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All memes aside, what is the actual solution to radical islam?
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All memes aside, what is the actual solution to radical islam?
An understanding of these peoples mindsets and WHY they want to kill Americans and Westerners.

Why do they hate us so much? Maybe because we invaded their countries for oil and opium, and killed their families and friends? We operate drones over their homes and strike without thinking. If someone did that to you, wouldn't you fucking hate them as well?

/Pol/ seems to not be able to think critically when it comes to cultural and religious differences. They just see someone different and yell "BUILD THE WALL, LE TRUMP 2016, MEEEEMEESSS. KILL ALL MUSLIMS" without actually looking at the much larger picture.
or because allah told them to
>middle east
Same as it's always been:

with all that in mind, what's the next step? The damage is done, how do we set things straight?
We tried to give them democracy, something they can't handle. And in doing so we destabilized the entire region. And now it's just one big contest for whose rule is most legitimate and who is toughest.
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There is none. This shit has been going on for 1400 years.
They can't be bargained with. They can't be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear! And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!
Nuclear fire will purify
Ban Assault Religions

it's 2016 ffs.

The 1st amendment was written over 200 years ago. They did not intend for it to protect radical Islam.
stop supporting Jizzrael
Just read the Quran, dude. It tells you EXACTLY they want to kill us all. Read it myself, and now I'll never trust a mudslime again.
Glass the middle east
Construct several black boxes at all corners of the world so that they become so dizzy trying to pray that their heads explode

Stop fighting wars for Israel and don't let them into the West. Pretty simple. The reason we can't do that is because Jews run the West and make both happen.
You neglected to include "KILL THEM ALL" as a potential solution.
the final solution
Why should we give up our consumption and dominance to appease inferior people?

Imperium Invicta.
>Maybe because we invaded their countries for oil and opium, and killed their families and friends? We operate drones over their homes and strike without thinking. If someone did that to you, wouldn't you fucking hate them as well?

That never happened to Saudi Arabia, Iran, or any muslims that have immigrated to Europe or America.

Russia x China x China Start on 3 sides and meet in the middle. Use total war tactics, kill everything including civilians and children. No Muslim can be trusted
Bummer Islam
The first step is to contain Islam in its reservation ie. "Islamic" countries.

Right now they are needed in order to make people scared, and support a police state, and surveillance and a more authoritarian government. in N. America and Europe.

Less freedom of speech and association are coming.

Once that is sufficiently in place they will have to be pacified. My guess is that they will do it like in Russia and China, where influence form middle eastern clarics is forbidden, and a government moderator will participate in all gatherings to insure nothing radical is taught.

I think it;s all part of a greater plan for the new world order and a globalist authoritarian regime.
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Dumb piece of shit. Let me say this right out of the bat : you're right in parts.

Now that being said, Islam is fucking shit ALL ON ITS OWN. Regardless of what we did to them, of what we can do to them, Muslims will always be a seditious, deleterious and treasonous element in our societies because it is a COMPLETE SYSTEM OF LIFE including a POLITICAL SYSTEM.

The end.
"Radical" Islam has been continual since its inception in the 7th century. You either ban it, kill it, or be conquered by it. There is a reason Japan doesn't have to put up with this shit.
The final one
Love of course
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>All memes aside, what is the actual solution to radical islam?

Conversion to Christianity.

Not even joking. And I don't mean forcible conversion. I mean real grass roots preaching and testifying.

Targeting Muslim areas and citizens with literature and Christian testimony.

You can't kill an idea with bullets. Going to war with islam in a military manner will never work.

The only way you can truly defeat Islam is by converting it's followers to another religion.

Then Islam will cease to exist.
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In the face of this statement all I get is incredulity. Never have I heard a counter-argument that persisted for more than one sentence.
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Christianity had a reformation several hundred years ago. There have always been giant debates too.

Islam will never and has never had this. Islam cannot reform itself. They are simply no intelligent enough. Its like asking niggers to fix Africa without the help of whites, it wont work.

Muslims and Islam has ALWAYS been at war with the west and whites.

You really want to know how to solve it? Kill every single man and child and rape the women until you completely erase their entire race. After that, destroy the ideas so that they may never return.

You kill your enemies down to the last man. Only then can you have peace.
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we need to show them more love and not give in to their hatred
Don't defend muslims and verbally berate and shame them wherever you find them until they stop supporting this horrid shit.

Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing...
but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)"

Quran (2:216) - "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not."

Quran (3:56) - "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help."

Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority".

Quran (4:74) - "Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward."

Quran (4:95) - "Not equal are those of the believers who sit (at home), except those who are disabled (by injury or are blind or lame, etc.), and those who strive hard and fight in the Cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has preferred in grades those who strive hard and fight with their wealth and their lives above those who sit (at home).Unto each, Allah has promised good (Paradise), but Allah has preferred those who strive hard and fight, above those who sit (at home) by a huge reward "
So that's one vote for 'KILL THEM ALL".

Nice to see someone finally agrees with me, even if it is a fucking nazi.
exactly, that's just what they want. we need to smother them with love
The solution is 100% oil independence and imbargo/sanctions on purchasing Saudi oil, and a confiscation of any Saudi oil wealth held in US based banks. As well as banning all immigration from radicalized countries.

Force them straight back camel-fucking sand farming days.

The last thing we need is an Iraq 2.0 though, spending tax dollars and soldier's lives to civilize these fuckers is a wasteful endeavor that only serves to line (((their))) pockets.
>Conversion to Christianity.
It would be easier to convert them to atheism, since it's a more rational position.
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>All memes aside, what is the actual solution to radical islam?
End Saudi Arabia. Promote a revival of secular nationalism in the Middle East.
By stop funding ISIS, and arming public and commercial places (especially the "sensitive" ones like clubs) but it would benefit pedestrians way more than the ones in power, so you're all fucked.
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>since its a more rational position
Kill them all

globalists stop fucking the Islamic world over... muslims kept in their containment zones... maintaining technological supremacy to ensure they don't try their luck in future (this may go against point one)
Seems like you answered it yourself? Islam only understands might is right. Show them might, I mean >>77009272
The minute the Western elites stop enabling it, it will become a self-solving problem. Muslims don't like each other very much either.
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Label it as a Sexual-Religions-Ideology or Political-Sexual-Movement or a Misogynistic-Ideological-Cult not a Religion in the normal sense.


Nice autistic comic.

Not possible. The entire basis of their religion is how Judaism and Christianity have "gone astray" and are corrected by God who gave the instructions to Muhammad.

Any attempt to convince them otherwise will just bring up a wave of cognitive dissonance in the Persons mind.
Wow... really.......... makes.........
Kill them all. Isolate them if you don't have the stomach for the dirty work. But they cannot stay together with other ideologies, and eventually attack you, even if you put all of them back to the middle east. So you would just delay the inevitable kill them all phase, it is either them or everyone else...
Also this, Saudi Arabia is patient 0
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Nice autism philosophy.
Those Islamic countries would still be horrible, barbaric places to live even if we weren't bombing the shit out of them
>triple-layer shitpost cake
You can't win because you are stuck in the post-enlightenment mindset every westerner has. You believe in nothing.

The solution is to let Islam win.
>triple-layer illogical shitpost
Fuck off from the middle east, don't let them in outside of exceptional individuals and allow them to develop on their own. Christians used to execute gays and torture and burn men and women for following other religions or being heretics. Just leave them alone and they will develop on their own. The problems with the middle east and Africa are due almost entirely to colonialism, we gave modern technology and attempted to force modern governments on people who weren't socially developed enough for them while establishing arbitrary borders with no regards for religions or cultures.
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Nice gay paedophile faggot religion.
I've used this explanation before because it really is an accurate description of why Africa and the Middle East are fucked up. Imagine it is 500 B.C. and magic negros or aliens or whatever start to suddenly appear in Europe. They mostly stay in the southern states but set up trade outposts across Europe. The magic negros or aliens then begin to trade guns and other weapons for slaves or raw materials that are harder to find elsewhere. Some of the countries in Southern Europe adapt well to the changes due to prolonged trade with the negros/ayys but even they are still extremely culturally backwards. Then suddenly in 100 B.C. the magic negros suddenly divide up Europe between them along arbitrary borders and actively try to spread their religion. They maintain these colonies for less than a century before leaving, but when they leave they establish countries with arbitrary borders and democracies.

