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>Eternal Kraut
>Eternal Ottoman
>Together Forever
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You krauts are sick!
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What the fuck do you expect after decades of occupation and indoctrination? Or do you really think it's because of the german race or culture? And the latter has been almost entirely eradicated anyway.
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I'll take the good homosexual people any time before religion fanatics.
nothing wrong with that
disgusting, i'll just finish my studies and then leave for asia. this shithole isn't worth saving
Rather have neither. The west worships homosexuals and it blows.
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Deutschland unter allah

ein volk
eine caliphate
ein prophet
This can't be real.
Disgusting. I don't fucking how many turks die. I don't want people to think I care at all, and least of all I don't want the media to tell me that I should care. Who the fuck cares?
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>Deutschland unter allah
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The eternal Aryan once again trying to destroy the white race. It is up to us superiour Anglos to save it.
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Fuck, my granddad liberated you not for this shit.
Erdogan has done what Sulieman and all his kin failed to do.
I don't understand this anymore. I thought the narrative was that Turks are not foreigners, but "good" "honest" Germans like the rest of you baby impalers. If that is so, why the foreign flag? Surely the best way to celebrate Turkish-Germans is to display their flag, ie the German flag.
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Your grandad was an untermensch who got lucky and zerged his way to victory.

A world ruined by Germans would be immeasurably better than a world made """perfect""" by Russians.

Now take your AIDS medicine, slavshit.

this is clearly worse
your fucking granddad is one of the main reasons why this country is in this state today. fuck you to hell for all eternity

>Start war
>Lose war
>Cry about it
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You are a libtard right? Only they are blaming others for their fails.
>caring about t*rks
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oh god, that picture hurts every fucking time
I would rather say it sucks.
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Sounds like your typical rapefugee rant
Guess merkelt gave them internet now

>turkroaches have enough time in the day to make shitty OC
Aren't you knee deep in bombing runs, beheadings and pretending you're in the EU
>starcraftise world war
>millions of bayonet holding turks are not zerg
>but army divisions which are fully armed and assisted with tank battalions are not called as toss but zergs.
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hey keep it quiet, we've bombed an airport to distract others you know?
Are you a brown British citizen?

>implying I won't shamefully fap to that degeneracy as well
Why germony
May this old faggot rot in hell
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youre a bit late pal
He is still alive and laughs everytime when he hears what those "monkeys", as he calls sandniggers, did with Hanses.
>youre a bit late pal

Not really. We don't have as many mudslimes in USA as you do in Eurofagland.
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>buy a bunch of yumyum because poorfag NEET
>it's halal
>day ruined

such is life in the islamic republic of germanistan
>I don't understand this anymore. I thought the narrative was that Turks are not foreigners, but "good" "honest" Germans like the rest of you baby impalers. If that is so, why the foreign flag? Surely the best way to celebrate Turkish-Germans is to display their flag, ie the German flag.


>pic related
so? i didnt say otherwise. i said that we already fell for it
seems to be, because of terror attack

A Turkish parliamentary literally said once: "Through immigration we shall achieve at what we failed at the Gates of Vienna." Haha, j/k, bro! (not)
No: >>79213424

Well, I'm sorry, krautbro.

I really wish I could do something. Definitely getting the Don in office may be a step forward, we have no other choice.

But like you said, it's already too late. The Koksal Baba's are far too many in your historic country.
Cockroaches will never not be disgusting.
Turkroaches and musleems are such "blyats".

I hope they "idzi naxuy"
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>LIKE 30 turks die in ISIS terrorist attack
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I can hear the SS rolling in their grave all the way in America Hanz. What the fuck are you doing?
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>start war
well meme'd m8


Prevent the "national shame" pendulum from swinging back hard to the right you cunts.
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when Deutschland erwache?
whatever you say Turkanyistan
Serious question, krauts.

Do you even like those roaches in your country? Like what do they do there?

I lived in Berlin for almost a year and these roaches are everywhere, but they are like the Mexicans of Europe, they basically clean kitchens, take out the trash and sweep streets and shit.

Literally useless people. I would move out of Berlin desu senpai.
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Did you have an aneurysm when this happened as well?
OMG what the fuck is that.

Burn them.

No, at least french have culture you stupid fucking illiterate suleyman koksal baba.
It's normal for a bunch of cockroaches to get blown up or trapped in a mine. It's only important when it happens to humans, and in particular when it was inflicted by one of the cockroach races.
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That image is fake right?
Oh so you're just racist. Glad we cleared that up.
>LIKE 30 turks die in ISIS terrorist attack

That flag features the symbol of Islam.


Why don't I fly the Nazi flag in honor of the German lives lost in WW2
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ANGLO blood detected

Leave the ARYAN MAN in peace, bloodsucker
post the one on christmas with jewish star
>Oh so you're just racist. Glad we cleared that up.

God damn right, roachboy.
Top third of the one on the left looks French to me
Somebody's going to call me Mehmet over this, but considering that they, historically, were better allies than most of our neighbors and kinsmen I don't even mind their presence here too much. What -is- bad is their losers buddying up with the fucking Arabs. And there are certainly far too many of those around.

