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What was the event that red-pilled you pol?
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I saw a ghost
going on this fucking stupid website please end me
Went to high school in Randstad.
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Woah, pretty spooky.

Mr. Goldstein always gave us tons of homework
black people
Trayvon Martin started the fire. Mike Brown was the drum of gasoline that accelerated and expanded the fire
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Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman.
Nigger robbed my mom when I was little, after a charity event
Always was slightly redpilled.

But the Ferguson riots really showed me that niggers are possibly not the same species as we are.
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Was this the ghost?
I can't think of any one thing, but /pol/ accelerated it
I'm on here for satire.
Migrant crisis
i watched that hitler video from a youtube channel called alerta judiada
plus the video with open gates
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Aren't we all?

That controversy, the society's reaction to it, and the media's disgraceful coverage started the fire, at least for me
Going to an inner city high school.
Most people here aren't red pilled. They may be right on some things but their anger clouds their vision too much. The truth is that it's Jews, money, and NWO. Anything that is anti-Christ and anti-bible is promoted
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Before /pol/: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4UjywNCbY8c

After /pol/: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AmrRa67E1xI
Also, watching The Greatest Story Never Told and reading the Protocols educated me.on Jewish tricks and the tactics they use.

I don't remember what caused me to go down the rabbit hole though.

If anyone asks though, its all satire.
I lived in a southern town and during my middle school years and early high school years, I was contrarian and said "gays need to be married!" and "i don't believe in god XD". Every christian wanted me dead and harassed me endlessly for being an atheist (this was in 2006-ish). In high school, I noticed that everything started to be uncovered. They were right. Gays are degenerates. I'm still an atheist though.

But what red pilled me was looking at all the normies not caring about a single thing and being fed what is given to them and not questioning orders.
I hope so
it was really spooky

no it was my grandpa
Being gay in a Muslim majority school.
There were so many lies, so many frauds, so much cover up that it made me realize that "holy shit this whole thing is fabricated from minute one, what the hell is the media doing?" and the next time another event rolled around and had the exact same result I realized liberals are dishonest as fuck
It was a gradual process. However I took one of the big red-pills, after I watched this: https://youtu.be/zRlfbUr852o?list=PLoX62pqxNE86wPhEFkPKmaV1KeviYjjYr
Ik voel je man.
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Rotherham. Case Closed.
the Bataclan thing
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Going into the ER for food poisoning and having them fuck my shit up and keep telling me "one more day" until they wanted me to see a cardiovascular surgeon.

I nope.jpeg'ed out of there right away after that.

>Pic related, what my doctor looked like.
>Aren't we all?
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I was always kinda redpilled, but also kinda bluepilled. I always hated lesbians, blacks, had a low tolerance for degeneracy, and thought gay people were just playin it up. However I had this weird idea that part of growing up was learning to condem these instincts and integrate into society. In short, I'm exceptionaly good at lying and pretending to assimilate into communities and niches, but I always felt this void that I never really belonged.

When GamerGate happened and I saw just how far mainstream media pushed a false narrative I think I snapped. I realized that the grand delusion wasn't worth it, and just decided to embrace who I really am.
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I got the internet in 1999.

There was no normie book to feed me bullshit.

Just angry dudes and gals that liked to tell me how it really was when I spouted out some uninformed kid bullshit.

Games/boards/chatrooms/even newgrounds back then.

It was a slow process to be sure though.

>I fucking miss the old internet so much, I wish I had known how based it was at the time.

>New internet is faster sure, but normies ruined it.
Living with niggers and realizing that they really are the way people say they are 9 times out of 10.
A combination of the Boston marathon, hearing my boss talk about keeping and hiring minority employees to maintain his tax breaks and coming to the realization that my black "friends", even though they came from wealthy families were still niggers deep down.
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I would of noped out as soon as I walked in.
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I used to be fairly liberal a couple years ago. I started out supporting Bernie this year, but after learning more about Trump, I found that I agree with most of his policies. I became a closet

Then the riots in Chicago happened, and that really swung me over to the right. That, and the refugee crisis.

I discovered /pol/ a couple months ago from /r/The_Donald, and that was the final nail in the coffin.
9/11, obviously.

It took a while to set in.
A shitlib snitching and trying to get me banned from another Internet forum because he got BTFO in a debate
Always been right leaning but got properly red pilled and started following basically all political news when Trudeau was getting elected and the media harpies acted like Harper was the anti-christ
The nigger riots from the past couple years
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The fact that the liberal media went apeshit by constantly calling Zim Zam a WHITE Hispanic, instead of just Hispanic did it for me.