So imagine one of these new countries is made up of say all lands between the Elbe, Pyrenees, and Alps and is made up of a mixture of Gauls and Germans. The Germans are a minority in the country and mostly adopted the magical negro religions, and thus were used as low level administrators in the Gallic regions as well as the German regions. Suddenly you have backwards people holding animosity towards each other living in a democracy, the Gauls would almost certainly attempt to get revenge on the Germans or the Germans would attempt to maintain their power and influence despite being minorities. Either of those situations are very likely to result in armed conflict or a full fledged genocide.

The same solution people have practiced for thousands of years. Muslims respect strength and prey on weakness. If you bloody their nose, they leave you alone and go back to beating up on little girls and women. Just think Jaffa, Poitiers, and Tripoli.
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Actually they got mad because we stopped letting them grow opium, which was their only income after the invasions. Learn your fucking history retard. MUH WAR FOR OIL
Islam only started getting radical in the 20th Century as the Islamic identity meme (from Palestine) and the Kill-Innocents / Qutbist memes (from Egypt) proliferated.

In short, it will take a war of memetic attrition.

I want my 30 seconds back.
Stop fighting proxy wars with Russia in the Middle East and secretly funding a new terrorist organization the second the one currently in power decides to bite the hand that armed it.

We might get a few more terrorist attacks before they get bored and go back to hating each other for ever so slightly different interpretations of the Quran.

From there they either murder themselves out of existence or realize religion is inferior to rational secularism as a means of organizing your society and join the rest of us in the modern world.

Either way, problem solved.
and nothing to do with saudi wahhabism ?
We nuke Saudi Arabia. They are the source of all radical Islam.
Radical Islam is not something we should be worried about. This can and will be dealt with once the West finds its balls again.
It's not that hard to start raiding salfist mosques, deporting families and accomplices of known families and banning them from the country for life, cleaning out the filth from muslim ghettos, etc...

No, what people should be worried about is mainstream islamic culture, which is far more insidious and dangerous in the ong run. You know, the everyday seemingly normal, "moderate" muslims, the ones that wont kill you, but will gleefully cheer on when the next bomb goes off. The ones that will then help and protect known mass murderers because they're doing gods work and because they're one of their own. Prime example of this is Molenbeek. The opinion polls taken from mudslimes living in Europe are quite telling as well.
And the sooner people realize this, the sooner it can be dealt with, for good.
Total state control over who gets to be imam in mosques. Banning foreign powers (cough Saudi) from funding islamic education in your country. Reward and give publicity to the imams who swear allegiance to you in both their words and their policies. Active programs to promote assimilation. Done in China. Done in Singapore. Done in Russia. Cost effective, but not a complete solution, needs to be paired with other active measures against terrorists.
Wahhabism is deeply conservative, and violent with respect to punishment within its communities.

Wahhabism didn't become a particularly violent force until it got mixed with the aforementioned memes, particularly when Qutb's brother fled Egypt and began teaching in Saudi Arabia after Nasser executed Qutb and suppressed the MB.
wrong cato
>*outwardly violent force

It follows, either way, that Wahhabis shouldn't be allowed to dominate other societies or they will enforce their conservative ideals (and harsh punishments) on those they rule over.
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Racial jealousy because they don't invent anything
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There isn't one. The West is already dead and is waiting for someone to put it out of its misery.

It won't be slow and manageable either, we're looking at a breakup so spectacular and violent that something like it hasn't been seen for centuries.

There are too many nations around the world with long, bitter grudges against whites/the West for this to end easily. This won't be just Muslims getting revenge, it will be a massive score-settling that will involve everyone from the Arabs to the Mexicans to the Africans to the Chinese.

What whites in South Africa are experiencing now is only the merest hint of what is to come.
Cato the elder
They invaded half of Europe
And kidnaped
Destroyed local politics and economy
They grew to big to manage themselves
Get colonized
Treated gently compared to their ancestors crimes
> they are pices of shit
>they want to kill Americans because they are not Islam
When was a Roman ever wrong?
Top kek.
>execute gays and heretics
Not like Islam. Never as often or as violently.
The kill count attributed to Islam dwarfs Christianity's and every other religion's combined.
The first mistake we can make is putting others right next to Islam, they're not comparable.
Are you the lad I shut down in a long argument about two years ago? It ended with him not being able to refute what I was saying -- he stopped posting. I can't remember if you were tripshitting then.
Basically, the philosophical claim was some Hume-tier shit that was flaunted by the poster as a logical tautology, but was incompatible with itself. Was that you? I would be surprised if you refined that garbage and are still carrying it around.
Do you conduct proxy arguments using comics and links now?
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Radical christianity.
Thanks, senpai. You leaves are alright
>Iranians Moroccans and Afghans hate america because of Israel.
they cant even locate us on a map.
our existence has 0 effect on their lives.
No it is literally the wrong Cato. That is a picture of Cato the Elder. He died 200 years before imperialism. Cato the Younger is the one who opposed Caesar
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> islam genocided 80 million hindus.

