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You are currently reading a thread in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>The question of nationalizing a people is first and foremost establishing a healthy social conditions which will furnish the grounds that are necessary for the education of the individual. For only when family upbringing and school education have inculcated in the individual a knowledge of the cultural and economic and, above all, the political greatness of his own country, then and only, will it be possible to him to feel proud of being a citizen of such country. I can fight only for something that I love. I can love only that I respect. And in order to respect a thing I must at least have some knowledge of it.

-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

>Copy of this general:


>Endgame - White Genocide
>The Jewish-Bolshevik Decimation of the Russian People
>Jewish financiers and the Russian Revolution
>Putin confirms, 85% Jews behind Bolshevism
>Miscegenation illegal in Israel
>Jews pushing immigration for white nations
>Barbara Lerner Spectre
>Jewish Supremacism
>Noel Ignatiev
>Mainstreaming white genocide
>Sarkozy on forced misecegenation
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>Hitler's First Speech as Chancellor
>The National Socialist Revolution
>Hitler Honors Germany's International Army
>Goebbels on Jewish Controlled Media
>Hitler Speech Censored in the United States
>Hitler On The Plight Of The Sudeten Germans
>Ethnic Germans: Forgotten Genocide
>Germans from Russia: Wolgaheimat Legacy
>Benjamin Freedman on the causes of WW1 and WW2
>Adolf Hitler - Why Germany Invaded Poland
>Hitler's War - the Allies caused the war
>25 Demands of National Socialism:
>Rodney Martin - The Economic Plan of the NSDAP
>German Economic Miracle of the 1930's
>Hitler's Economic Reform:
>Social and Cultural Policies of NS Germany
>Total War by Joseph Goebbels
>Adolf Hitler, the man who fought the bank
>This is Europa
>Black National Socialists supporting Hitler
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>setting up off site communication, irc etc

>board propaganda or how to MAKE /POL/ GREAT AGAIN

>methods of changing the image of NatSoc or developing the new NatSoc image
Sydney Reporting in.

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First for DeGrelle!
Hail Victory!

>Leon DeGrelle

baka u white boys makin this FOR MUH COUNTRY ullshit when we out there fuckin ya women LMFAO
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>that pic

It's one of the first major red pills I ate in regards to NatSoc. It is so powerful and pure.



Hail Victory!


Hail Victory!

>Leon DeGrelle
>Adolf Hitler’s Speech
>Adolf Hitler’s speech to the German youth
>Die Flut Kommt
>Eisenhower's Rhine-Meadows Death Camps
>Hellstorm - Post-war Genocide of Germans
>According to Time Magazine in September 1945, the government provided soldiers with 50 condoms a month, and graphically showed how to use them. Soldiers were being told "Teach these Germans a lesson, and have a wonderful time!"
>Christianity is the basis of the entire morality of Germany
>Hitler will never forsake God
>Hitler defending Christianity
>Christianity and religion in Hitler's Germany
>How Hitler became an islamic pagan occultist atheist christ-killing kike

>George Lincoln Rockwell
>Dr. William Pierce
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iou god.png
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Offsite comms:
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Kek'd, is that actually how Niggers talk?
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I've got to hit the sack shortly, ill start a bread tomorrow with results. Any ideas for channel name?

It's almost as if you guys are exactly like liberal progressives.
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I fully believe that the Resurrection will happen.

Our propaganda material vastly exceeds that of our enemies.

It only takes time now, but we will get more on our side.

Once the new Reich is established the "Resurrection" will be a main theme, the word will be trademarked just like the Jews trademarked the word ''holocaust'' and play a very important part in the history books of the New Reich
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es ist zeit fur rache
wie mussen die juden ausrotten
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You are the only one doing that m8, too childish to engage in discussion it seems?
I am not too sure if all the hitlers and swastikas are a good idea to get the right attention.

maybe branch out, have modern natsoc and separately 3rd reich threads

I feel our focus should be to see what can be done today/in the future and the imagery here is probably alienating people. We need better propaganda
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It will be the Resurrection of family values, honor, loyalty, duty, hierarchy, marriage, family, masculinity, femininity, discipline, valour, earnestness, modesty, cultural hegemony and all other values that we once had but now are lost in this decadent society. The 'Resurrection' will be the central theme that our movement revolves around
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I know this particular picture was in Italy during Mussolini's reign but I love how it looks like a modern Roman Empire. It's gorgeous.
this is a good one
>Any ideas for channel name?
Doesn't matter, just be aware that any channel you post links to will be raided, sobe prepared to moderate. Also, will have to make a new channel every once in a while to throw off ANTIFA and shills.
we don't really call it 'talking' since it usually is followed by their own feces flying through the air.
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I do feel as if the momentum is growing each day. We are coming close to... something.

The Resurrection is a great theme we can play on. The lion will awaken from its slumber.

It is early days my friend and that is exactly what we want to figure out.

From the last bread

>board propaganda

I re-booted these /nsg/ threads a few months ago, mostly to experiment with what would work best as far as propaganda on the board. Seems like short, succinct "factoid" posts to dispell misinformation about natsoc is the most appreciated by anons. eg: "Hitler was a SOCIALIST, fuck socialism, communism is shit"
>factoids to dispel misinformation

This is a pretty new idea, I like it. If we come up with a set of 5-10 easy factoid breads ill set reminders to post them throughout the day and keep them bumped.

>improvisations on NatSoc outside of the /NSG/

If I remember correctly, a couple of months ago there was a bunch of threads that started trying to rebrand and recreate the image of NatSoc. It churned out quite a lot of OC and seemed to be going somewhere before it ran out of steam. Ill look through the archives to see if I can find it. We could use that style of bread to examine NatSoc from a modern perspective and adjust it suitably without the noise that comes in the /NSG/
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Any of you seen the film Der Untergang? I actually believe it's one of my favorite films and actually got me to study Hitler, in a more esoteric way.

Could you imagine the vision, you had for your people being crushed, the empire you build so they could inherit being destroyed, the boys and girls of the future being raped and killed.

People will go onto to blame Hitler all they want. But if even thing Hitler wanted to end the war in 1940 while the warmongers of Churchill and FDR kept pressuring on for a Global war until either side war destroyed.

It truly saddening, The Third Reich could have possible been the most 'perfect' society and most impressive civilization ever.
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Good stuff.
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there is literally nothing wrong with killing ugly socialist kikes that infiltrate your government and try to subvert your nation like pic related

prove me wrong
>I actually believe it's one of my favorite films
I actually believe it's my favorite film*
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Is there any way we could implement a verification system to prevent infiltration?

kek'd, I don't know how you Amerilads do it.
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Can you believe things like this were real? Will we ever see this kind of magnificence again?
I was surprised that the film never has Hitler talk about "muh holocaust" and instead just Germany and the threat of Bolshevism.
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I'm thinking of creating some quality infographics that explain our time's issues without throwing around buzz words (tha joos etc.) and add how national socialism solves them.

Do things like that already exist? if you have some, post them please, so I don't create something that has already been made.
Will post a few angles.
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I believe that in our new Reich we should have a 100 meter statue of Adolf Hitler right in his birthplace

It is our duty to resurrect and implement the dreams, but of course it will be more modern. To achieve National Autarky and increasing industrial production we will establish a lot of automation to lift the working classes out of their despair and instead we will focus high technological innovation, especially in robotics and genetic enhancement. Since the people will have much more free time there will be many more organized outdoor activities and marches to establish cultural hegemony. We will create great public parks where the youth will learn the values in life in a new kind of ''Hitleryouth'' and learn to appreciate nature.

