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Burning Man
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Burning man is proof that race is literally the only thing that matters.

This festival is a disgusting tumor of drug abuse, sexual degeneracy and cultural Marxism, yet it manages to be well organized, safe and profitable anyway.

Because 99% of attendees and organizers are White.

Google "burning man racism" for some hearty Keks. The left will eat their own.
No shit. Everybody on /pol/ already knows this.


I really hope people are just havin fun on the Internet- because this shit is retarded
Holy shit this thing:

>I had to think about the dust in my hair!
>I think we need to acknowledge that white people have culture too.
>My family saw a picture of me dressed up out here wearing a tutu, and had an intervention when I got home because they thought I was gay
>If I can generalize, black people do not gravitate towards things that make them uncomfortable.
> I was afraid when I saw them burning down this man. I thought they were going to throw me on the fire! The white people were going so crazy.
> Am I betraying my people if I have pleasure with white people here? Interracial sex or even just a pleasurable conversation?
>There’s a certain mindset, when you see white people doing things, where you think, “I better stay away from that.” It could be hereditary, from when you absolutely did have to stay away from things white people did.
Nice try tyrone
it also applies to gays, and to jews

"normal" white gay men are more and more becoming the enemy of the left, so are the jews for their stance against palestine. This is also what will mainly drive normies to the right over the next years.

It is hilarious that we will win the cultural war in the name of faggotry and jews, but whatever I guess to get rid of muslism and leftists
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From that article

>It’s expensive to buy a ticket and then you have all the things you need to buy to be out here. This is an extreme experience!

the profit margin on that festival is insane
they pay nothing except a few hundred shekels for the permit to use the land and its 500+ to get in. obviously they pay the artists and performers and shit, but they still make a fucking killing
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>let's wage this campaign /pol/
>Burners are all rich liberal degenerates

It would be YUGE
Wouldn't it be more useful to redpill burning man instead
Anon, you should take up firedancing or some hippie shit that makes hippies lose their minds.

All the smelly white girls you can fuck.
Burning Man fucking sucks.

Dirt, sweat, piss, shit, people who haven't showered, STDs, just pure nastiness
That's exactly what would happen

>droves of niggers show up and ruin it for everyone
>Maybe you’ll find some people of color, but generally speaking, this is not our bag. I had to think about the dust in my hair! I think we need to acknowledge that white people have culture too. And I don’t feel like it’s segregationist. I just think there’s certain things that white culture gravitates to.
>I think we need to acknowledge that white people have culture too.

Is this a fucking joke? White culture (literally the only worthwhile culture in the world) is something that now needs "admitting" to?
Have you been their? Or are you talking out your ass?
Crazy thing is that it used to be free
Nice (((Media))) article. Certainly did make me think,
Not to mention they don't allow you to bring in food and they charge 10 sheckles for a small slice of pizza.
Burning man is pretty cool and everyone should go at least once. It contains all things, the good and the bad, so it's much like a microcosm of the world. But yes its a ton of babylon hedonism degeneracy. It's stupid because if everyone put their energy and resources into creating lasting culture, art, and communities instead of burning it, we could actually progress.
Also interested, heard that a burning man thingy is coming to the netherlands and I'm curious how it is
Fucking kek

>I love Burning Man! But most of the black people who came out of the hood I grew up in think this shit’s crazy. My family saw a picture of me dressed up out here wearing a tutu, and had an intervention when I got home because they thought I was gay: I just loved dressing up! Back home, I was probably one of the most conservative, stick-up-the-ass people you could have known. But when I first came here I was like, “What the fuck?” I loved it.
Before it was free, now it's $300+
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This is the bubble they live in. People who have literally never heard the word "White" in a positive context.
indeed. the music festival thing used to be so incredibly awesome. it was cheap, fun, and 99% free of jewish tricks. the community was excellent- everyone was friendly and neighborly, and we looked out for one another. now, its absurdly expensive to even get in the gate, security=gestapo, and its filled with ignorant kids that are just there to get high who have no regard whatsoever for the music, the venue, or their fellow patrons.
yeah, im mad. but its a sad kind of mad, you know?
Exactly who is making money off this thing? Besides the vendors and such, is Burning Man a for profit company?
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>Because 99% of attendees and organizers are White.
Who's charging that much? Is it a jew?
Sounds pretty expensive for a week of a society "where it's not about the money"
>Go to Burning Man
>Don't do drugs
>Drown in easy drugged out pussy
You /pol/ faggots need to step up your game
>a disgusting tumor of drug abuse, sexual degeneracy and cultural Marxism, yet it manages to be well organized, safe and profitable anyway.
Music festivals are controlled by jews. All of them. Well, big ones like this anyway. Look back at 69 Woodstock even, totally started by Jews.