>Anyone else remember MSNBC showing old pictures of Trayvon to make him look like an angel?
>Also those photo shopped pics to make Zimmerman look white.
I've never heard about the electric pools before that's a new one
*closet Trump supporter
Trayvon Martin was the event that made me question my previous beliefs

I think a lot of people were redpilled by the Trayvon Martin case
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>first year of college (last year)
>At a party
>Didn't drink that night because I had baseball practice super early in the morning
>8/10 grill comes on to me but she's SMASHED
>"Let's fuck anon please I'm so horny"
>Never had a grill come onto me like that
>Ask my friend if I should do it
>He says fuck yeah but reminds me about all those anti-rape videos we had to watch at orientation and tells me to record her consenting to it
>Wtf that's weird as fuck but he insists and actually records it on his phone
>She says her name and that she wants to have sex with me on video
>Sex wasn't even that good, she passed out about halfway through
>Next day my coach tells me I'm accused of raping a girl the previous night
>Show video to the Dean
>Mfw didn't get into any trouble but instant redpill
Seeing niggers as niggers isn't """"""red pilled"""""

It's BASIC self awareness
Coming on here and watching "With Open Gates" Particularly the part where the nigger runs up and says we want money
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You're not wrong.
Crypto zoology forums in 2002 mate
Lucky man, that's a good friend you got there.
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Lucky for your friend Anon, nothing ruins life quicker than a false accusation.
That cup sip!
I'm sorry
the day i stumbled into /pol/
Funny enough it was occupy wallstreet. I was all about tolerance and respect but then the more I read the more one thing stood out about those in Wall Street. It was Jews. Literally Jews everywhere. Then I simply just read myself back into a proper mindset. You can't unsee it once the veil is lifted. I listen to NPR everyday on my drive to work and it's just pure propaganda seething out of the speakers and I scream at it to get those juices flowing in the morning.
There were a few things. With regard to the blacks I read the tale of Donny the Punk and was horrified. I read up on Africa and the brutality that occurs there; the big one was weaponized AIDS rape but there were many others. IRL I experienced an African defending FGM, and the leftists/ feminists siding with him.

Regarding sand countries, there was the absolutely horrific footage of a woman in Munich (don't quote me on the location but it was Europe) being Circle of Helled and dragged into a subway. The government silenced her and others, and she was viciously attacked on social media for racism.

The rape stats at new year, and the government cover-up surrounding it.

Footage of migrants attacking police with molotovs and rocks.

A book that I strongly recommend /pol/ reads. It details an Irishman's capture and indefinite imprisonment by Muslim terrorists and the hell he experienced. It convinced me that Shariah countries are full of absolute savages.

The only Syrian I met was an absolute caricature; a lazy benefits sponge.

Lecturers and teachers going to great lengths to excuse barbaric behaviour and actively voicing contempt for the West and guilt over being white, and LGBT people standing up for Shariah countries that would doubtless see them dead, raped or both.

This has been an eye-opening year for me, and one that has shaken my optimism and faith in humanity.
>In 1988 I was but a wee laddy.
>3rd grade.
>Was into Chuck Norris and ninjas.
>Changed schools that year from a private white school to shit public school b/c the blacks were upset.
>mfw teacher left the room
>mfw the jungle bunnies jumped in unison onto their desks and started grinding on the other young female bunnies asses.
>I knew I was McFucked.
>Changed my life Anon.
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2015 wasn't a good year.
Or one of the best, depends on your worldview.
No one moment
Grew up in inner city London, "diverse" classmates
Sure there were some cool black kids I got along with, although for every one of them there were ten violent nigger types
So many roaches and east Asians, who tended to stick to their own and had a passive aggressive attitude constantly, occasionally violent with other students
Feminist single mother, feminist/ SJW teachers (other than my English teachers, who were always fucking fantastic and really appreciated me, I think I'd be a completely different person if not for two of them)
Seeing my "friends" slowly embrace this SJW bullshit, one is "genderqueer" apparently, red dyed hair piercings all over, tats, etc
Shout me down for making points that aren't even that controversial, "mass immigration hurts the working class most" for example
I will say that spending a lot of time on /pol/ certainly had an affect too
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I don't even know anymore.
>the day i stumbled into /new/

Black crime and how media and seemingly the "black community" ignores it. No personal event.

my mom said i didn't cry when i came out, but after they circumcised me is when i was always pissed and screaming.. so maybe it was then technically
Pretty much this

However i still wouldn't consider myself full blown racist. But I absolutely hate progressives/commies.
> go to a 21 savage concert with a couple of black friends cause we all played ball together and im leaving for summer classes to start training camp
>be me 6'3 240 pound white dude who looks like a bouncer
>on dance floor
>girl wants to slide by me towards the front
>lift arm and let her go
>accidently tap she boom on forhead
>apologize profusely
>she says its okay dont worry
>hear the mating call of a thousand chimps
>"did you just hit my step sister?"
>"no man my bad accidentally caught her sorry again she said it was okay"
>"well HOL UP it is not okay im gonna beat yo ass somebody better hold me back"
>dude dressed in all red (actually a dike) walks up
>no were just all having a good time lets chill and enjoy the music
>stares at me smiling while nig-nog number one continues to scream and girl who got tapped tried to calm them down telling me not to look at them or make contact
Continue? ??
While my father was always quite redpilled, the actual redpilling started in elementary school. I always loved the Netherlands and its history and the first history lessons about the Golden Age, along with the books I read made me love it even more. Some people, even teachers, mocked me for it, saying it's such a small and irrelevant nation, which I didn't like. I started to hate the European Union more and more, because I felt the Netherlands were starting to become a non-sovereign country. When the Gulden was replaced by the Euro (I was 10 at the time), I was pissed and I complained about the possible dangers of having a single currency (although because of my age it might have sounded a bit less eloquent at the time) and my teacher laughed and said I shouldn't worry about grown-up stuff. The year after that, Pim Fortuyn was murdered and my parents had a grave conversation with me about what was going on. That was the last straw, I've never been able to view politics like most people again. I did still have a best friend who was from Surinam, so the race question wasn't a question at all. A couple of years ago he became a father and left the (also young) mother to fend for herself. Not too long afterwards, I came across /pol/ and now I will never be able to leave. Ffs.
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You're a braver man than I.