That said, Trump -definitely- is going to help things. If he makes good on his plans for reduced NATO spending, we'll have to ramp up our defence spending. And that's going to eat up our welfare spending. Meaning most of the mudshits will leave again. The problem isn't the parasites, but the rot that attracts them; in this case, welfare.
>good homosexuals
they are sick fucks.
need to be gassed
not an argument
It is, since the opposition to this sympathy gesture is based on the belief that turks are subhuman.
If you were educated you would know that crescent is very much a turkic/altaic symbol long before we adopted islam.
but alas, what can be expected of a brit.
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really makes you think...
Trump isn't going to win though. As it stands now, it will be Shillary.
Bump for keks!
Turks are not and will never be German in any way shape or form. Not sending every single one of them packing when they outlived their usefulness was a mistake that will in the future be viewed as on par to invading Russia in winter.
Hopefully Germany and all of Europe will survive the roaches and mudslimes as we have survived all that came before them and we will be to sit back have a beer and laugh about this in the future. Because for all our differences and conflicts we are all united as civilized human beings and not whatever they are.
kill yourself, faggot.
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>Giant menorah in Brandenburg Square sends a message that ‘peace and tolerance are stronger than any dispute

So for some reason, the Jewish community in Berlin welcomes mass immigration.
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I refuse to believe this is real. Only video evidence will make me believe
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Anon. what do your country think of our country? just wondering
Leave it to /pol/ to declare the end of western civilization over a couple of hours of colour lights after 40 people of a NATO allied died at the hands of a common enemy.

Don't forget to complain about tumblresque outrage culture in the next thread.
lol. Gays don't go around bombing and raping white women.

If real, would be better love story than twilight
>homo is not genetically inheritable
>homos cannot naturally breed
>will forever be a tiny minority
No, Turks are far worse.
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Please stop responding to this subhuman. He is assblasted since Erd*ÄŸan kissed Russia's ass a few days ago.
Right, should have added an "if he wins", but stop it with the fucking defeatism. You never know if the world might surprise you yet.
>Oh so you're just racist. Glad we cleared that up.

Turks are not a race. They are roaches. Not even human.
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Nothing wrong with this tbqh

Yea i hate refugees guys settle down
Why would anyone give a shit?
Soon Ostpreuße, soon.
Jesus Christ why
No way
>turks are subhuman.

They are, though. No one knows why they even exist, desu. Other ethnicities give something back to society at large, but not Turkroaches.
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The flag features the flag of Constantinople you illiterate chav.
>from a system that'd have prevented any of this happening to europe ever
reading comprehension of britbongs I swear to god.
Why? He fell for "badass Erdogan" meme?
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this is what happens when you go up against the jewish establishment and lose
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Because its so liberal

You need to hang Merkel by her heels, and all the cronies. Then we need to hang everyone in Brussels together

Depends. Turks hate all Europeans that are Christian, but Germans seem to be one of the least hated ones. Turks and Germans used to be allies for a long time, so naturally Turks view Germans as one of the least awful Europeans.

Pick one

Half of this country fell for it.
Bro, do you have a lot of euros and dollars for when shit hits the fan? Run to Greece, they'll protect you non Erdo worshiping westernized types.
Wrong outlook. It's what happens when too many others don't. Hence why it is so important that people like us here on /pol/ jew the Jews right back.
t. Mehmet
t. Ahmet
This is the extent of the female delusion. This is the cultural filth that our generation needs to clean up. The culmination of anti baby pill and female liberation - women steal from society, give back nothing, and then try to fix it with importing niggers. We have to make them pay.
Sooooo, if the EU gets their own army does that mean we get to war all over Europe against them and still be considered the good guys?
I really really don't think my great-grandparents fought and died for that, lmao.

If it wasn't for the massimmigration of turks into germany, our peoples would still be best friends.
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Greece vs. Turkey.png
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>Bro, do you have a lot of euros and dollars for when shit hits the fan?


>Run to Greece, they'll protect you non Erdo worshiping westernized types.

Greeks can be as bad as Turks where bydloness is concerned. If anything I would just flee to Germany.
Turks seem to be fine in some neighboring countries in August on vacation, they're even flying Kemalist flags on their yachts and walk around with smiles on their faces. Stop talking shit.
t. """White""""russia
I hate this trend of coloring important buildings like a flag. It's fucking dumb. That's not support, it's changing a setting on lamp.
>good goys

If EU creates its own army i'm done
I'm going to the woods and confiscating some firearms
Why would you give a flying fuck about what roaches think about us? Get out of my country, Sören-Jan.
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>If anything I would just flee to Germany.
Yeah, uh, that...was uncalled for. Thanks, I guess.
My Grandfather lost a hand in the war and then did more to rebuild our country then any leftist will ever accomplish in their lives. And as sad as I am that he is gone now, I am at least glad that he won't have to bear witness to what is happening now.
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It's like they try to be patriotic to stay in the country.

You must also understand that Turks think Germany was in need of help after WWII and the Turkish immigrants sort of built Germany. They feel like you are indebted to them.