stupid hippies
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>wherever I am I must also heil hitler, heil the party, heil the fatherland and the race
>There are massive amounts of white folks. You don’t know if anyone has your back. It’s expensive to buy a ticket and then you have all the things you need to buy to be out here. This is an extreme experience! And, there’s the fact that some really horrific things have happened to people of colour out in the wilderness.
I can't imagine the pussy there being very clean or high quality. Plus for that much money I could easily pay for a good half dozen high quality dates and get laid many times over.

Maybe it's good for getting with underaged girls if that's your thing. But this is all coming from someone who's never been. The experience itself would still be worth it I assume.
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huh...really makes you think...
Why are you so butthurt, OP? Is it because you're not fucking a hot white waifu every night at Burning Man? Maybe you should just cut your dick off and live as a eunuch. That way, you wan't have to deal with sexual frustration, jealousy, and rage all the time.
Honestly i bet a LOT of it goes to cleaning up afterwards.

Wow, people having fun? The establishment must totally slander that.

You know this board is full of virgins when a guy can unironically gloat about raping chicks and no one calls him out on it
Burning man is really fun. Take a bunch of LSD and mingle with a variety of people, many being cross between creative artists and engineers. I strongly believe that the government sends agents there as well
Naw, they clan up most if not everything by themselves.
You're a completely unlikeable person
They're there to suck random dicks. It's not a problem if some entrupreneur wants to speed this process up for all involved.

I also find your hostility towards free love very sexist. Please tone your rhetoric down or else I'll report you to your supervisor.
>all drugs strip you off selfcontrol
Kill yerself.
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>tfw you will never take part in an anti-degeneracy raid against the attendees of burning man under general-president trump
/pol/ is satire dear friend.
We are a board of peace and tolerance.

most people at burning man make lots of money.

Its the festival for rich white people.
I've never seen an uncivilized white country

I've never seen a civilized black country

Race is everything, no exceptions

That being said, I've never seen a non-white proud cuck so...
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>Drug fueled macro festivals
>Raping chicks
I am a shill for hill now
You know how bad a girl's pussy smells after a few days of not bathing?
I wonder if (((they))) think that when the negroids they love so much come to cut their throats, they will simply say "Hey I am not white at all, I am JEWISH!!" and that will make a difference
>There are massive amounts of white folks. You don’t know if anyone has your back
Goes to show how fucking insane black people and black culture are. They're such a violent, immoral breed that they constantly need to have people watching their back, and automatically assume that people from other races will attack them. They don't know what it's like to live in a safe, white society, where you can go anywhere at any time, and not have to worry about getting jumped. To top it all off, this nigger is going to a hippie festival, with the most minority worshipping group of white people on earth.
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Why are niggers so obsessed with interracial sex?
6 time Burner here can confirm Burning Man attendees are mainly white

but it's not the race, it's the Principles
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Would you be interested in fucking niggers?
Good luck with those principles when niggers start showing up and see all those bikes without locks.
have had friends busted by feds, can confirm

every major lsd/molly ring on the west coast is there too
You can take a nigger out the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the nigger.
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The similarity is uncanny.

