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You are currently reading a thread in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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(((Shills))) and (((polls))) BTFO TFO FO O

That's it I am now a Trump supporter.

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/pol only thrives on negative attention, that's why this is on page 9.
i was a #ShillForHill, but now that the polls suggest i shouldnt, im gonna #StumpForTrump again
More like we know the MSM is leftist propaganda not to be taken seriously with polls as they only report on what fits their narrative.
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Hillary shills BTFO
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>"Hate Winning"
My sides.. I might need a transplant this time.
The Trump University stuff has blown over, and the Orlando attack (and further ones around the world) have set in. Other factors as well.
Uhh, haven't you seen the most recent poll by ballotpedia??


Trump. Is. Fucked.
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>Trump will never run
>Trump will never breach 15%
>Trump will never win New Hampshire
>Trump will never release his financials
>Trump will never breach 25%
>Trump will never win SC
>Trump will never breach 35%
>Trump will never breach 50%
>Trump will never reach 1237
>Trump will never recover after Wisconsin
>Trump will never win unbound delegates
>Trump will never recover after Colorado
>Trump will never be the nominee
>Trump will never predict BREXIT
You are here
>Trump will never pivot to the GE
>Trump will never beat Clinton in swing states
>Trump will never get 270
>Trump will never be POTUS
>Trump will never build the wall
>Trump will never block risky shitskins
>Trump will never deport spics
>Trump will never win a second term
>Trump will never bring back manufacturing jobs
>Trump will never abolish Common Core
>Trump will never renegotiate our trade deals
>Trump will never MAGA
>Trump will never MEGA
>Trump will never colonize Mars
>Trump will never colonize the Milky Way
>Trump will never deport the xenos
>"52 - 39 percent say that Trump would be more effective handling ISIS"
That landslide, looks like there's still some brain left in the masses' skulls.
>one poll
I really hope to serve the future God Emperor in the future.
Please burguers don't fuck this up.
>50 - 45 percent that Clinton would be better handling immigration;
>51 - 42 percent that Clinton would better respond to an international crisis;
>46 percent would trust Clinton more on sending U.S. troops overseas, while 44 percent would trust Trump more;
>54 - 35 percent would trust Clinton more to make the right decisions regarding nuclear weapons;
Just cuck my life into pieces.
Straight out of campaign strategy.

That's it I am now a retard
>Kasich leading everyone else in a head to head poll

Literally no, nobody even knows who he is
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Based on how accurate the Brexit (((polls))) were, I'd say this actually puts Trump ahead by 5 points or more.
The polls are what the media uses to shake down the candidates for ad money. They first show one candidate behind and after they spend millions on an ad campaign then they show the other candidate behind until they spend millions on an ad campaign.

This time it's not working because Trump doesn't give a fuck and after a couple weeks of trying to get him to spend money they are now going after Clinton. She's to stupid not to fall for it so I expect she'll be torturing the populace with stupid ads everywhere.
First BREXIT now Trump is 2016 literally current year for us
who dis?
This is good news, but as we all know, nationwide polls don't matter

Untill we can see Trump ahead of Hilldog in FL, PA and OH polls, we can't fully celebrate victory yet
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>polls are wrong but this one is correct
Huh... that made me think
now the shills can shut the fuck up and accept that this is going to be basically 50/50 like every other race since 2000. your fucking hilldawg isn't going to have it easy.
>>54 - 35 percent would trust Clinton more to make the right decisions regarding nuclear weapons;
yes this is disappointing, if there's someone willing to start WWIII that's none more than her, she insults Kim, underestimates Putin and supports snackbars in the middle-east, there's no worse scenario, she's literally the worst case scenario.
QU polls are outlier polls. Please ignore them.
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