And yeah I know, it's just fucked to think I could've gone to jail over that
You raped her though. She was drunk.

Degenerates will think this is bait though.
Highschool, over time.
Was heavily into history books, and history class in school is pretty much the opposite.
Called my teacher out on a lot of stuff, got into some trouble, was called a Nazi by some.
I still resent that teacher to this day. Someone slashed her tires on graduation.
I took Intro Sociology during OWS and realized liberals are absolutely retarded.
thx, thought i was going to have to check my own fucking quads
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We are the ones in a living hell anon.
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when feminists said that misandry isn't real, that was the start of my red pill
i was really redpilled after i figured out about the syrian """"""""""""""""""""refugees""""""""""""""""""""
getting called a cuck and the black lives matter movement opened the doors to /pol/ for me
I was a student at UC Berkeley when the Michael Brown shooting happen. I identified as a "liberal," appropriately going to one of the most liberal colleges in the world.

I saw it for what it was, a typical criminal kid on drugs being a fucking idiot. Others saw it as a racial issue. It forever detached me from the normies. :(
Inglorious Basterds. refuse to even watch movies now
wow, that should've blue pilled you, nice work
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>she was smashed
>you fucked her

That's rape

>I now get accused of being an sjw cuck
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I didn't even know about /new/.
I stuck only to /a/ and /co/ when it was created.
I only found out about it after joot killed it.

Glad /pol/ came along when it did, MLP killed /co/ and turned it into /co/mblr.
Still browse /a/ because they are somewhat redpilled, despite allowing fujoshit (Free) to turn the board into shit.
Is that what we tell ourselves to cope with the world going to shit around us?
Baltimore I think.
first came to /pol/ to watch the trial and i never left
Lived in the projects when I was a kid. It's sad, it was a nice neighborhood with just poor blacks and whites trying to move up in a rustbelt city. However the good ones soon moved out leaving the whole place to fall apart in a few years. The first auto result for google when you type in the neighborhood is "shooting"
>>Someone slashed her tires on graduation.
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the 12 years i spent in public school
OK man.
yeah, thats bs

volts dont kill you, and they sure as fuck dont turn you to ashes, IN WATER
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/pol/, you fuckers broke me, everything I thought I knew was a lie. Though I knew something was wrong, just couldn't figure it out with limited information.
Can't believe I'm replying to bait...

>She literally asked for it on video
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I've always been conservative, nationalist, pro white, etc but I could never really figure out the left. What did they want? What was their motivation? It seemed so bizarre to me that so many people could fall for it, and not every leftist is stupid. finally a few years ago I realized that it's all about destruction of the West and whites. It's the only unifying thread to what the left does.

Leftists fall for this stuff because we live in a society controlled and created by the left. The gov bureaucracy, the academic system, the media, it's all left. Everything is changed to fit into their narrative.

America of today is a complete 180 of what it used to be.
>A woman is drunk and consents to sex
>A man is also drunk
>Still rape
>A man is drunk and the woman is sober. Both consent.
>Not rape

Thanks for clearing that up :^)

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was a slow but steady process not a single event

>moved to big east coast city with vibrancy
>visited racist web sites after several bad experiences with blacks
>read about human genetics
>blown away by neanderthal interbreeding discovery a few years back
>reading alt news sources lik taki's and unz
>/pol/ was final and irreversible stage
Did I say that it are you putting words in my mouth?
Did you niggers ever consider the fact it's weird his dad is involved in freemasonry or is that the link that fanned the flames of real awakening.

