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How to protect my Trump sign...
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Anyone have any ideas on how to prevent faggots from stealing your Trump signs? My 70 year old grandmother (Who also happens to be the head of our county's Women's Republican party) keeps getting the signs I get for her stolen out of her yard. Any relatively sane ideas on how to prevent this from happening?
Bear traps
Surveillance cameras? Shotgun? Put them in a place where theives can't easily get to them?
You're on to something
Post books and job applications around it.
Rig it with a pull wire that explodes a paintball grenade
Anti personnel mines. Claymores are a classic.
If people take it just put up a sign saying every time you steal this I donate $20 to Trump's campaign. Worked for libs in 2012
Secretly watch it for a few hours and confront anyone who tries to take it with a camera and send it to the Alex Jones show
Explosive traps
>rage donation

bernie cucks did that and look at how much we laughed at them for that.
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Here's a pic to illustrate my point

Have a graphic bar next to it like "220 dollars raised so far!"

"If you steal Trump's sign, he wins".
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im not implying anything

Scarecrow motion activated water sprinkler. Meant for pets, deer and raccoons. Not illegal since it's just water. Someone goes near the sign, water sprays anyone in the area. Mess with the sign and get sprayed the fuck out. More fun if you add some color dyes and ruin their clothes.
Anti-knee grow traps are good for discouraging sign theft.
Just imagine:

>late at night
>sleeping soundly
>You hear screaming. Someone that sounds like they are in an immense amount of pain
>look outside, it's someone near your Trump sign dressed in all black
>smile and go to back to bed
>best rest of your life
Buy motion-detecting (like for wildlife) cameras, put around yard.

Press charges.
Buy a really good camera system and you can rig one of those dye packs they use on money so if the perp is wearing things to conceal his identity he would get painted all over and it won't come off. Then when he ditches his gear they can get dna evidence from it. I saw it on CSI so it will work.
Poison ivy.
Wrap it in concertina wire.
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Cover the sign in urushiol (the allergen found on poison ivy) and capsaicin (the stuff in pepper spray).

They won't even realize they've touched this stuff. Next thing you know, they've touched their eyes, lips, or penor/vagoo and they're going to be in for a bad time.
Put razors around the edge, but be sure to put a No Trespassing sign in your yard also. They can sue you if you don't have the latter in your yard.
I saw a guy who attached his to metal poles in a huge-ass slab of concrete.
Scarecrow by Contech
put a table with watermelon and fried chicken next to it
Any dyes that disseminate in water can be washed out, unless the clothes cannot be safely washed and HAVE to be dry cleaned, and even then only it would be tough for something to not get cleaned out. I would not expect someone who steals a Trump sign to be wearing dry clean only clothes while they do it.

t. dry cleaning industry professional
Just applying pressure to the cap would not discharge the shell. The firing pin mechanism has to strike it. Not just push against it.
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This should probably work fairly well.
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Demolition Ranch did a video on something similar.
Not sure if it is legal though, as he clearly states in the video.
burn that trash, no one will steal it then
besides, only white trash supports him
Make the edge looks a little loose, as if you can easily tear it off, and underneath it tape razors so when an angry lib tries to yank the sign off he'll cut himself on it.
>Women's Republican party
Nice gender segregation you swine.
Put on the back of it so people who try to tear it down cut themself.
/solid steel/

easiest option would be to not advocate your political bullshit for either side
A pitfall 10 feet down. Place sign right in the middle of the false top.
I'd recommend this if we were talking about anonymously-placed signs in public places. But I'm not sure how the law applies to hidden traps. If this is illegal, you'll get fucked because it's on your property and you're obviously the one who put them there

That's why I would recommend capsaicin/urushiol like here >>76648795
Pussy move
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I prop mine up inside my front windows. Theft problem solved.
Unless it's Bernie then it's ok to attack people.



you meant to reply to someone else
You probably don't want to do anything illegal. Something mildly annoying but not lethal, even if it doesn't protect your sign, sounds pretty funny to me, though.

