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You are currently reading a thread in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 166
File: mcclelland.jpg (90 KB, 600x694) Image search: [Google]
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>tfw your crest will never be as good as mine

post em if you got em
File: O-Keefe-Irish-Crest.jpg (522 KB, 802x903) Image search: [Google]
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Don't know my german one.
im a peasant but at least im pure french on both sides
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I think mine is better.
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images (19).jpg
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Guillotine for nobles.
Mine looks pretty cool desu
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Pfft, most these families only had a tower and Knighthood to their name, if anything.
What is it like being half Irish half German? I am breeding a German girl.

Do you prefer Ireland or Germany? I make a lot more money here than I would there but the weather in the South of Germany is pretty nice. Also love the skiing.
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ohhh flower of scooooooootland
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Holy shit you win
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noble scum
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and on the other side
Ireland is great. I think for the current state i prefer ireland. (no shitkins.)
Implying anyone here has noble blood and not just a name in common
Ancient danish lower nobility senpai
That's odd, my crest has the same Latin motto. Irishman inbound
File: family-crests_2227_1089568465.jpg (50 KB, 175x200) Image search: [Google]
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nvm, this might be it
I am trying to convince her to breed an army of half Germans and retake her country.
Im also 1/3 irish. Rest is east german.
File: peasent.jpg (15 KB, 142x134) Image search: [Google]
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No wonder this board is going to shit
File: hehehe.png (233 KB, 385x478) Image search: [Google]
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Peasant as far back as I can trace my heritage. Feels good desu.
We can breed out the Irish genes at a later date. What we need now is numbers.
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>tfw long line of coal miners who died of black lung at 35
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It's time!
File: forbes.gif (30 KB, 250x290) Image search: [Google]
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Actual nobility here.

Get fucked you filthy peasants.
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The only reason my family has a crest is because someone in my family faught in the war with belgium. Just a farmer family.
File: Castle_Forbes.jpg (59 KB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
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Pic related: Its my castle.
I hope you dumb asses didn't pay any money for this crap because every single website selling it is a scam. Heraldry doesn't work like this. It's tied to individuals not any old shared surname.

Do not give these scam sites your money.
File: Auschwitz.jpg (199 KB, 1429x901) Image search: [Google]
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This is my castle.
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We are a bit closer to the source. My surname came to Ireland with the Normans when they conquered Ireland and England.

I am probably not a direct ancestor to the "Lord Anon" who has the crest but I might be related to his cousin or slave or something.

Americans should definitely not take this shit seriously.
File: elements_mcleodarms (1).gif (29 KB, 277x405) Image search: [Google]
elements_mcleodarms (1).gif
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Feast your eyes on a real crest you non-Scottish bastards
Oh please. I heard half the stuff in there was added in the last 30 years.
Still is my castle.
lol, i didn't pay money, i found out my crest on my own. I have it in real life.
Clan Stewart of Appin.
There are many other Stewarts in Scotland but my mother's can be traced back to Castle Stalker up near Oban, few of us actually left the west coast of Scotland and I'm incidently related to a good portion of people in the surrounding areas and islands, particularly Islay.

>a literal cloud
File: 40580.jpg (203 KB, 359x500) Image search: [Google]
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who /Irish/ here?
File: stewart-of-appin-coat-of-arms.png (539 KB, 533x636) Image search: [Google]
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And i forgot to post the damn crest.

>American's calling other non-Scots

TOP FUCKING LEL M8, looks loike your just a simple goy then, also post it.
File: Stemma_Catalano_Gonzaga.jpg (67 KB, 699x936) Image search: [Google]
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>all of this fake shit
Eh, if you played Europa Universalis you'd know it's not that special.The Star of David has been used by Jews, Muslims (the kingdoms of Karaman and Candar), and most likely Christians as well.
File: saxoncrest.png (1 MB, 777x1012) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 777x1012
>tfw this is only the crest of where my mothers family originates from

Try to beat this crest. Protip: you can't
>no motto

fucking shit tier crest m8
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Are you Wilhelm III?
File: maclean-chiefs-arms.png (770 KB, 654x704) Image search: [Google]
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Can't find a decent version of my actual family name of Carlin, there's tiny versions of that one and for some infuriating reason some version with niggers on it despite it being an Irish coat of arms.

