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Woman hate thread
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Thread replies: 233
Thread images: 97
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woman trump.png
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We need woman hate thread, a big one-a YUGE one!
it literally has the word trump in it, why doesn't it has 100+ replies yet?
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I love women.
They make my pee pee feel wowsa!
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DAMN she looks hot, she looks tall with big tidies
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kek, do you post that on /tg/ or something?
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does anyone have the forum post of gold diggers talking and giving advice on how to marry and divorce men for all their money?
>classic example of dishing it out and being unable to take it
>another women instantly leaps to her defense
women, I swear
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Holy shit this hits so hard. My parents divorced when I was young and my mom would always act like this when I went to see my dad (weekends)

That's why I call them chefs.

Nothing to do with the kitchen, everything to do with the fact they dish it out but never take it.

Holy shit that one actually makes me mad.

Modern women aren't fit to be mothers, i fucking swear to god.
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I wonder if it ever occurred to this woman that she's raising her son to be the kind of boy that she ignored when she was in high school.
Don't hate women, that's retarded, hate the society that permitted most women to become like this.
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>agonising pain of being privy to your child's life for only half the time

I can't tell if this is unintentional irony? The reality of fathers being locked out of 90% of their kids lives is completely lost to them?
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>Modern women
>implying they wherent always like that

woman arent fit to be anything but baby machines, and thats why only they can conceive kids

>self awareness
>masturbation vs breast implants

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Fake as fuck.
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it's time
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A FUCKING CROS- well you not all wrong, i hate alphas and betas aswell.
alphas enforce and betas follown
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what the fuck is happening in frame 2?
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you get one or the other
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Anyone got the when men code vs women tweet?
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If only-

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That kid will grow up to be a nu-male reddit cuck. Sad!
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a related matter
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Oh god
Those were made to deter rapes in Africa I thought?
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a common problem in military barracks. trust me, i've seen two of these in my 4 year career.
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as much as i dislike western women, that's actually a dick move on the boyfriend's part
it's no different to how alison rapp pimps out her """""""husband"""""" and makes him fuck men for money
women truly are the sex jew
What happens to the penor and can't you just touch her before you stick it in?
>just girly things.
>almost none are things exclusive to women.

She was perfectly OK with whoring herself to strangers before she found out that money was involved.
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Deus Vult
and that she wasn't getting any of it kek
i bet that's what she's all pissy about
Women, like blacks, tend to have lower rates of empathy.
no, if they were chefs their restaurant would go out of business.

"just a little taste"

"what? shit! the foods all gone...better make another for muh hungery custmers"
An 8 minute video depicting the immense suffering and torment women exclusively have endured throughout history.

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It's what happens when the sewer main clogs. Poo-water backs up back out of the drains. This is why you don't put paper towels down the toilet. It can also be clogged by the feeder roots of trees growing into the pipe through tiny cracks.
What exactly does that thing do?
My mom attempted suicide when I went to my dad for the weekend the first time.
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(fuck, I wish I was Australian...)
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>it ain't me
Just anal rape lol
>Tumblr: *makes man hating pages*
>OP: Waaa we need a woman hating thread

We're better off raiding Tumblr for Lulz. Hit em up next major women's day
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you just shove a finger in before you start.
do the actual "just girly things" tumblrs and twitter accounts just get immediately spammed to fuck and back?

i can't imagine they exist without being raided every day with how insanely retarded they are.

It should get raided though, that's a good idea.
pose in the bottom right corner...
does every single girl on youtube do that pose? i can't stand seeing it anymore
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Holy shit my sides. What have you done
I don't want to break the circle jerk, but at least they're spending quality time together. Seems kind of sweet and like her heart is in the right place, even if she is possibly misguided.
This chick kept posting from that account for a couple years until she eventually deleted it, man was she batshit insane. I kept her profile bookmarked to see what kinda nonsense she got herself into next. The last one I remember was her parents threatening to kick her out of the house (which she lived at indefinitely after her fiance broke things off) for inappropriately lecturing her very young niece.
I think this is sweet. She's teaching him how to control the date while pleasing the lady. This is true alpha status. If the kid isn't completely autistic he won't get cucked.
Oedipus. This is one step from mommy-son night at the bates motel.
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What mental illness afflicted her?
how is this woman hate?
I mean, okay, she raised such a stupid child, but apart from that, her son? is the only one to be hated here
Fun fact, she ended up being schizophrenic and poisoned her self by drinking stream water in some woods before getting naked and breaking into a house to steal food. Reddit kept shadowbanning the accounts but a sub she founded was active for a while. reddit.com/r/truewomensliberation
It went a lot further than that lol. She's supposedly institutionalized now.
The poster identified as a girl hans.
>implying they not all like that
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We are doomed
is this supposed to be bad?
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I just love being the boot on liberal throats
Here's one of the final posts. Completely batshit: https://www.reddit.com/r/truewomensliberation/comments/3pwrle/this_sub_has_been_stolen_by_gender_traitors/
Jesus fuck. She need actual help
Its a reddit pasta
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>The patriarchy drove her so completely batshit insane that she starting living in a clearing in the woods, drinking contaminated water, and then blamed men when she became extremely ill and started vomiting blood.

