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The time is ripe bin that pipe >Revealed: MP's all
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The time is ripe bin that pipe

>Revealed: MP's alleged killer 'bought manual on how to make a handgun and bombs from a US far-right group and has links to neo-Nazi organisations going back decades'
>Detectives were last night questioning Thomas Mair over Jo Cox's murder
>US civil rights group say their records show he bought far-Right books
>Claims the quiet loner had been recently released from psychiatric care
>Mair was brought up by his grandmother and lived in his childhood home
>Half-brother says Mair never expressed any 'racist tendencies', adding: 'I'm mixed race and I'm his half-brother. We got on well'

>US far right group

We did it /pol/!
get out of here with those reasonable facts. this is /pol/ he was obviously just a loner and this had no connection to the UK's current political climate
how the fuck would a us civil rights group know what books a britfag was buying?
They don't have YouTube in England? That information is available for free.
That is what I was going to ask.
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It was Tony Blair, don't ask me how I know but it was Tony Blair who killed Jo Cox and then he pinned it on the other guy

Spread the facts lads and show people the truth
>doesn't name the far right group
>doesn't list what kind of links they have to the neonazi organization
>doesn't list the neonazi organization
>doesn't show that they've had this link for decades

absolutely trash-tier "journalism"
This reads more like fucking propaganda
That's another thing about this that doesn't make any fucking sense

Who the fuck would pay 700+ pounds for a "manual" on making zip guns

are you fucking kidding me I could go to /k/ and have twenty manuals for fucking free within a day
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>guess it's book banning time in bongland now
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Zip guns are literally a bit of pipe and a striker, it doesn't even take a manual.
I don't really care what is happening in this 3rd world nation, I simply care how it will affect me in the US. WILL THEY LEAVE THE EURO OR NOT??
He apparently fired 3 rounds with it - so that's a little more complicated than a typical zip gun.

I'd be willing to bet that if it weren't an actual handgun, it was homemade and purchased in britain, and all the bullshit about him making it himself is just a lie to cover up the ineptitude of britain's gun laws.
>US civil rights group say their records show he bought far-Right books
how could they possibly know this?
>banning anything
That's Scotland's job.

Take it to them.
>civil rights group

It's the SPLC. Apparently they have records of the transactions he made.
Could have been like this.
I'll be saving this for when I see yurupoors looking for plans.
>no way he could work out how to add a spring
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lead to most likely...
>he made it himself
>someone who makes a lot of firearms sold it to him
>it was an import and brits don't know wtf guns are "supposed" to look like

adding a spring won't magically make a gun cycle a magazine I'm not entirely sure what you're suggesting

He bought the manuals back in 1999 from a group known as the "National Vanguard", which has links to the "Nazi National Alliance".
And where did he get the ammunition?
>which has links

What kind of "links"
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not sure how it's regulated there, but here ammunition purchases aren't tracked to the individual so you could freely purchase it from other people (would still be illegal)
How hard was it for him to get that bullet? I thought those were banned to with guns, knives, pointy sticks, baseball bats, and bike rims.
How did he manage to fire multiple shots with a pipegun?
It's impossible to get a piece of sheet copper and make gun poweder in the UK
Who do you think owns the "far-right" bookstore?
When there's no enemy,you have to create one. SPLC makes a lot of money fear mongering.
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How the fuck do you make rounds with just copper sheets? You can't just weld a casing
Could be. Does anyone have a pic of the gun he used?
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you don't even need a casing to fire a projectile

besides getting ammunition isn't a problem.. do you think the bobby come around and count your spent casing?
I'd like to see that infographics on how to make this.
well if he used something like a revolver he did need casings. Only way he could have used loose powder is if he used a muzzleloader, which can't fire multiple shots.
Also I doubt you can just go buy casings at a gunshop, this is Bongland we are talking about.
This seems fishy
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gunpowder itself isn't that difficult to make, to make good gunpowder is a bit different though

you're better off just buying it if you can but depending on local natural minerals it could be fun to give a go

sure but there are any number of blackpowder type designs which could fire multiple shots

I don't think he used homemade bullets... like I said they were probably just purchased legally and then sold illegally
wtf are you talking about, you don't need to weld anything, you just need a rubber mallet to form the copper, punch a hole in the bottom, put in the gun powder, stick the bullet in the top and fold the copper around the edge of it, stick a home made primer on the back and you've got a bullet

>bought manual

so this retard really was insane?
Adding a spring doesn't give a gun a reloading action,

the difference between a zip gun and a semi-automatic pistol is the difference between a bicycle and a car. Just because you can make a working bike in your garage doesn't mean you can master an internal combustion engine.

open bolt is really easy to make m8
could be
>form the copper
>wrap it around
Do you have any idea how a casing looks like?
>1 post by this Id
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the main problem is when it comes to the trigger group... probably why you see a lot more single shot type guns that blowbacks

if your trigger fucks up on a blowback gg have fun with that
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He also stabbed her. So in theory he could have reloaded and shot her dying body a few times. Bit retarded, but this is Brillo man we are talking about.
I'm not sure what you're fishing for on /pol/ with this. It isn't as though anyone here would care if he carried out a politically motivated execution of a lefty. He seems genuinely retarded too, aren't you socialists supposed to have all kinds of unending feels for him either way?
>how did federally connected leftist media apparatchiks get information on someone who bought stuff from a federal honeypot
Gosh, this one is tough.
>they should name the honeypot organization and blow its cover
They won't.
The casing just needs to hold the bullet in place and contain the gun powder, since we're talking about home made stuff it doesn't really need to be anything more fancy than that.
Do you think it's hard to form a piece of copper?
Basically a terrorist organization that likes to keep track of terrorists who they don't like
i remeber when i was 15 and me and a friend made one of those
we also made gunpowder but the stuff didn't burn as fast as we needed so it did not explode
good times
wouldn't the copper just arrest you?
not if I hit him with the rubber mallet hard enough :^)
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they're very common in 3rd world countries :^)

usually for hunting birds sometimes for defense
how did you make slow burning powder?
black powder is pretty fast burning

just make shit black powder
This shit looks pretty dangerous.
>Using plastic pipes
Does that even function?
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my guess is no

grab this bitch

i swear on me mum ill put a hole in ya m8
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