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Risk Thread
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New Risk Thread

Fourth Reich
Based Empire of Non-Degeneracy
Change to red
Seljuk Empire
Turkmenistan, beside the Caspian Sea
what different color do you want
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Just going to go ahead and start
Fill Germany
Expand east
Whatever colour

Roll to expand
Fill Poland
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Still room for more people.
>Light Blue

Invade Belgium and Netherlands
fill more germany
Fill north
Continue filling the rest of Poland
The rest of Britten
Same as last
New Austria-Hungary

>Tang Dynasty
>Light Blue

Shit, I'll go green instead.
>New Swedish States
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Sure my man. Let's fuck up some degenerates
May we join in this alliance as well?

Do I classify as a degenerate?
>>New Swedish States
If fourth is okay with it. We're gonna be the new Axis Powers
sweet. This will be a glorious cleansing
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Rise of the Seljuk Empire Version
Fill Swede
Fill Austria. Spills go to Hungary
Fill germany

Expand south into Algeria, take Western Sahara for that easy +2 if spill.
Fill Afghanistan spill into Russia
Give me the rest of Britain.
Israel expands East.
Netherlands, spill France
Hey what are the alliances now? I would like to join one if you'll accept New Sweden
Fill Poland
Spill into Belarus
As far as I know. Me, Fourth-Reich, and New Austria-Hungary are in Alliance. I think we are the only alliance so far.
People should put their alliances and NAPs in their name.

Are NAPs going to be enforced?
Hey, lets ally
You could join me
Sure, if i can have Russia while you spread west
Yeah alright.
Italian Social Republic
I'll be your greatest ally.
Put axis in names
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You guys should put your bonus in your name because I will not count it for you.
Invade czech
Byzantine Empire
>Don Cossacks
Expand all directions in Italy.

Take Algeria, spill into Western Sahara, THEN Morroco. Stay away from Tunisia and Libya, those are Italian colonies.
Fill Ukraine
Fill Azerbaijan
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Finish filling Hungary. Spill to Croatia.

What bonus?
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Miami 1.jpg
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The new Nordic-Seljuk Alliance is gonna rule le world
Defend if needed,
more France
>Don Cossacks
More Britain
Sorry for double roll, here's my original >>76582627
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>1 Nuke
>Roll to fill norway spill denmark
It's a sign
I say we form an alliance?
Expand south into Arabia.
light green
Empire of the Red God
Aerthur you should Ally with Seljuks to create the Anglo-Seljuk Alliance between all of us

Anyone else want to join the Axis?
Lemme survive the next round and I'll ally with whoever tbqh
I'll join
So, 4th and Based, how should we divide the land? I'm satisfied with what I have being my northern boundary. I think 4th should take the Czech and Switzerland, based should take Ukraine, And I will just keep heading south, holding the Balkans.
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It's up to you,
am I Aryan?
We may be far but I support an Anglo-Seljuk-Swede alliance
So it is settled. Embrace the fasces.
I want Czech Switz and denmark atm
I support an alliance with all of us living happily together.
Denmark be mine m8.
Riteful land of le Scandinavians
New Austria Hungary, would you like a NAP? I desire Greece and Athens when it comes to the Balkans.
ASS alliance it is!
OP should put symbols beside our names on the legend, to tell who is on what alliance.
Sure, as long as you leave me Constantinople and Turkey
map update pls
Sounds good
More people = longer updates

Refer to this nation as 中华的王国, if you wouldn't terribly mind.
do the anglos want to join the axis?
I'm not sure if I'm already in the axis.
I think so.
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Alliances Version
No, no hugsession
thats basically the whole game allied
Fill czech
Fill germany after

Finish Morocco, spill into Spain if possible.
Fill Iran
I agree
Axis is full
Spill Russia
Fill Italy.
Expand west into Egypt.
Continue Filling Ukraine
Attack Byzantine if Necessary
Go into Moldova and spill into rest of Ukraine>>76582652
I think the celts should have more land than that.

Either way, finish off Britain.

You mean the Cossacks?
fill ireland
I'll let you have Turkey if I can get Macedonia, Kosovo, and Montenegro AND I'll help you fight the Byzantines if need be.
Wait, never mind. Fill Iraq
Take Denmark then Norway
Don't forget my bonus {+3}
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Keep filling Croatia. Spill to Romania.
So as I understand it, the Axis Powers consist of-
Austria Hungary
and the Celts.
That's 5 people. Nearly 33% of the players are axis. We're gonna fucking steamroll everyone.
Annex Greece
Yeah Sorry
You do realize that the Byzantine Empire isn't in Ukraine, so you won't be attacking anyone in this turn...let's be friends
Take Denmark then Norway
Don't forget my bonus {+3}
So can I have Ukraine or no?
>those palidubs
Dark Red
fill UAE
Sure you can have it
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SS dogs are being trained.
You see this OP? I can have Ukraine!
Don't get too cocky lest we surround you
Sounds good, you have a deal
I suggest you take spain
Can someone make a list of the Axis Alliance?
You put the guy that asked to be in Persia in Russia wtf
That's were i'm heading
>4th reich
Austria did already >>76583866
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celts have the best war dogs
I did.