Build a wall
Paint it with something blue/red that doesn't dry or wash off easily so when someone picks it up and carries it away they get covered in blue/red paint
we sit outside drinking all night. we also mark them because people have been taking them to put on there own lawns. we live 5 minutes from trump hq in new jersey we have about 50 signs left. we miss some and just put more up.
Put wooden marks reinforce them with sewing thread (cross stitches like squeares use your imagination) and hold the markers with rocks tied to them with ropes (you can put pica pica powder? traps near the sign after you made some tests)
Design a rat trap disguised as an iphone
Racoons are active around there?
Fishing wire and a drum set, family.

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Like this, OP.
>Anyone have any ideas on how to prevent faggots from stealing your Trump signs?
Move to Texas, put it on your property. Stand at the ready with your guns, when someone trespasses, warn them three timse to leave, if they don't leave, shoot them

funny as it is, that won't work in america. mantraps are illegal
Hidden razors.
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mustard gas?
Make a sign out of something heavy, like a sheet of metal and on the edges make tiny jagged edges.
Find the general timeframe for when they come to steal ( set up a camera ) and predict the next time they will come. Then get a gun and blow their fucking heads off.
cover the sign some kind of substance that is sticky and is an irritant to skin
OP, try hard enough and you will help the fight by potentially revoking someones right to vote.
Lines the sides with razorblades. They're where they're most likely to grab it.
>spray paint
Why not do something less criminal, like making rotten eggs, itching powder, stink bombs, etc fall on anybody who moves the sign? Beartraps and rigged shotguns are great and all, but "dead 'youth' who dint do nuffin killed by Trump supporter" probably wouldn't play well on the evening news.
>mexicans can't hop a fence
>buy a care batery
>dig a hole
>hide the batery in the hole and fill it up again
>wire the sign
>be woken by the comfy smell of rosted niggers
I don't get the point of yard signs or bumper stickers or hats or shirts

nobody is going to see your sign and be like "well gee, hard to argue with that, guess I'm voting for Trump/Clinton/Sanders etc.

especially with bumper stickers its like putting a sign on your car that says "please key my car if you don't agree with me and are unscrupulous"
Clinton? Don't you mean Hillary?
>attach a car battery to the sign
>put video camera on sign

You'll get some good footy of threives getting fucked while trespassing on your law.
then I would have said Donald/Hillary/Bernie

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cover it in something stick
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Put a very small hole through the bottom of your sign's metal legs and thread a wire in, connect said wire to a battery.

When they yank the sign, it connects it to the metal legs and shocks them.
>supporting Trump
Please stop being a child.
This is so cringey
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I saw a woman with a Bernie sticker on her car yesterday. I have a Trump sticker on mine. I called out to her and said "Bernie? Oh man! Well, there is still room on the Trump Train if you want to get on board!" and she just stood there, trying to keep her composer. Good times. Her face looked like pic related.
>Not valuing other people's opinions because they aren't yours
Please stop being a SJW.
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>razors with rat poison everywhere
>cameras that shoot acid at intruders
>roomba wielding a 1911
>guard dog
>bamboo pit
>double mine, mine
>grenade mine
basically any trap used by the vietcong
>pic related
>hire a mexican to guard it
>tripwire with lots of broken glass
>a gun
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glue razor blades to the edges of the back.
Razor sharp Barbed wire and bear traps if you live anywhere near mountain lions. Take a picture of a WARNING: DO NOT TRESPASS sign right next to it

yes retard, dont put out signs that people are going to steal for 100%

how about that?
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Are you stupid a car battery is only 12v.
I want reddit and tumblr to get the fuck out right now
Good thinking, Ahmed!
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Oh boy, an excuse to post some of my trap folder!

Get yourself one of these. Or you could wire a gun to a tripwire to fire whenever anybody walks close to it. You have the right to defend your property.

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should spring for the stealth equip ones which are invisible to the naked eye.
Easy there pancho, this isn't your cartel's cocaine stash.
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Electrify the metal bars that hold up the sign
Good idea!

