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You are currently reading a thread in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: boating.png (346 KB, 1756x1997) Image search: [Google]
346 KB, 1756x1997
>dad status

[] cucked
[ ] uncucked
all those posts are roleplaying

OP status

[X] faggot

Why would you be reading that sub in the first place?
File: alertmum.jpg (75 KB, 300x300) Image search: [Google]
75 KB, 300x300
i have certain needs
This. They're all just bad erotica.
Can anyone provide the tl;dr version?
File: yummymummy.png (499 KB, 1730x3019) Image search: [Google]
499 KB, 1730x3019
conversashun with caring mummy
This reads like a shitty amateur story. It's fake as shit man.
File: JUST.png (49 KB, 1708x284) Image search: [Google]
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no shes very open and gives good advice to people. though most time the answer is "no"

was sad once and cried in my bedsheets b/c no mummie to help me cummie and she was very understanding and i like that :3
>it's fake so it's normal
File: g3.jpg (20 KB, 306x306) Image search: [Google]
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This is what Hillary wants to legalise
File: mame.jpg (22 KB, 395x428) Image search: [Google]
22 KB, 395x428
there is literally nothing wrong with incest

it's a form of communication that helps a mother understand her son and share affection for each other intimately.
Thread replies: 12
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