No, Red God said Russia.
Got it, thanks
No thats me
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Message from Il Duce to the Tang Dynasty.

You must secure Spain and Portugal.

-Il Duce
Spill Russia
Fill Germany
Fill Iran
Move up to Lithuania Give Ukrainian Territories to Cossaks

Finish Morocco, Spill into Spain.


More France
Fill Italy and spill into Switzerland if enough territory remaining
Keep filling Romania, spill to Bosnia
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Sweden 1.jpg
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Now, Sweden begins to make its mark on the North.
Take Denmark and spill to Finland
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Hah! Not so fast Israel! Align with me or see your demise!
Expand south
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Finish rest of Ukraine and then spill into caucuses
Forgot to adress it
>Now, Sweden begins to make its mark on the North.
>Take Denmark and spill to Finland

You don't have a single territory in Switzerland, you're not in a position to be negotiating.
Anyone inactive i can claim ?
Fill Iraq.
Annex Greece

What he said.

-Il Duce
Do palis count or not
annex northern ireland
I suggest you turn back and finish Africa

Take over for me, make me and the Seljuk subjects proud
Crush Ireland
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Lads it's a pali

I've never had one before

I have nowhere else to expand, Tunisia and Libya are solidly Italian.

You have plenty of room in France, and I can give you Portugal.
Great thanks
Fill Iran

Palis aren't necessarily 5D. They can be 484, or 2772
Where would you go then?
Hey me and Seljuk were in an alliance if youll stay true to it, and the only condition was that i get russia
they count as 15

I'll beeline down to Egypt and cede the territories in Libya to Italy.
Duh whoops
So you'll count this?
Would you be willing to fight the Jews?
Ok then if Greece is filled spill to Turkey
May I still join?


Question is, would I be willing to inhabit the same planet as them while they trick their neighbours into disaster?
can you assist with the anglo scum?

Sure, if you want to be destroyed by me directly after.
name bugged
Then I wish you luck in your future conflict friend
Of course
Anglo genocide best day of my life
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Sweden 2.jpg
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you can join
K :(

Best of luck with your continued expansion.
Anglos wont have a chance
Yay :)
He'll get killed by Wu nearly instantly,

Nüwang Wu, thank you very much.
Emperor, as your subjects call you, the Swedish People and I have noticed that the Axis treat your people unfairly. Would you lik to ally into the ASS?
go back to björkland sven
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Ahh, Seljuk! When I spill into the new world, let me fill the country of "India" and I vow to join your alliance in a quest to stomp the gathering scum of the land.

Fill Germany
Defend if attacked
Invade the UK with full force
Fill Slovakia and Latvia
Spill Russia, defend if attacked
Finally Annex Greece

Thank you for using the correct honorific. It seems you have li. However, I would respectfully decline.
Fill Sicily and Sardegna and Switzerland!
Advance south

Wipe out Pinochet.
Expand south
Continue marching on the Caucuses
Take Finland, spill to estonia

The Swedish People nor the Anglos nor the Seljuks will be smothered
>off by two

>Wipe out Aragon

My bad.
My bonus is +6 btw sorry
implement guerrilla warfare against anglo invaders
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Start taking Serbia, we'll need their Kebab removal services. Spill to Bosnia & Herzegovina.
Get pakistsn then india
Bonus is +4
Wipe out the pussy of Wu's mother
is africa terra nullus?
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>we'll need their Kebab removal services

Watch out Byzantium.
Your bonus is +10 man
Nevermind you got it
You get the Balkans and i kill Israel and take over the Middle east Deal.
If there's anything left after all that, take Slovenia
heck, bonus if plus 2 btw.

ASS alliance, I provide a strategic position against the jews should you want this precious oil.
Someone wipe out the kikes
Wu, join the Anglo alliance, and we will push back the Axis

I won't bother to dignify that with a proper response.


Perhaps another day. For now, I have to take care of the rubbish in my garden.
Join the Anglo Alliance (formerly ASS, before realizing what that said)
Hang in there brother, we just landed on their shores

Just as soon as I'm done civilising Spain and Portugal.
Get your cuck shed ready sven
Scared, Sven?
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I am a Eastern Orthodox Christian State not an Islamic State
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I don't think AH actually cares.

Kill Aragon. If he moves into France, stop. I just want Spain and Portugal.
Attack Swedish States for Estonia
Fill Germany
Expand south and fill Iceland(if possible).
Of course my people are scared. Before us stands a bunch of self righteous monsters who have created an alliance so large no one can stand to it. I shan't invade you for now, but please reconsider your alliance because it has fucked this game.
Fill up Switzerland then take Corsica,Malta, and Tunisia, if spills.
Fill Russia, defend if attacked
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Ah, my northern allies, thank you for letting me in.

Fill north into Israel and the rest into India.
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