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I think we know who won Brexit for England..
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Wales was the predominant force besides England which help shifted it in the direction of exiting the EU. Without Wales, none of this could've happened.

The sheepshaggers truly saved England today. We should never forget them.
Wales is always England's best pal. Scotland can fuck off. NI is a mess.

England and Wales should go it alone.
voted leave in south wales
feels good
you can fuck off
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Same here brother

Indeed. Love you based Wales!

Most of Englanders do not care about the southern coast. It can fall into the ocean and they wouldn't notice.
It's nice to know that Wales has our backs but I'm saddened to find out the N.ireland were traitors. Scotland was expected but N.Ireland hurts.
It was a pleasure

Dont forgot this you english wankers
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Cymru am byth brothers
remove London too
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>Go on Facebook

>"What have we done?!?"
>"This is the end"
>"Well done to anyone that voted leave, cunts"
>"Fuck anyone that voted leave"
>"Twats voting leave"
>"When will Scotland split and rejoin EU"
All from close friends/family

So /pol/, what was waking up like for you?

Being a Leave voter in Scotland isn't so popular it would seem
They helped kill England you mean
Our Rugby team is still better than Wales' though.
Recently moved to Swansea from London.

Never been more proud.
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