Our advances in technology will allow us to cure all diseases and get rid of all handicaps, our people will be the healthiest in the world
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This is one of my favorites:


>Germany has awoken.
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The Third Reich and Mussolini's empires weren't just nationalistic, celebrating their history and cultures, they were living art.
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Post more. And yes, once the Resurrection takes place the arts will be restored to their former glory.


Sorely missing in the NatSoc department unfortunately, anything is better than what I currently have.

Post progress m8, we need more OC
Yes that's one thing I actually liked about it, it didn't cater to Jews and actually showed the real side instead of:
muh evil nazis!! remember the holocaust goy!!

I hope we'll see more movies like that in the future instead of (((imperium))) about ebil neo-nazis remember white ppl are the real terrorist goy!!

Also some quick vidoes for the thread.
Can you imagine being in that crowd? Or being a guard beside the leader?
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You're quoting me from the last thread, to elaborate a bit:

Obviously, natsoc can only ever be an inspiration in modern times, and it can't be revived 100%. It's values, however, are the soul of traditionalism, in a weaponized form. Fascism and natsoc were only ever vehicles for unwinding the constricting influence of decadent liberalims and marxism. It was a firewall against the cultural and racial extinction promised by communism. The principles and memes of natsoc are therefore eternal. If you study this thread, you will see that oldfags made sure to infuse classic memes with the messages of the original philosophy. Even cuckservatives believe in our message, though they think they oppose it; we just need to remind them and purge their corrupt programming. The primary reason to "recover" natsoc from the jaws of zionist and leftist propaganda is to rescue the cause of saving western civilization, its values, and the races of Europe from white genocide. This is our mission overall, and it doesn't matter what form or banner we fly toward that end.

You are literally fighting against the sunset of your people, your cultures, and your races. This battle must someday extend to all peoples everywhere. This was understood in Hitler's day, but the World Occupation Government we all live under today has obscured and distorted these truths.


Just my two cents, of course, but I know many here would agree.

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Just like the NS we have to use emerging technologies to our benefit.

Once we have achieved national autarky (which we can through automation) we will no longer be tied to the international global Jewish money supply. We will be a fully independent nation. The greatest minds around the earth will flock to us, it is an illusion to believe we a minority. Scientists, doctors, engineers, businessman, historians, all who seek the Truth will flock to us and we will create the greatest empire this world has ever seen. We will have intensive trade with other non-Jewish nations such as China and Iran and we will form an Axis. Not a single dime will go to Israel or the Khazarian Jews. They will have no influence on our currency, social and cultural life. At last, we will be truly free nation
I wish I could believe you, but the propaganda engine of the jews has been running for a hundred years, and it has no brakes.

We have to create a National Socialist think tank and arrange meetings. I assume we all have higher then average intelligence and together we can discuss and architect our great plans
german quality incoming

It might take some time though. I have other things going on right now and I'm also fairly new to the whole geopolitics thing and haven't had the time to read original sources. My research is going to go beyond just mein kampf. There is lots to learn from marx&engels etc. as well

the whole thing should give a simple and objective outlook on politics and natsoc, so everyone can understand it and won't just discard the idea immediately.
just give me time
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>We have to create a National Socialist think tank and arrange meetings

They never really go anywhere.
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>We have to create a National Socialist think tank and arrange meetings
I agree. This board has a lot of idiots on it, but some of the smartest anons I've encountered on any board on 4chan were in these /nsg/ threads. Might as well make a think tank. Another good site to check out is ironmarch.
What is picture from, 1990? Yeah, that old culture is dead. We need to create something new.
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Come checkout Iron-March its a Quote: Global Fascist Fraternity to Forge The 21st Century Fascist.

We have various of chapters and real life activism groups that operate through us e.g. NA(National Action in Britain).

If any of you are interested heres the link:
Those are primarily held by low IQ individuals and amateurish. Most ''neo-nazi''s haven't even read good literature on the topic. Natsoc has not thrived the past decades because it is only now again that new generations of high IQ people are getting interested in this ideology because of the internet.
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wait what happened here?
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Nice dubs

The thought often gives me goosebumps desu, the pride in their movement is so obvious that it consumes you with nationalistic spirit.

>soul of traditionalism in weaponized form

Wonderfully put. If we can soften National Socialisms sharp edges I'm sure we can appeal to a large group of Europeans and even separatist non-white nationalists.

The times are moving quickly and the right wing, nationalist thought is infecting the West once more. Always appreciate your two cents m8, cheers for staying around and keeping the bread bamped

can someone explain to me why the jew-hating is essentially to what would otherwise be a far more consumerable nationalist movement?
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We don't hate them, we are critical of them. The Khazarian Jews are the causes of most degeneracy in this world and the collapse of anything that is moral.

I don't care about the other Jews and their desertland, they can have it if they want, as long as they are not in Europe anymore.
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>We need to create something new.

Like what?

Dr. William L. Pierce - The Jews are our Misfortune:
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I'm looking forward to seeing it m8, sounds like you're prepared to put in the work to portray NatSoc in the right light, it's appreciated.

I'm going to set up a Discord channel tomorrow when I get the time, this will be the first step in organizing beyond /pol/
Is there any way we could implement a verification system to prevent infiltration?
I think the problem is that the Nazis were 100% right about the jews and it's impossible to avoid. When the next financial disaster inevitably comes, as it always does it might not be so much of a problem because the jews will have caused it. They just have an insatiable appetite for money and limitless, dangerous, reckless greed and avarice.

I agree though right now the jews control the media so won't let it be palatable.
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I've always question this site, ill check it out m8
I think we have to establish a skype group and connect with webcams.

Due to my current situation (living on college campus, too many ears) I am not able to participate but in a year or 2 I will be able to do so.
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It's a people's movement folks
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I'm typing on my phone, autocorrect made some mispellings, so i reposted.

I won't protest that we "don't hate Jews"; personally I don't, because hatred is a waste of energy that way. To hate groups is illogical. I understand that I live in a reality characterized by extreme tribal and identiarian conflict between predatory ethnic groups. As a "white" of European heritage, I am honest in recognizing that most whites are hated by non-whites, while being indoctrinated to be self-hating ethno-masochists. This process id deliberate, and part of greater forces pushing for non-white dominance and exploitation of Europeans.

Being thus aware, I recognize that other groups will aggressively pursue their ethnic interests against me, with me as their identified "enemy". I must organize my people and teach them about this threat. My very survival depends on it. This might make whites uncomfortable, but that discomfort must be challenged; whites must be made as uncomfortable as possible to wake them up from their false consciousness and denial about race and identity.


>Like what?
Something that doesn't look like a charicature of low-IQ whites LARPing 1933 Germany. That imagery isn't respectable, and though i won't condemn those who dress that way, I don't think it's the future. We have to be more sophisticated than that. Those who dress like warriors and march, like in Sacramento, are out brothers. I even spent a period of time showing up to help that kind of fight. But the future consists of men in suits, speaking eloquently, looking disciplined and respectable, not fat and old.

I won't talk too much shit, but that aesthetic isn't winning any converts. It sounds shallow, but it's true. We already have a different image, that one is outdated. Just follow your instincts about professional presentation. Dress like you deserve respect, not like you're part of WWII battlefield recreation society.
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I don't even own a webcam desu. I supposed the first channel will be a tester anyway to see how badly it gets shilled.

