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oh now they want to leave.........
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rely makes u.jpg
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oh now they want to leave.........
It's easier to find bulls to pound your wife when part of the EU.
Fucking why? Scotland has more autonomy within the UK than the UK will ever have in the EU
Scotland at this point is the "strong independent woman who don't need no man" who lobes being gangbanged and degraded, then led around on a collar and ordered to do shit.

They complain constantly about being pawns, and then always crawl back to its master's feet.
You can keep adding more elipses, it only makes what you post look like it was made by a 12 year old girl on Facebook
Hear that empire crumbling? Getting a bit worried there?
What empire?
They're just crying because you won't let them have oil money from their own land.
Hmm, it's almost like they are a nation of contrarian moaning cunts?
And they think they'll magically get to hold on to it as part of the EU when they're even more marginalized within it than the whole of the UK is now?

These people are retarded.
>Scottish are retarded.
We are in full agreement.

England, just cut subsidies to these heathens and
force them to be productive again. Everything will
fall in line.
>United kingdom

That's like saying Canada is an empire because fucking Quebec is a part of it, Genghis.
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65 KB, 480x621
hey take off. the great canadian empire is on the rise
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