Fucking coons trying to stake claim to my family history.
>tfw prince charles is shitposting on /pol/
Pretty fucking nice
>Thinks that more flags on his crest are better

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>a hat and feathers
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It is, I checked some family history, we were involved in Ulster somehow and on the other side of the historical coin we were a part of the Jacobite rebellions, so we were both in favour of and against restoring the Scottish Kings to our throne as well as for independence from England.

The other side of the family, the Carlin side are definitely tied to Ulster in some manner, since that side seems to be from Royalty in Limerick but the coat of arms has the red hand of Ulster on it so fuck man, my families history seems to run deep and complicated.

But I'll tell you fucking something, one way or anotehr we don't fuck around, the MacLeans very well may have helped form the Gallowglass, Scottish mercenaries renowned for fucking shit up and getting the job done as brutally as possible.
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Hell, that's a lot of story. My family came from peasants and blacksmiths from northern Spain, it's not as interesting as yours. I enjoy it though, atleast I am sure that don't descend from moors.
I will post my coat of arms when I find it.
File: olsen.png (77 KB, 262x262) Image search: [Google]
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Man that's fucking rad, what does it say?
File: eternalscotbadge.jpg (102 KB, 650x440) Image search: [Google]
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Do you have your badge yet?

Recieved mine in the post recently.
its just my family name, and where it came from
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Here it is. Quite simple, I like it.
File: ClanWallace.jpg (143 KB, 463x575) Image search: [Google]
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Sup senpai
that goes on the kilt with the dagger pin

well no family crest

i could make one tho
Poor little Serb.
>people think these are a real thing and are actually proud of "their" family crest
File: wallacecrest.jpg (20 KB, 236x236) Image search: [Google]
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Is this what I'm lookin for
All surrender monkey
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fuck i love mine
t. mohammed al bag poopti

well we have no nobility to speak of

As if nobility is a real thing these days
File: Patterson-Scotland.jpg (18 KB, 250x310) Image search: [Google]
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Even though I have a Scottish last name from my dad, I associate more with my mom's side of the family. My English half. The "Roberts" family.

Fuck all you SNP fags who are voting "remain"!
Fuck nobility, us Alpha peasants be banging your trophy wives
shamalamadingdong senpai
This is a nice way of collecting 4chan users' surnames.

Next month, a thread about first names and nicknames.
I dunno if this crest is real, but it looks breety good
That is pretty much the exact same as the Lamont crest lad.
Are you fast

>notice how most of the thread is scottish heritage
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>mfw all my childhood niglets always called me fusca (volkswagen beetle)
Oh you poor jungle dweller.

>tfw second wife is from Porto Alegre
File: campbell.jpg (21 KB, 236x296) Image search: [Google]
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somewhere back in my fathers line was some scottish lord or sumthin

pic is the clan campbell crest
Can't find one that isn't compressed to hell, but it's a man in silver armor holding a gold sword in his right and a golden crown in his left. Background shield is red. Shit's pretty cool looking.
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> annum 2016
>telling faggots on 4chans your name and where you live.

I can't tell if this is bait or if you're just dumb.
mottos only started to appear on crests in the 15th centuary. the old houses do not have them you filthy mudblood
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forgot pic
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I came here to fuck bitches and be warrior class.
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Found this is my popa's old family documents
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Meh, not amazing, but it's not shit.
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Ours is the Fury
What's with all these copy+paste helmets? Pretty pathetic desu senpai
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I'm a bit conflicted with mine considering its..."northern" imagery I still like it nonetheless.
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Mines kind of cool I guess.
I bet your noble family is so proud of you posting here in your basements

>a castle
>with windows on the outside walls
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download (9).jpg
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Can't be much better than mine
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>everyone ITT has lions and wolves and shit on theirs
>mine has 3 fucking pigeons
Hard to compete with an impaled nigger head on the tip of a sword
All I know is that we came to Canada in the 1600s.
How do you find your real family crest? There's like 10 different "Stone" family crests.
White privlage is being able to have a family crest
Fuck off CIA

White people be like "Look at my family crest" and sheet
File: crusader-crest2.gif (9 KB, 140x140) Image search: [Google]
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All should follow the same guideline, when someone received a crest it was given in a written way, up for representation by whoever you got to draw it for you, they should all be the same buy drawn differently
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winter is coming
so pay taxes for your castle nao
File: Guilbeau-France2.jpg (18 KB, 250x310) Image search: [Google]
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It's sorta generic
File: nava-coat-of-arms.jpg (35 KB, 157x200) Image search: [Google]
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Family came from Spain.
File: Family Crests.png (305 KB, 511x322) Image search: [Google]
Family Crests.png
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Can't find one for my Sicilian heritage.
Yeah no you're not an Este.