Should I put the discord link in the OP or post it when asked?
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What shall we do with the Mosque's currently in Europe? I don't think we have to break them down, we can re-arrange or re-constuct them as other buildings. They're not really ugly in the direct sense
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Of course come have a look for yourself. We're mostly teenagers from the age of 18-20's, but we do have older members with wife and children and a few underage.

We sometimes "shitpost" and have off-topic discussion outside fascism since the F in our Fascism stands for Fun.

But we do take our morals, duties and principles very serious. Since this is the core foundation of Fascism. Finding our place in the cosmic order performing our duties in adherence to the natural law.

So if any of you guys goes over the line you will be gassed.
I've heard of somebody named Ernst Zündel, he's basically pro-Nazi and a Holocaust denier.
Is he a plausible source of info, or just another babbling man?
>But the future consists of men in suits, speaking eloquently, looking disciplined and respectable, not fat and old.
>I won't talk too much shit, but that aesthetic isn't winning any converts. It sounds shallow, but it's true. We already have a different image, that one is outdated. Just follow your instincts about professional presentation. Dress like you deserve respect, not like you're part of WWII battlefield recreation society.

So, in other words, be a cookie cutter politician and get lost in the crowd.
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>tfw you wish you could have been a part of the Hitler Youth
Do as you please. I think 2 years from now the situation will be worse, it can only be so. We are like in the year 1910, many years to come before it will happen, first disaster will struck, probably an unprecedented global economic melt down, then we need to take power, many more events will unfold, I don't believe there will be a common sense return to conservative values, so it'll only get worse from here
I recommend against webcams, pictures, disclosure of personal information in any online interactions. Observe security culture and anonymity. Only reveal what you look like if meeting in person for peaceful and agreed upon legal activities. Don't tolerate discussion of illegal activites of any sort, as this is almost certainly what lunatics and infiltrators from law enforcement and your political opposition will suggest and want to focus on.

Only when you meet in public, at safe public spaces like cafes or restuarants, should you reveal your face. In this way, the others are taking the same risk as you, and are fully accountable.

>be a cookie cutter politician and get lost in the crowd
When that is profitable. In other words, be a master of appearance and know your audience. When you need to dress in plate carrier, camo, and carry a rifle -- then wear those things. If you need to wear jeans and hoodie, wear that. I'm just saying, don't be rigidly constricted, and take it seriously how people are conditioned to view that LARPy SA uniform. Wear that if you want, but don't be surprised if it you're just dressing up to conform to a stereotype the enemy wants for you.

It has no use to cry or sit in despair. We must take action and make it real. We live only once and we must use our time to its fullest, stop playing games and wasting time, organize, discuss, meet, create groups, propagandize, march, get uniforms, etc, our time is limited
That sounds reasonable.
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In today's world, which commands more respect, the men in the brown shirts, or the gentleman wearing the suit?
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Sounds good, always looking for new places to start networking. Do you know if any Australians post?

I'd say he is a very reliable source although his name has been tarnished through a media smear campaign. Check out his vids, he maintains that if there was even the slightest possibility that they could have been gas chambers he would have reported. He found nothing to support the Gas Chamber theory.

>2 years

I'd wager about the same m8, starting with the economic collapse. We're in for some dark times ahead.

This is all helpful stuff but are you taking infiltration as an inevitable in this case?
>Should I put the discord link in the OP or post it when asked?
Yeah, just be around to moderate the channel when you post. And when it gets overrun after a day or so, destroy it and make a new one.
It doesn't matter. Any kind of nationalistic speak will get you shouted down. Just look at Trump.

And if that doesn't work, the enemy will resort to physical violence.
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>are you taking infiltration as an inevitable in this case?
Yes. There are people on this world that would destroy your life, get you fired, get your arrested, even have you killed if they could. Imagine the angry shilling on this board but 10 times worse and from someone who stalks you IRL. Security culture is serious, because in this world, people see you as the ultimate evil.

Don't use anything that can identify you IRL in your discord account. Don't say where you live, who you are, or give out emails or social media that can link back to you. I work in IT security and I can assure you that its easier than you think to find you. Even following links in doscord can identify your IP and location. Use a VPN while using discord.
>Sounds good, always looking for new places to start networking. Do you know if any Australians post?

Yep. We got subforums like that for fascists looking to organize in their regional parts of the world.

Once there is a global economic collapse, whites will be forced out there comfort zone. But then there will be unprecedented order out of the chaos that ensued before
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>1 post by this ID
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We all know who he is.
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shoo shoo swede.
He shitposts in every thread.
Adolf Hitler is our eternal leader.
He's our Messiah.
There will be like him after him,
But all of our leaders will make a sacred oath.
None will ever succeed the Hitler.
He's watching over us
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Alright I'm taking this into consideration and saving it to add to the Off-site section of the OP pasta.

Keep an eye out and possibly compile a list of trusted security sites if possible. This seems like it's becoming more necessary.

It doesn't look very active unfortunately, hopefully we can start growing and combing the two groups in the future.

I share pretty much exactly the same outlook of the future m8, feels /comfy/

I have to get to bed, keep this bread bamped and the discussion rolling.

Hail Victory Brothers!

Definitely. Back in the day we used to have an IRC channel 24/7, then occasionally post an /nsg/ on /pol/ just to let the crazies in for fun. We could probably do something similar with Discord, where the channel and the thread drive each other. I guess Ghost does the same, he has a 24/7 discord channel.
Could you elaborate what Heydrich did wrong, please.
1. socialist
2. kike
3. subverted the nation with foreign influences

if that isnt enough i dont know what your doing here
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This is beautiful
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Could you supply some sources so I can read about it?
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They gave us the blueprints
We only have to dive into the archives
And build what they planned
>Political party: National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP)
>was frequently bullied for his high-pitched voice and rumoured Jewish ancestry
>Upon his appointment, Heydrich told his aides: "We will Germanize the Czech vermin."
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Try again
Skip to 2:15
are you disputing any of those three facts?
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I'm saying that wikipedia can't be trusted because it can be altered by (((them)))
Could you imagine Hitler's face if he saw this live
in Berlin, Greater Germania, 1950
Do you think anyone ITT considers that an insult?

Nordfront has already done a good job trying to adapt natsoc to modern times. It would have to be different for each country though.
>Upon his appointment, Heydrich told his aides: "We will Germanize the Czech vermin."
So, someone said he said this after Nuremberg trials? Can you think of any reason to doubt such hearsay? Just like Ostfront Plan, its just rumor, where there should be stacks and stacks of documents and witnesses for such a massive plan, not just one guy who heard about it. Most rumors about nazis were similar, just opportunists after the defeat saying what their new masters wanted them to say.

Nice sheriff star.
if the mods werent gay they would make it so all maymay greentext arrows on this board turned into swastikas
*Generalplan Ost
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I am not sure what you are trying to say.
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It's not the same, but here you go:
>ᛋᛋ ᛏ ᛉ ᛟ
im saying there was nothing morally wrong with killing heydrich. it was an act of national self defense against a subversive jew
Heydrich was a jew?
Are you certain?
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I have a tear in my eye.
of course, just look at those jew lips, and the nose always knows
After the 1970's the vilification campaign of the 'nazi's' begun.
People spoke less negative of the NS in the 50's then now.

