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211,000 Migrants Arrived in Europe by June 2016 - Twice as Many as by June 2015

An estimated 210,643 migrants and refugees have arrived in Europe by sea in 2016 through 12 June, according to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM).


Influx by June 8 2015:

Official figures show that as of 8 June a total of 103,000 refugees and migrants had arrived in Europe: 54,000 in Italy, 48,000 in Greece, 91 on Malta and 920 in Spain, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).



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You're a bit late, Mountain People, we know that things are fucked up and will get only worse.
But it's good that you're concerned. Don't forget that your precious mountain is also on the rape train that has no breaks
>91 on Malta
Cheeky cunts
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I feel you. Currently I have lost hope in our fellow citizens. Once they realize the threat, it will be too late.
>were not going to turn anyone away!
>why wont they stop coming?
thanks europe

civilizations rise, civilizations fall

dont worry tho, in the future europe will balkanize along ethnic lines, and if history and statistics teach us anything - nig/sandnig countries dont do too well without outside support
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you didn't listen
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>Boats with nogs coming
Oh shiet not again.
is that the cat from the oingo boing cover art of the i'm so bad single?
there are more young non-whites in europe than whites.

Italy has a lt to answer for- literally running a nigger ferry service from Africa.

If they were pushing them back or letting them down those numbers would be half.

Pope fuckers.
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great... thx 4 enrichment.
How does it feel to be the first culture that will be dead in europe ?
europe leader is crazy
Brussels won't let them do that, they tried.
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shitlibs are so fucking stupid. I tried to redpill some, but they're a lost cause. SocialDemocrats are the worst!
I hope the army closes the border when necessary.
but so far Switzerland isn't lost yet. if the brenner pass remains austria and germaney will get the major hit (sorry hans & martin).
thanks for the warning mr. medpack but its already too late for europe
>a boat full of doctors, scientists and engineers

they will fix the demographic problem of Europe and help pay for pensions of aging europeans

t. Moshe Shekelberg
Iberia is safe. We want it that way. White stay away.
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To be fair most of these migrants are from earlier in the year, before the agreement with Turkey was working and before the Libya route was being taken seriously. The total number of migrants will likely be far smaller than last year. Hopefully - the EU is already on the edge of abyss.
>what is operation triton
It is am running to america Catholic will vote republican and Trump hates socialism will you take me it?
Out of all the stupid brown people coming to them, they pick the one who is looking in two different directions. It's like they want bad things to happen.
family first recorded in 1562
not so sure anymore about us. rightwing and cons are pushing hard to end this drama. kern is a moron who tried to loosen the 'obergrenze', but he gets even backfire from his own party. most ppl here are really fed up with this shit. kern will lose his start-bonus popularity big time.
Someone should make a documentary about the women and children they are leaving behind.
This is not from war or decay. This is a 5th column. Its real fucking easy to put the navy down there and block this.


thats clearly an engineer or a doctor
Everybody make sure you go out and VOTE for the right wing parties in your country. Don't be intimidated by the regressive left.

The far right is the only group that will even question this mass migration. Even the so-called "center-right" parties will shout you down as a racist if you disagree in any form.

Sweden Democrats, National Front, Pegida, Freedom Party, BNP, and all others, don't let thousands of years of heritage fall to the poisonous cloud of Islam. Protect your nations. Stand up to your leaders who are blinded by idealism.

If you support the pope you are a nigger loving faggot.

If you don't support the pope congrats on becoming a protestant.
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Do you think we have a choice, faggot? EU literally blame us if even a wave capsizes those boats.
Rest assured that italian people has never agreed to this, we never had an election since the coup that deposed Berlusconi in 2011. The buffoons that followed since are mere puppets of EU.
Nobody here wants this to happen. We are literally not allowed to do otherwise.
Fucking Americans had to fuck everything again. Come back Gaddafi
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how deluded are its members in reality? tell me the raw unfiltered truth, there's no need to be nice here...
you know what happened when the swiss SVP tried to implement automatic deportation without court if a migrant commits a crime? they lost the referendum although they led the polls at first. and all media outlets cheered afterwards that the 'zivilgesellschaft' saved the day. i can't hear this anymore, it makes me vomit.
>German female sailors are happy to aid smugglers in importing African bulls

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there is an integrant circle of former Jusos that have the party in a firm grip
but especially in the countryside there are some major jimmies being rustled when it comes to feminism and religious issues

you could do your part to crash their safe space by signing up :^)
Enough to rape the whole island
Brussels also doesn't allow our country to expel migrants who had managed to trespass the Melilla wall and we still do it regardless

There is always a choice you obedient cuck.