I felt that shit for the first time thirteen years ago and I fed it. That feeling after a short while of researching the truth was better than any drug. Not to mention the rewards from not keeping my mouth shut and getting through to others in real life.
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Crisis cast


Omar's connections to Howell and the Trump assassin

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moldbug desu

I'm a pretty skeptic dude, I was lurking in /pol/ for a while but never took it seriously until the reading thread and I read Moldbug. I had to pause reading it. American Civil War, HBD, APGW etc. all my liberal hyper objectivist beliefs were shattered familia
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I was always red-pilled.
>Did I say that it are you putting words in my mouth?
I hope not, because that would be rape.
Please continue
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Still the meme satire

You can be here for 10 years and still be a newfag if you believe that.

when you start understanding what is satire and not you will become an oldfag, even if youre here for 1 day.
Seeing all the shit on certain subreddits and /pol/ a few years ago saying that liberals try and indoctrinate others and practically own the media then realising all my life my mum would never pass up an opportunity to indoctrinate me or my father and that the media did constantly try and make everything a "poor poor minority group of the week vs evil white fat republican men". That and books like brave new world where questioning their rulers is wrong and frowned upon by everyone and saying like the way jews own most of the media, just for everyone to hate me for thinking that way like in the book
My girlfriend got abducted by fremasons, she is in hell now
Zimzam trial and all the fuckery surrounding it. Was kinda blue pilled but leaning on the fence when the death actually happened, so I decided rather than go with the court of public opinion I would try and remain objective, even though I initially felt that Traytray really dindu nuffin and that he was an innocent kid gunned down. Thats when I truly saw and it disgusted me. The photos used of him when he was like 12,the 911 tape edit, ignoring the physical trauma sustained, king nigger pouring gasoline on the fire, everything just made me sick and I havent looked back.
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I spent one year in a public school.

Oddly enough only friend was black, the only other neet.

A lot of BETAS can't get laid unless the woman is drunk
Sad but true.
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Unfortunately it wasn't this for me. I defended Trayvon rabidly during the trial.
Then Ferguson happened. Then I came here. Then I read more into everything

Honestly, it takes only the first shards of resistance to break out of the shitlib bubble.
I witnessed (from my window) a group of black people roll up in a car, got out, and deck a passing white person. No explanation. Then they drove away.

Human vermin. They should be exterminated.
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My dad grew up in a working middle class neighborhood in California in the 1960s. A few years ago we went back to see what it was like.

>Looked like third world shithole
>School falling apart
>His house was standing but had bars over the windows, crappy yard and exterior, junked cars parked outside
>Nicknamed "Little Africa" by locals
>Shootings everywhere

He has a high school reunion coming up. They said not to leave the hotel especially at night.
>2 hours of heeb torture porn
this movie was made with the intent of the viewer enjoying it.

something about the movie just felt off, prior to this I paid absolutely no attention to race issues.
probably the Michael Brown thing

the amount of race baiting i witnessed... wow...

not to mention straight up lying about Darren Wilson (a false narrative they still continue to this day)
I am 1/4th Mexican, raised in California, when I went to school kids tried to bully me for being a white kid, they never saw me as mixed or hispanic because I look pretty much white.

White people have never bullied me for my race or whatever. Sure people here might say I'm a mud or something but half of that is in response to this country getting turned over to the racist, retarded shitskins.

Now the shitskins want me to join them in attacking white people, just because I share a bit of non-white genes. Fuck that, I remember who was cool with me when I was growing up, and it sure as hell wasn't the shitskins.
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9/11, I had an uncle who was part of the 343.

That and the DC Sniper were the really big ones. Everything after that has just solidified my beliefs.
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When I was 16 I got jumped by nigs for a stolen bicycle, my weed and a backpack. What made this impacting is that the black friend who was with me, who I knew since I was 11 years old, instead of aiding me, chimed in to provide me kicks to the head and body as well. I never let another black into my life again after that
Good thing they just remade Doom
It's possible.
Anon probably wasn't the only one, I had something funny like that happened at my school.

>take Advanced Spanish for Heritage Speakers in High School taught by some light skinned Cuban bitch
>my family was from Spain, they fled from Franco because commie shits, I'm not commie but know all about it
>dumb bitch tried to make my life a living hell by alienating me from the dark looking spics, who liked me but hated her
>hated her as well because she criticized my Spanish more so than the beaners, dumb ass cunt thought Cuban Spanish is the correct form of Spanish
>got revenge on her by writing an essay on why Fidel Castro is my hero
>her family were rich fucks from Cuba who lost everything when Castro got in power, Castro whacked some of her uncles
>cries her fucking eyes out, everyone in the class holds their laughter
>get called a hero
>don't get in trouble because my mother is head of the PTA and I was dating the principal's son
>a different person in a different class on the same day wrote an essay about Che
>he also didn't get in trouble, because he was a nog

I still have a hatred of Cubans to this day, fuck Rubio and Rato.
When I realized that we blacks are the original egyptians :^)
Being born
A lecture from David Irving.
Did you get him back for it at least
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>and I was dating the principal's son
>don't get in trouble because my mother is head of the PTA and I was dating the principal's son
>femanon or gay

Life op. I was red pilled from birth. I see everything as it really is, not as it seem's to be. I only trust my heart, and my instincts., not man, not women, not beasts. Remember that always warriors feel event's churning around them, spiralling, closing in. Some sit and wait to long, orhers listen to their instincts and prepare.
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Are you saying WE WUZN'T KANGS
I was about eight years old when I asked my dad why all the countries in the northern hemisphere were awesome and all the ones in the southern were shitholes. He told me it was because of the people who lived there.
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Pim Fortuyn
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God keep you safe anon.
Puerto Rican filth ripped Jesus chain off my friend right in front of me, and Mike Brown, BLM, Laquan Mcdonald
the left's hypocrisy, honestly
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When I was on the playground in the 5th grade and this ratchet black bitch hocked a big loogie on me for no reason at all. I immediately went and told the recess aide what she had done, and when the girl was called over, in an attempt to avoid punishment she lied and told the aide that she spit on me because I called her a nigger. I was sent to the principal's office and promptly suspended by the Jewish principal. I tried to plead my case but nobody believed me. I was told that it didn't make sense for her to have spit on me for no reason at all. I was told that I must have done something to "provoke her".

