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Thread replies: 119
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the northmen have come through for the eternal anglo.
This must be a big middle finger to liberals who believe nordic countries are utopias and now they're willing to trade with a free britain
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Thus far,maylasia,america,mexico,NZ and australia and now the nords want trade..shits looking up senpai :D
iceland want to be the new brussels right? the new european union?
I'm ok with this
Nexit must be next, after that Benelux super state
We need a quick trade agreement, England is going to run out of bacon without us!
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the new empire will be jew free m8

say hi to greece for me if you see him m8
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you are one of the most fertile countries in the EU other than us for crops so it would benefit us if you left and joined our alliance.
Fitna was an awful "film"
>what do you mean I can't make the football team?
>well fuck you Chad, I'll make my own club!
>and it'll be so so much better than yours!

was it a video to redpill normies?
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last time this happened king eggbert of wessex and mercia got the vikings to raid franca
It was intended to but it ended up as a shitty slideshow
>geert needs to fucking lurk here more lol
God bless Iceland.
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ENGLISHMEN! DO NOT FALL FOR IT. The Nords just want England back. The spirit of Canute still lies within the Danes, this is how the next great heathern army will land on England and once again York will born
nordics and englishmen should cooperate. convince the damn scots though - they seem to want to be the lapdogs of the EU
nexit must be next, after that we can fixit. Gotta out-meme this brexit.
The globalists would be in full panic mode if that were to happen, as it's even less potential land to for them to control.

those pict fucks have always been hard to reason with, probably the most inbred of the whole country
worst case scenario you have a 3 way FFA between the English, the nords, and the londonistan/celt cuck/european caliphate
you did okay against all those guys before so I would bet on you
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we need to keep soaking up trade deals and treaties with other nations to defeat the EU

going ok thus far
Iceland and Norway are Danish colonies. If they cooperate with the UK, then Denmark will have to leave EU too.
China, Ghana and Columbia too.
I have no idea why australia would ever agree to that
they were already trying to dump their shitty pacific islander refugees on us knowing what a sucker cucky trudeau is
even if Scotland and Northern Ireland left the UK England would still be a world class power
Nice. We should leave and join this union aswell.
They always wanted it. What stopped them.was being on the eu
Fexit when?
>born too late to explore the earth
>born too early to explore the universe
>born just in time to meme the Anglosphere paradise into existence
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>mfw cuck sibil's will stay in the EU even after Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Denmark have trade agreements with England.
Fuck this country right up in the ass.
east coast belongs to the queen!
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we need to make a new union without degenerate poor nations

thats where the EU fucked up..it let every tom dick and harry in
Fine, turn your backs on us, destroy the future, you've earned that right. Here's a fair warning, though. I've made peace with my death in the upcoming war. I will not see Germany poor like it was all those centuries ago. My people deserve better, and if you don't give, I'll take. If you want it back, you'll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands.
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>he who makes someone make practical repeatedly

I never got the "you will perish without the EU" argument. Norway is a bit of outlier because it has massive oil reserves (and owns 1% of the world) but Switzerland and Iceland don't for the most part and are doing just fine.
If we're in it, it's going to be far from Jew Free
Norway is in the EUs free movement/single market area.
Switzerland is also in the free movement/single market area.
Funlanders, how accurate is this and how do I start learning it?
The phrase you're looking for is 'gluttons for punishment', Goran.
They've spent decades convincing the rest of the world that they're under the English yoke, and being held there against their will, to the point that they've managed to dupe themselves. Bear in mind that the SNP are labour-level socialites and multicultists.
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That's not the way they should talk faggot.
No England should not be in the Nordic union because the tories will just fuck us over.
>Northern Union

Remain voter here. This would cheer me up.
I'm scared bongs. Alone you have 64million. Together with Norway and Iceland: 69 million! A global superpower!
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what the



Sipilä and Soini already said that while this government is in power, there will be no referendum and the citizens' initiative won't even be reaching our fucking parliament. One would think that they should atleast process the case but it would seem that even our opposition is against of us leaving the EU.

It's FIXIT you dumb shitcock.
When the Jocks leave the union we will genocide them and you can use the land as lebensraum

You're welcome
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>Anglos get cucked by Norsemen
>Their population starts to become attractive again

Not a bad idea senpai

together you have roughly the population of 3 US states.
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This would be great of course some bitches will get BTFO and bitch and complain
>Danish colony
>Country existed before Denmark.
Pick one.
ufuckingwot m8?
you mean like merkel and your tumblr tier govt is fucking you over?

you are in the EU...it doesnt concern you

we the vikings now >:)
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>Fuck this country right up in the ass
It would seem like that is exactly the thing that we will be receaving in the near future.

It's not about the "poor" nations bro. It's about the fact that the EU practically tooked in anyone willing to join just so it could expand. After doing this the EU practically collapsed their own economy, their trade and their self-sufficiency just so it could be able to control them better. This is what awaits us all in the long run.