You assholes are pointing then to Calais and Germany and washing your hands of it.

Niggers are 1000 times worse than sand niggers for the future of Europe. Italy is destroying Europe one boatload at a time.

The media only focuses on the "poor syrians".
yeah, i almost puked as well!!

especially there was a women gang raped in zurich by a group of rapefugees. and it didn't came public because the media suppressed it out of fear it would add to initiative!!!!

they're fucking traitors!!

but to make clear: we accepted automatic deportation 6 years ago (still not in power). The one you talking about was the enforcement iniative, which would have forced the government to adopt an even stricter automatic deportation.

still a pity we lost this one though!

how are things in Austria? i've heard the antifa has beaten up one of the identitarians so badly he had to be bought to the hospital.

and several injured police officers.

and after all of this ORF has the audacity the call the identitarians "Nazis"...
Time for ITEXIT
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Open up for your Merkel Mandated Muslim Bull!

You too can be just like Germany.

The Good Goy.
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>there is an integrant circle of former Jusos that have the party in a firm grip
needs more info pls
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if I started naming the jew they could easily backtrace me behind 7 proxies
look for freshly elected national councils, look for juso presidents, look for people who work with at party HQ
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hey dear russian friend
saving together the white men
but i don't get how this is possible in CH, when the SVP is so popular? is it bc the leftist fuckers controll most of the media and spin stories like it happened here?

thx for asking - same shit all the time, i don't even follow national news regularly bc it gets me so mad. but yeah, the far left and far right became more visible and often crash into each other. the left is the worst - they even attacked police at the brenner border.
only good thing is: more and more ppl turn rightwards, VDB would never have won the election without help of every other fraction, media etc and this postal vote-thing.
even with that they almost had no chance against one single rightwing party.
i hope for the next elections. esp eu elections - i wished it wouldn't be so damn long til then.
ok thanks so far
but wait... are you saying some of the leading positions are (((you know)))?

yeah, i'm not a great friend of italy's policy too, as you can imagine... but i still blame merkel most. she gave the impulse and really started this whole mess. and i'm quite sure that the next elections in italy will bring a shift to the right. hope this shit ends then.
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>There is always a choice

I assure you there is not. EU does not allow that, our """government""" is completely subjugated by Brussel. Organized crime here is basically in charge of these niggers, earning millions from each of them, so there's no end in sight for the human trafficking until this condition of things endures.

I hope those useless britbongs do something useful and vote brexit in masse, maybe that could sparkle a chain reaction to destroy this shitty EU.
We literally bailed you out.

Along with the rest of the PIIGS when we legally shouldn't have.

So like, go fuck yourself.
Italy is a german puppet at this point and they are more than happy that they can be good goy right now by pushing hard for the quotas
when are your next elections? will the right succeed?
Demolitions engineer and gynecology doctor.
One eye on the bombs one eye on the gurls
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Why do they keep letting these boat people in? Just stop. Let them drown. You do stupid dangerous shit you die...natural selection.

Also idk, why can't European countries declare a state of emergency (or whatever) and station a naval force off the coast of Africa and stop them before they get anywhere?
>letting these boat people in?
They're ferrying them in at this point, almost directly from the shore of Libya:


It's pure madness.
bc the 'public opinion' is too far left. pressure from eu, media, leftwing politicians so called 'zivilgesellschaft' won't allow it. although a majority of ppl is already fed up. but too many still hesitate to vote for the right. it's idiotic.
It's the humanitarian thing to do! No seriously, fuck the EU and all it's institutions and every single last government it has seized.

The Navies of France, Italy, Germany and Britain are used to "save" these people which means the smugglers can just set them adrift in the middle sea and someone will rescue them because for some reason we can't simply let them drown. No idea why not.
No elections until 2018 at least. Even so, they just may continue putting one puppet governor after another like they did until now from 2011. I really don't know.
Since Berlusconi's party broke, the right wing is divided and unable to gather all the votes like before. But we have many cucks here too that keep voting for left party no matter what.
>making a combined effort
pick one
thx though.
european faggot carry out refugee sucide
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i wish uncle Adolf was here. he'd know what to do...
ever met someone from malta? they would lynch the fugees.
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>left wing pressure
That's the thing...they're always using the humanitarian angle. Well, the REAL humanitarian thing to do is to not let a bunch of retards get into makeshift "boats" and die sailing across the Mediterranean.