After the 1970's the hollywood narrative started being forced on every new generation being born
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a sea of whites.png
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Do you notice anything about these by the way?
I understand.
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yfw you realize you can't be a nationalist in a country that defeated the bootlicking scum nazis with pride.
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I can't even begin to image the degrees of faggotry behind a gay post like this. Tell us more about yourself anon. Are you a libertardian Jewish multiracial trans-beaner?
>I hate my country and the brave troops who fought to end the spread of nationalism and communism throughout history
Found the anti-American
but they allied with the communists
>I love my country
>I hate nationalism
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>fought to end the spread of nationalism and communism
>fought to end the spread of nationalism
>fought to end nationalism
The only reason why the US allied with the communists against the Germans is because of Jewish lobbying in the US, and communism was a Jewish invention.
I know it's hard for brainwashed nazi sympathizers to understand, but yes, it's possible to have pride in your country and disagree with a political takeover based on an empty promise that everything is solved if we just fix the problem of everyone not thinking this is the greatest country no matter what. To me, that kind of thinking is autistic and simple minded. Solutions are more complicated than that, if you aren't an unintelligent sheep like the nazis were you would realize that as a real American.
well we have the opposite of nationalism here, and it's working out great isn't it? It's absolutely not killing us, right?

nationalism does not require hatred of others either. In fact, this form of nationalism could help all peoples of the world, but it would also mean the end for your imperialism and slavery. I guess that would be too inconvenient for you.
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>brave troops who fought to end the spread of nationalism and communism
We allied with the communists against anti-communist you illiterate fuck.
Nazis were nationalists and we fought them. How stupid are you bootlickers?

I'm talking about Nam you fucking failures.

Yes, nationalism and communism are similar in the sense that they promise a bullshit ideology to the people and then lead them over the cliff into a dictatorship.
The NatSoc generals are my favorite thing on /pol/. Whenever I see one I am filled with hope and joy. I usually don't post very much but I just wanted to say that you're doing God's work and I really appreciate you all.

if you think nationalism is bad you have no place on this board

i could go into a lot of detail and link you some studies about why it's a good thing, but i pulled a muscle working out yesterday and i can't be dicked to do much

instead, i'm going to call you a faggot cuck:

you are a faggot cuck
>avoids the rebuttal and proceeds to make the same base-less claims again

it is for all peoples of the world, no injustice.
dictatorship can hardly be avoided, and this is also the case today. They just don't tell you like they used to. where did you even learn the word 'brain-washing'?
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>Nazis were nationalists and we fought them
Implying we weren't "nationalists"? Are you fetal alcohol syndrome?
Always funny that ANTIFA bothers to come here.
>I'm talking about Nam you fucking failures.
Holy fuck dude, you really do have FAS or some kind of braindamage. National socialim has nothing to do with Vietnam, genius.
>nationalism and communism are similar in the sense that they promise a bullshit ideology to the people...
Bwahahahahahahahahaha, what the fuck is this gibberish? Dude, get off the fucking Internet.
>Nazis were nationalists
They were fascist foremost.

Fun fact your whole nation was founded on nationalism.

>Yes, nationalism and communism are similar in the sense that they promise a bullshit ideology to the people and then lead them over the cliff into a dictatorship.

Nice brainwashing. you're either a berniecuck or Jew.

Why don't you just open the USA borders to let in all those mexicans? After all nationalism is bad goy!!
You really are a simple minded sheep aren't you? It's funny though how your rebuttal is an attempt to make me look stupid but just proves you have no knowledge of political history or a cognitive understanding of the ideas you "believe" in.

>doing exactly what you complained he did

what is it with you?
I'm not disputing that this isn't already a nationalist country. My point is that we fought a nationalist force, and I think the country should take pride in that and NOT embrace nationalism so this country can avoid future dictatorship. If the people in this country were actual nationalists they would be supporting Hillary Clinton because she is the one with the sweet candy boots for you to lick and bow down to. That's all you slime really want is to be dominated by power.
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>avoid future dictatorship
democracy is dictatorship through the media you moron. Even churchill recognized that.

combined with controlled opposition. what's difference does your vote make anyway?
One of the key elements of societal complacency which leads to your bullshit idea of bending the knee to tyrannical power.
no defeatism here. Why would I bother with politics. I could have a great 0-purpose individualist life, yet I stand against all odds with my ideas
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>My point is that we fought a nationalist force
Which isn't very meaningful, considering that all parties in that war were nationalist.
>I think the country should take pride in that
National pride is a bit nationalistic, no?
>NOT embrace nationalism
You have to choose, nationalism or anti-nationalism.
>so this country can avoid future dictatorship
Why don't think it's worth your time to study this subject, using critical thinking and skepticism, instead of just parroting the little bit you've heard. You don't really sound like someone who reads books, so its a safe bet this is never something you've tried to do. Your views and comment make you sound uneducated and virtually inarticulate.
>If the people in this country were actual nationalists they would be supporting Hillary Clinton
Who is an internationalist, anti-nationalist leftist who would rather see the US lose its sovereignty to the "community of nations" under something like a North American EU, than to see it preserved as it is. I can't even begin to figure out what you're thinking while you pull this weird shit out of your ass and post it seriously here.
>she is the one with the sweet candy boots for you to lick and bow down to
Are you severely low IQ, like 75 points or lower? What is wrong with you, dude, you sound dumb as fuck.
>That's all you slime really want is to be dominated by power.
Is that what you learned on Facebook, how did you even find /pol/ with how stupid you are?
Trump is an establishment plant to get Hillary elected. She is a globalist BUT she is going to be put into power by a subversion of democracy. Since nationalists think that democracy is wrong, they are allowing this to happen and are therefore Clinton supporters. If you think for a second she isn't going to bring conservatives over to the Democratic Party and run her re-election campaign on nationalist propaganda similar to trump's then you're in for a surprise. You cucks don't realize it but you are so easily manipulated by power with your simple minded political ideals that you deserve the clintonian power that you enabled.

holy shit, you are a lost cause. Just lurk these threads and attempt to understand, maybe you will get it with time
we firstly need to set up a main communication hub and find out the numbers of /natsoc/
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Just thought I should remind you useful jagovs that your nationalist savior is actually working against you.
may be controlled opposition but that's still better than killary. never claimed he is a savior
>Trump is an establishment plant to get Hillary elected
Well, having spoken to you and heard the other weird shit you say, it gives me insights into what kind of retard buys this sort of tinfag shit. I figured it had to be people that were near legally retarded, but you've confirmed it beyond a doubt. Can I ask you something? Do you ever feel afraid that you're so stupid, or do you mostly experience your life as if you aren't very stupid? I mean, just talking to you I know that you don't read, you probably see posts on twitter or facebook (OccupyDems tier nonsense) and believe them. You're here spouting shit that makes it sound like your understanding of history was derived almost entirely from listening to Glenn Beck for a few years. Your entire worldview is probably shaped by memes and infographics you saw on social media. Where do you work -- let me guess -- McDonalds or Wendys. Assuming your work at all. I wouldn't hire you as a janitor, that's how fucking stupid you sound.