My mother was called to the school to pick me up and the black girl's father verbally harassed her in the parking lot. He was banging on the car window screaming "DIS AINT DA SOUTH NO MO".

The same girl was expelled several months later for bringing a steak knife to school in her lunchbox.

Pic related was the principal in question.
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>nog praising che
>she reported it the next day and not 3 years later
6/10 fake story bra
The lying media in Cologne
In 2004, I realized WTC7 was a controlled demolition and the implications. That blew my mind - straight down into its own footprint. Following the money and key players in the event inevitably led to Zionism.
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>people walking in circles around building
>CNN footage is obviously from a different school
I'm not a shitskin.
My family is from Spain. And not Spaniard meme bullshit that Mexicans play off.

I have only been with one person, please don't be mean.

the events about peña nieto elections, that's when i started visiting /pol/

Worked at college admissions office dealing almost exclusively with mudshits from Saudi Arabia. They are truly scum, no respect at all, generally assholes, wrote gag-inducing amounts of shitty cologne. Once I got red pilled on Muslims everything else feel into place.
No. it was his way out of the beating. He went to alternative school so it wasnt a thing running into him

This pretty much yeah. Muslims are literally the outcome of satan taking the world's most rancid and horrifying diarrhea shit into an inhospitable hellhole.
Yes. I remember I watched the trial closely. Seeing how the media portrayed the ordeal versus realty was a hard red pill.
I actually can't remember. I've been on 4chan since i was 13 so it was a long time ago i have to imagine. If i had to pinpoint an exact time i'd say that my high school geography teacher telling our class that the jews vitctimize themselves and are actually controlling the world from the shadows like the illuminati had a big part to play on it. Said teacher was also black. What a wild dude, he's still teaching to this day.
i was always this way
When I heard that Zimmerman was to blame for being assaulted because he got out of his vehicle, and half the population agreed.
Gotta love the look on their stupid faces when you show them a real picture of trayvon.
damn son.
When I was 13 I traveled to Helsinki alone and a Somali man started talking to me. Then he started talking about sexual stuff. I tried to leave but he just followed me. Then he grabbed my arm and tried to drag me to the park nearby to force me to perform oral sex to him. But I escaped and just ran and ran. I was so embarrassed and confused I never told anyone not even my parents.

It was the first time I saw a nigger in real life.
Paris attacks.

That's what you get for going to Club Swagga.
Honestly, and I'm not even joking, Bush leaving the presidency and Obama being inaugurated.

For years of my life I had been mocking the right, and my god what a guy to mock, George W Bush, an absolutely terrible president. Then suddenly Obongo happened.

It wasn't overnight when things changed, the tea party was still an easy target on the right, and the right in America voted down single payer healthcare which was retarded.

But then I saw how obongos healthcare system just happened to generate a lot more customers for his biggest donors.

I saw how after Obama came in as an anti-war president, he turned out to be a hawk.

It was Stewart, who had really been leading the new left for awhile at that point, just completely running out of material and failing to be funny once bush left. Left wing political commentary disintegrated into shitty blogspam that got increasingly extreme, horrible mainstream pundits like oliver, and left wing anchors like MSNBCs Brian Williams. The absolute worst is the SJWs who are actively trying to suppress free speech and dissent from their views, they're the anti-intellectual core of the left, and I didn't think you could get any more anti-intellectual than the granola eating hippies that also make up the left.

I think the moment I really broke with the left was the apologism for the charlie hedbo slayings from the left, with people even saying that it wouldn't have happened if they didn't provoke muslims by not respecting their beliefs. When I realised that the left was sympathising with Muslims desire to suppress free speech, I was speechless. I literally saw leftists defend muslims reasons for attacking leftists.