And of course there is the whole Armenian Genocide thing. People don't like that at all. Everyone here got buttravaged after you recognized it. That certainly put a strain on our relationship.


No shit. Of course you can find good Turks, you can find good people from any ethnic group. Doesn't change the fact that most people in this country are inbred retards.
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No, I meant Germany fighting the EU army.

I would have to flee somewhere. There are no sides here that are worth fighting for.
As-salamu alaykum my German brothers and sisters.
>Unequal Wealth Distribution(Everyone is millionaire)

Pick one to remove
answer me plz
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cuckold live make sure to say nigger when you call in faggots https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbaOzGIyAqc
I know that feel.
>Turks think Germany was in need of help after WWII and the Turkish immigrants sort of built Germany
Shows how fucking stupid you pieces of shit are.

Well spoken.

Turkroaches don't fit anywhere because they don't have allegiance to any state they live in, even if they are born and raised there.
Oh ...

Fuck Yea, and in a massive twist of events I would be actually for helping Germany in their military effort against europe
Muslims every time.
Remove your fellow brothers from our country.
America forced us to take them in. You can read it everywhere it's not even a secret. If anyone is to blame then the american government (like always)
With that logic everyone had to flee. ESPECIALLY right wing Germans. You cannot just run away from your problems.
Fuck NATO, nigger.

There is no common enemy.

This was a setup for europe to feel sorry for Turkroaches. Just like 9/11.
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Very nice.
Feminism. It's at the core of all the other problems you've listed: the political drift to the left through woman suffrage and women in politics, being overrun by millions of illegal and undocumented migrants, being cucked as a nation and the decline of the family. I don't give a fuck about faggots, if they keep it to themselves and we have stable families with a lot of native children.
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delete this
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>Jewish community in Berlin welcomes mass immigration

Jewish community in Israel gasses mass immigration.
>There is no common enemy.
Muslims are
and Joos
God those shitskin Monghols are ugly.

What happened to Germany?
You did
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good job
>Guns dont kill. People do.
Islam doest kill. People do.
Obviously when most victimes are muslims your argument is idiotic.

You idiots were friends with that shitty country. Also we were neutral until we got hit by the Japs in Pearl Harbor.

Russia and Britbongs were already fucking you in the ass by then.

We just basically dropped a nuke on japs just to shut everyone up with our big giant American cock.
>Islam doest kill. People do.
Are you not supposed to think that muslims are people too ?
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>Also we were neutral until we got hit by the Japs in Pearl Harbor.

lets be serious sending thousands of tons of rare resources and equipment can barely be called neutrality
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That's weird, not from my experiences travelling to both countries. Never really had a problem in either, except turks are a little rough around the edges and I've never been too far in mainland, just stayed in the western coastal parts of turkey.

>being this stupid
Man I really think it is inbreeding that's compounds problems with Islam, like an inbred idiot can't interpret taking things to the extreme as a normal person.
I was talking about the events after the war actually. You know, when you dictated this accursed self-hating way to us? Your whole "you are born sick and can never be cured" narrative?
That did more damage to us then the bombs ever did to Japan.
Apply without limitations
homos don't racemix and don't breed
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>I was talking about the events after the war actually. You know, when you dictated this accursed self-hating way to us? Your whole "you are born sick and can never be cured" narrative?
>That did more damage to us then the bombs ever did to Japan.

Blame the Goldstein's for that, not me. We respect Germans and their skills. There are many Germans here, probably 10th generation now.

You fucked up by really sticking it to the Goldstein, so far that they vowed to never let you live peacefully without being ridiculed. You also fucked up by kicking out all the kike intellectuals so they defected to USA and then fucked you in the ass after WWII.

So it's pretty much all your fault.
you fuck ruined germany too, fucking kebabs everytime

at least you are not as filthy as middle-east but you are not far from that
Enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLTNBlt6Ubg
it is symbol of islam nowadays mah sandnigger

Coastal parts are best parts. Except Istanbul; very few people in that city are native to it, most are migrants.

And Laz are a small minority in Turkey. Eastern Black Seans in general tend to be retards.


It is certainly a part of the problem. Turks suffer from inbreeding a lot(Kurds even more); I once heard something like a seventh of Turks having birth defects.
>Turks hate all Europeans that are Christian
just like we hate islam, fuck you shithead
>run to poorest country of eu
wtf is wrong with you?
muslims, feminism is fucking bad but it doesn't rape and kill
muslims lie, fuck off
poorest country in EU? oh come on.

Listen you god damn satanic elf in finland, their gdp per capita is 30k in 18th place in EU27 or EU28 whatever the fuck it is now, besides he would be coming from turkey who has a lower gdp per capita than that, so its a step up, try to think, I thought you finns were clever little elves.

Did a Muslim fuck your mom or something?
even spain would be better because muslims don't go there, you'd have to deal with og beaners there thought, go to norway if you have skills
yes, they raped her, fuck you
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Muslims 10 times out of 10
The call to prayer was ebbing away in the square, I arose and for an instant I was sure I'd heard a fallow voice. A spectre out of time and memory.

Small and distant, it had whispered, "What have you done with my sons?, and why have you defiled my daughters?"
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