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I have insider information, that Brexit was planned all along,
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I have insider information, that Brexit was planned all along, and plays a role in a coming European war.

Britain is about to take one for the team, and is why they had to leave the EU for this plan to unfold.

The events that made Brexit happen were all planned for this effect.

Mark my words. Once this event is finally out in the open, you'll understand it's what I'm talking about.
It's true. Digits confirm
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Insider information is BS.

The truth is.... the people in power don't have any more of a clue of what they're doing than anyone else.
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>Governments capable of organising anything
nah. It's just that TPTB play off of obvious fuck ups and disasters that they see coming from a mile away (like the refugee crisis).

They bank on mistakes and fuck ups.
>t. schlomo

really though OP brexit wasnt planned its just the white man waking up and soon the jewish shitshow will come to an end, the EU will collapse and most of europe will become germany
t. Mr "Alan Moore and V for Vendetta is my sole inspiration in life"

They already made a movie about it, starring the regugees or fugees

Children of Man
I have insider info that OP is a giant faggot, Nigger Farage confirmed it to me on Grindr.
are you just butthurt because Belgium rekt your ass?
either you copied this or your telling the truth, but if you realize whats happening in the world they want to cleanse the earth of Christianity because pisslam has infiltrated us, they want to destroy this planet they always will, islam is not peace if they can't have anything no one can.
Right, and Cameron was willing to fall on his own sword and end his political career for it
Good let a war brake out.

We need a fucking war, humanity has become to peaceful.
that thread has all the signs for me to ignore: the pic and the wall of text. Even now I haven't read it.

It's just easy to see the signs if you pay attention.

Christianity has been dead for a while, it's just that now, the void is being filled. Kikes have a key role in this as well.
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>They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.

nothing worthwhile was ever done without a sacrifice.
Here's what's really going on...

1. All of the establishment types were sure that the vote would be to "stay".

2. Why? Because all of establishment types were vocally behind stay. All the politicians, nearly all the media, most of the celebrities, most of the "smart money" people.

3. But in spite of the effort, the general public said fuck you; not only to the EU but to the establishment itself.

4.Basically the average joe and jane has grown sick of being spoon fed an economic social and moral philosophy which says that they must be sacrificed for a "greater good".

5. The Brexit vote has freaked out nearly everyone who has a vested interest in keeping the establishment in power. They put everything they had toward forcing a stay, and they discovered that their power is an illusion.

My opinion... this is going to trigger similar events all around the world. The revolution of the middle has begun.
>he actually believes this
you are the reason why the majority of people are so easy to steer. so gullible, so naive.
I ain't no kike, just in here for a little while vacation. Your kinda right I guess its because something is wrong. Also I'm not crazy I know you probably feel it aswell, don't you feel something is wrong and a huge void is appearing and everything is becoming depressing.
I've felt it for a while now, it's just that now, things are getting place for the transition to occur.

But don't worry, it's for the best, even though it will be painful at first.
Where are you visiting
I was in Israel last week
what is going to happen exactly, am I going to die
if you are military age, then likely, though it depends what your nationality is.
opkillrussia hopefully
Russia is one of the key parties, but not the one taking the blow.
I'm a us citizen on vacation
then fuck off you putinbot goon
then yes, not very likely you'll survive.
it won't be easy on Russia, but Russia is not the main target (not taking the biggest loss)
passing lists of russkies on death lists around
>Russia is not the main target
Who is?
Old Jaffa is my favorite little area
Or neve tzedek in tel Aviv is nice

If you go to Jaffa stop at abulafia bakery and get a bagel with Bulgarian cheese and olives. I still dream of it
nice clean sweep my moscow friend
if I come back to the us

thank you
and pretending you have an Estonian/Latvian passport won't help
>moscow friend
hi there, retard.

>just because Russia doesn't take the hardest hit, it means I'm a pro Russian

>if I come back to the us
Staying in Israel might be even worse.

are you just schizo?
He isn't a ruskie his flag is Dutch
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sure thing, but who's gonna fight this wars?

Dear warmongers,
you ain't getting no monnies for your arms and we ain't fighting your shit anymore, go ahead keep creating conflicts and see what happens..

I'm not waiting for a damn war. though many on pol are delusional enough for wish for one.

Everything's planned NLbro. They would not let this outcome happen normally.
indeed. everything happens for a reason
what else do you know op
Ya, brexit was planned by the British and put to a vote. Pretty obvious desu
Though it might be obvious, I'm just gonna say it: Turkey and Germany are working together. Turkey will join the EU soon. Iran will then take Turkey's role as the most important non-EU country to the EU (lots of trading, economic development and deals).

Islamic terrorism will be used as propaganda to scare hardcore (non terrorist) muslims into becoming moderate muslims, and this new (mild) version of islam will fill the void left by Christianity, to make sure the west doesn't become too degenerate.

Turkey will spread this version of Islam to Europe, and Iran will spread it in Asia (think Indonesia and the likes).

Real (religious) Jews are in favor of this as well, as they've rather live in a non-degenerate world than a degenerate one (like tel aviv).

The US will team up with Saudi Arabia to spread radical (terrorist) wahabi islam, to keep the middle east divided and from allying with Europe (if Clinton wins). Otherwise, the US will get in on the deal with Europe.
Although I do agree that its odd seeing the establishment not commit voter fraud and its more than amusing to see them overestimate their hand its not exactly superb stratagem.
They lost because they overestimated themselves.
They will lose (including the Whitehouse) because they are greedy. They are not smart they are not bright they just have lots of power and lots of mouthpieces.

Here's a question.

If they're so smart why did we even have a Brexit?
>They lost because they overestimated themselves.
I'm saying they didn't lose at all. they got what they wanted to happen. A United Europe is the last thing UK has ever wanted.
where do you get your tinfoil hats m8?
>paying for premade hats
it's like you WANT the illerminators inside your head
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