Meanwhile I saw the tea party fall apart, the neocons fall apart, and the religious right fall apart, nobody gives a shit about them anymore, they're literally dying off every year. Nowadays the alt-right which buys into gay marijuana is on the rise. The right has become smarter, the left dumber, so I redpilled now.
I can't remember ever liking blacks in my lifetime
>Charlie Hebdo
>The Migrant crisis
>Cool clock Ahmed
>Paris attack
>SJW takeover of the left
Those are a few
Appart from a paki mugging my mother, my friends getting hooked on heroin, the miners strike, the complete lack of social mobility, private schools getting 100percent A grade( no thick posh people) police brutality, the divorce and abortion rates, teenage pregnancy, the gay mafia, Mohammed being number 1 boys name, the white birthrate,the muslim birthrate the indiginous being least likely to go to university, the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, the price of energy, paying the chinese for my rainwater(water comes from rivers) the demonizing of the white poor, the bedroom tax, carbon trading, and hedgefunds? The grooming and gang raping of thousands upon thousands of predominantly indiginous children is the biggest sadness these looney liberal evil bastards have ever done.
And they dont give a shit that all of those vulnerable children only suffered because of lefty fucking hypocrites.
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>moved to Arizona at 21 yrs old
>not a racist bone in my body
>spics and niggers everywhere
>they are racist as fuck calling me white boy etc
>spics always stealing shit I don't nail down
>eventually start hating mexicans and niggers
2006 redpilled homeroom teacher gave me a copy The Fountainhead, Ayn Rands kind of a dumbass but she made some good points about liberalism n shit. Took off there and never looked back. I wasnt racist until i came to pol though, fuck you guys, you riuned me.
After seeing all the shit surrounding that event involving gamers and gates. Though DESU, I later got red-pilled on that too so now really I don't give a fuck about pill bullshit. There are shills everywhere.
Addendum: one of my earliest memories is watching news coverage of Ruby ridge and my dad sitting down and telling me to always be careful, because the government really is out to get you.

Didnt really get what he meant till I was over 20, though
Nigger was gonna steal your heart and sell it on the market.
You're the kind guy that I like to fuck with in social interactions.
You've been listening to JRE too much my friend.
Okay, I'm going to ask you a simple question.

When a drunk girl asks to have sex, does she choose to ask?

If no:
She was not coerced to ask for sex.

If yes:
Well, if she chose to literally ask for sex, and then proceed with it, then how the fuck is that rape?

You don't lose responsibility for your actions while drunk, which is why if you kill anyone while drunk you're still going to jail for it.
Honestly my ideology has been pretty much the same before and after /pol/. The main difference is probably now I'm more willing to make it known that I believe what I do.

Or maybe I just got a whole lot more fucking paranoid.
Wtf nigger, you going to continue or what?
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you're alright by me senpai
I had many buddies surprised when a pack of 'groaches attacked and a nog who they thought was their friend helped the attackers. Straight nigger stuffs. I done known all this since I was little.
when i realized how borderline retarded the right (especially the """"alt"""" right) is. I would never want to associate myself with you children. I like trump and it's hard to have a real argument with someone when the people standing by your side are mouthbreathing skinnyfat fedora-wearing videogame playing reddit browsing shitstains.
Seeing media not report all the muslim crime and violence in my area. they literally want to kill all non muslims - it's messed up :(
Cucking the boyfriend of a girl I liked

I was already a cynic but any hint of romanticism or idealisim I had left was shattered

I felt like it easily could've been me in my blue-pilled days...there but for the grace of God go I
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Litterly shills did. I mean I was always a little red pilled on immigration and other matters but as soon as this whole excessive diversity shit began fucking with my mind I felt as if the only safe space with no shills I could go to was pol and on pol I made a thread something like 'you got 10 seconds to convince Jews are evil' and I was almost immediately convinced. Still not sure wether to thank you or not since going to pol pretty much made me see how much things lie right into my face and it's unbearable at times. Also just their bullshit forced down my throat made me instantly racist as fuck. Trump gives me a lot of hope so atleast there is that :)
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went through this very recently. Holy shit is it a trip . Used to think conspiracy fags were just liberals
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Pure coincidences and shitlibs being shitlibs.
I think someone is self-loathing.
>Grandfather dies in chemical accident while working for US gov't
>family would have gotten millions in wrongful death lawsuit for sending him in without proper equipment
>(((lawyers))) demand to exhume him and cut him open to confirm cause of death
>This is after he started coughing up blood immediately after investigating a volatile chemical accident
>Grandmother won't let it happen
>family breaks up
>sold the family land
>scattered relatives to the wind
>grandmother lives with us for years but gets to be so senile we have to put her in a home
>she dies alone
>grow up in heroinville, USA
>better part of town but still crawling with junkies and their kids
>most of them don't eat every day
>mostly white
>go to college
>hear nothing but "Muh privilege" from rich ass white girls
>rage internally
>can't even have sex with them anymore
All I want to see is the white man liberated again. Free to govern himself from within his own community rather than be subject to the whims of some Jew opportunists six states over.
Being told that hard work = white privilege was a big one for me.
Lots of fags on here thinking they are redpilled when they in fact have yet to accept the Flat Earth and God's firmament.
>I have only been with one person, please don't be mean.
Bet you're not even married and not a virgin.
Not a single event, it was built slowly over time. Used to be a liberal, never an sjw type though. Seeing the left become increasingly fucking annoying with their CONSTANT push for trans being normal. Religion of peace bullshit. BLM and black people constantly playing the victim. Along with the general anti white male agenda
I guess the Scottish Referendum

It's difficult to describe to someone that wasn't in Scotland for it, but the shadiness of the media and the way facts were being skewed was relentless. Eventually I looked in to sources instead of headlines and tabloids, which led me to question my political beliefs.