So, just to recap:
>you're anti-trump, because he's a Hillary plant
>Hillary is a "nationalist like Hitler"
>we fought the communists in Vietnam
>our Russian alies in WW2 actually WEREN'T communists
>we weren't nationalists in WW2
>nationalism is evil but we should be proud of fighting against it
I don't know what else to tell you except you should consider self-euthenasia, and a vasectomy at the very least. You owe it to humanity not to reproduce.
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>may be controlled opposition
what's wrong
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You like putting words in my mouth, faggot?
That's rich coming from some who is
>cucked so bad by the establishment he can't think straight
>thinks nationalism is defined simply by pride for one's country
>doesn't realize all political ideology is a trap to divide and control the masses
>kisses the feet of the deceivers
>putting words in my mouth
Did I mention anything you haven't argued here?
Nope, you argued all these things.
>thinks nationalism is defined by pride in one's country
No, I wouldn't say it's defined as that exclusively, but it's certainly a central component of nationalism. I'm still laughing that you think Hillary is a nationalist, and that nationalism is a negative thing, or that the point of WW2 was "to defeat and stop the spread of nationalism". How would someone even come up with that? I mean, who even argues that kind of thing, it's like you made it up on the spot.
>all political ideology is a trap to divide the masses
That's an interesting theory. Who sets the trap of "all political ideology"? The Illumanati?
>kisses the feet of deceivers
Bro, you're the one who keeps talking about foot fetishes.

I'm listening to you, you have my attention. Its not hurting my feefees hearing your pleb insults, so just redpill me on these cool insights you have about Trump, nationalism, and how political ideology works. That's what you're here to do I assume, not just parade around like you know more than us. Redpill us, bro. I'm listening.

Define nationalism and explain it for me.
Explain why we were fighting the spread of nationalism in WW2, and some examples to back up the argument.
Also, explain what it is about Hillary you see as nationalistic, since she's not known for that by anyone, people for or against her.
And how do you know that Trump is a "plant"?
>1000 year reich
>lasts 12

>claim to be the ideology to save white people and Europe
>starts war that killed a generation of young white men and destroyed Europe

>claims to have economics that are better than capitalism and socialism
>economy that is literally government deficit spending on the military in the vain hope you can win wars of conquest to steal resources so you can keep economic collapse at bay
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>starts war
Beck, Churchill, and Halifax engineered that war.
It benefitted world jewry, communism, and allowed the US to inherit the British empire.
You're willing to brag about this like the good goy you are.
>economy that is literally government deficit spending
It's called Keynseanism. The Germans did it better than anyone else who tried.

Your opinion is pleb tier.
I never said the point of the war was to defeat nationalism. I was saying nationalism is what led to dictatorships in Europe which is what we were fighting against.

Ideology is adhering to a set of ideas instead of analyzing each issue and coming to your own separate conclusions. It is groupthink and it works against free thought.

Anyone who says democracy is wrong and we should trust those in power now or after we "get what we want" is a bootlicker and an enabler of tyranny.
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........SONG OF THE DAY.........

This episode is a Rudolf Hess Special!!! 46 years he was imprisoned before being murdered, his only crime was loyalty to his fuhrer.


Today's first song is performed by a well known British Skinhead B&H band called No Remorse.



The second song is performed by a Serbian Band known as Battle Flag.



And finally third song is performed by another British B&H band called Razors Edge.



Hail Rudolf Hess, gone but never forgotten.

Enjoy, spread the word, share the music.

And Lock in next time for SONG OF THE DAY

Hail B&H
Hail C18
>I never said the point of the war was to defeat nationalism
In this post >>79958713 you said:
>Nazis were nationalists and we fought them. How stupid are you bootlickers?
To elaborate on your previous statement here >>79955785 that:
>the brave troops who fought to end the spread of nationalism and communism
You can't backpedal, you argued this over 4-5 posts. It's your position, stand by it or say you were wrong, dont deny you argued it.
>I was saying nationalism is what led to dictatorships in Europe which is what we were fighting against
That's a new argument then. Ok, I can follow that line of reasoning, but it was ostensibly against "dictatorships", and only in retrospect; our propaganda demonized dictators at the time, while we allied with the likes of Stalin. You see the inconcistency there.
>Ideology is adhering to a set of ideas instead of analyzing each issue
Well, ideology is as much the result of formulating systems of ideas as it is following prescribed sets of ideas that others have formulated beforehand. Generally, ideology is the result of fundamental assumptions; everyone with a system of beliefs has an ideology in the strictest sense, not just people who have formal ideologies widely recognized as such. Your claim that ideology is negative is based in your own ideology; having an idiosyncratic ideology doesn't make it less of an ideology.
>It is groupthink and it works against free thought.
And that would be formulating your views as ideology. You don't actually escape dogmatic thinking by trying to be anti-dogmatic as you seem to be. You're still relying on gross generalizations and liberal projections and assumption; you didn't speak to any of us directly before flinging sweeping judgements at us, so you can't really criticize us for what you do so easily.
>Anyone who says democracy is wrong and we should trust those in power now...is a bootlicker and an enabler of tyranny.
That's almost an actual criticism of authoritarian society.
Thanks for links, very informative.
Really makes me think, wow.
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SOrry ran out of space in the last reply, I'd like to focus on this point for a bit:
>Anyone who says democracy is wrong and we should trust those in power now or after we "get what we want" is a bootlicker and an enabler of tyranny.
You can't think of ANY legitimate criticisms of democracy, or arguments in favor of autocratic rule? There are NO CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER where you think that hierarchical societies are beneficial or virtuous?
I'm declaring myself the winner of this argument due to your resorting to mental gymnastics to try to prove my points as inaccurate.
>declaring myself the winner

If you like. That's disappointing. I thought I was being a good philosophy student. I think you're just overwhelmed and running away like a coward.
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he did that from the beginning
Wow...I guess I'm a #BernMissileForGarybertarianism now?
No, it always leads to plutocracy and works against the will of the people. The argument that democracy just as exploitable is false equivalency. Democracy is the basis for giving people the power to control their government. Without it there is no chance. It doesn't take a genius to realize this and it has to be the weakest aspect of nationalist ideology that anyone who isn't easily duped can realize.
If you're white then you should know better then anyone here how better your life would have been under Apartheid.

If you're a nigger, i have nothing to say to a non human.
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I know, I was just giving him a chance to have a serious discussion instead of pracing around like a fag.
>it always leads to plutocracy
Democracy leads to plutocracy, or autocracy leads to plutocracy...because plutocracy is autocracy, so...maybe you mean democracy leads to plutocracy?
>The argument that democracy just as exploitable is false equivalency
I'm not familiar with this "exploitability" argument, could you elaborate a bit?
>Democracy is the basis for giving people the power to control their government
There are gradations of democracy; do you advocate one like our Jeffersonian democracy, or something more like direct democracy (ie, Occupy style)?
> It doesn't take a genius to realize this...
That doesn't actually make you look smarter, just like more of a dumbass trying to compensate by acting superior. We'll judge you more on how you form arguments, not how you proclaim others to be inferior. You ahve to be respected before that kind of posturing works on people.
>it has to be the weakest aspect of nationalist ideology that anyone who isn't easily duped can realize
This is a non-argument; its an insult masquerading as a syllogism. Everyone here sees through it. Just spend your energy making arguments, it makes you look better than bloviating like a douche.
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Hitler's the reason we can't have Apartheid or Rhodesia.
>serious discussion
I gave him arguments 3 times in a row and he dodged all one of them instead of discussing
So what are some good natsoc books to read?
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>Hitler's the reason we can't have Apartheid or Rhodesia
Jews and Saffer good goys are the reason, don't blame Hitler for your fuckups.
>Politically Incorrect Books Archive:
>Antimony Group Right-Wing Archive
>A. James Gregor - Mussolini's Intellectuals
>The Triumph of Reason - The Thinking Man's Adolf Hitler by Michael Walsh
>Léon Degrelle - The Eastern Front Memoirs of a Waffen SS Volunteer 1941-1945
Mein Kampf
Hitlers second book ect.

