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You are currently reading a thread in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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she gets a small bump for winning. The real test is seeing how long it stays u dumb nigger

its over she won
Trump might lose
trump is a waste
Red nokia snake was eating enough blocks to grow the same size as blue nokia snake who was apparently starving but then they nearly collided going for the same tidbit!

Luckily, both backed of at the same time and now red snake is going hungry. It is the circle of life.
>UKIP won last euro election
>Brexiteers are more likely to vote
>Million plus Brits don't give two shits about politics but think Farage is racist and will say they want to Remain but don't even know there is a referendum.
Brexit have won this
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>Canada calling other people wastes
Means he was finally winning over the Republicans who refused to support him, but he's losing them again since his comments about the Mexican judge (just look at all the prominent republicans denouncing him and retracting their support for him in the last few days)

What it means is that you OP are a criminal just like Hillary.

Trump ~ 2016
It's over guys Hillary wins but we have Trump 2020. We will see the return of Jeb too, just have to be patient for 3 more years and the show starts.
Trump is not the candidate who can run again once he's branded a loser, especially after calling everybody else a loser
Just meme the hell out of Jill Stein. It would be like Nader 2.0.
> she has the potential for the Bernie bot vote
> she has the potential for the feminist vote
> she has the potential for the environmentalist vote
We could take those voters away from Hillary and give them to Stein, and Trump will steal the presidency. Extra points if Jill declares Sanders as her running mate. We do have kur work cut out for us though.

Trumps racism against the judge is only going to boost his numbers they said
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