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File: white house watch.jpg (180 KB, 600x480) Image search: [Google]
white house watch.jpg
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I made a post last week and I got like 5 replies, so I'm making it again.

>ON THE DAY OF THE DNC CONVENTION, Obama will grant the FBI access to the indictment, she won't be allowed to attend the DNC at this time.

>When rumor breaks that she has been arrested, the Super Delegates will be forced to switch to Bernie Sanders on a forced Second Ballot.

>CNN will broadcast all the criminality of Hillary Clinton at this time

>Obama and Hillary have always been at odds, and Obama hates being the puppet. He wasn't even suppose to be elected, but due to his influence over voters, they were forced to push him through.

>Historically, Obama is more like Bernie than what Present Obama ever was. So to go behind the shadows, he has already to Bernie Sanders this strategy, and he will be forced to be pushed on the democratic stage.

>This will lead to Trump's defeat. Because with Hillary, at least Trump had a chance.

>Bernie is a National Socialist. He has stated publicly that Globalism is the grip that squeezes out societies of their wealth forcing their inhabitants to live poor and to live weak.
Bernie also supported the Brexit.

Either way, with Bernie vs. Trump, the election is favorable to the interests of the American people. We WIN as a whole on the side of democracy.
What makes you think that will happen? I thought the deal was Obama got was the nominee provided he supported crooked hillary when he finished.
I've been flirting with similar ideas as well ever since Obama sat down with Bernie, and for some reason he didn't drop out after that.

Remember back during the '08 campaign that Obama and Hillary sat together? It resulted in that moment at the convention when Hillary finally caved and endorsed Obama for president.

We could be seeing something similar here. It may not be the crazy scenario of Clinton being indicted, though. Its much more likely that Obama told Bernie to keep your fight until the convention like he promised, but once there endorse Hillary to attempt party unification and soundly defeat Trump.
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It'll be Trump vs. fucking Biden.

You do realize the DNC won't take an old Jew like Bernie? They WILL replace Hillary with someone they trust more than an actual idiot.

>thinking Clinton will ever be charged for anything
I think you've been smoking a little bit too much weed, Frenchie.
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this seems actually in the realm of possibility
>see flag
>move on
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This is retarded.

The most realistic and simple explanation is that Obama and Clinton had a backdoor deal during 2008 that she would be entitled to a 2016 presidency if she backed out quietly.

Bernie is under death's grip and won't survive another 12-16 years, so unlike Clinton it's not in his interests to endorse other nominees.
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My body is ready
>July 25, pol sitting in his chair drunk at 10 am, watching the dnc screaming "THE LEAF WAS RIGHT!!!"
Trump would destroy Berns if he got the nomination at this point.
Hillary beat him by millions of votes, those shrill women would not show up for Berns
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You do understand strategies adapt, news changes, and ideas are not permanent right?

The first thing CNN will do is blast Trump about misogyny.
>Oh but it didn't work.
Not on his supporters, his supporters won't leave Trump, but those who are absolutely in love with the DNC Cuckshed won't allow him to be president after this.
We already are aware CNN is working on a 40 minute documentary about /pol/ and 4chan which is to be released 2 weeks before the election.
If the women see the amount of bullshit spread on this board, they'll be forced into emotional spasms which will make them react to vote for Bernie.

Bernie, if given the nomination, still has more cards in his deck then Trump.

But we all wanted it to come to this atleast. A good election.

Just remember, I don't give a damn who wins, I just want them to be in my Canadian interests, but I think it is a real shame that America would stoop so low to elect an actual Criminal for their President just because they are so misinformed.

I'd prefer Gary Johnson, but what ever. He can't reach 15%, he's out.
I don't really hate Biden (besides the fact he's obviously a pedophile)

But he's good at bants, he doesn't use teleprompters in his speeches; he's been credited to remembering them in his head, and he reacts well.

He might also take on Bernie as his VP or atleast a spot on his cabinet if a deal was struck.

At this point, the DNC needs to keep Bernie around, not just as a senator but a primary position. Not because he's the change they need, but because the DNC voters are too ill-informed to understand how the government works.
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