The west was the reason, the politically correct west killed apartheid and Rhodesia.

The politically correct west led by the left wing, of which is ran by jews.

The two greatest countries of Africa Rhodesia and SA both destroyed because our governments wanted to please the communists and niggers.
It gets boring just shitposting at people like him, I like to try to steer them toward actual discussion. I'm not sure if he knows how, he's compulsively insulting people and predenting its arguing.
>Adolf Ehrt - Communism in Germany
>Adolf Ehrt - Bewaffnetter Aufstand!

>Adolf Hitler - Mein kampf (English)
>Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf (Deutsch)

>Gottfried Feder - The Program Of The NSDAP The National Socialist Workers' Party And Its General Conceptions
>Gottfried Feder - Das Programm der NSDAP (Deutsch)
>Gottfried Feder - Manifesto For The Abolition Of Interest Slavery
>Gottfried Feder The German State On A National And Socialist Foundation

>Arthur Bryant - Unfinished Victory (1940)
>Prominent British historian writes a fairly objective prehistory of WWII

>William Joyce – Twilight Over England
>Twilight Over England compared the evils of Jewish-dominated capitalist Britain with the successes of National Socialist Germany.

>Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919-1932, Eckart-Verlag

>The Case for Germany: A Study of Modern Germany by Arthur Pillans Laurie
>a view of National-Socialist Germany by a Scottish scholar inside Hitler's Third Reich.
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>can avoid future dictatorship
>Muh freedom

You're already in dictator and you can't even see it because you're a lemming.

And if you think Nationalism ! = dictatorship
Then you have obviously gone off the hook.

And if you think Fascism has something to do with being submissive then you're very wrong.

That's pure propaganda.

It's not about telling you what to do it's about finding your place in the cosmic order during your duties in adherence to natural law.

And in reality you didn't fight for shit. And i'm sure if the Soldiers that landed on Omaha Beach saw what had happened to America after 71 years after the war then I am sure they would not even have walked 1 cm up that beach.
As far as I recall Jews and Israelis were the only ones that didn't boycott us or my family in Rhodesia - actually armed/traded with us.
Wrong you Anglo scum.

Can't unfortunately blame the kikes on this one.
Look, I get Hitler's cause - don't get me wrong.
But Hitler is that one friend you have, who while having a great idea, just takes it WAY too far.
Like, easy there bud.
>the answer to avoiding plutocracy is to embrace it
Holy cognitive dissonance batman!
>democracy isn't exploitable by the campaign finance system or corporate bought media
So your answer is to skip over the democracy part and go right to autocracy because what's the point?
>this democracy or that one
The point is, you nationalists disagree with democracy altogether which is proof that your deceivers are leading you down a path into their control.
>I'm actually the smart one
There's a reason why the whole world is either laughing at you idiots right now or scared as fuck of you. You are mental failing personified.
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>And if you think Fascism has something to do with being submissive then you're very wrong.
He's in a thread CHOKING on books, video, audio, images, propaganda, and he's not paying attention to any of it. He won't bother to listen to anyone tell him otherwise, and he won't investigate it himself. He'll talk about independent thinking while sounding like a stereotypical dude weed couch philosopher and looking no further. The best you can do is to point out the fallacies in the arguments he makes using counter-example. It might occur to him he's full of shit that way. Only THEN he might look around and investigate.

>The European Grammar of Self-Intolerance
>A. James Gregor - Mussolini's Intellectuals
>Julius Evola
>The Roots of Western Nihilism
>Leszek Kołakowski
>Left and Right
>Nicolás Gómez Dávila
>Mircea Eliade
>The Sacred and The profane
>The Hermeneutics of Religious Phenomenon
First off when making logo's

Dont go for a eagle or anything strong looking. Remember anything strong+ White = Racist.

In a tread, a couple of months ago they were discussing logos and flags.

They came up with a blue white design flag with a deer on it.

Was pretty cool and looked harmless and peacefull.

You guys have to change your approach in order to get the normies on your side.


Good luck boys and girls

Wanna meet up ^^

>As far as I recall Jews and Israelis were the only ones that didn't boycott us or my family in Rhodesia - actually armed/traded with us.
>actually traded with us.

wow what a surprise, I'm sure they done that all for free......

The Anglos didn't destroy Rhodesia, our government did the same government we have been trying to overthrow since that drunk fat jew Churchill had leadership.

You can't blame anglos in general or Hitler for this, you can only blame the left wing.
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>Jews and Israelis were the only ones that didn't boycott us or my family in Rhodesia - actually armed/traded with us
I'm surprised you don't know South Africa's history with judaism, especially the more recent chapter. Mandela especially. Jews have a long and bloody history there.
>>the answer to avoiding plutocracy is to embrace it
were you complaining about me putting words in your mouth -- that's not even the question I asked you. I asked if you were saying democracy or plutocracy leads to autocracy, not arguing that it should. I asked you a question.
>>democracy isn't exploitable by the campaign finance system or corporate bought media
I didn't say that anon, don't quote me that I did.
>this democracy or that one
Do you know how to recognize a question when you're being asked? It has one of these "?" at the end.
>I'm actually the smart one
I actually am. You';re not impressing anyone except yourself. How are you not embarassed by that?
Don't give a shit if it's for free or not.
Not an argument.
No countries are buddy-buddies, buddy.
Ah yes, I'm going to listen to some faggot in America who get's his info from memes over, lets's say, real facts and family that lived and worked with Israelis.
Apartheid was doomed from the get-go and most people knew that - you can blame Jews for starting "anti-apartheid" parties to try and ease the transition instead of having a violent and counter-productive revolution.
This so-called "Jewish" party actually suggested that only blacks educated by whites should get to vote so as to ease public agitation and rioting. Similar system to what Ian Smith suggested.
Not sucking kike-cock here, but get your facts.
Weak, looks like I've worn you out. Enjoy your ass kissing cuck based ideology.

Real American out
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You're right.

I always forget that lemmings does 'not' understand and don't 'want' to understand. They are not free thinkers.

And its funny how he tells us that:
>bullshit ideology to the people and then lead them over the cliff into a dictatorship.

Sweden is a perfect country rejecting nationalism and embracing the progressive" humanitarianism" because it's 2016!

Dr. William Pierce - Lemmings:
Also, look who Israel, SA and Rhodesia armed during Border and Bush Wars and who they targeted for killings - the very commies that were pushing the ANC.
>Ah yes, I'm going to listen to some faggot in America who...
lel, you realize the minute you launch into that kind of adhom tirade you're just screaming that you can't hang in a debate, right? I won't trade abrbs with you, just argue the facts with me. Prove me wrong, don't whine at me like a bitch with non-arguments, I don't care about your ego.
>spews gibberish
>declares victory
That's a sort of strategy I guess.
Cheers m8.
Look, did the communists and international Jewish financiers back Mandela against apartheid? Who were the international interests pressuring Thatcher and manipulating the Lancaster House Conference? "Some American" will let you look into that before you shout more bullshit about how I can't possibly know about the subject.
I haven't seen that one.
Do you happen to have it saved? I think that approach to our symbols is most appropriate for recruitment purposes.
One last question real quick..

