak out. Do it again.
i never did

tell me why i should
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