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True meaning of DINDU NUFFIN
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Doesn't "didn't do nothing" implicate that the subject DID SOMETHING because of the double negative? If the subject wants to claim his innocence, shouldn't he instead scream "DID NUFFIN" or "DINDU ANYFING"? Native speakers of american, please correct me if I'm wrong.
Niggers regularly use double negatives in their speech. Most white people learn to not do that by the age of 4 or 5
Double negatives are common in english. Besides nigs don't speak english.
Now go back to brewing methanol in your shed, finbro
>Double negatives are common in english
But not always? Then how do you know when true is true and false is false?
Bumpeti bump. Also, explain why my threads always fail.
You're reading way too much into it, finbro. Blacks just can't speak proper English is all.
Niggers cannot comprehend double negatives. They are not very smart in general.
File: image.jpg (441 KB, 640x1998) Image search: [Google]
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>explain why my threads always fail
Not enough irony, bait or shitposting in general. Maybe throw in some black > white memes like your resident nigger poster there for optimal (you) counts.

Ebonics IS a language you uncultured swine check your priv
Yes, to say it properly with a meaning that would be, I'm innocent.
I did nothing, or I did nothing wrong.
I didn't do anything, I did not do anything.
To say, I didn't do nothing, means I did not do nothing. Double Negative. To not do nothing, is to do something.
a dindu nuffin
I did not do nothing == I did do something
black people don't really understand english past a first or second grade level. they can't even read cursive it might as well be Sanskrit.
A damn uncultured language full of shit
Thats the point, its a double negative because niggers who shout DINDU NUFFIN always are the ones who are guilty of committing the crime. Or the overweight single mother of said niggers
YES, thank you! So I was right all the time. Hell, if I was an american cop I would totally own the dindus with my elite verbal skills.
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