The general public (all over the west) is so brainwashed lefties don't even try to justify their Jewry with good bs anymore.
i'm not a fan of him tb h. but i agree that we need a strong independent leader who don't gives a shit about political correctness.
>Also idk, why can't European countries declare a state of emergency (or whatever) and station a naval force off the coast of Africa and stop them before they get anywhere?

your usage of logic and rationnal thinking is deeply offensive.
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Barcelona Declaration, I suggest you all read it.

That's not the worst part. The truely infuriating thing in this whole story is that the rescue boats cannot bring the 'rescued' people back in Libya 'because we dunno were they from lol'. So they bring them in the EU instead, because they clearly belong there.
yeah that's the problem. but at least more and more ppl shift to the right. the freedom party leads the polls since last summer. but regarding the situation they should have already crushed the other parties in the last elections 2015. ppl are still too stupid and indoctrinated by leftwing media.
If we were to play ball and agree that they are escaping war and are all refugees, how many 'refugees' have actually arrived since the war began, and what is the total number who live in the warring countries anyway?
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Our leaders are pretty smart in this regard at least. They couldn't say "we don't want no nignogs or mudslimes here" to the liberal media so instead they kept saying stuff like:

>"the human traffickers are making millions off these poor refugees and their families"
>"they give them leaky boats and life vests that don't even keep them afloat, so their children wash up on our shores..."
>"the humanitarian in all of us requires more help for these refugee camps (in Turkey)"

And ta-daa almost everyone here supports the Turkey deal to keep them migrants there instead. Except the greens and the radical left, of course.
Germany needs immigrants
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Don't blame the smugglers, they are just smart keen folk trying to make a buck. Fine capitalists.

There is only one solution and that is to end the welfare state, officially and forever. Increase property rights, self-defence measures ( even pepperspray is illegal in the netherlands kek ) stop all welfare programs, let the people fend for themselves and those who can't let them die out because they have been artificially kept alive too long anyway. Our population is way to high for this small plot of land. Back in 1960's our queen said that the 11 million people we had were too much and that Dutch people had to emigrate. Now in 2016 they say that the 17 million people we have is too little and that we need more immigrants. JUST
>because for some reason we can't simply let them drown. No idea why not.
Say no mo.
It is cuckshit
>Barcelona Declaration
the turkey deal is a disaster. you know that for every refugee we send there they send one back, who has legal status? and turkey saves all the hard cases, uneducated, unhealthy etc for us. besides - i don't see that the deportations to turkey work.
and in exchange we get additional turks and kurds due to visa-liberation and turkey maybe as eu member.
it's pure shit.
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And then the Turks will grant the scum they have in the camps citizenships and voi la!

Ficki ficki!

The EU is really smart isn't it? Really fucking smart...
yepp. and we all knew that the deal is shit. just our social democrats sold it as gold.
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>You are stranded in a small lifeboat at sea and see this. Wat do?
>According to the 1995 Barcelona Declaration, the aim of the initiative was summed up as: "turning the Mediterranean basin into an area of dialogue, exchange and cooperation guaranteeing peace, stability and prosperity."


It seems like it has been nothing but a one way conversation to me.
lol. nigs tryna swim
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These are top tier Crisis Actors. As not seen in Orlando.
Jeez. Remember when it was estimated 10,000 at most?
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You're wrong. Just look at the recent migrant arrival stats from Greece (from the last months). The Turkey deal is the best success the EU has had in... well.. probably ever. There's also a cap on how many can be taken in from Turkey even if they weren't strangling the route so heavily as they are now in exchange for EU shekels. This deal is great and if it can be kept in place and a similar one extended to Libya then European civilization is secured from the immediate threat.

sauce: http://www.businessinsider.com/ap-migrant-arrivals-to-greece-drop-amid-eu-turkey-pact-tensions-2016-5?op=1%3fr=US&IR=T&IR=T
Sweden still remains on EU minimum level for accepting refugees after we got full last year.
We got it extended another 5 months I think.
oh pliis...
>we willrepe the scum from EU

this is what a polack believes and they couldn't be any farther than the truth.
Do you fags forget that these people are being brought to Europe on purpose by the elites ? They aren't going away at all, they came here to stay.
-I love dem memes, thats why Im here for
So almost half a million by the end of the year.
It was actually Hillary, the generals even told her it was a fucking stupid idea and she went and did it anyway because she's barking mad.
So what you're saying is, you'll only take a few, who are not sterilized, and will have as many children as possible, and also bring in relatives, and move freely across Europe? Wow you sure are smart.
What for? To sprinkle their ashes on the fields after we finally get rid of them?
yeah, but wait if turkey gets visa liberation in exchange and send everyone here they don't want down there. and again: how many do we really deport to turkey?
the best thing eu could have done was the australian model - but our leftwing fuckers won't go along with that.
next thing is that we in austria don't really see relief. our ministers of interior and foreign affairs (both cons) try to enforce the australia-model. if the turkey deal was such a success they would rely on it instead of pushing the eu to protect its borders itself. that makes me very sceptical.
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Problem Jonas?