Its not rape if they are asking for it.
Dirt, sweat, piss, and shit are objective since it's in the desert, but I have heard that a lot of people get pubic lice there. Could just be rumors though
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I see quite a few negros at the Dead-centric music festivals I attend around Missouri/Arkansas. Pic related is an emcee at one.
This desu
If you cant get any better, then yes you should do that. I dont need a std
That chick hits the wall in 5...4...

Can we do this, anons? Can we meme niggers into burning man?

fuck man

that gif really takes me back
Well yeah, most "alternative" girls are 25 and older. It's probably easier to get with hippy chad when you don't have to compete with 18-21 year olds.
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Imagine those bike seats after all the sweaty hippy desert ass on them
Why? People would just make up excuses anyway.
Adolph Schwarzenegger
asians confirms for master race

i don wun no trabble
Fun Fact: Burning man should be "Burning woman," as the tradition started when one of the OG's broke up with him and was burned in effigy.

hello newfag

>>I think we need to acknowledge that white people have culture too.

Niggers literally believe we have no culture.
Just tell BLM that it's full of rich white racists and they'll go there and ruin it.
nigger detected
>mfw black and 130 IQ
Fight me, shit brains.
There's always been black people at the ones I've been to. One time, I let a black guy and blond girl touch my hair at the same time. They both told me it was the softest hair they had ever known.
They know their genes are inferior, so breeding with someone with superior genes (everyone) increases their chances of survival. It's evolution
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>drug use
>sexual degeneracy

That being said I personally have no problem with holding an annual festival of degeneracy in a remote location, the problem is when the degeneracy is nation wide 24/7/365.
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lel "vtm nieuws", muh country
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There are two kinds of leftists.
SJW numales, cucks and attention whores and literal hippies

Hippies are okay. My sister is one (she lives in the US)
She does drugs and is all about chakras and esoteric shit and world peace but she laughs at modern feminists and stuff like safe spaces. She hates BLM too.

is there any truth to this idea?
lol fucking foreign policy
when you're 14% of the population
sticking with your own seriously limits your chances of pairing up.
Wait, I thought burners had to bring their own food and water. Isn't money verboten or something?
the goddamn veggie tales
>bell curve
Why do merchants have such punchable faces?

I have a sneaking suspicion that the majority of people who use this word have no idea what it means
You are correct.
I do not know what it means, thats right.
All i know is she shares shit about chakras, beings from other dimensions and that kind of stuff all the time.
Except they live in communities where they are the majority you dumb nigger.
wow you're so cool
no one here got what he meant

tell us about your tulpas
You could say that the definition of 'esoteric' is esoteric.
Why do they have bikes in the desert, surely you can't ride them through it?
>mfw white and 139
I'll fucking wreck you mate
Another online IQ test genius
Excuse me burgers, but your black citizens are weird as fuck! What have you done?
Lying ass faggot. Dunno what the fuck you're talking about, but you are not allowed to use money at Burning man, except to buy ice at the ice camp.

All food is brought in by yourself.
>mfw Blue and 318
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Fuck off we're full
I don't get it. Why would anyone go camping in the desert?
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Wrong image
>I don't get it. Why would anyone go camping in the desert?

It's pretty fun if you bring psychedelics.
most things are fun if you bring psychs
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From what I've read sneaking into Burning Man is on the same level of sneaking into a military base. Anyone ever have success? I hear they use thermal vision and everything.

I've been wanting to go for years but the tickets sell out the first day and within the last 10 years the price has gone through the roof. It was like $350 two years ago, now it's probably over $400. All because the Bureau of Land Management wants a huge police presence, and the police demand housing, food, laundry and air conditioning for the whole 10 days.
I really want to go before hipsters ruin it, I hear faggot from Silicon Valley have started flying in on personal helicopters and have giant private camps set up that exclude everyone, which is pretty much the exact opposite of what Burning Man was founded on
Because it's not just camping. It's a challenge. It's about seeing what you can do. Then again, I help build a giant Thunderdome there and we throw hippies at each at high speeds and make them hit each other with bats loosely covered with foam. So, my burning man experience is a little different than most.
Snuck in my first year. Wasn't hard at all. Just had hallowed out walls on a converted school bus. The key is to make it hard to get to the hiding spot.
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(((David Rothkopf)))

more like The end of an era, for Israel
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>that video
But what happens when the opressor become opressed?
>I first went to Burning Man in 2002. I was afraid when I saw them burning down this man. I thought they were going to throw me on the fire! The white people were going so crazy.
What happens when white people get oppressed???