And that woman shouldnt walk down that alley because she knows she gonna get raped 100%

You're a pussy and a faggot.

A pussy-faggot, if you will.
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I am a conservative though.

Trump is not a conservative. Hillary is more conservative than Trump even. She is going to win. Just get over yourself.
Too bad you have to be 18 to vote, Bernout.
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The pin will not release if there is active tension on the handle.
There was a post earlier where the guy covered it in some sort of glue.
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history is repeating
>"B- But I'm not, and here's MY opinion on why you're wrong! It's fact!"

How about you get over yourself, narcissist?
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>he doesn't value his property
You can deliver a non-soluble dye with water. It simply doesn't mix with water, but water cannot compress either, so it acts as a cannon that shoots it out WITH the water.
I've not seen that variant of Shotshell booby trap...
Quite ingenious!
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And the final trap I will post is this one. I pray these have given some ideas.
Sign removed sets off switch firing a cone of bear mace

This stuff
Before i even opened this thread the first thing i thought of was bear traps. I like your thinking m8
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Make sure you don't have dogs that will get it on them.
Holy fuck, this.
Not sure if you guys knew about this but a McCain supporter got fed up with people stealing his sign that he did this: >>76655019

Then he got a lot of attention because OF COURSE his sign electrocutes a niglet.
The dad said his son just wanted to "see how it was put together" like wtf? It's a sign. Anyways, surprisingly the homeowner wasn't charged even though it's generally illegal to booby trap your property.
Just keep buying more. More money for the campaign.
Holy fuck I was coming in here to day this.
>the joke
>your head
what does it do?
how does this work?

The difference between Bernie and Trump is that Trump actually stands a chance of becoming the next president.
>Victim unkwowingly puts its weight onto the bullet
>Pin at the bottom fires bullet
>Enjoy looking at the floor through you new hole
I recommend spring loaded pungi sticks.
place ricin needles
don't you need a gun to fire a bullet?
full weight of a man walking without expecting any traps or holes means all the weight goes directly into bullet and causes it to punch the primer, boom foot is gone.

You can fire bullets with a hammer, don't need a lot of force to do it, as long as you hit the primer dead center.
Buy bear mace and slather it all over the back of the sign. Make sure you're wearing surgical gloves and a facemask when you're doing it because this stuff is nasty. Once somebody lifts the sign and puts it in their car, they'll get this stuff all over them, blinding them for hours.
Ground the battery so it dies
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>relatively sane ideas
A bear trap in front yard might get you in legal trouble, inb4 land of the free

The real question is why are you buying your grandma Trump signs? You vote for her too, faggot?
Glue it on a big thick steel sheet and put in the ground with 2 poles.
Leftists are too weak to carry it or break it then.
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>Any relatively sane ideas on how to prevent this from happening?
you've come to the wrong place
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haha, i was looking at a flag on a house today, remembering when the chimps in south carolina were stealing the rebel flags, and someone suggested placing punji spikes under the flag.
Just cover the back of it in glitter glue (or some kind of slowly drying crazy glue)
To fire a bullet you just need to pucture its base. A gun is made to safely shoot many bullets, but this is meant to be a cheap and simple single use trap.
Fucking euro poor.
No the cartridges primer gets struck and ignited the gun powder
Go read a book nigger
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it is like a glue trap for mice
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There are only 7 states in the continental US that do not have poison oak/ivy/sumac.