The chastity belt a bit too tight?

Niggers were coming long before the "Syrian" crisis.

Italy is to blame. It is not properly covered by teh Media.

Nigger invasions is a far worse thing than Middle East scum.
Germany and Sweden are to blame, they are the ones making them come here.

In the summer of 376, a massive number of Goths arrived on the Danube River, the border of the Roman Empire, requesting asylum from the Huns.[3] They came in two distinct groups: the Thervings led by Fritigern and Alavivus, and the Greuthungi led by Alatheus and Saphrax.[4] Eunapius states their number as 200,000 including civilians

The Thervings were probably allowed to cross at or near the fortress of Durostorum.[12] They were ferried by the Romans in boats, rafts, and in hollowed tree-trunks, and "diligent care was taken that no future destroyer of the Roman state should be left behind, even if he were smitten by a fatal disease,"

>eventually led to the fall of western rome
did they cut themselves and sing poetry about how miserable they are to fend off the opponent?
Send them to a random country, let whites leave the country and then nuke them to death.
How about we just send them all to the Gulf then nuke them.

Win win for everyone.
oh shit , people never really learn from history
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how do people still fall for this meme

/pol/ is a sedevacantist board
fuck gayrope im in murica this year and wont go back.
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This is just the boat migrants too. They're still arriving over land and as unknown unknowns that aren't counted.
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
I've argued with so many yuros on pol who told me "immigration is settling down now, we have the infrastructure and vacant jobs for them, our economy can handle it... BTW we have better healthcare and education and culture and more white ppl than u yanks :^)"

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Thanks for the helping hand Italy, I'll remember you when the race war hits your country. I have the rope ready.
It's by Louis Wain, and artist who developed Schizophrenia. He has a lot of other good stuff.
I love how this shit is no longer in the papers.
It's actually the ECHR in Strassbourg that keeps us from defending our borders and that obliges our navy to be a ferry service for migrants.

The ECHR jurisdiction really sucks. Our sovereignity is restricted with the steps the migrants take: once they get in the boat - once - they reach our territorial water - once they set foot on European soil
He just has diverse perspectives goy
If you combine the amount of mudshits/niggers pouring in plus the terror attacks plus the mass rapes you would have a recipe for mass civil disobedience, and the (((media))) doesn't want that of course.
Perhaps you should declare independence.
What percentage of Sweden is Muslim/foreign now?

Also good luck in the hard times ahead
>t. kike
The veil of poverty
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>ywn join up with other /pol/locks to man the SS Ben Garrison and cruise the Mediterranean, sinking refugee ships
>ywn take a celebratory shot with your crew mates as you watch a refugee ship sink while its passengers drown and get eaten by sharks
>ywn uncuck Europe and become the hero the white race needs
Same reason we have 11+ million illegals in this country and 50 million legal hispanics/latinos and descendants that have all flooded in in the past fifty years.
Why would it be?
They know what they're doing.
>We are literally not allowed to do otherwise.

Ah, the typical lazy Italian attitude. "What, me? Can't do anything, massuh!"

Che froci siete diventuti tutti.
You were the warning Europe needed to see.
whoever told you so was either a troll or a huge delusional faggot

How does organized crime make money from the nig nigs?
it's illegal to know
I imagine they make money from trafficking them into the country. We had a case like that as well although it wasn't organized crime

>We literally bailed you out.

You literally didn't.

The fuck are you talking about?
Italy loaned over 20 billions to Spain at 3% interest, borrowing them on the market at 7%, because the EU forced us.

So much for "bailing us out" you idiot.


Bumping for /pol/ productions
I like how they call these invaders "migrants"

Like it's all legal and stuff. Immigration laws be damned, let's just call these people some other name.

Also: now that I moused over that picture and saw the full picture, I really want to open fire on these pieces of shit.

Yeah but millions per nigger head like that wop said?