Lets consult the history books
the smugness physically affects their faces, constantly sneering and grinning
We gave them freedom and voting rights...It went bad.
>U.S. stats
>riterarry cleam of the clop asians

there is 3 billion asians friend
What about if you don't know anyone with a giant bus that is willing to sneak you in? Is the front gate heavily guarded or will some social engineering possibly get me past the ticket checkers?

They've started kicking out everyone that tries to sneak people inside their cars too, and not many people are willing to risk their own $400 ticket for someone else.

One guy on a travel site I frequent said he spent an entire night walking through the desert, crawling at some points, and when he got to the barrier surrounding the place the police were waiting for him, said they were watching him all night on thermal vision and let him off with a warning for all the effort he put into it
Personal experiences, changing the world one person at a time. It doesn't matter if people that were there or weren't there justified it, some people won't be able to justify what happened while keeping with their current beliefs. Those people are the ones that will in time become our supporters.
At the very least they have the decent to do there cult crap in the middle of the desert.

You can't make this shit up
It sounds like "rotkop", which is dutch for "cunthead" (or whatever insult involving one's head/face you like)

Top fucking kek
>David (((Cuntface)))
I googled it and most of them actually weren't bad at all. Even acknowledging "white culture" somewhat.

Then there was this guy "I was afraid when I saw them burning down this man. I thought they were going to throw me on the fire! The white people were going so crazy. And after “the man” was torn down, there was all this protest about the War on Terror. Someone held an American flag over the ruins, and the heat just incinerated it."
I hate these white globalist tech-fags more than I hate mudslimes. They need rope day fast.
You faggots have never read Dad Kapital

Stop calling things you don't like Marxist
Good lord that ass is perfect.

Burning Man is on the decline I think because cops have realized they can bust a bunch of drug addled hippies without having to do any work. They bring the drugs right to them.
lmao well I can't even defend against this
another one bites the dust. tell me why be SJW?
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>you faggots have never read Dad Kapital
>This festival is a disgusting tumor of drug abuse, sexual degeneracy and cultural Marxism, yet it manages to be well organized, safe and profitable anyway.
>Because 99% of attendees and organizers are White.

youre a moron

it's safe because there is no underclass present

its not proof whites are great

its proof that whites are incredibly immoral and their 'greatness' is merely exploitation

coachella is another puke worthy festival


Are you fucking kidding?

There are tapes, people disappear, and there are even murders
i'd watch it if the faggot haven't been repeating the word socialism so many times. It gave me eardrum cancer
>Burning man is proof that race is literally the only thing that matters.

Yeah, pretty much this, Race is the only thing that matters and not ideology.
>ruining my secret whites only holiday spot

Thanks a lot faggot
Burning man is a huge psyop just like the rest of sanfrancisco and its Silicon Valley military tech faggotry. Jan Irvin does good work on this. He had some rich Aussie tech company cep who was spilling the beans on this shit. Pretty crazy desu
I was thinking about this the other day. I'm brown, I lived mostly in brown places. I hear all the time about these liberal white shitholes like Portland and Seattle but now that I live in the north west I understand that even if a place is liberal and there are weird white people talking major marxist shit it is still a better place to live than any brown city. Cleaner, nicer people everywhere and everything works and everyone gets along.

You're right OP
>get invited to burning man
>get everything all unpacked
>a tranny friend of mine pops over and hugs me
>gives me a thumb print
>come out of a trip in a shitty apartment in contra costa county
>two trannies and a dude were fucking me

I swear I was shitting bricks waiting for the std tests.
Quit voting left wing and we will stop sending niggers and Muslim terrorists at you
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This gathering is mostly white too tho
Michael jordans gold parties don't have fights or crime. But everyone there is black.

