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HuffPo: Trump launches BLATANT antisemitic attack against Hillary
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>Donald Trump tweeted a blatantly anti-Semitic image Saturday morning, causing an immediate backlash online and further confirming the Republican nominee is willing to sink to depths well beyond usual, acceptable bounds of politics.

The tweet, posted at roughly 8:30 a.m., featured a picture of Hillary Clinton pasted over a backdrop of $100 bills with a six-pointed star — the Jewish Star of David — next to her face.

>This is not a dog whistle. It’s not subtle. It is anti-Semitic imagery aimed at a candidate who isn’t even Jewish.

>The irony, of course, is that Trump has Jewish relatives. His daughter Ivanka converted to Judaism when she married Jared Kushner, who is Jewish himself. Their kids are Jewish too. Trump even has a number of Jewish backers.

>Trump adviser Roger Stone sent an email to HuffPost several hours after this article was posted, with the subject line: Total Horseshit.

“A sheriff badge is the same shape as the Star of David,” Stone wrote. “You should be ashamed to publish crap like this - but then you don’t work for a real news organization.”
I don't think that means what they think it means.
Huff post is an echo chamber for liberal faggots
He also killed a Holocaust survivor today

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>Trump adviser Roger Stone sent an email to HuffPost several hours after this article was posted, with the subject line: Total Horseshit.
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Fuck off you kike know one cares anymore and it is all in your head
Do you think they actually believe it's trump being anti-Semitic or they are just diverting the public from the Jew being named.
>..."[featured] a six-pointed star — the Jewish Star of David — next to her face.
>It is anti-Semitic imagery aimed at a candidate who isn’t even Jewish.

Their staff is pretty much all women, so they probably believe what they're writing
Anti-Semitism: Here is the definition of Anti-Semitism from the lips of a Jew: “Anti-Semitism does NOT signify opposition to Semitism. THERE IS NO SUCH THING. It is an expression we use effectively as a SMEARWORD, used to brand anyone who brings criticism against us.” ~ Harold W. Rosenthal (Jewish), administrative assistant for then-U.S. Senator Jacob K. Javits (Jewish) of New York, in an interview with American Christian magazine editor, Walter White.
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>all 6 pointed stars are jewish
he does this shit on purpose
getting caught was part of his plan
I don't care what anybody says, it's fucking asinine to call that star the Star of David.
Is Hillary jewish? I dont understand this
Archive you fucking kike
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I put the main points of the article in the original post so you don't have to click the link if you don't want to, you autistic bitch
No pictures; no proof. If this actually happened someone would have screenshot it instantly
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>Implying this is the star of David

>Trump adviser Roger Stone sent an email to HuffPost several hours after this article was posted, with the subject line: Total Horseshit.

>“A sheriff badge is the same shape as the Star of David,” Stone wrote. “You should be ashamed to publish crap like this - but then you don’t work for a real news organization.”

It's weird that they would put this in the article but then keep the article up, it totally invalidates their entire point in the most embarrassing way possible.

I guess all they really need is the headline though.
>star of david
looks like a microsoft paint design
christ they're grasping at straws
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>blatantly anti-Semitic
What happened in these people's childhoods that made them so stupid?
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>“A sheriff badge is the same shape as the Star of David,” Stone wrote. “You should be ashamed to publish crap like this - but then you don’t work for a real news organization"

Their dads loved them very closely, and roughly.
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>“You should be ashamed to publish crap like this - but then you don’t work for a real news organization.”
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Best part is the subject line of the email was: Total Horseshit. And only God knows why they'd include that in the article so people can agree with stone
Was getting BTFO part of their plan?

it looks like the graphic was changed to a circle instead and reworded slightly.

He should have left it, now he actually looks he's agreeing with the original assertion and it's getting taken up by more legitimate news sources, a very un-trumplike mistake
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>Trump is horrible for broadcasting a specific image
>broadcasts specific image to even larger audience
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Oy vey
This whole episode was enormously positive. Think about it:

1. It was a six pointed badge turned at an angle, not really a Star of David. It wasn't a particularly offensive image to begin with.

2. He quickly replaced the image with one having a circular badge, eliminating any real controversy.

3. Any normies who hear about this will think, "Wait, really?? Influential Jews were up in arms about that?"

There's no downside to any of this. Just a slight uptick in weariness toward Jews by normal people.
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>jews agreeing with neo nazis
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Plus, the picture describing Clinton as corrupt is now getting surreal amounts of publicity.
Trump is a greater mediator than anyone ever thought. He brought hem together.
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someone tweet this or something similar
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>implying a man with a jewish daughter, son in law and grand children would do such a thing

these people are such biased morons. the man posted a picture of a sheriff's badge, was likely notified that it coincidentally looked like a star of david and changed it accordingly as to avoid confusion.

nice to see their bigotry get the better of them, though.
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Ayy lmao. What ever the outcome this election Trump has displayed the political establishment is truly the most incompetent lot of human rabble. I wonder at what point do career politicians accept that they've sold their soul.


thanks huffpost for falling for the bait.

the best part about women is that it takes them 10 times longer to learn anything hehe.

This is where Trump got it from. cuckchan/pol/ is so
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>dat subtle background change
fuck why did I lose
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jesus the left is stupid
lol actually, check the bottom right of the circle...haha either way who gives a fuck, lets take the star back!
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