And how do the niggers make money later? Are they turned into productive black (excuse the pun) labor?
It was mostly French and Germans

I can't believe the original reached over 10 million views

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What the fuck is wrong with that graph? I hope that last number is just a typo otherwise that graph is beyond misguiding.
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>Secure EU borders for years thanks to our ex-colony.
>Suddenly French, U.K., and U.S. start bombing our ally Gaddafi
>"m-muh arab springs!" ebil lybian man oppress the niggers!
>Lybia into chaos without a government. Tribes star to fight each others.
>EU flooded by the niggers that before were left to rot in Gaddafi's concentration camps (builded with italians taxpayer money)
>EU&U.S. : "we freed the sandniggers!We helped muh arab spings!"
>Italy: "hey pals can we do some sort of naval blockade? Or Europe will be invaded by Africa"
>EU: "Y-you hearthless people!"

some years later on /pol/

>"It's all Italy fault!"

die white fags.we will rape until nothing left
I doubt they make millions per nigger but trafficking these subhumans is definitely lucrative.

>And how do the niggers make money later?
I can't speak for Italy, but here they usually work in construction where it's cheaper to hire them than a native. The only people who win in this case are those who import them and the bosses that get cheap labor.
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It really is though. Amazing how your captains are so great at sinking your own ships but not these nig nogs ones. Like, "yes, please rescue the niggers, so they can fuck my wife while I'm out at sea".
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Oh look, another misleading graph
Are you really that dumb? how could italy go against the whole of the EU dictatorship?
How can italy block the whole coast alone?
Italy was fucked with from the beginning, they have no fault.
Sorry Italian bro, well get through this together.
>Are you really that dumb? how could italy go against the whole of the EU dictatorship?

They already do so much corrupt shit I doubt if they pretend to save the migrants while actually ignoring them anything would happen. Italians are masters of deception and pretending to work.

>How can italy block the whole coast alone?

They don't need to, Poseidon is doing 80% of the work, all they need to do is stop "rescuing" them and letting them travel from Lampedusa.

Also you're an idiot, the ships don't make it to the Italian mainland, they aim for Lampedusa which is an island close to Libya.
"no profit" organizations who take are of niggers here get 35€ at day for every single nigger they accomodate. Of course part of this money is kept, and the niggers are packed in shitty conditions in immigrant centers.
There was an investigation about these activities where one of the bosses was intercepted saying that this traffic is more profitable than drug trafficking. Look it up, his name is Salvatore Buzzi.
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>Sorry Italian bro, well get through this together.

Nah, it's on you. We'll keep printing IDs and send these culturally vibrant gentlemen up north so they can get all the sharia and all the underage lovers they want

And we will funnel the cuck EUs refugee funds meanwhile.

>Not Italy

Whatever you say man.
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>4 consecutive dubs
Sometimes i even amaze myself
>Sorry Italian bro, well get through this together.
>Wir schaffen das!

kek. You germs are so funny.


Thanks for the clarification. I remember you, are you that guy whose dad runs one of these centers?


I'm visiting Belgium now. I haven't seen a single nigger, migrant or even gypsy in Bruges. None on the trains. In contrast when I was on the trains in Tuscany they were inescapable, same with anywhere you go in Italy. In Rome at one point in the center at night I was the only white person on a tram, everyone else was a googly eyed Bangladeshi gollywog.


Learn what "mainland" means you greasy wop.
Apparently the refugees think countries like us and even Slovenia are worse places to live than Syria so they would never want to stay here. Literally not even the jEwU could force them to stay because they'd probably just go back to the middle east.

Feels good tbqh.
>not cucked

You're full of niggers everywhere m8, what the fuck are you talking about. Enjoy more years of Boldrini.
>I remember you, are you that guy whose dad runs one of these centers?

I am not him.

It's more like these niggers want to go north because they give them free money. it's not even our fault. Here we only gave them 3 meals a day and a roof. And it's still more than they deserve if you ask me.

Too much welfare for niggers up in the north.
How are we cucked exactly? Even if the whole nation was REFUGEES WELCOME they still wouldn't come here.
Why is Ukraine in grey?
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Renzi, his minions and their jewish euro overlords are fucking off in october when will will all vote NO to the referendum,then Grillo will win and we will make Italy great again while you prep the somali bull and enjoy sharia


At least here we have secret services and police that know how to do their job, so we avoid beign bombed like idiots or growth ISIS terrorists cell inside our cities.
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Honestly man, the SP and the greens are a fucking contradiction. They spend half of the day proclaiming that they're fighting for the working class and hte other half they spend waging class warfare against them by advocating for mass low skill immigration.

To add insult to injury they also think that this makes them paragons of morality. (They're not even helping the ones who need help with their shitty refugee crap. The ones who can't afford a human smuggler are the ones that would need help. Those who can afford a human smuggler could live nicely for years in the area and thus don't fucking need anything from us.)