I was liberal to a degree up until maybe July 2014, now I'm more middle of the road and ultra paranoid about what the media says and what it actually means. I take NOTHING at face value anymore.
>Regarding sand countries, there was the absolutely horrific footage of a woman in Munich
was egypt during the revolution, she was dutch reporter

its called taharush, literally they view gang rape as a pastime
Man I remember the day I came to pol it was truly a metamorphosis. Hitler was a good guy and Jews were evil I actually spend the entire day trying to wake up from it all.
Then why are you here? Oh wait to shill that's right.
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I was six years old, I saw a National Geographic that had a starving African kids thing in it.
I was horrified that this existed and thought
why didn't anyone care?
they watch sports and talk about and do nothing important
and I realized people are monsters and I can never trust anyone
They're all liars, your parents sibling everyone
Good times
>americans are this fucking delusional
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Surprised not one mentions Zeitgeist: the movie (2007).

I watched it as a kid when it came out, a teacher at school showed it to us during class because we had finished for the day. Watched the first part and then his class ended. Watched it complete for myself. This was the beginning, then more and more news came out regarding inmigration, blacks. Talekd to a friend about all this. Then /pol/.
Can you guys go into this more?
I'm not denying that Jews aren't evil, but I think Hitler was a bad dude. (Before you attack me for "shilling" I do support the Donald for POTUS16 MAGA)
Hey you piece of shit, don't lump us all in with one flat earther.
Wait what? Dude wtf that's not even shilling anymore shilling requires an attempt to atleast make people stop in confusion you are just too obvious and so it doesn't work.
Watching schindler's list in class.
Started taking these red pills doctor prescribed for my schizoprenia
1. Ron Paul Revolution (2007, I was 15)
2. My Syrian friend, who I regularly talked about Middle Eastern politics with, who said Alawites need to die because they are not true Muslims
3. Crimea Annexation (My outlook became more shrewd and less libertarian idealistic)
4. The migrant invasion
I'm serious
oh humans are abominations of their potential
Same. Building 7 is the gateway redpill for the rest of 9/11. The trippiest moment in the whole process was seeing the edited frames from the second Pentagon security camera, my heart dropped out my arsehole.

Hitler may have been wrong...but he was still right.

Just look at all the degeneracy today. Europe and white nations are being filled with everything but white people.
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Scottish nationalism is the most retarded political movement in the West.

It's literal third-world level politics.
>American Civil War, HBD, APGW etc

When I was 10 I wanted to watch Rocko's Modern Life and my mom told me no.

I've been pretty much a sick, twisted psychopath since (like Tyler Durden).

I'm just glad I found /pol/ so I can be with my kind.
One of the best green text so far
Dude stop. You are either new here or you are a shill. Don't worry you will realise the truth if you aren't a shill that is. Hitler just wanted to protect his country and there litterly is no proof for the holocaust. They apparently used ovens that here 10 times more advanced than modern ovens yet you still see them burrying corpses as well. It's a hoax wake up friend or leave because you might not like what you will discover.
>Seeing my "friends" slowly embrace this SJW bullshit
fucking this. makes me so damn sad.
>graduate from super liberal ivy university
>upper-middle class background
>first real job working for democratic state congresswoman

How any of these white staffers can retain their ideology under these crooks is beyond me. It's totally obvious from the inside that they're planning to retain power by having the white majority killed and displaced.
You are right but he definitely took the wrong approach to dealing with it. And he also had Muslims in his SS
In college I took a bunch of sociology courses because, turns out, I really enjoyed learning about cultures, societies, and how people interacted in them. In fact, just on a lark, I ended up in my junior year looking at how many credits were required for a double major and learned that I'd inadvertently nearly already completed the major. (I ended up only minoring in it because I didn't want to take two senior seminar courses at the same time.)

Long story short, once I moved into the 300 level courses and getting heavy into the post-colonialism/post-modernist theory, where the overwhelming theme of every lesson was some variation of "WHITE PEOPLE ARE EVIL, WESTERN CULTURE IS UNIQUELY OPPRESSIVE, ALL WORLD ILLS WERE CAUSED BY COLONIALISM," I started to feel alienated, as if something was very wrong here.

It wasn't until I began browsing /pol/ in the run-up to the 2012 election that I learned the (((name))) of what that feeling was.
The Bush bailouts
Lots of things led to it:
>Being 14 years old thinking that maybe 9/11 was an inside job and realizing you could use war to manipulate a bunch of people into doing something you want them to do
> The Bush Administration being corrupt as fuck and taking us to Iraq on fake principles
> Reading pickup artist forums in college and learning that everything I was taught about women was incorrect. Turning me from a betafag around women to an assertive asshole who was confident and got laid
> Going from obamabot to Ron Paul supporter after I learned the truth about our government and how socialism destroys societies; only capitalism can lift huge amounts of people out of poverty
> Entering my mid-20s: realizing that feminism and modern social liberalism in general is a cancer and that cultural relativism is an easy way to dissolve a populace into nothing but fractured entities
> Entering my late 20s and realizing that nationalism and a shared sense of identity is the only way to keep a society stable and cohesive

Rofl how can you accuse me of shilling after I say I support Trump? You are telling me it's irrational to refuse to believe the Holocaust was a hoax?
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I'm autistic, I was born red-pilled m8.