If hitler or your appointed leader came to your door and demanded that he fuck your wife while you watch, what would you do?
Are you one of those that gets offended that easily and then decide to duck out?
Israelis helped fight off communists from Southern Africa along with South Africans and Rhodesia - Mandela was propped up in the end (by both CIA and supposedly Mossad) because he was the only person the people wanted that wasn't a Mugabe-type leader.
As shit as he is (I hated him a lot - as he had commie ties) he was the best option that please majority of blacks.
We avoided a bloody revolution and avoided landing up like Zimbabwe - terrible situation we're in today but it could have been a lot worse.
Again, if you're confusing leftist-kikes (along with leftist-whites) with Israelis then you're not understanding the the situation over there.
Funny how America were giving Israel shit for it's nuclear experiments off South Africa's coasts - having told them in the past that they're not allowed to.
Hate kikes all you like - I understand - but to put Israel (of those years) in the same boat just makes you seem really ignorant on the topic.

>inb4: Helen Suzman
I explained that in previous post.
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>Trying this hard
And at 9% of population we still own about 50% of the wealth here, unlike Rhodesians.
The very reason Rhodesians live here and do okay for themselves still (here, not Zim).
It's not a simple topic unfortunately.
And you fuckers didn't let us come to your country after both ours got destroyed.
Send him to your house since I know a cuckold lives there.
>Are you one of those that gets offended that easily and then decide to duck out?
I have 37 posts ITT and I'm still here. Why do you ask?
>Israelis helped fight off communists
Let's re-cap Jewish and Communist involvement in the recent history of South Africa:

In 1963 a group of Jews founded the "African" National Congress. The ANC was founded by (((Lionel Bernstein))), Bob Hepple, Dennis (((Goldberg))), (((Arthur Goldreich))), Hazel Goldreich and James (((Kantor))), with a few African front men -- Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Govan Mbeki (father of Thabo Mbeki), Raymond Mhlaba, and Ahmed Kathrada. In this, the ANC followed the model the Jews established when they founded the NAACP in the United States, with the exception that the ANC was a much more violent and openly communist organization. These Jews and their African National Congress received funding and support from both the Soviet Union and the US CIA.

In particular, (((Ruth First))), the Jewish wife of Jewish Soviet KGB Colonel (((Joe Slovo))), a leader of the South African Communist Party, was primarily responsible for funneling funds to this "African" National Congress.

In 1966 the CIA financed the assassination of President Verwoerd, through their "lone nut" operative Demetrio Tsafendas, a Greek immigrant to South Africa. In particular, Oppenheimer's South African Foundation funneled CIA money to Hendrik Van Den Bergh of the South African Security Police and John Vorster, the Minister of Justice, who were the men who recruited Tsafendas to assassinate Verwoerd.

So whats the future for south africa, or white south africans? Is there a general prevailing mood amongst whites? Are you going to gather guns and just form your own country inside its borders ? (I heard this was kinda already happening with white only townships)
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By the 1970s the Jewish campaign to subvert South Africa was having no effect. The economy was unaffected by sanctions and communist unrest was minimal -- though much was made of it in the Jewish owned elements of the US press.

In 1978 the CIA recruited Pik Botha, the South African foreign minister, as a spy and used him to subvert the South African government, working with Samuel Huntington and Chester Crocker, Botha was assigned to undermine and alter the attitudes of the South African government regarding black rule.

Botha recruited Minister of Sports Piet Koornhof and Head of Military Intelligence General Tienie Groenewald to the CIA-Jew operation. Groenewald in particular passed on the names of Afrikanner nationalist and white rights activists to MI6 and the CIA, and arranged for acts of violence and harassment, COINTELPRO style, against Boer activists in the country.

In the late 1970s and the early 1980s the banking families, Oppenheimer in particular, began to speculate in the Rand for the purpose of devaluing the currency. Inflation rose to 7 percent and growth fell to 3 percent, with inflation reaching 16 percent in the early 1980s.

In 1989 a Freemason with ties to B'nai B'rith, the Jewish Masonic fraternity which controls the ADL, was elected President of South Africa. Presient Frederik De Klerk was a Jewish-backed candidate with ties to the international Zionist establishment. De Klerk worked for, and eventually achieved, the Jewish goal of black rule in South Africa.

Today, South Africa's central bank is run by a Jew named (((Gill Marcus))), with the black frontman named Tito Mboweni taking instructions. Trevor Manuel, a Jew, is the Minister of Finance. Alec Erwin, a Jew, is the Minister of Trade and Industry. Helena Dolny, the Jewish ex-wife of KGB Colonel (((Joe Slovo))), runs the Land Bank. Ronnie Kasrils, a Jew, is the Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry. Louise Tager, a Jew, is chairman of the railway system, Spoornet. Michael (((Katz))), a Jew,is the chief consultant on taxation. (((Meyer))) (((Kahn))), a Jew, is the managing director of the police service. Three Jews -- (((Richard Goldstone))), Arthur Chaskalson, and Albert Sachs -- sit on the South African Supreme Court
April 2, 1985 - Black-Jewish Freedom Seders (Jewish ritual feasts), co-sponsored by the Zionist Jewish Reform movement’s UAHC and the American NAACP honor jailed Soviet Jewish and African dissidents/radicals, including (((Natan Sharansky))) and convicted murderer and terrorist, Nelson Mandela.

February 11, 1986 - Zionist criminal, (((Natan Sharansky))) is released from Soviet prison. Two days later, the Israeli JTA reports that in 1984, the South African government rejected a proposed prisoner exchange that would have freed both Mandela and Sharansky. Sharansky also comments on his hope that Mandela’s freedom will be secured, referring to Mandela as a "beacon of light in a world of racist tyranny".

February 17, 1986 – (((Irwin Cotler))), Canadian Jewish attorney representing Sharansky and Mandela, announces an international council of lawyers, most of whom are American Jews, who will "work relentlessly for the release of all the Sharanskys and Mandelas now rotting in various prisons in the USSR and South Africa.’"

March 7, 1986 – American Jewish organization, B’nai B’rith's leader Gerald Kraft calls on South African President P.W. Botha to release Mandela. The ADL follow suit as do several powerful American Jewish organizations.

December 10, 1986 – Accepting the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Zionist holocaust activist, Eli (((Wiesel))) refers to the imprisonment of Mandela, internal exile of Soviet Jew, Andrei Sakharov, and the denial of Polish Jewish leader, Lech Walesa’s freedom of speech a "disgrace of equal magnitude".
February 2, 1990 – Following a speech by President F.W. de Klerk, in which Mandela’s release from prison was promised, the Jewish community in South Africa, publicly announces through Lithuanian born anti-apartheid Jewish Stalinist, (((Joe Slovo))), that they are hopeful for political reform.

February 11, 1990 – Nelson Mandela is freed from prison, four years to the day after Sharansky'release. World Jewry, as evidenced by press releases from the ADL, BB, JDL, Zionist organizations from"sea to shining sea", is elated

June 10, 1990 - Prior to a U.S. visit, Mandela meets with American Jewish leaders in Geneva, apologizes for calling Palestinian freedom fighters his “brothers in arms” and for any other statements he may have made that “might have offended Jewish groups.” The meeting, described as "warm, friendly and cordial," reportedly played a role in preempting American Jewish protests against the African National Congress leader.

June 20, 1990 - Mandela welcomed by U.S. Jewish groups. The following night, in a nationally televised program on ABC, Mandela again refers to PLO leader Yassar Arafat as a "comrade in arms," upsetting Jewish owned ABC television and American Jewish groups that had sponsored his trip. On June 29, Sharansky meets with Mandela for the first time in Los Angeles asking him to tone down his pro PLO rhetoric. You can’t bite the hand that feeds, or should I say freed you, after all.