Honestly, having to watch them claim "we're pro fairness and advocate for the poor" and then see their actions go completely against it just pisses me off.
You are forgetting about your gypsy overlords Radu
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>white women welcome refugees with open arms and wet pussies
We are safe because they know we will shut the borders in a heartbeat if they snackbar here

Your only real hope is Salvini.
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Europe belongs to the immigrants.
We were all immigrants once.
What makes you so special?
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Salvini preaches against the government and the south while our taxes pay for his hotpockets. His party funnels money and send it to offshore societies or use it to buy properties in Tanzania (lmao). Meanwhile he openly shills for Putin and gets Kremlin money. Then he goes to the USA, makes pics with him pretending he his a fan, then comes back here and says they are great buddies
In case you missed, check the abysmal embarrassment he caused us when God Emperor BTFOd him by saying he had no idea who he was

He is a parasite just like the rest of our merry politicians
>be genfag
>frenchfags everywhere

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Remember when they tried selling the "it's less people this year, crisis is over" meme in the newspapers just a few months ago?

That month the number of refugees was lower than last year. But just adding up the total number over all months showed it was twice the number of last year.

Meaning they aren't afraid to avoid basic math to sell their agenda of making people think it's okay.

Our countries are in a state of collapse over the numbers that came last year. 70% do not have legitimate asylum claims. Most aren't from Syria at all. Sending back even one costs millions.

This is a fucking disaster that will end us, and we're not doing jack shit.

There should be gunboats turning them back, instead we're shipping them over.
*makes pics with Trump
no we weren't in europe.
get some education pls.
I highly doubt this will happen. Renzi is a clown, even if he loses referendum in october he will take his word back like the liar buffoon he is, he will stay til 2018, in the meanwhile we cannot know what events will occurr, we don't know if we'll ever be a country were legit elections can be set.Grillo is worthless.
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Sweden might be cucked, but USA is always one step ahead

BNP is a lost cause now mate. We have to vote UKIP, I know they're not far right but they will at least get us out of the EU, combat some UK radicalism and reduce migration to the tens of thousands. Then maybe after we can see about the BNP.
What are your real solutions?

Force your government to issue them temporary visas? Contingent on leaving the country eventually?
Most aren't from Syria at all.

that's the 'funniest' part. we deal here with afghan's chimpouts almost daily. most syrians behave decent while all the illegals from sub saharan africa etc lead the crime-statistics.
it's ridiculous.

Keep in mind that Grillo is more right wing than a lot of the cucks that were elected thanks to him. Some of them looks like they came out from a fucking centro sociale.

Let's hope next election less cucks and more right wingers.
UKIP was always the better choice over BNP
>temporary visas

shit barely works here broski, and we mainly deal with mexico, AND we have a fucking wall.

Jesus Christ the face on the bitch...you just KNOW she's swallowing the halal pork sword
That would also make Hungary, Slovakia and Bulgaria cucked.
this thing i can at least understand to a certain degree as many minorities in usa are quite native.
but we let them in permanently and without any control. merkel literaly invited them, fucking hell.
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>Grillo is worthless.

We literally just need a person in power capable of not stealing for 4 years. A person capable of BTFOing criminal scum and make sure rich fucks pay taxes instead of cheating them (we are pissing away 120 bn per year, in case you missed that)

We need politicians without ties to mafia, we need our jails filled to the brink with those worthless parasites. And to do that, we just need to enforce the laws we already have.
We could have a monkey with a dartboard as a president for all i care. I dont give a fuck of who goes to power as long as the government gets cleaned up for good

With Berlusconi out of the way our electorate is now mostly made of ex right wingers who used to vote Forza Italia, weekend ex PD voters and overall people who are tired with the sad state of affairs of Italy.

We will win bro. We will win and make Italy Great Again
I wonder what percent of the 1 in 5 make up the ~50% divorce rate. Are there any stats on this?
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Burgerbro, i'd say you have bigger fishes to fry at the moment
sink the boats
>We literally just need a person in power capable of not stealing for 4 years.

