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Why the EU can never be a country
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File: burning-EU-flag.jpg (257 KB, 615x300) Image search: [Google]
257 KB, 615x300
Would anyone even care if someone burned a European flag?
Does this picture offend ANYONE?
I could enjoy it now.
Probably Jews.
It offends globalists.
Depends who is burning it
This. If you're brown and doing it this is fine. Prepare for prison if you're white though.
It could be a country.. if a European race war ever happend i would like to see a united european state.. a superpower. It would be a country, but there would still be states with great independence to protect their own religion/culture/language ect
Yes, I would have no problem with a Euroean state if it was united against Islam, and was based on Christian values
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>European superpower
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mfw my country gets out of that shit.

I'm offended they didn't wipe their asses with it beforehand.
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Even the colour of your ID approves your post!
>murca in 2016
>super power

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A lot of countries have laws against desecration of their flags, but I think EU doesn't actually have such a law concerning their flag.
Offends me mildly. Definitely more than someone burning a German flag, but I still can't say I care a lot.
it offends (((ME))) goy
>being delusional
I'm sure Martin Schulz is triggered.
It offends anyone who believes in human progress. The unification of humanity cannot be stopped.
>breed with niggers and lower the IQ of your population by 10-20 points
The EU is a sinking ship, it's only progressing towards its own destruction.
Thread replies: 22
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