I think where most people would be punished for holding outlying views at an early age I just sort of got a pat on back, feels good man.
idk we're all racists and question authority in my family
When they created the term "white-hispanic" for zim zam. I snapped
Then you're not redpilled sir.

Watch this, entertain the Pearl harbour intro as it's vaguely interesting but trust me, you won't think about 9/11 the same again.

Then search for "A Rich Man's Trick" to understand the fuck out of that Kennedy pic in the post you replied to.
In the same year

>18 years old
>virgin fag
>the girl of my dreams fucks one of my "friends" because I was too much of a pussy to react at the time
>dont worry I fucked her eventually
>also that year I was arrested and had to spend 3 nights in county jail
>First interaction with real thug blacks and Mexicans
>going through the court process
>enough to drive you off a cliff I promise
> went really deep into WW2 history, Civil War history, and Classical roman/Byzantine history
>learning about the south, the NAzis, why things happened the way they did
>learning about the 7th century and the rise of islam.
>also the first year I had to support myself

all of those elements conspired and completely flipped my political and social views.
he's come a long way.
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Come on guys, QUADS don't lie. What do you think of Zeigeist? I know it's not a 100% accurate but I'll be damned if it isn't at least 90% on target.
Quads, guys, guads.
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Working at a homeless shelter for a year.

There were some people who used the security net of the shelter to get back on their feet after hard times. The one that sticks out in my mind is a man who lost of his belongings when his house burned to the ground, he hadn't bothered to take out insurance, so he lost everything, except for his job of course. We put him up for a month or two while he found a new place, after that I never saw him again.

There were others with similar stories/backgrounds, only using the system as much as they needed until they could get back on their feet. And there were of course, people who legitimately were unfit to work, and had no family, or friends to take care of them. The thing is, those people made up about 10% of the homeless we dealt with, and eventually I noticed a distinct trend; the people who used the system to get back on their feet were all white.

The other 90%, the vast majority of people abusing the system, the people who had no intention of getting a job, and no intention of leaving the homeless shelter behind were brown. At first, as a young liberal I tried my best to convince myself that this was strictly a coincidence. But the longer I worked there, the more quickly it became apparent to me that my interactions with white homeless people was distinctly different when compared to my interactions with natives (the niggers of Canada).

Whites were courteous, thankful, and seemed to always have a sense of shame that they needed to be helped. Natives on the other hand were demanding, aggressive, and lacked any shame when asking for a handout. I once had a native man come in and ask us for food, explaining that he had spent all of his money gambling. He had no shame about having lost his money in such a stupid way, in fact, he seemed to think it was perfectly fine, since we would always be able to provide food if needed.

Comment is getting too long, but by the end of that year I was redpilled as fuck.
Hurricane Katrina
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Wrong image
That's pretty much me except I never agreed with the old jew, when it comes to living in Chicago you really have to cover it up or you get killed.
>Be four
>Three dindus rob house
>Shoot mom
>Dad shoots them
>All three dindus die before they get to the hospital
>Mom gets taken off life support
>Family of dindus harass me and dad
>This continues for years
>Be eight
>Dindu breaks into house
>Brother of one of the ones by dad killed
>Tries to do lewd things to me
>I end up killing him
>Go into therapy afterwards
>Emotionally broken/attached to dad for 2-3 years
>Always hated niggers since

We got harassed afterwards as well and we ended up moving. It really fucking hurts when people ask about my mom because I'll get called racist if I explain.
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Explain please, I don't really see how this involves the red pill.
Going to a liberal arts school. Didn't drink the khoolaid, probably helped because Im a biochem major. Just saw the rediculous shit people were saying. At first it was just feminists shit. Eventually I found this place and learned about some other stuff.
lived in barrio for a couple years
>having to check your own quads
Sad, let me check those dubs to make up for it.

Sadly never seen the movie.
When the holocaust was proven fake.
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the mass rapes in Europe. Once they are liderally raping your wives.... c'mon Sven. Step up.
Getting hired to work in aerospace did it to me.
i wonder who it could have been
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Sorry for frogposting I just need to clear my folder.
>things that never happened
Being born into this god awful shitty mess.

Probably the best one. Less about jet fuel and more about geopolitical actors, money trail.
Tell them to fuck off if they call you racist for defending yourself.
That is fucked up.
Hope you're ok anon.
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I'm just kidding about the Flat Earth. Mostly.
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It's not about Trump and shilling can be far more complex than just 'claiming' things. No I'm telling you how it is. Those words came out of your mouth look up some information if you like they have wired you to believe that every conspiracy theory is crazy but you can't even tell me why? Be prepared
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Glad to know he's still redpilling the masses
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