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>America are letting women into the infantry as we speak
Do you think this type of thread is an original concept never before seen on /pol/ newfriend?
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Never change......
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>Touhou Security
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Can we make a push for this on the net?
Get women the same rights as guns?
>that response
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Men Are From Mars....jpg
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It was a slow descent over literally years. Here's from a few months earlier: https://www.reddit.com/r/truewomensliberation/comments/2m793j/some_thoughts_on_how_to_begin_to_end_womens/

Weirdly fascinating to watch mental illness progress in real time.
Can these atheist youtube memes die out already? They're cringe worthy
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>met this 9.5/10 chick with a boyfriend
>stuck with her for the night
>found out she's not too happy with her current boyfriend
>made out with her last night in some fuckin abandoned 1960s house

Do I seal the deal?
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>this isn't satire
holee shit my sides, anon.
honest answer is best
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>Cutting his losses while he can
Fucking brutal
That got out of hand fast. I kek'd heartily.
These types of anti-rape devices have been tested in Africa. It doesn't deter anyone, and if it causes injury, the woman ends up murdered and the rapist maimed. It's...not the best idea.
>not a black dick
This one always fucking gets me
>Meme member

Look up rapex
Family lawyer here - this mindset is present in at least 80% of women, moreso younger women than older.
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thx for that one, loved it
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What a classy young lady.
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So courageous...
meh youre not wrong, its pretty true.
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does this hit home /pol/?
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So diverse! So tolerant!
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>Gender is a social construct
>Animals have fixed roles based on gender

Waiting for SJWs to go to Africa to educate male lions that they're oppressing the female lions by making them hunt
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Not really since, my cousin did that shit thought out highschool. And when it came to prom I was force to take her. All people gather their just rewards

Based Bill and prof.
I believe a woman shoves that up her pussy and some rapist comes over and tries to fuck her. His dick then gets stuck in it and he can't pull out then she's supposed to call the police because she caught the rapist!

But you know, when a rapist can't fuck the woman, the woman gets hurt, badly.
That on is bullshit. Women can't live without their phones.
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>Why aren't more women going into STEM?
>Answer: it isn't sexism
>Big guy 4U
my sides are in orbit
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Jesus! What a self-centered, vapid, vain human piece of shit.
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>Like, I'm just a little girl who, like, doesn't understand?
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>Advance Sargent Carl
>Never Forgetti
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Calling her a whore is indeed intelligent because it is accurate based on everything she just said
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>it's got a little helmet on

Fucking done, sides are somewhere around Neptune
>some fuckin abandoned 1960s house
Man there are definitely not enough of those around anymore
I envy those "ghost hunter" people. Seems like a fun job getting spooked by things that aren't there, or might be
Who knows
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If you hate them so much why fuck and marry them?
right in the feels...
fuck that buddha lookin' bitch
HI~~ My NaMe iS tAbAtHa and I like to travel. I'm fluent in sarcasm~ lol~ . No I don't want to "netflix and chill" sorry fuckbois!!! I have CuRvEs and I love my body~~!!!
Swipe right if you're over 6ft only!!!
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Just suck it up and marry a dude for maximum hangs and bantz, or be a MGTOW. Women are a meme at this point.
>I'm not going to bore you with huge blocks of text
>bores us with huge blocks of text
fucking triggered.... This is every girl in my generation. Who is responsible for this?! Jews?! WHO?!?!?!?!?
>This is every girl in my generation
its not
you just look in the wrong places
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Yes, all womyn are like this, it's not like you're being exposed to a bunch of shitty ones for some MYSTERIOUS reason.
following up to this try to do the cliche shit
ask girls out in coffee shops or on the street

in a club theyre there to have fun and probably hook up
other situations create a different atmosphere
I don't mean that literally, but it's definitely the rule rather than the exception.
>Anonymous (ID: RZZL5r2x) 06/09/16(Thu)19:24:23 No.76
I know you didnt mean it literally, but the entire atmosphere of clubs is
"Have fun"
women go there to have fun and hook up

so by changing location you change the rule
remember women are social animals and play off of atmosphere
I have never even stepped foot in a club. I probably slept with over 20 women throughout college, and had 3 long term relationships before I realized: my generation is fucked up and unmarriagable. I've been single ever since, and much happier as a result. Even if they aren't totally disgusting sluts, they're still boring and annoying outside the bedroom.
this guy is based as fuc
Who the hell takes their cousin to prom?

What majors were these women in?

