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John Oliver on Brexit
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Lmao! Britcucks btfo by one of their own. John said that Nigel Farage is the cover model for "most punchable faces magazine" hahahah how ill he ever recover.

Oh the irony of that claim.... that's the real comedy.
bump for britcucks.
>John said that Nigel Farage is the cover model for "most punchable faces magazine"

I love that pic of him. It looks like he's about to vomit, which is appropriate considering most of what comes out of his mouth is regurgitated shit.

I wouldn't be surprised that sometime in the future it will be revealed that John Oliver was a notorious boyfucker
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>John said that Nigel Farage is the cover model for "most punchable faces magazine"

This, coming from John Oliver...
hahaha boy is he funny. hahaha taking a shit on his own country like that.!
hahaha "it(Great Britain) is what many other countries celebrate their independce from!" hahah imperialists btfo.
john oliver is an inferior little girl who couldnt understand high school physics.

Nigel Farage on the other hand, taught high school physics
Terrorist digits confirm.

Anyone that far to the left is always hiding something.
Ehh i dont buy it. just look at his face, so trustworthy!
Oliver is an irrelevant clown.

He just makes his money by doing and saying whatever he can to keep you from switching channels.

I hope you all realize that ;)
Naw. Even little boys have standards. I can see him having cp at worst.
I know right? There's no way this will ever backfire on him ever.
Not ever never ever never.
hahaha im sure his countrymen just LOVE him. hahah he is so funny.
why are his eyes so beady and focused it feels like he's going to claw my eyes
Makes you wonder why they dont demand to have him back immediately in the name of national sovereignty.
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If you get your politics from a comedian, don't be surprised when your opinions are a joke.
>leaves the UK
>thinks his opinion on the future of the UK has any value
not even that, he just reads from a script some jew wrote for him

fucking jews, kill them all
What did kek mean by this?

Nice image though, I think I'll save it.

if Nigel is the cover model, John Oliver would be the center fold.
I'd like to see his body get folded up like a centerfold.
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The fucking irony
how can you uneducated retards vote for trump after hearing his statement in this video? you want someone as dumb as yourself in power?
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I remember when he was on Mock the Week, after seeing him mock the working class it would seem he is still mocking the weak.
Got up to where he talks about David Cameron putting his cock in a pigs mouth. Dose it get better?
Salty as Fuck
Well he just goes on a rant because he is so buttflustered at losing so you be the judge.
Whats with americans and biased political tv "comedy" telling them what to think? are you guys actually this stupid ?

These jokes aren't funny nor clever, they just take names and locations from real news and inject randumb based commentaries in the middle to give you the illusion of comedy also he talks fast so you won't notice how much of a hack he is, better yet is the laugh on command audience.
This is painful.

Pulled up an episode, Oliver got the topic "the olympic bid" to make a joke about and he made it about "racist immigration policy", is that his shtick? Making all topics about racism and stuff?
Nice catch.
Pretty much.
Holy fucking
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>Hating on an alpha with a hot aryan wife
Stay jelly /pol/
that man cannot not be a jew
Nobody really watches his show though. It gets ratings bumps because HBO airs it after their big shows like GoT. He's been given the best time slot on the network for over a year now.
so he's just salty because a democratically elected government held democratic vote even though it went against the governments party policy?
Literally propaganda with a laugh track. What a fucking boot licker.
Possibly the rarest flag on /pol/ to date, if I dare to guess.
I love how when you look into his eyes, you can just FEEL the overwhelming deep rooted insecurities and jealousy he has going on.
His pain.
His suffering.
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The thing that pisses me off is he has no integrity. This guy misquotes people all the time and spouts shit that's way more complicated than he makes it out.

He claims he's comedy but goes out of his way to mislead people politically. At least Bill Maher seems to do research, Jon Oliver is lying piece of shit.

Britts should take him faggot ass back.
Yup, he talks about the conservatives being fascists and nazis yet here he is ranting against democracy like the good old socialist he is.
top kek
10/10 would kek again
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They should get this bitch to replace him.

what a funny man
hahahahha, brilliant
Nigel "Bigot" Farage should be cover model for most punchable faces magazine ROFLMAOOOO
Leavers got #REKT XDD
He's right, tho'
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Holy shit! How's the wall holding up?
>Mexican intellectuals
John Oliver is about as funny as finding a lump on your balls.

Fuck him and fuck his dog shit opinions.
fuck off with that stereotype
why do u hide behind ur screen u lil bitch come on and fight u fcking racist prick
talk shit get hit
>as funny as finding a lump on your balls.
Australians proving they still have the bantz on red hot.
Where are the arabic cocks in his hands?
I guess he's just warming up.

die slag die
>someone who left the UK complaining about the UK leaving the EU
The guy is one big walking ball of irony, really.
His audience is entirely American, nobody in the UK watches or likes his ass, he's too American/Yank/Jew for them.
>Where are the arabic cocks in his hands?
He's already holding them, they're just too small to be captured on camera
>John said that Nigel Farage is the cover model for "most punchable faces magazine"
How can someone lack self-awareness this hard?
There's something about John Oliver.

A deeper instinct, rooted from the evolution of beast to man, an aura lingering around him, the definitive and instantly present sixth sense of Oliver's ginormous cuckoldry.
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I forgot he's a gangly mutant and arabs are midgets.
It's amazing how all these Brits that literally don't even live this side of the pond anymore are coming out as Remainers based on their regurgitation of the few pieces of establishment media they've picked up as well as twitter posts.
Rev up those puppet accounts lads, lets get this pic to CURRENT YEAR man himself.
My sides
there was an artanctica last week iirc
Maybe.. they're both ugly as fuck.
I could literally punch John Oliver's face until I collapsed from exhaustion.
>genuinely worried
Do you know the post number? What it said?
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>John said that Nigel Farage is the cover model for "most punchable faces magazine"

Did he really say this with a straight face?
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This is the most punch able face

Can liberals say anything these days that isn't sheathed in hypocritical irony?
Isn't that how TV works more or less
I dont know anything about brexit itself but I do know Donald trump supports it so it had to be the right choice grats UK
They call him the olive pitter
A guy with a face like the current year man really shouldn't comment on the appearance of others
Not worried about Britain because they're all a bunch of cheeky cunts and they can get away with bullshit like this, but if it were another EU country they would basically devolve into a third world shithole overnight.
its memes like this i will miss when we build the firewall.
Dislike the video.

I don't think anybody here actually knows who this guy is
I honestly don't want to be giving it any views.
He sure as fuck isn't British.
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John oliver is a little bitch.

His little retarded hairdo and himself needs to get hit by a bus.
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does he have aztec eagle tatted on his shoulder?
>you will never facetime with the nige
right in the feefees
>John said that Nigel Farage is the cover model for "most punchable faces magazine"

If that's not the pot calling the kettle a nigger, I don't know what is.
You want to punch current year man's face because you don't like him. Nigel's face is just intrinsically punchable.
Did you just pull his high school photo

Who doesn't look like a punchable faggot in high school

It's a Haida tattoo. Injuns in BC.
Man, how do I get me one of those shows? A show where people literally pay to sit and watch me spew my opinions?
I'd neck anyone before they even got close to laying a finger on the Nige.
You can FUCK OFF
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