There is no such thing. To clear everything up we should bomb to the ground parliament and senate and put brand new people willing to govern for the love of the country and not for a lifelong settlement like they do now.
This is just utopia, it'll never happen.
>and then see their actions go completely against it just pisses me off.

they think (and i'm sure they actually believe this) they are redistributing wealth from the rich to the poor, but when in fact they're actually taking it from the middle class.

which led to low birthrates, because it's just too expensive too have 3 childs.

thank you, you liberal maggots!! god I hate them so much!
That's what Europe gets.
Found some stats:
>Marriages that took place between African American men and white women had twice the potential of ending up in divorce in comparison to marriages involving a white man and a white woman.
>Any pairing that occurred between Asian men and white females had a 59 percent higher chance of ending up in divorce in comparison to white male and white female couplings.
>The same study uncovered that marriages involving an African American wife and a white husband had comparatively lower chances of ending up in divorce than marriages which involved both a white man and a white woman. The divorce rate of the former couple was almost 44 percent lower than the latter.
>Couples which consisted of an Asian woman and a white husband had a 4 percent higher chance of ending in divorce compared to white man and white woman pairings.
It was noticed in the course of the study that marriages between Hispanic whites and non-Hispanic whites, and Asian and white people had a greater chance of ending in divorce than those of in-married Asians and Hispanic whites.
>If a marriage consisted of a African American wife and a African American husband, the couple were less prone to divorce than the coupling between a white wife and a African American husband.
>It should be understood that even though interracial marriages usually indicate a higher rate of divorce, this parallel applies primary to marriages involving a white female and a non-white male.

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oh boy , can't wait something happen here
>This is just utopia, it'll never happen.
Don't stop believing breh. Vote M5S.
SVP isn't popular m8

sorry to say that but most people don't support them, not openly at least, which shows they aren't popular
>Feels good tbqh.
I don't know, it's kinda depressing senpai
Literally no one with a brain is surprised by this.
We all knew this was gonna happen.
And it will only continue to get worse.
There's no end to this ride.
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wondering why.
pic related.
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>merkel literaly invited them, fucking hell.
They are replacing blue collar workers with cheap, disposable workforce. Courtesy of the euro industrial complex and of their minions in positions of power. The working class gets fucked, the middle class is left with the bag and keeps paying more taxes to bear social costs and bailing out banks so they can keep playing their talmudic games. Rigging elections is part of the game

"Getting Cucked" and "Enrichment" are just buzzwords terms tossed around so they can paint legitimate opposition as "racist and nazi". This is what's really going on
>5 years later
is this how it works?
me on the left
sharks don't eat people, not really.
also sharks in the mediterranean...

Yes it was probably intentional. The meat of the matter is the text above though. Getting rid of visa requirements meant the countries mentioned got rid of their border guards too. Literally threw open the door the the muzzie hordes. And they are already plotting doing it again, this time removing visa requirements for Georgia, Albania, Ukraine and probably Turkey. They're trying to create a second route in.
>they are replacing blue collar workers with cheap, disposable workforce

i know and understan this argument, but do you see them work in near future? i see them mostly looting our welfare-system. and the first hand reports from ppl who are dealing with them in language courses or job training point in the same direction.
Racist statistics are illegal.
Don't ask me how a stat can be racist but it's the same in France as in Sweden.
You are forbidden of keeping track of pops, it's too racist.
These graphs are triggering me.
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At least this one highlights the power-gap.

Here's another example of truth slipping out of the EU.
lol. he was pissed bc the black daddy was at work and couldn't make it to the photo-session.
>They are replacing blue collar workers with cheap, disposable workforce.

It's even more complicated. These people don't work.

We have a staggering increase in joblessness (this chart shows you 2016) that correlates with how many immigrants they have. This chart doesn't even count the 150 000 that came last year because they're under processing.

>. The working class gets fucked, the middle class is left with the bag

This is true, but the key is how the working class is going to get fucked. They'll introduce "new initiatives" to get the immigrants into work. This will include government created jobs (you dig a hole, other guy fills it in) - burning even more tax money. Then they will call for lowering the salaries, to get these people starter jobs. Starter jobs that our kids can't even get, today. It will become a race to the bottom, we'll have chink level bullshit jobs for equally bullshit money.

Then the lowering of services must come. Remember how we were importing these people to "pay for our old age"? Well, we can't even pay for their healthcare now. We'll have to shut the social security net within 5-10 years, or make drastic cutbacks.

I don't think people have a conception of how fucked we are right now, or how close to impossible it is to undo. And that's assuming we just had the problem of 2015, but as we can see the problem is doubling this year.
I never said I wondered why. When you take education into effect, you see a sharp spike in promiscuity and failed marriages as IQ drops, too.

Stupid people are typically promiscuous, and are typically incapable of understanding what a life-long commitment is. I hit my 5 year mark with my wife in about 18 hours, but I have an IQ of 145. Hers is 125. And, yes, we are both white, and neither of us have had any other sexual partners.
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All age stats on refugees is worthless.