Just say you planted it near a bush.
They don't fuck with mine but that's because I took a few shots at the last trespasses on my land. Put a round of rock salt in someones ass and they tend to leave you alone.
you posted one good thing so far
and this was it
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I mostly have fantasy traps. Just the nature of the beast, I suppose.
The barrel you use has to be 26in long as a firearm that isn't a handgun has to be at least 26in overall length.
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>nigger or illegal in the middle of the road glued to a Trump sign
god please do it OP
>the bullet can be seen inside the gun

>Paint a claymore to look like a trump sign
>When it detonates loudspeakers scream MAGA

Putting the Rump in Trump.
Razor blades.
my trap folder is a bit different than yours, but i still like it
what a great product

never heard of it thanks
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>or within a room that is rapidly filled with water
what the hell were these guys planning for?
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Lets see all those vets do something worthwhile ae?
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Coat the edge of the back side in red bearing grease
It works better if you can leave space between the cartridge and the screw so it actually punctures primer.
This looks like a challenge I would have accepted as a kid...Even though I support Trump
The inevitable civil war to depose liberals and retake America. It will start pretty quick if Hillary is elected.
No it explodes
molotov over the fence

Chlorine gas bomb.
Can't believe nobody mentioned this yet but paintball gun.

>wait outside or by an open window
>see someone in your yard
>pop pop pop
>kek and post your wins on forechin
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<-- bury some of these
Paint mines used in paintball are fairly cheap and reusable. Just a simple tripwire and it fires off like one of those whirling sprinklers
Yard signs, bumper stickers, [spoiler] and flags[/spoilers] are for people who need some sort of image or symbol to attach their identity and personality to.

Humans are like magpies in this regard, but it goes far deeper than that. One of the reasons Islam outlaws the use of icons and symbols is precisely because people have worshiped these things since antiquity.
>I am a conservative

No you're a faggot who goes to place they aren't welcome just to be annoying
was expecting a different outcome
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hi nsa
Those holes with sharpened sticks at the bottom covered with leaves

why are people like you so pathetic?

were not breastfed as a child? not spanked? are you bi? what's wrong with you?
haha, clit
When did liberals become so uninformed and borderline retarded? It wasn't always this way. I dont agree with everything trump says but I almost want to vote for him just to spite all these fucking brain damaged sjw's
Live in a pretty liberal city. On my street alone there are about 10 Bernie signs.

I've only seen one Trump sign - Nailed 10 feet up the trunk of a tree. I need to take a picture of it next time I drive down that street.
Best swallow your pride and vote trump the alternative is Hillary and the continued slow death of America. She has already let Americans die rather than save them and more blood will be on her hands if she comes to power.
As much as I applaud this idea, it is illegal and you will go to jail for a long time. God bless a country where shitheads can enter your property and you get in trouble.
that hurts thinking about
Post no trespassing signs and you can shoot them where I live. :)
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And sign that tells, that there is traps that can kill you.
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Whats it supposed to do?
Get a cheap electric fence driver from the nearest farm supply store and rig the sign up hot.

It's completely legal as long as the sign is in such a place where the Bernfag has to be trespassing to steal it.

For absolutely 100% legal CYA, place a smaller sign warning of the electric fence near the trump sign. It's OK - niggers can't read.







I'm about to get a van, and I want to put a big fat Trump sticker on the back, stake it out, and remotely trigger the tar & featherer.

Or, hook up a brutal electrical charge to the sticker. That would probably be easier.

I wouldn't want to hurt someone who just wants to gently stroke and appreciate the sticker though.
>it's generally illegal to booby trap your property.

This is a Jewish lie, like the Holocaust, deliberately spread to keep cucks from protecting what is theirs.

Nothing is illegal with defensive traps. What is illegal is indiscriminate traps that can kill or seriously injure. Pepper spray, dyes, shockers, all perfectly fine. Live traps, like blast shields and locking doors to exists? Fine. Every single bank and high-end retailer uses traps on merchandise. Why? Because it's legal to defend your shit.

Shotgun shells, punji pits, and land mines, no.
either kill a bear or grant it unholy powers
Wouldn't that fall under stand your ground laws?

