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Why do Japanese girls thread or even black girls threads on /pol/
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Why do Japanese girls thread or even black girls threads on /pol/ always get 300+ posts but we never have Aryan girls threads? Why does /pol/ love racemixing so much?

They are factually the best women there are, by far. And we should do everything we can to prevent cuck politicians and media trying to get rid of them until 2800.
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How can other girls come close? Even this hair alone is pure sex.
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Why do you only care about Japanese girls these days?
Because this isn't related to politics. Shoo Ahmed shoo

shouldnt you be making threads about dirty kebab women?
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Shoo, JIDF, shoo. Make one of your Japanese girl threads that /always/ reach 300+ posts and are TOTALLY related.

Fuck, American flags on /pol/ just disgust me these days.
>Why do [...] black girls threads on /pol/ always get 300+ posts

Black women are sexy, Niklas.
>Why we never have Aryan girls threads?
Because we don't want pollute them and 4chan knows we'll never have an aryan gf.
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I need more wheat field photos.
As a black man, I only plant my seed in superior white women. Please, continue.
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Did it not occur to you that the ones making the racemixing threads are there to push their agenda? /pol/ shouldn't be making smut threads to begin with so of course those against degeneracy aren't going to be making huge threads about it.
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Well, guess /JIDF/ just can't have Aryan girls threads. Guess I'm back to inifinity chan where we always have one.

But you're doing this already, mr. 40% white? That's exactly why I made this thread.
Because white women suck ass! Asian women are so much more into me. They look at me a certain way. White women? They give one glance then look away. Fucking cunts.
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aryan girls are flat, skinny and have dog faces
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France, you are very smart.
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>all those shitposts

Literally lost motivation for dumping. 4chan /pol/ is nothing but a containment board for frustrated, fat underage kids today.

Enjoy your daily Jap and nigger girls threads made by the same JIDf autists and degenerate Americans.
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I'm gonna go on a mission to Vladivostok in a year or two and try to find a slav waifu. We all gotta do our best to keep it white and right. 1488
You posted that you were leaving before. Just leave bitch
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>wanting a white roustie
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More pls...
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>white wimmenz
Found the virgin.

Asians are the biggest whores.
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Oh look, there I am. :)
The more you see something, the more you like it or are comfortable with it.

The gov is doing this to normalize race-mixing in the movement to make it so even if we win, we'll race-mix ourselves out of existence.

You're being normalized to it......
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t. white roustie


ayy lmao
We can not do anything about it. The mods are fucking autistic on this.
Lure of the exotic.
I'm not saying Aryan women are overvalued but they are definitely over exposed to the point that we view them as the base model of beauty. How could something common be valuable after all?

Now you may rightfully point out that Aryan women are a global minority but keep in mind most /pol/posters come from places where blondes are more common than blacks and Asians. Think about it, how many people can honestly say they've ever met a Japanese woman in real life? Now ask yourself how many have met a blonde woman in real life?
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Because most posts here are bait/trolls, there is nothing controversial about finding hot whites attractive, everyone does.
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that's not how this works. that's not how any of this works.
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Fuck off jidf
it's sexy because she's hot but it still looks awkward as fuck
holy fukn shait that is one qt3.14 nip chick
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They aren't common, retard, they are declining and currently riding Tyrone's dick because you show no interest towards them.

This is also what JIDf is trying to do, lower your interest in white women. It works very well since you're all such dumb pieces of shit.

You know, it would actually trigger me that you post this shit if you would be a white country and not some shithole.
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literally can't tell if this is the same girl or different girls
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stormfags actually believe this..

fucking lmao

yes it is

t. ahmed how's that invasion going? lots of "aryan" women to ficki ficki???
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Am I supposed to feel an attraction to her? Cause I don't
They can smell how poor you are
Beauty is one thing that loses no value when it becomes common. You think aryan women are so frequently displayed as the model of beauty for no reason? White, blonde-haired women with blue eyes are the most commonly-preferred worldwide out of all other phenotypes. What came first, the chicken or the egg?
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I'm actually the son of a rich Doctor lmao
No, only heterosexual males are supposed to find her attractive.
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Holy shit anon
I knew koreans were #1 for plastic surgery
but they've redefined what a korean woman looks like
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She's pretty normal looking, it's just the instagram filter that stormfag thinks makes people look better.

People don't like white wimmen because first, they are not traditional, and second we see them every day in the millions are are used to it
is it degeneration to think i want an ass like that
Not a girl.
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>stormfags actually believe this..
Yeah, it's incredible. And it's totally not like they outright said they're planning to flood 4chan with degenerate shit.