Amazing bants
If she sucked him off at the end of the night then fair enough but she no doubt leaves him with a dry duck and fucks Chad after spending his hard earned betabux on herself.
Holy fucking kek 10/10
women literally destroy civilizations with their frivolity
>seen it all in my 4 year career
>4 year career

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>mom replaces boyfriend/husband with her son

>quality time together
>heart in the right place
>possibly misguided
Calm down monkey bro. It's a small picture, and I bet if you zoomed in you would see how gross she actually looks.
Lot's of different majors, all equally likely to swallow your load.
She takes her kid out to dinner once a month and uses it as an opportunity to attempt to prepare him for the world of adult relationships, dating, and proper social interaction between peers. She's trying to give him a leg up in the game so he doesn't end up a hugless kissless virgin wizard NEET.

At least that's how I interpret her behavior and motivation from the small amount of information available. If she knows what she's doing she could really be doing a good thing, and bonding and making great memories and stuff.

Yeah, she could be a goofy bitch who's fucking him up one way or another, but at the base level she's just going out to eat with her child. There's nothing wrong with that. And I want to see the best in this situation. I'm allowed to have a little bit of optimism every once in a while. Fuck you.

Virgin detected. The pushy is worth it 9/10 pham
>Martin Riggs

Don't think anyone caught that

Wtf else are they supposed to do with it? Your jozz has to go somewhere.
>We need woman hate thread

What a faggot.
Almost all of them have been replaced by anti-feminist youtubes.
Is that Grace, from the hit NBC sitcom Will & Grace?

To be fair, she might have just been fantasizing about killing him because he was white.
>Hating half of your race
But why? It's going to be a sjw hate thread, not a woman hate thread. Women are to be protected, and to have a family with.
I bet OP's a shitposter.
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I have this
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I don't know why this makes me so mad. I work with kids, they need a mommy and a daddy, but this is crazy

Your son is going to get beaten up. Or have a huge mommy fetish

Grandkid's? With this generation? The white population will be gone soon >>76675301
That's actually really abusive. It is the sign of a true sociopath

"Under the gun" shirt. The creator of that doc admired it was staged

>baby person
It's a boy, a young man.
If you think that that's the only aspect of their relationship that's a little strange then go ahead and live your delusion.

Single mothers who treat their sons like the men they could never get to stick around in their life are creating waves of Nu-Male cucks and those virgin NEETS you so despise.
Calling it now: clubbing whores will put one in, forget about it cause she's pissed drunk, finds the perfect chad, Chad's glorious 9 inch dick gets rekt, and whore sues the manufacturer for ruining her perfect future with chad.

Or Bitches use them to ruin a boyfriend she thinks is cheating on her (cause she is delusional). Then the View says, "you go girl".
There were several screen shots at one time of her ranting. Know where I can find them?
its a shame women suck at suicide, more than half who attempt it will fail

>The patriarchy drove her so completely batshit insane

Slight correction: she was batshit insane whether or not she got caught up in leftist trash. If the alleged counterculture of our time was Mormon theodemocracy, we'd all be talking about how the idea of an administratively separate, yet inextricably linked church and state was just too much for her to process. Ideas don't make people crazy, people are just fucking crazy.

>All people gather their just rewards

You had to take your bitchy cousin to prom, what the hell did you do?

It was a joke anon calm down. Lets instead focus on the copious amount of booze she had on hand to fight through patriarchy by getting blind stinking drunk.

I'm counting 8 minimum counting all of the Crown Royal bags and ignoring the actual bottles.
Pick one children
Thousands of these are handed out every day to men in the state of Victoria, Australia.
All I really know is that this woman wants to raise her son to be a good man who respects women. That's an admirable goal. I don't know anything about single mothers or raising children, and I'm not in a rush to judge.
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aus shitpost.png
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shitpost in regards to the whole rape scandal

literally muh feels the post
The sweet sweet delicious irony here that she is too stupid to understand is the the type of guy she's raising her son to be is obviously not the type she went for. She obviously got suckered into the bad boy stereotype and got slapped around a bit.

Shame that boy is going to turn into a woman hating monster one day when he realizes that everything he learned about women is a lie.
i have no image to portray enough rage to suit this reply
not sure if its just common knowledge of /pol/, but dick masterson is a true guru when it comes to this stuff.
men are better than women dot com
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Looking at these always crack me up
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Laughing my ass off when I got this last week
Truly is the nigger of the gender
Confused.. this goes in the girl? So what? It just leaves her pussy wide open and makes her hornier and hornier till needs to get fucked?

Praying mantis.
I hope she has a "fun time" with a black guy in an alley.
Fucking lol
pretty sure thats lana del ray
>posts bullshit theories which generalize entire genders and ethnicities

offended when some mentally ill woman does precisely the same thing
better them than me
Ironic name lad
Absolute savagery
Thread replies: 233
Thread images: 97

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