If not you can always just say you're trying to protect yourself from bears
Just write a sign saying its lethally boobie trapped
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the traps are to keep me away from bears
They almost got me
Probably the best reply I could have received.
Coat it with tiny razorblades or boobytrap it somehow.
please get raped by germany again you guys are fucking retarded
Bernie supporter here. Im gonna Brock your granny to death.
Dig a hole around the sign and cover it with leaves.
This will work but extra-fanatics might try something different instead like vandalize your property, other than the sign.
Lol, maybe stop being a faggot cuck who supports the cuck emporer of America's retards
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And so are your digits, my friend
>gun has magic power to make bullet go off

Europeans must be even less mechanically inclined than I thought
>roomba weilding a 1911
Fucking kek
Stop living in a shitty neighborhood?

My town has a large number of Berniefags, but also some Trumpfags. Nobody touched anybody's signs, because we're actually civil toward each other.

Either that or half the town is high on heroin
what a waste of quads you stupid spic
>listen to my opinion, stop making fun of what I like

You sound the same as an SJW, only difference is you are even more retarded bc you support drumpf
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This, Hillary is a center right candidate, too bad everyone in this country is fucking retarded and would rather pick sides and whine about how the party they don't like has brainwashed everyone else instead of actually trying to understand each candidate
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This looks like a good and simple idea and won't get you in much trouble (hopefully).

I don't know if it would work in a big sign though.
Those aren't quads you dumb nigger


The fuck are you talking about? Hillary is the most liberal nominee for president in decades. She's even further left than Obama.

This country is going even further down the drain if she gets elected.
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Not sure if legal, but you could mash some poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, then wipe the resin on the sign ;^)

claymore mines
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if they steal a Trump sign

replace it with a Hitler sign

let them know your patience has it limits and you'll shut their dirty lying Jewish mouths
I think a honour guard is the obvious answer.

Build invisible wall
Place the sign near your house. Say you have a rabbit problem. Then ask the individual why they were near your house touching your sign. As long as you don't put it right out by the sidewalk where some little kid might fall and hit it you should be okay.
A gun?
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stepping stone pepper spray, and put super glue all over so if they grab it they cant take it off. and everyone will know
I just ripped down a trump sign.

Its it honey?
Put razor blades on the edges and a bouncing betty near it.
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Cute trap, dude.
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>we need socialism
Coat it in thermite.
Rub poison oak all over it.
Do the evolution baby!!
>Live in SoCal city
>Trump signs on fences in the middle of town and nobody is tearing them down

Feels good man. 29.1% Hispanic too
> it's generally illegal to booby trap your property
The trick is to have the electricity do something other than zap coons.

Put some lights on top, wired into the defensive circuit. If it blasts a dindu, then it was just an amateur wiring job gone wrong, not a booby trap.

that is really fucking fake
Guys pls, its not worth killing someone over and more importantly go to jail for. Do non lethal traps and record it for youtube to expose bernouts getting stumped.
The Emperor will pardon his loyal partisans when he takes the throne.
nobodys dumb enough to steal a trump sign in my neighborhood...police are called on sight for any suspicious thug/teenager. And I'm in southern California too.
yes and this is why muslims are such an advanced society
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Razorblades around the edges? It'll give your sign a halo in the sun, and maybe that deep red stain of freedom; because the tree of patriotism gotta be watered with the blood of dindus, or nuffins.
>not running electricity through the sign
Bird repellent applied to the edges of the sign.

Sticks like shit to a blanket and is just an awful experience.
First fucking post.
Put punji spikes around it.
stop being a pussy. watch the sign for a little while, and when somebody goes to mess with it get off your ass, confront them, and hit them in the fucking face if necessary.
Alarm tripwires around the sign, rifle by the bed.
Build a wall, m8
Get a metal sign and hook up a car battery to it.
Just blast the sign with bear spray. Anyone who touches it will have their day ruined
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If you know who they are put isis signs in their yards
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You could try this https://youtu.be/pLFKdmXykBQ

I got my sign stolen a while back but the retard was stupid enough to put it up on their house a few blocks away so my mailman alerted me about it when she saw it. I took some pics for evidence then called the cops on their, Id guess, illegal ass. The graffiti was easy to clean off and now its back up though this time theres another sign, more threatening, right next to it that says: Stealing is not worth losing your life over.

No ones messed with it since
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