Our "unaccompanied youth" group includes so many grey haired people even our MSM has had to report on it.

Not that anyone dares do anything about it.
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>i see them mostly looting our welfare-system.
Like i said, the big industrial complexes paying taxes to some offshore haven don't give a single fuck. Politicians are there to serve them, so they don't give a fuck either. The media works for them, so it's easier to just call us islamophoic and racist.

Don't think about this whole mess on the long term. The EU is just a huge Ponzi scheme, and it's crashing soon. Big boys know it, so they are trying to milk the system as much as they can before it kicks the bucket

Which is a shame if you think about it. A federal EU with a central goverment would easily surpass USA and make the Cremlin shit itself at the idea of a Great Germany. We could easily have enough military power to impose our will to arab countries, colonize Africa once more.
We could have done so much. Such a shame
>Remember how we were importing these people to "pay for our old age"?

I know. And i completely agree with you. Which is why i said our economy is a Ponzi scheme
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They lied.

Like I said in the other post, if you did basic math (addition) on the statistics at the point they said it was slowing down, you'd see twice as many had arrived.

That's journalism for you.

In other news, the domestic abuse rates and divorce rates have shot through the roof. More news at we're fucked'o'clock
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Holy shit this is surreal.
Let's close an eye to a false age for a slight better treatment in the "refugee" camp but what the fuck are you swedes doing?
Slovak here, Italy is not only cucked but also incompetent, lazy and stupid. Shit economy, shit government (years and years of Silvio), imports illegals across the sea. Terrible country, I wish you ugly faggots would just stop failing at life. Seriously, the retards of EU = Italy.
A federal EU with a central goverment would easily surpass USA and make the Cremlin shit itself

you are right with that. but the problem from the beginning was that the EU has a quite liberal stance. on the other hand tbere are too many national interests and no one want's to get orders from a foreign capital - they completely fucked up our university system with german students for example. the MEPs in brussel tried to blackmail the institutions to open the borders and save the boat migrants, otherwise they would block the budget.

i think this whole EU integration went way too far and fast in recent years. they wanted to enforce it and provoked too much resistance. it would have orked with a more moderate, less liberal and far slower scheme.
>what the fuck are you swedes doing?

You're making a mistake if you think this affects only sweden. It's the same everywhere in Europe and I haven't seen one fucking country opt for mandatory age testing.
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>Pavel anally diddled about the fact that Guido and Mario only visit is country for sexual holidays
Remember, we are and always will be the bulls
i meant I wonder why. it was just a joke, man.

and yeah, i agree with the rest.

Get out of Europe, gypsy.
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b-but the energy drinks dindu nuffin 2 him.
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Hungarians and Poles call Romanians by the same name as well: oláh (Hungary) or wołosi (Poland).

Were you the original draw fag from before?
Aw shit nigga 10/10
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Calm down Ahmed. Time for your 20th prayer for this day. Greetings from blond haired super slav. lulz
why is anyone surprised by this

this is what happens when you open the door, and it will get worse every coming year
Good keep em coming, we love all that deliciou EU money.
Don't worry we're totally spending every single cent on refugees.

Not looking at age. Top bar, blue one is total. 70% of refugees at the time were male.
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>we had like 70 refugees and they left after it became too dangerous

And send those leftist traitors with them. Bunch of fucking cunts.

Yeah totally ... let me ruin my country so I can get EU welfare money.

Better yet let me look like a dumb fucking wop and brag about it



Hey Fabio.

In Slovakia, if you want to offend someone, you call them "Talian" (Italian). It's usually used when you want to point out someone incompetency. Also sometimes we like to say "gay like Italian". Your shittines was know for generations and past into our sub-culture. Greetings from alpha blond haired super Slav.

Don't talk about shit you don't know murrica, the massive majority of refugees gets shipped to Germany or France, and those who stay are kept in camps because the locals are extremely hostile to them and costantly whine they want to go away.


Slovakia and slavs are so great seriously...in fact you're in Germany now.
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What I don't understand is; Germany and other cuck countries are clearly destabilizing Syria, it will become an empty shithole without any infrastructure. Of course our cuck citizens don't think about this and believe they would help Syrians...

But why don't Syrians themselves care about this? Why are they just shitting on their country? Why are they not demanding safe zones and Germany and other countries helping them THERE?

I mean, it's not like they can all leave Syria anyway, there are handicapped people, old people, infants, seasick people, people too poor etc.
>gets shipped to Germany or France
you forgot one.
thx for that, btw.
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>i'm supposed to care about how a gypsy calls another gypsy
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