No one there is poor so of course there is no crime.

But then again you tell the cops someone stole your drugs either.
It was fun in the 90's when everyone thought ICP made comedy albums

kek, doesn't this festival origin from tribalism?
>1 post by this ID
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The whole reason Burning Man exists is to get away from boring, puritans like you. If it's any consolation for your uptight ass Burning Man is becoming more and more commercialized and will probably become just another "massive" as the years go by.
so this is the rome that never ceased to exist....
except all the burning man attendees come from liberal shit holes
Good plan. But if a girl knows your not fucked up she will supsect you.
Correct me if I'm wrong : a bunch of hippies assemble in the desert for some sort of concert.
It's an issue because they're overwhelmingly white, even though other races don't give a shit about the event, so basically anti-white racists just ask it to be cancelled.

Am I right?
It's pretty impossible to sneak in on foot. You have to smuggle your way in if you're going to do it. There's a guy in Eugene Oregon that makes a game of sneaking in more and more people and he's never been caught in all the years he's done it.

I fail to see how that changes my point. "Liberals" are quite capable of being greedy and commercializing anything they can get their hands on.
you said they were escaping puritans. i'm saying the liberal shit holes they come from don't have puritans. unless their degeneracy is so far gone that they consider parading around with 10 foot long dildos puritan these days
aren't gatherings fairly safe, though, too?
>we are not made for the desert
>but we wuz kings and shiet in Egypt

ultra kek
Puritans and their laws exist in every major city. Get real.

roth is the older version of rot or red,so his name is redhead.
whatever, faggot. get the fuck off my board you liberal degenerate. /pol/ will never side with your degenerate burning goy shit. fuck you
Yep very low crime at ICP concerts.
>a tranny friend of mine
Is she white?
have any links?
like 80/20

European mutt native
Only a degenerate would bitch about it the way you just did faggot
I listened to those interviews and it wasn't very convincing. I am totally open to that kind of idea but I was disappointed, no real revelation after all those hours spent talking about it.
>snack food glory hole, where I attended my very first metafilter meetup! and yes, I totally took on the hole. my surprise snack was a smushed starburst, watermelon, pop rocks and citric acid... I was one of the lucky ones
Nope its real. Most normal people are getting sick of all the liberal crap.
>whites have an exclusive party
>/pol/ wants to fill it with mud

The fuck is wrong with you people?
what is that even supposed to mean
this is a sicko liberal degenerate festival
Yes race exists.

Whites are subhuman degenerates that need to be purged.
80% European mutt 20% Native American

>its proof that whites are incredibly immoral and their 'greatness' is merely exploitation

It's actually not proof of these things either. Why so butthurt over a relatively innocuous comment (for /pol/)? First day?
I had that thought after smoking dabs at a burn, and I got paranoid.
I would racemix t.b.h

It's a flat dry lakebed. So yes, they can.
racemixing is so hot right now, if you want any tips on how to do it, use americans can help
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A common thing taught to management. 80% of the work is done by 20% of the people the remaining 80% on average only completes 20% of the work. It has been proven over and over. In reality 80% of humanity is useless and could be killed tomorrow. Chances are if you don't know this your part of the 80%.
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Indeed it's
To bad most shitskins have black/dark eyes.
Wow you're violent
Those dead soulless eyes.
Where and when? Bring your lunch money.
Good luck organizing all your brothas. They hate your smart ass, you know?
Master White Race
He who mocks truth will be mocked by the truth. Run up a debt you can't pay and become a slave for all I care. Ignoring wisdom is a sin
mein sides that was worthy enough to get you into Valhalla
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>Dumb bitch regrets it 5 minutes after
>cries rape
>Surrounded by thousands of drugged out hippies screaming for your blood.
No thanks
That was actually a Hispanic female that made that comment.
Lmao master race, masters at being disgusting degenerate cuckold freaks more like it
It's literally impossible, recorded history is White males achieving, even what's supposed to not be White males end up being White males(Greek ruling class, Egyptian ruling class, spic lore of White gods that taught them everything, even "china" Whites were there first, White mummies deep in "china,") there is nothing sans White males.
>being violent

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>not being violent
You're not very good at this are you?

