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Orlando Terrorist Attack information Collection General
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This was the largest terrorist attack on American soil to occur in 15 years, since 9/11.

It is the largest mass shooting, in American history.

It was carried out by Omar Mateen, the son of Afghan refugees. He was American born and raised but had foreign influences so it was a domestic attack, with international ties, someone who is suppose to be a countryman, that was the one to kill 50 Americans and wound 50 more.

It is being slid by the media, by the social media, and people have shown their true colors: Leftists have declared that Gays are worth less than Muslims. IT is more important to coddle the western killers than it is to protect what they call "Oppressed".

This is our chance- We lost it with Paris, with San Bernadino, and all the other attacks inbetween.

We need to collect all the data we can on this, compile it, share it, make sure people remember: This is the worst terrorist attack since 9/11.

We can't just let this go.

I'll start:
>Shooter: Omar Mir Seddique Mateen
>Motive: Islamic ideology
>Had a long rifle and a pistol
>Also had explosives/devices (Never detonated)
>Attack occurred at Pulse, a gay night club
>50 dead, 54+ wounded
>Was killed by police
>Had proclaimed ISIS ties, ISIS claims the attack

Please, add all you know, we need to get as much information as we can.

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBlwxqqAprQ Orlando Mosque promoting this behavior
>eye witnesses said multiple men had entered the club with guns, one with a shotgun (Speculation, need livestream timestamps cited)

This is a matter of national integrity, it is a matter of fighting the normalization of Islamic Terrorist attacks in the west. each attack ,worse than the last, is forgotten faster and faster. We need to remember, and we need to make the world remember. Post picture,s infographs, articles, and information.
Damn he was kinda sexy..
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pic source fox news
Molyneux does his part:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxvqSFRX18U The emotional response we need, the fury we should feel. This was American blood they fucked with, this was Western blood that was spilled.
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I have no source, but i heard his dad ran for office in Afghanistan, and was a defender of the Taliban.
Also the police knew about Omar and that he was a potential threat and did nothing because profiling be raciss.

Seem like important points if someone is bothered looking for sources.
It's almost as if he had some indoctrinated belief system to hate homosexuals. It must be from this toxic masculine society and those guns he owned.
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Apparently some faggot held the door closed during the shooting. This led to a higher body count.

>Orlando Shooting Survivor Holds Exit Door Shut Locking in Others During Terrorist Attack
Australia is truly our greatest ally.


Does anyone have any archived streams? Does anyone know if periscope saves old streams, or if anyone rebroadcasted it like Nothiefsallowed? I know they stated "Multiple shooters" in the Broke Losers Periscope stream.
Fucking lmfao
How far is the US government allowed to invade personal freedoms (gun ownership, religious tolerance) to protect the freedom of others to live?

Serious question because I honestly don't know.
Youre a total ocd sperg fucking waste of life, anyone ever tell you that?

>I think they have
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>they were banging
You need a warrant.

Felons can't have a gun. Politicians try to restrict access to firearms to people on the watch lists and no fly lists, which is a bitch move, if someone is so dangerous, get a damn warrant and stop worrying about being called a racist.
So you don't need to be registered to legally own a firearm?
Depends on the state, Our state laws vary absurdly, you can't even conceal carry on the entire west coast at this moment in time.
>Shooter: Omar Mir Seddique Mateen
>Motive: Islamic ideology
>Had a long rifle and a pistol
>Also had explosives/devices (Never detonated)
>Attack occurred at Pulse, a gay night club
>50 dead, 54+ wounded
>Was killed by police
>Had proclaimed ISIS ties, ISIS claims the attack

This shooting reveals that
1) The shooter was with isis
2) Was interviewed several times by the FBI
>one because he had lashed out at co-workers, rambled on about ISIS
>another because he was in chatroom with an ISIS suicide bomber
3) Was on a watch list
4) Managed to land a job with a high profile security company
5) Managed to procure documentation to acquire police/military grade weaponry irrespective of him being on a terrorist watch list
6) Worked under orders of the DHS to illegally traffic humans through the southern boarder, usurping federal law, constitutional law and international law


Found it.