July 1, 1990 – A Johannesburg synagogue and Zionist school, is bombed and defaced with graffiti during early hours of the morning. Mysteriously no casualties or injuries are reported. Jewish leaders attribute the attack to scapegoating by right-wing nationalist groups, who oppose the community’s support for the anti-apartheid movement. No one takes responsibility for the “crime”. Rumours that the bombing was a false flag circulate.
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September 14, 1990 – Despite objections and alleged threats from South African nationalists and some hardline Zionist jews, a Reform rabbi in Johannesburg goes forward with his plan to invite Mandela to speak at his synagogue. Addressing the Reform congregation, the yarmulka-clad Mandela said, "If Zionism means the right of the Jewish people to seize territory and deny the Palestinian people the right to self-determination, we condemn it, but if it means a homeland for our jewish brothers we support it." The packed synagogue heard Mandela condemn all manifestations of anti-Semitism and declare that ANC membership is open to everyone regardless of race. White and Indian South Africans are skeptical

October 24, 1990 – Mandela arouses the anger of Australian Jewish groups upon his arrival in Canberra, likening Israel to a "terrorist state" and accusing her of "slaughtering defenseless, innocent Arabs", forgetting his pledge to Slovo, Sharansky and the American jewish organizations he pandered to during his last visit to the States. He later backtracks after pressure from (((Joe Slovo))), the ANC's top Jewish leader and self described “brains” behind the African National Congress.

July 14, 1991 – Following U.S. lead, Israel lifts cultural and economic sanctions against South Africa after four years of crippling economic warfare. Pandering to the South Africans and strong economic and military ties with the black government commences.
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April 15, 1992 - On the eve of Passover, Mandela publicly acknowledges South African Jewry’s "particularly outstanding contribution" to his people’s "struggle for freedom and social justice" for the first time. Mandela states that Jewry “sees themselves in black causes” due to the fact Jews have suffered through “one long historical holocaust for more than two thousand years.” He believes that Jews can more easily identify with blacks than Whites and East Indians, the two groups offering the most opposition to the ANC. Thus commences the official “special relationship” between Mandela and his Jewish backers.
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>"We will Germanize the Czech vermin."
Fuck that guy. I love you czechbros <3
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May 4, 1992- South Africa’s Jerusalem Club invites Black speaker to address attendees for the first time, helping to forge ties between the Jewish committee and the Mandela-led ANC. From this point forth Mandela is the offical spokesperson for the "worlds oppressed".

August 16, 1992 – As South Africa lifts its apartheid law banning suburban settlement by blacks, Mandela moves to the upscale Jewish suburb of Houghton. Mandela’s new neighbor, member of Parliament Tony Leon of the Democratic Party, brought a gift of chocolate cake, which he left with a member of the household staff in Mandela’s absence.

August 1993 – Addressing the annual conferece of South African Jewish Board of Deputees, Mandela's greeted by a standing ovation, confirming improved ties following the leader’s prior remarks about the PLO.

March 1994 – With one month to go before South Africa’s first democtratic presidential elections, a JTA report anticipates "Jewish support" for Mandela’s ANC. South African Jews face the country’s first democratic elections on April 27 with a "mixture of fear and faith for the future" in the country. In spite of the fact that Mandela and the ANC’s rise to power would never have been possible without international Jewry’s financial support., South African Jewry aren’t as convinced, empowering the black majority is in fact the right move. The fears among the approximately 100,000 members of the South African Jewish community primarily relate to the widespread increase in criminal violence, particularly in Johannesburg, where over half the country’s Jews live. Blowback has historically impacted Jewry more than any other people. Think of the Jewish led Bolshevik revolution and how that ultimately blew up in their faces. Gulags anyone?
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Stepped out quick to get food - will read this all now.
In the meantime could you provide some sources for that.
So much damage control
And take note that we're talking strictly about Israel now not kikes from England and America.
So I hope this ties them in with something more than "but they're jews".
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Everyone needs to see this.
Theres a reason why it's called international Jewry.

Israel is nothing more than the HQ for Zionism.

If the Jewish influence and their ZOG were removed from every country on this planet. Israel would have been exterminated and destroyed long ago.

It's only thanks to the mass media in western countries giving the idea that Jews have been so "persecuted" over time that they need a nation for them self.

There is really no difference they are all the same.
I dont have the deer ones but I do have the others saved
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>take note that we're talking strictly about Israel now not kikes from England and America
Kikes don't discriminate by national boundaries the way gentiles do. They see other Jews as part of their tribe. Do you know nothing about how Jews work?

>The Talmudic basis of Jewish supremacy
>Miscegenation illegal in Israel
>Jews push immigration to white nations
>Barbara Lerner Spectre
>Jewish Supremacism
>Noel Ignatiev

>could you provide some sources for that
No, it's old copy pasta. You can google any of the keywords and find minimal confirmation for the historical factuality of the events and relationships described, I'm not going to source everything individually today, since I'm periodically breaking from work to reply ITT. You can look most of it up.
>I hope this ties them in with something more than "but they're jews".
That's what most goyim don't get, because they project their own identiy parameters onto Jews and assume they function the same way. An international rootless nomad clique works more like gypsies do, not you or I with our notions of nationality.

>No, it's old copy pasta.
Proven my point about how you get your info from memes (and copy pasta clearly) without sources.
Czechs were already Germanized Slavs anyway.
When someone asks for source it is YOUR job to provide - especially if you're posting long-ass paragraphs.
You're the reason this boards turning to shit - I keep forgetting what season it is up north.
I want to start a group conversation that is easy for people to drop in and out of, but exclusive enough for filtering of obvious trolls and left fascists. For example starting a chat on kik where members would judge one on one whether to give or not to give, for example, the TS3 address for an online meet up. Once we are fueled with enough people and backing, we will move to a more stable and less primitive way of congregation, group video streams, etc. Also, with the up rise of mainstream convenience from social media and its lack of awareness by many of its users, we will use it to our benefit. Spreading our ideas by creating false groups that are intended for only us, hiding everything in plain sight.
>proven my point you get blah blah
Didn't I just fucking tell you you can look it up? THat's because I have, that's how I know you can. Stop trying so hard just to score gotcha points, I'm not going to do work for you and I'm not going to footnote and qualify every fucking
sentence I type, faggot.
>When someone asks for source it is YOUR job to provide
You lazy, freeloading faggot fuck, it's not my fucking job to work FOR YOU. I provided you with leads, which was generosity enough. people say things here that I look up on the daily, I don't whine and bitch that they write bibliographies justifying everything claimed or mentioned. No one can function that way, and no one would want to. It's not scoring a point because I didn't attach a fucking biblio in MLA format, that's a retarded game to play. Get off your fucking ass, do your own research. ffs
why do fascist aussies look like slavs?
what appeals to u about being a conquered country?
you want merkel to feed you dick?
>you want merkel to feed you dick?
English is your native language?
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This is some interesting signalling. Are both sides a type of strawman? What's the agenda?
Provide links/sources then - it is not my job to sift through all you've written.
If it's that easy you could have done it for me, but no I must go type out every fucking name and event you've typed out.
This isn't tumblr.
Dude, you started with zero knowledge, I gave you a timeline and a list of names to study. You have 900% more than you started with, and you were autistic enough to lecture me that I owe you a fucking list of sources because you fucking demanded one? Go fuck yourself retard. Learn to google.
>this isn't Tumblr
no shit nigger, i'm not here to wipe your ass and give you a binky.
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