>Fun Fact

reddit's the other way buddy
>1 post by this ID
135 here
your turn shit skin
Yeah and that's the best part. These are the trashiest, most uneducated white people in the country. Young, impulsive and the vast majority are extremely drunk/high.

Violence and crime is almost nonexistent
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Its not really race mixing if a European has a child with a European..Also you're a cuck and everyone is happily waiting for the day we get to see Swedish women stoned in the streets of sweden
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wait, you got dosed at burning man and woke up someplace else?

this is very unlikely
classic bad trip material

DARPA funded PARC but PARC was run by hippies who took acid and actually did cool shit
based fucking Thunderdome

wait awaits the shit skins post white male is basically everyone eating out of garbage cans while a bunch of Jews fly to mars in space ships the white men built

basically like that movie with the robots
I'm going to buy a bus and give free rides to burning man, from Detroit.
Two men enter!
The statement still stands, those festivals have low crime rates.

They're already on it. They WANT diversity. Do you think when crime skyrockets at their event that they'll blame it on the race of the offenders? lol, they're delusion.

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They are perpetually told they are victims and that their problems are due to the actions of others by the media, government, and citizens.
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Those ads on the sides of porn sites aren't actually real, nigger.
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What a little bitch.

>tfw you know drugged up hippy pussy is top notch.
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You'd be surprised, buddy. Your assumption is far from the truth.
So let me get this straight....

You're not white, are you?
How is it profitable? You're not allowed to use currency. It's a strict barter-based event.
They'll just raise the ticket price.
>Jew media guy says so so it must be true

lol ok. people r silly.
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Remember when juggalos were the biggest known degenerates? I long for those days...I could live with that.
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Heartily laughed
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They still exist, but you have to find the events with locations like "Somewhere in/near...." or "Venue TBA"

I just found a nice three day rave to go to that has no web presence besides a fb group. Look around, this type of thing is so ingrained in us, they can never defeat it.
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>Genetic Civility.
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You're doing god's work. Keep it up.
Good luck not getting monkey wrenched.
Ticket sales.
Juggalos aren't actually that bad. They are just ugly, generally unintelligent, and ostracized, but those I have known aren't horrible people.
Nobody makes money from Burning Man, m8. It's a nonprofit.
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Doubled truth
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(((David Rothkopf)))
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Degenerate white trash-lots of druggies/alchies

Some are harmless but many aren't.
mfw found out the nog is not playing a monster
Please don't use blasphemy when talking about veggietales; that's kind of the opposite of what they were going for. That's like praying to the devil to revive Mr rogers. Not cool man, not cool
Remember, they're more afraid of you than you are of them.
I can't even deal with a living room full of white druggies for one night. Sounds kinda fun to get fucked left and right by strangers though. I'd like to partake in this once in my life.

>niggress tho
They got it all wrong, what Baldur's bonefire is about. What midsummer is about.
>there are tapes
Tapes of what? Orgies?
don't go breaking any records with your nonsense now, we just made a wr again in biggest bonefire to honor our God Baldur, who was stabbed to death by a misteltoe, damn loke... anyways..
Every time I see a kike article like this I want to chop off their nose

I'll fuck a drugged up black chick hmu senpai
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>1 post by this ID
Anyone been to a juggalo event? Heard a few of their songs in middle school and thought some of them were funny, but I'd never go to a concert. I have a huge fetish for clown girls though and that seems like the place to go for that, so if any anon has been I'd love to hear stories.
Do you retards not understand that already exists? Burning Man IS for rich white people and everyone already knows it.
Whoah brother, time to cool those jets.

All your questions should be answered
I've been saying this for awhile now. In a 100% white country, degeneracy would be a non-issue. Not because it wouldn't exist, but because it would have few negative effects.
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sugar slam is sexy as fug
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