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The mere existence of the diminutive tribes of African pygmies conclusively proves that brown skinned people are less than human. Brown skinned people, Negroids, Mongoloids, Pygmies, etc. are all closer to the apes and the chimpanzees than we normal humans are.

And yes, I'm including Hispanics under the 'brown' category.
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2 MB, 1000x562

Gr8 b8, subhuman white trash

pygmy music
Nasty ass Groids.
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424 KB, 259x169
>artificially lightened skin
>artificially corrected eyesight
>artificially corrected teeth

You can't polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter.
We had a tribe of pygmies here but they were short because they only ate yuca as soon as their children started eating proteins they grew to normal height for my country
Daily reminder that Mexico is white. Criminal ausfags need not apply.
Asians are 1000x smarter than dumb white sheeps
>tfw a poo in loo wants to include himself among the east asian master race
From a genetic standpoint you're completely wrong though. Also, the tallest people on Earth live pretty much right next door to the pygmies. Africa is the most diverse continent on the planet.
I am in awe at how based your post is.

If i was gay I would offer to suck you
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