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Why would Jews want to destroy the western world? What's
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Why would Jews want to destroy the western world? What's in it for them?
Synagogue of Satan.

What's in it for Satan?
Because the Jews want a world of their own.
He gets to appease the Lizardmen
They have used the goyim enough as slaves to advance science and technology to the point that they will not need us anymore. All at the direction of Satan.

Honestly im all for it if they hurry the fuck up on space colonizing tech

Eliminate all world powers, or "super powers" so that the new super power can emerge: Zion... or Greater Israel, same shit. Its called (((Jewish Hegemony)))
Loosh for the loosh god
They think they are the only people worthy under gods eyes, and so they want to drive every other civilization away from god so that they are the only ones left. Thats why they invented the whole jesus is god thing
Because they're evil and have high rates of metal illness.
higher interest rates
No different than cro-magnon versus neanderthal, there can only be one that can survive, and must therefore destroy the other entirely while benefiting as much as possible from them before their destruction. They intend to get rid of us since we pose a risk to them, and instead enslave the darker skinned untermenschen since they make much better workers, as they will not dare question the authority present over them. For all that is said about black aggression, the blacks sure seem to kill off one another and somehow vote in the very people that despise them.
They want to destroy nationalism op, nationalism. And religion, and traditional families.
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