"Islam is a religion of peace"
>Et tu, Kim?
You should like whites for saving you from japs, and protecting you from the commies, your kin that was left alone now grazing grass.


What I think or indeed Koreans think is irrelevant to the point I'm making.
Should have stamped out their retarded practices a century ago like the Brits did in India or like we did/tried in Indonesia. It's too late now without a war (which we are not prepared to fight).
Okay, this argument fails hard when you consider other people that American/West have done the same treatment.

E.g.: Vietnam. We raped Vietnam HARD. Like beat them, forced them to fuck a dog, uploaded on internet hard. There were a ton of Vietnamese refugees in the US, and the communists had large legitimate grassroots support. Did the Vietnamese come to the US and bomb us? They had every reason to.

Likewise we killed a fuckton of Japanese civilians, and there was never an organized movement to attack american civilians.

Why? Because both the viets and japs share an east asian culture that though developed separately from the West, share similar core values. Primarily a lawful society, value of education, and a sense of honor in life. It's not COMMON or considered NORMAL in their society to behead disbelievers, or stone women, or view outsiders as animals.
Only way to end islam is to
>Create IO's banned for countries with religious political parties/majoritarian muslim
>Create regulations inside countries which makes every form of discourse related to islam a criminal offence
>Push memes showing islam = terrorists
>Exclude muslims from any form of security

>Subvert puppet states to do local genocides
Christianity, somehow, got moderated to the point where Christian violence is very rare compared to the Islamic variety, so long-term put the Islamic world through that.

That's gonna take a while, obviously, so until then be very strict about immigration from that region. Also stop trying to take down regional dictators, Saddam was an asshole but not as much as ISIS, we'd probably be better off with him still around.
>Calling Romans negros
>we wuz kings

It's always the answer
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I'd mention algebra, but you're probably the sort of guy who still struggles with doing fractions.
t. community college dropout
You need redpilling on the ME m8. We didn't invade to install 'democracy'. We invaded to take gold and oil. Libya was destroyed just to open the floodgates of Africa.
Wait until the middle east runs out of oil. They're funding it all. In the meantime make Islam illegal and deport all darkies.
>Somebody who hasn't read the COMPLETE Christian Bible
>Someone who hasn't read the quran

Otherwise you would know that the mindset, goals and methods of both relgions are very different. Adding to this the possibility that getting socialized over hundred years living in territories where farming is literally not possible and the only way to survive is looting should make it very clear,

There is no way muslims will ever have something like a siecle lumiere. There is no cultural narrative in the whole ideology that could lead to such an event.

So still only way to get rid of muslims is exterminate every women child men and cultural representation of that ideology. Menaing even banning them from history books and teaching/learning about them
I dropped out of one of the best engineering programs in the country, thank you very much.
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You really want to know how to solve it? Kill every single man and child and rape the women until you completely erase their entire race. After that, destroy the ideas so that they may never return.

Literally what is happening to Europe
Keep it in Islamic countries.

That's literally it.
Maybe in north pakistan, but on the continent, the number of true multicultural racelovers is very small. Even lefties getting drunk and baited love to spout racist and most important antisemitic memes.

So I hope you voted for leave and have fun in racemix land
Meming aside?

Okay, here's the problem:

Radical islam is thriving on the concept that the West and Shi'ites are fucking over Sunni muslims all over the world (sometimes considered to be working together, ironically). It's based on a siege mentality of 'muh rights are being oppressed by outsiders'.

Now here's the rub- if you do a Bush and go into a muslim country to try and fuck them up, it confirms these guys arguments in the public mind, so it makes the problem infinitely worse.

