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Who needs to be his VP?
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Who needs to be his VP?
Jon Oliver.
Donald Trump
Jeff Sessions
According to the constitution it's suppose to be Hillary desu senpai
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Oliver masucci
Logically, Jeff Sessions.

Preferably, Jim Webb or Ron Paul
According to the constitution the congress should decide who is president, their shouldn't be political parties and only land owning white men should vote.

They set up the perfect society and we fucked it up
Why the fuck so many people want Webb to be his VP?
Election over.
Vince McMahon
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Kanye West or Ivanka
Ted Cruz.
It will be a really good move to make things stick in your head.


the hulkster
Judge Judy
Ben Carson
Caitlyn TransJenner
The most beaner looking cunt he can find.

>sjw can't talk shit now
>he can't get assassinated or the border is gone, not that it matters anymore
someone the establishment hates even more than they hate him so he doesn't get immediately assassinated

Ideally Ron Paul but unfortunately that's never going to happen
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>no one will assassinate trump for fear of his vp becoming president
She's a good male role model.
An immortal doesn't need a contingency plan.
I'm guessing to quell the left leaning independents that aren't sure who to vote for
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The point of a VP for a non-existent Gumpident?
It's Oprah
Webb is shit (Obamacare for illegals)

Sessions is too old

rand any good?

kasich and cruz are probably out of the running

>George Zimmerman.
>Mixed race Hispanic
>Strong on law and order
>Will bring a common working class touch
Tom Selleck

Magnum, P.I
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probs gonna be Jeff Sessions. I would be stoked if he picked randlet though that probably isnt going to happen
Ben Carson will probably be his VP just so Trump can appeal to the blacks he isn't a racist.
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Our nige
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Alex Jones
Duncan D. Hunter
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Milo Yiannopoulos
Judge >JEWdy
Stefan Molycuk!

>House backbencher
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Old Glory
ikr, Webb is a total cuckservative
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Jim Webb had the greatest answer if any political debate ever.

And at the same time his opponents looked like total faggots with answering the same question. Hillary flat out said that half of America was her biggest enemy in the world.
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Ron Paul would lock up the liberties and progressive youth vote
>will never happen, unfort.

Ben Carson would help his minority ratings,
>Ben Carson is really just a white guy

But you know who would fucking kill it? Ben Shapiro.
>he's just too young looking, his time is not yet

Dunno never heard of Webber or Sessions so would and fellow burger red pill me
>Congress picking president
>Perfect society
Choose one
Al Baldasaro
Ivanka or Hulk Hogan.

I am 100% serious.

Ivanka would be great if he wants to diversify, and reach out to young women. You can tell from even the limited speeches she has given that she would be hit. However, I'm not entirely sure how closely her political views match his.

Hulk Hogan would really double down on his base, inject a HUGE amount of more enthusiasm in the movement (seriously, just close your eyes and imagine a fucking Trump and Hulk ticket, shit gives me a fucking erection) and continue this depiction of Trump being the outsider candidate. VP position does fuck all really, so it doesn't matter that Hulk doesn't have any political experience.
Trump is older than jeff sessions.
>he's just too young looking
He's too young in general, won't be old enough until the next election.
Also, Shaprio's a never trumper and is clearly an israel firster.
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Based Tones. Cunt bit into a raw onion and didn't flinch.
He's getting 30%+ of Hispanic vote to begin with so this is a stupid pandering idea
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kek. Just get him to change his name first. No one will ever know.
Honestly i would love this
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It needs to be done
Ash Carter. The man is more or less our president right now anyway. He's out patching relations with foreign powers while King Nigger tries to grab guns and stutters like a retard at speeches
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Jonathan Goldsmith
Mattis said he will never run for public office so that's a pipe dream of a pipe dream
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