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Compiled the Elisa thread from earlier. Save it quick
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File: Elisa feels.png (2 MB, 4800x3140) Image search: [Google]
Elisa feels.png
2 MB, 4800x3140
Compiled the Elisa thread from earlier. Save it quick
why did it get deleted
Wasn't politics

Based ozbro
Cross posted at
what's the jist of the story I am about to go to bed I saved it though
thats a lot to read not sure its gonna be worth it
Has Tay been turned into the product they desired?
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This hurts to read
I compiled so I could continue to ride the wave of sadness since breaking up with probably the most amazing woman I'll ever know
Why, because the text is impossible to read on a phone?
Lets dispel this fiction that this story was anything other than fake and gay
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Thanks for making this man.

>tfw after meeting a new oneitis and tip-toeing my way around everything that goes on between us after previous disaster of a relationship
Fucking women

>tfw you did at least manage to pull your friend away from the whole scumbag/party culture a few years ago
The joys of having a domineering personality
Just read the entire thing
>takes 5 minutes to read
Yeah, try 20 mins ..
Was a long but good read, really sad story
tl:dr please.
just read it you filthy sheep enthusiast
Eliza is a trap who convinced some cuck that "she" has ovary problems. Then the trap goes full emo like most traps and kills itself.
KEK fuck that im not going to read it
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>tfw you will never meet the love of your life and will die lonely and bitter.
What's a lolita dress? I'm afraid to google.
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just finished reading it all

i wasnt ready for those feels

thanks for compiling it

>salami nips
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>Uncle didn't want his niece to have a boyfriend
>Couple kids come at his door asking for her.
>She not at home
>Tell she's dead
>This guy take his word for it
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what the fuck
stuff like this makes my life seem not so bad after all.
It's a good story to make you feel feels, there were a couple of things he seems to 'convieniently omitt and a couple of details that could be challenged, but I don't want to ruin it for others as we probably will never hear from OP again.
I guess that's the charm of 4chan, you never know if these stories are true.
it's a good work of fiction
I'm pretty sure this is real or at least it is based on real experiences. My fiance became a weirdo after her dad died when she was young. She started cutting herself and still was when I met her. The first time I saw her naked she reacted the same way.

A lot of the things the OP said about what she said and did match almost exactly my fiance. I don't think someone could know how people in that situation act without having lived through it.
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