BUT, if you do nothing, it gets worse by itself anyway.

Unfortunately, there's no cheap solution. You can try and foster local resistance to this shit, but that never works, and the West is always seen pulling the strings anyway.

You can try invading, but you NEED to improve the standard of living after you've invaded, otherwise it makes the problem 10x worse. This is where Burgerland fucked up with Iraq.
Because the Vatican was purpose-built during Francis' reign
I'm about 90% sure the locals didn't allow any semblance of improvement to happen. This is in regards to Iraq.
Are you talking about Colonisation 2.0 or some soustainable R2P Nigger shit?
If you think blacks and Mexicans and Muslims will unite in hand holding sing songy glory to purge the whites you're delusional. They hate each other as much as they hate white people.
This, Iraq MIGHT have worked if we went full imperialist and tried building it up as, officially or otherwise, our territory. Trying to foster an indigenous democracy turned out to be ineffectual.

I know the "books not bombs" approach is very unpopular here, but more creature comforts does mean people are less likely to go off and fight, as can be seen in the west. You'd still see some terrorists who insist fun things are haram, of course, but there'd be fewer of them when everyone else is content.

I'd say let's start by bringing them some barbeque.
There is only one solution. A final solution.
There is no solution. Humans are inherently evil. Evil is not on the table of elements, it's a creation of the human mind and as long as human beings exist the evil will continue to happen. Honestly, the best thing a person can do is accept that fucked up shit will always exist and just attempt to enjoy life the most that you can.
Let them have their on shithole countries in the sandlands, who gives a fuck?

Just Crusades 2.0 them all back into the Middle East. Problem fucking solved.
Even if that was the case, a more structured plan for construction, education, jobs etc. would have done more to stop radicalisation than basically anything else.

COIN and handing over power to the locals and all that is lovely, but if the basic standard of living is still shit, you've wasted your time.

Not really

More like, if invasion is the way you're going to go about it, make damn sure the people are happier AFTER the invasion than before, or you'll just have a lot more angry people looking for a someone to take their anger out on (bearing in mind that you have now just created an 'us and them' situation within their own borders)

Napier is saying something similar in pic related. And that was a guy who had some experience in this area.
the easy solution would be to quarantine them to the middle east
reformation. lel good luck
>Why do they hate us so much?

hum, Islam, Koran..., maybe ?
killing infidels, subjugate women, slaughter faggots, all this stuff, you know ?
It starts with the Oil money Qatar, UAE, and Saudi Arabia fund Salafi/Wahhabi Islam so the cancer can spread then you have a international bedrock of retarded idiots who go murder innocent civillians.

We have to be harsher on Qatar, UAE, and Saudi Arabia but since we bow down and are cucks to them we will not do anything so more Westerners will die. This is just the beginning.
spike all halal meat with salt peter solution injections. have the bsa search all social media account for any anti american pro isis faggotry then round up offenders under the banner of protecting the population from terrorist then put them in the ovens

if you dont know what salt peter does when ingested then you have never worked in a soup kitchen
I don't think you can call it democracy when the US refused in many nations to recognize democratically elected leaders.
I understand the intent and agree fully but there are limitations one must recognize in the specific setting. Not only are the locals very trepidatious of the westerners, whether they are fighting violence or not, there are technical issues to deal with such as the ground actually not being solid enough to establish solid building foundations in many areas, the 120f degree heat, and sandstorms. The fact of the matter is that if you aren't right on water in the middle east, you basically live in uninhabitable desert.
What does this post mean?
Your greentext doesn't offer any insight and I can't tell if it's sarcastic.
>dropped out
Research why the Iranian Revolution happened.
I'm not a Humean, so I doubt it. There's nothing "incompatible with itself" about the problem of induction though. If you're a naturalist/physicalist/materialist + empiricist, you're not a rationalist because you can't justify use of induction without utilizing viciously circular reasoning.
You're logically fucked. Boned. Illogical.
Deport Islam.
yes we invaded the middle east, nice taqiyya abdulah muhammed al jali
What's your point? Mexicans and Muslims are on completely different continents.
American education at it again. What is it that you burgers do all day at school, squashed behind those retarded desks.
>E.g.: Vietnam. We raped Vietnam HARD. Like beat them, forced them to fuck a dog, uploaded on internet hard. There were a ton of Vietnamese refugees in the US, and the communists had large legitimate grassroots support. Did the Vietnamese come to the US and bomb us? They had every reason to.

