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What will things be like on /pol/ if Trump loses?
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What will things be like on /pol/ if Trump loses?
mostly likely will lose since polls from virtually every outlet is showing a blowout

not shilling neither I take a realistic approach on many things especially politics
Pretty quiet after Hillary finds a way to shut us down.
bitching about hillary instead of Obama

>media polls

>realistic approach

It's where the resistance will be organizing their meme raids and gorilla warfare
Concern shill. Polls are rarely accurate
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Things are going to be so boring, I remember /pol/ before the 2016 election

>Concern shill. Polls are rarely accurate
No, they're usually accurate
Polls are okay when it shows candidate A in a good light but not when it shows candidate A in a bad light? that is what you're getting at or what?
Show me a poll where trump was under 5 points and went on to win a state

the most he was under and won in was 2 for Oklahoma or the state next to it
bernie "SHOCKED" hillary when he won michigan despite being two points or one under

Polls are accurate , it is all math involved you're a fool to say they're just talking points when they are so much more
I'll leave to never return.
We will be raided by every one board just like in 2012 and everything will go to shit at least a day or two.
end of USA
Board-wide suicide watch.
To start off Pepes and memes in general will be banned
It is established that they are polling Democrats and then saying that they are polling "people."
I truly , honestly wish that was the case but that is highly unlikely
Gun sales will triple the best month of Obama term's. A spike in boating accidents involving lost firearms
I will literally never stop posting "TRUMP BTFO" threads
A never ending stream of /pol/ BTFO and the limitless tide of salt that comes along with it.
It's going to be glorious

No, I don't support Hildebeast. But I am just being real.
This far ahead though? Show me how polls were 4 months ahead of the primary elections
It'll be pretty slow since 60% of the board will kill themselves
it will be completely dead. everyone will be out rioting and burning things.
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Including me.
A month or two of rampant shitposting and conspiracies until /pol/ finds the next big meme to latch on to.
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Hillary will open the borders to punish Trump voters and make sure white nativist movements can never happen again.
If Trump loses, /pol/ will be deleted. So make sure to vote and pray to Kek.
Lets raid the fuck out of their cuck boards in the meantime with glorious reich memes
it would be gunny if pol commited mass suicide in protest hah
holy shit did they catch the guy?
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full transition into a death cult
Thread replies: 32
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