Mateen was born in New York. His father, Seddique Mateen, who has also been called Mir Seddique, once tried to run for the Afghan presidency and was heavily involved in politics, according to his Facbeook page, which includes photos inside a U.S. State Department office. He has also spoken out against the Pakistani government, and supported the Taliban.

“Our brothers in Waziristan, our warrior brothers in Taliban movement and national Afghan Taliban are rising up,” he said in one YouTube video, according to the Washington Post. “Inshallah the Durand Line issue will be solved soon.”
you need to have a gun permit to buy a gun that may or not need to be registered; and before you can apply for a permit from the state you've got to pass a firearm safety course
that permit requirement would apply if you buy from a registered firearm salesman. obviously one could buy a gun "under the table" and then use it without having a permit...
Where the fuck do you live?

Where I'm from in Texas you don't need anything but a clean record with no felonies and to be 18.
Nothing else.

Why is the media so careful about not blaming Islam?

Is it because they want more Muslim immigrants in our countries?
Is it because they are afraid that if hatred of Muslims becomes widespread, the Muslims in our countries will be radicalised in reaction?
New York where the people are pro-gun in every county except in Albany, NYC and Long Island.
two theories
1.) they actually think they can lie and manipulate things like they did before the internet, and are simply delusional at this point

2.) they are secretly nazis and want to get the common people pissed off and install the 4th reich.

I'm guessing mostly #1 with a tinge of incompetence.

I live in WNY and I pray for the day we split from NYC and downstate. Fuck that whole area, it's like a different country.
Muslims directly kill and cause fear. When enough attacks occur, and when people stop caring, they can use it's anarchy a form of tyranny, fire from below, boots from above, law abiding citizens that want left alone feel the full force of the law, failing the law stepping on them, they'll just ship in these "Innocent" Muslims to your neighborhood and let you feel the pain of terrorism.
Didn't the police confirm that 50 died in the night club but overall 78 died in total (those that were taken to the hospital)? That sounds important to put down.
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>mfw gay guy goes full hodor
That was mentioned in Trump's speech today, that his father ran for office.
He was a registered democrat.
* Edward Sotomayor Jr (34)

* Stanley Almodovar III, (23)

*Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo (20)

*Juan Ramon Guerrero (22)

*Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera, (36)

*Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz, (22)

*Luis S. Vielma (22)

*Kimberly Morris (37)

* Eddie Jamoldroy Justice (30)

*Darryl Roman Burt II (29)

*Deonka Deidra Drayton (32)

* Alejandro Barrios Martinez (21)

*Stanley Almodovar III (23)

*Anthony Luis Laureanodisla, (25 )

*Jean Carlos Mendez Perez (35)

* Franky Jimmy Dejesus Velazquez (50)

* Amanda Alvear (25)

* Martin Benitez Torres (33)

* Luis Daniel Wilson-Leon (37)

* Mercedez Marisol Flores (26)

* Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera (36)

* Xavier Emmanuel Serrano Rosado (35)

* Gilberto Ramon Silva Menendez (25)

Is every faggot in Orlando a spic?
I dont get it.
it was latin night, which is every saturday night
and it was packed with 321(apprx) people
South Florida is mostly Cuban, yes.

Got you covered.
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Omar "Mujahideen amongst the unclean" Mateen
Omar "You gay? No way!" Mateen
Omar "Cool glock Omar" Mateen
Omar "Aisha would be disgusted" Mateen
So the shooter worked as a driver for illegal aliens according to that one article.
The police says it was a very well planned out attack.
He chaperons them into the country, then he kills them?
Kinda Ironic.

stop attacking other people's countires, stop toppling democratically elected regimes, stop bombing other people

maybe they'll leave you the fuck alone

>>but m-m-uh oil
Re-up this video. It's on the guy's own youtube channel. He'll probably take it down the second he sees the sudden jump in views it's gotten.
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