You can make allusions to pornography but that doesn't make your point any more valid. Vietnam is peanuts compared to the literal century of Western destruction in the middle east.
Plenty of idiots from every country.

But to be honest, particularly in Afghanistan, opium production is in fact quite high. Specifically the provinces of Nimroz and Farah produce quite a bit.
Muslims are not inherently extremist. A majority of Muslim countries like Egypt and Iran used to be very secular and moderate. We fucked with the region too much and because of that a power vaccum was created. This vaccum allowed radical islamic organisations like ISIS and AQ to gain power and push their ideology. Remove those organizations and those who fund them in order to restore peace and security to the middle east and the problem will be solved.
Islam is inherently extreme.

Look another burger. Afghanistan is not "the middle east". In the middle east there is a strict policy on drugs, whereas both the Taliban and the Karzai governments in Afghanistan are in favor of large scale opium trade.
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>Islam only became violent after America came about
Yeah why can't they shoot up abortion clinics like good christians
Does Allah tolerate text messages?

>Christian fundamentalism

"Love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you.” ( Mt 5.44 , Lu 6.27 , Lu 6.3 ) “Do not use force against an evil man.” ( Mt 5.39 ) “Do not resist evil with evil.” “Forgive and you will be forgiven.” (Lu 6.37 ) “Do not be anxious about your life.”( Lu 12.22 ) “He who lives by the sword will perish by the sword.”
( Mat 26.52 ) “In everything do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Mat 7.12 )

>Islam period

Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing...
but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)"

Quran (2:216) - "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not."

Quran (4:89) - "They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks."

Quran (5:33) - "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement"


Maybe invasion isn't the answer to it, then, but it's probably what they'll go for in the end.

My point is more that if that's how it's going to go, making the population actually prefer having you there is crucial
Kill them, men, women, children, innocent, guilty, whoever, just get rid of them. Everyone's tired with their bullshit and nobody wants them around. We just don't because we want to appear moral to ourselves or other people, who would probably secretly agree with this genocide anyway.
We've already stopped a hateful political ideology this century, we can definitely do it again. I just think people cbf anymore.
Eliminating those who seek to harm many is morally justified though. The thing is, that as long as Islam exists there will always be extremists, same with any religion with written dogmas and agendas.
The problem can't be fixed by anything other than a huge amount of time. Maybe in the next millenium people will get to the point at which they read a religious text and think "Wait, that doesn't sound right; civilisation is a real thing we should all aspire to build and be proud of."
Islamism and the West are fundamentally incompatible with each other. Islam does not recognize a separation between church and state like the West does, therefore they will continue to bomb us until we convert.
You kill them all. Or failing that, destroy the locus of their faith. Smash it and irradiate it so thoroughly the religion tears itself apart.
Expel jews and Muslims from the west with force.
colonialism 2.0

non-interventionism is great, and I'm glad we're getting away from neoconservatism and wars for israel. But just letting the muslims stew in their own filth is only a temporary solution. They WILL eventually cause more trouble in the future.

What we need to do is go back in there and BTFO them. But unlike the neocons, we don't just go in and destabilize the area in order to help out israel. Instead, we go in there and fucking colonize the middle east. Homestead acts and whites going over there in order to built decent societies. Not just this bullshit of setting up failed democracies in the middle east run by their own people. That shit doesn't work.
what did he mean by this?
Muh Dict
ally them.
>All memes aside, what is the actual solution to radical islam?

The exact same solution as to Naziisim.
Negotiate with them. Give them luxuries like power, tv and worldly pleasures and they'll stop caring so much about the afterlife.

Nobody uses terrorism unless they're desperate.
Give them what they fear the most, ultimate humiliation.
You think killing or torturing them is the answer? THEY WANT MARTYRDOM, THEY WANT TO DIE FOR THEIR CAUSE
Every caught terrorist should be sentenced to a livestreamed rape by two huge blacks (male and a transvestite) wearing cowboy hats, followed up by a trained pig having its way with given terrorist.
The terror of islamic world caused by seeing this shit done to all of their heroes would be unimaginable. Sad thing is, this will never ever become realistic option, because we care about human rights.
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