But fuck that. I would gladly ally my self with the poles, even tho they are "poor" by EU's definition, at least they are trustworthy.

What, that wasn't something you would like to experience before you die?

never has there been a more appropriate moment for that picture to be posted

RIGHD IN DHE BENNIS indeed my friend
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The sensation delivered by that goes away (for a moment) after you watch it over and over again for like 10000 times.
you posted this last night or 2 nights ago as well
saatana perkele suomi
can we talk about canada? Fuck that. They want more Mexicans, more Muslims...We just got out of one cucked union, not going to step into another.

When Canada sorts itself out, we can talk.

And just because I love you, I will keep on posting it every time I enter /pol/

PS: Nice curses bro.
>a nation filled with delirious human scum that exist in a constant state of denial

Can we just blow that shithole up? Would also like to do this to Sweden and Germany, baby France aswell.
mida vittu mees
norway abolish current trade deal with eu when
We already took all your beautiful women. All there's left are disgusting slags and shitskins. Literally nothing of worth left in that shallow isle you call Albion.

>t. Prince Carl of Denmark
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>cold dead hans
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Oh hi little bro!!!

This is the epitome of degeneracy. Destroying your body for a moment's pleasure.
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Which one of you fuckers is this?
Fucking hell. My balls just retracted into my body
(((free trade)))

careful bros.
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>Leaf talking about degeneracy
The dude with fucked up balls is a Canadian so nothing that hold any actual value was lost.
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Northern Alliance when?
the jew at stratfor has said all that

>GB and scandinavians will form an union
>The main political tendency will be away from multinational solutions to a greater nationalism driven by divergent and diverging economic, social and cultural forces.
>we expect Poland to be the leader of an anti-Russia coalition that would, significantly, include Romania

>Even if the trade bloc were probable, it was ”not nearly as desirable as what we are just giving up,” says Michael Dougan, Professor of EU law at Liverpool University as quoted by The Independent.

>Professor of EU law
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I dont understand why people are so angry about england leaving
Switzerland never joined, why dont you predict their soon demise and ten thousand curses falling upon them?
Or norway for that matter
>my people
t. turkroach
One of my goals is to visit America's dad.

Plymouth and northern England for starters. The north looks cozy as hell.

Where else?
I'm ignorant, what's this t. a guy meme
lurk moar newfag
I would say Bristol, but Bristol is now ruined thanks to degenerate fucking students, Baths ruined because of Chinks.

Visit Bristol and just ignore the students, home of Alfred the great, founder of all saxon freedoms. father of all Anglo nations
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Nigger, I've been here for years. I just missed the uprising of some slang because I don't focus so much goddamn time on memes.
If you were here for years, then you would recognize t. (name)
It's the pinnacle of Finnish memery.
t. repeating numbers
Well, I've only seen it really get big in the last year or six months. I took some time off /pol/ for about a year ago though, so I'm definitely behind.

Nice trips.
Thanks. It appears Kek is on the side of the Finns.
It's fine if you just fucking lurk.
everyone knows that shit , lurk moar faggot

because we was one of the founders and its hard to build an empire if one of the main contributers randomly pulls out

we basically have started the collapse of the EU and they hate us for it especially the krauts

when it falls apart...retake your soviet bloc and leave us alone ivan...feel free to rape turkey also...i didnt see anything

>We already took all your beautiful women

You took none, you actually settled some of your own. Stop memeing.
You forget the spam of anime girls.
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Without bothering to read most of it I would say it's 100% accurate and made by a Finn.

>removes based Scanian flag and replaces it with local Dacian football supporter flag

I hope gypsies take a shit in your lawn.
Nordic england when?
They're so worthless that ROME didn't want to conquer them.
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Quit being a bitch about free movement and we can all be friends again.
If they love us so much why didn't they let us win the football
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LMAO I just made some shieet nigga OC today that's related.
Cotswolds is beautiful. Cornwall is bretty gud too.

As far as the North goes, Yorkshire and Durham are nice. The Pennines is a good trek. Cumbria/Northumbria are pretty comfy with the Lakes District.
Let's add up our achievements with that population against Maine, Milwaukee, and Ohio. Seems like we're doing okay right?
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>now thats what i call ”scrambled eggs”,wubba lubba dub dub!
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too late Englænder! We are coming for that juicy ripe clay now that the EU will no longer protect you!

Remember it is cheating to sink our longboats before they reach your shores. And no using firearms either.
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>bost ass
They always crack me up xD finnish is fucked.
I hope it goes away. Why the fuck did I have to see that? REEEEE
Watching that just made my dick and balls regress inside and now I'm a fucking female, cheers cunt.
Didn't you guys get into a mini war with Iceland awhile back? What total bros.
But why
why are you LMAOing at your own picture
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