Thank you for clarifying.
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Here you go. Fite me.
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Its only the same last name. My entire family is peasant as fuck.
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Bow down peasants
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Not bad
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Best crest coming through
File: Willson-England.jpg (18 KB, 250x310) Image search: [Google]
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Step aside, faggots.
Protip: If you found it on google, then it isn't yours.

It actually isn't. I'd say most, if not all the ones posted here are fake.
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1 MB, 2600x3575
I'm not feeling heroic...

I'm sure there is a Last Crest, Best Crest joke in here somewhere.
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Dum spiro spero.
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Or on the other side of the family:

how would i find my own then?
my entire family is immigrant farmers.
File: turnbull crest.jpg (27 KB, 460x460) Image search: [Google]
turnbull crest.jpg
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I can live with mine.
File: original.jpg (126 KB, 508x650) Image search: [Google]
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All plebby compared to mine
File: corbett crest.jpg (66 KB, 512x512) Image search: [Google]
corbett crest.jpg
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On my other side.
You'd have to go back through your family history (usually just paternal, but you can claim cadet line), and see if an ancestor was ever awarded arms, then apply to take them. They aren't inheritable, mind.
File: squires-coat-of-arms.jpg (27 KB, 138x200) Image search: [Google]
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Squires, it has a fairly rich history from the Normans when the frenchies wanted us to kill all the Britfags.
File: 2000px-POL_COA_Boreyko.svg.png (598 KB, 2000x2011) Image search: [Google]
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I guess I win...
Im Jealous already.
can't beat mine
File: tfyrt.png (14 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
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Country Donegal uses the same crest as the O'Donnell dynasty come from there.
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figt me bitches
File: WHITE-COAT-OF-ARMS.jpg (94 KB, 335x500) Image search: [Google]
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>tfw everybody on /pol/ wishes they had your surname
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Couldn't find a normal version of mine
I come from farmers and labor on both sides. I have the exact date when a German blacksmith took our surname from a river though.
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Fuck the British
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Maternal side. The paternal one is better
Kek, your ancestors were nobilised jews
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Only pic I got. Kinda shitty quality.
File: styr.jpg (49 KB, 600x450) Image search: [Google]
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I have no idea if this one is real or not.
It doesn't adhere to proper blazoning, so i doubt it. Check your ancestors patent and it should explain better.
>ancestors patent
My what?
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My Irish one
File: valadares.png (143 KB, 350x350) Image search: [Google]
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The patent your ancestor received when he was awarded the arms. It'll have the blazon (description and colour) on it. His children, if they were awarded arms would have similar, just slightly edited until they finally reached you.
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fellow gill- diminuitive

The black and gold look awesome

Rate mine please
I forget where I bought this from but they claimed to spend at least three months research on your last name, cost me a couple hundred but I figured it'd be worth it to have in the living room
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Forgot pic
Forgot to add, there's no such thing as a "family crest." Arms aren't hereditary, and the crest is the thing which sits atop the Arms.

If it wasn't the College of Arms, you got scammed.
File: Bland-Ireland.jpg (19 KB, 250x310) Image search: [Google]
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I prefer my Irish one, so.
Sometimes I wish mine wasn't a unicorn...
Pretty sure it wasn't, but I don't have to tell my family that its probably a fake
Kind of bland

File: Kerr Coat of Arms.jpg (41 KB, 327x515) Image search: [Google]
Kerr Coat of Arms.jpg
41 KB, 327x515
This is the CoA for the Kerr Clan, but it's only tangentially related to my family. The modern Kerr Clan are a bunch of Brit-loving Royalists on the Borderlands of Scotland and England.

I, on the other hand, am an Irish Catholic. We are either a faroff offshoot, or come from a family with a more Gaelic name that changed to something more scottish to escape persecution in Northern Ireland.

Some potential names we might have changed from are Ua Cairre, Mac Giolla Cathair, etc.

Going back to the scottish connection, some identified family members (through 23andme) have stated there is family lore stating an old ancester fled from Scotland after the Battle of Culloden (was on the Catholic losing side) and settled in Ulster.
Pretty noble one to have. If it's actually yours.

Of course. But best to not show it anyone who has the faintest idea of heraldry, otherwise they'll call you "we wuz kangs" tier.

>This is the CoA for the Kerr Clan
No it isn't.
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Mine is pretty Cool too, i wasn't expecting that
File: family crest.jpg (98 KB, 284x399) Image search: [Google]
family crest.jpg
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>tfw you're family isnt even German
>tfw you could never do a family history project in elementary school without having to learn about the Reformation
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The Irish version of the CoA is basically made up.
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Never met anyone in my life with the same last name. Dont know much about it other than family stories from my great grandpa.

Ill have to spend some time today looking it up.
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2 MB, 500x350
Theres no such thing as family crest.

Having the same surname as a Knight that owned a small plot of land in past means nothing. Many people just took random surnames when the government decided everyone should have a surname.

Also, most nobles do not have a surname at all, they usually use a "von, de, of, van" before the name of their properties.
>Von Habsburg, de Toledo, de Orleans, etc.
>Never met anyone in my life with the same last name.
Doesn't matter. Arms aren't hereditary. You could be entitled to them. But you'd need to check first.
I used to have a Von, but then the fucking anglos came along :c
File: _89074723_89074722.jpg (27 KB, 660x371) Image search: [Google]
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ITT: idiots who looked their surnames up on one of those con-artist family crest sites.

they literally make these up and sell it to foolish ignorant plebs.

you are better off making your own crest at this point.
File: 000863_63751952fceqj2a8ee3e03.jpg (34 KB, 192x256) Image search: [Google]
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All these fat ameriturds fakeshit

Actual crest from 1240

Die plebs
File: BORBON1.jpg (104 KB, 285x399) Image search: [Google]
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Mine is greatest
bow down plebs
The arms are simple, but wow the fuck does one blazon that crest?
File: kritz.gif (8 KB, 126x212) Image search: [Google]
8 KB, 126x212
heres a low res one

At least i know this one is legit. its on my family tree book that lists all the people in my family since the 1700s, and that was printed before the internet.

I one lookes up my other side of the family, and each site gives a different crest.
>its on my family tree book that lists all the people in my family since the 1700s, and that was printed before the internet.
Not always a certainty, but it probably is. Of course, that doesn't make it yours.
>data mining, the thread
>Of course, that doesn't make it yours.
well, its on my mothers side, so im not that keen on it anyway.
Aye, a cadet branch like that would be difficult to contest.
this tread makes me want to know more about that whole thing. any good source? im goggling it now and got a howstuffworks page im reading
File: image.jpg (75 KB, 335x453) Image search: [Google]
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bretty dope desu
>Ameriniggers think making a crest in MS paint gives the European noble blood
Haha brilliant
shit we senpai, senpai
Surely a commie pepe should be spread equally among the proletarians?
There's tonnes of books and stuff too, but you'll get the gist of it quickly.
Pics or gfto
My father's side was a bunch of piss poor Irish-Scot farmers, and my mothers side was a bunch of piss poor German-Polish farmers. No crest for my peasant family
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gtfo Walloon no one wants you
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Its in Danish, and more than 700 years old so I could not tell you even if I wanted to, probably a nightmare..
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Healy reporting in
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>Tapfer und Treu
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Other side
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ayy lmao
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Wait wait, fucked up, it's Orange.
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Royal blood coming through
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grant crest.jpg
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nice data mining
also have to say, most edgelordy motto - learn to suffer
I like mine. Actual great grandson of a king.
Got some bad news for you, bro.
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File: Family Crest.jpg (588 KB, 1200x1600) Image search: [Google]
Family Crest.jpg
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Heres mine. McArtor surname. I love being a scotsman.
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I learned I might have Jewish blood from /pol/.
Also my father is Swiss.
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Anglo-Irish reporting in
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Spanish nobility reporting.
It's is I. Anon the first of his name of house Enriquez in burger land. Son of Anon the second of his name.
I don't understand why you'd all dox yourselves for no reason.
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Mine is pretty fucking rad thou
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>Spanish nobility reporting
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Butler clan where u at?
I love how everyone ITT is a western european shitbag

meanwhile the masters of math and science (eastern europeans, asians, jews) don't claim to be 'nobility'
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Storks get fucked
I'm 99% sure most people just google
>last name, coat of arms

This seems like a data-mining thread tb h
Mines one of the few actually given in America to founding families
Because they was kangs and shiz.
well you are a noble of spain
this makes you a bitch of france
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