>I'm not JIDF, baka, I'm just degenerate

Doesn't really help your case regardless.

>t. ahmed how's that invasion going? lots of "aryan" women to ficki ficki???
What's even your point? You're a subhuman shithole and promoting racemixing here. You have no room to talk whatsoever.
Is this the best slide thread you can come up with?
fucking faggots
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Pure American Mutt.
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But I'm attracted to Asian so wrong. I might be bi though
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Source? I really want to see what happens next.
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Soe's a girl though.... she's a mountain jew though
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>tfw i have those same back dimples
Now, someone post the non-shopped ass
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White women are traitors and can go fuck themselves.

Welcome to /pol/

No one wants anything from white chicks but to watch them raped and stoned by their precious rapefuges
Because this is an anime imageboard, and most people on here are racemixing yellow fever betacucks
It's actually because you're a little bitch though. You have this whiny Elliott Rodger-style mentality about White women. If you were more confident and didn't rely on a positive outcome when you tried to bed them you might have a chance with White women. Asians are easy.
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delicious "aryan" tears, you know your civilization is done, what you doing now is nothing more than the last, pointless act of rebellion against the fact.

more tears, they are delicious.
this.but i will say there is a major tectonic plate difference between a white girl and a nordic purity girl.
the leftist politics of "white girls" completely ruins them.
Also I might add that the standards of beauty and fashion trends of modern white women do not appeal to most /pol/ posters.

A nigger with a fat ass is expected to dress like a nigger whore.
A white woman with a fat ass dressed like a nigger whore provokes a feeling of disgust. Only cucks fantasize about "PAWGs" who probably burn coal.
because white girls are fucking garbage, no matter how much we want the opposite to be true
90% of them are fucking uninspired liberal garbage who have nothing but their looks

they're vapid fucking cunts who listen to pop music and watch the big fucking bang theory
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DNA doesn't lie. Don't fall for their lies.
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As much as I like to wack off, it is not political.
fuck off to >>>/s/
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Wow, she's hot
Because asians are like 10 times better than whites. Literally the only draw back of an East asian gf is small boobs/ass, and there are exceptions. I'm white and I'm proud to be a race mixer
>inb4 le white race is dying
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(these girls are 13yo, don't fap to them it's illegal)
Something I don't like about white women are the ones with very pronounced high cheekbones, or square jaws granted other races can also have this but it seems the most prevalent in white women. Good if you want a masculine son, not so good for a wife or daughter.
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Cans omeone explain to me why we literally have 20 Asian girl threads with uninteresting random "political" topics OBVIOUSLY made by JIDF pieces of shit and no one ever says anything. Yet when you try an Aryan girl thread clearly showing Aryan girls are the best girls out there and illustrating the importance of not letting your country become cucked (which of course is related to politics) you have several Americans showing up "DELETE THIS THREAD, DELETE IT, NOT THE TOPIC"?

What is wrong with you, America?
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wuld still fuck tbqh fampai

Pic related is pure aryan nazi omg so seggzi
That guy is the brickiest brick shithouse I've ever seen. More than two punches was too much, though.
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>delusional, the pic
Because white girls are pleb taste, and they age terribly.
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God Taeyon is so ugly these days, SNSD used to be much cuter before all the plastic surgeries
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>you will never wake up each day knowing that ass will be on your face at some point before you go to bed


You were born to be a trap.

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i'm not joking with the ages btw.
>Why do Japanese girls thread or even black girls threads on /pol/ always get 300+ posts
Because the mods hate us and want to see us suffer and most people fall for bait easily
Regardless they're letting more and more /b/ tier content ruin this board and it is suffering
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>I might be bi though

You're a faggot in denial. That or you're beta af and just need to grow a pair and get fit. If you had White women all over you I'm sure you'd change your perspective.

Unless you really are gay.
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Too bad none of those are ever any match for anime girls.
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and another fake.jpg
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Wew, another American pointing out Aryan girls and showcasing white girls are the hottest (obviously related to politics) is off-topic and should get deleted when we never have those posts in any of those threads, pic related.

Wew, America. Just wew.
requesting picture of two white girls farmers in a corn field it's a really beautiful picture i saw it on a pol a few days ago, can't find it :/
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Is this an ass thread?
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that's lewd anon...
>They aren't common, retard, they are declining and currently riding Tyrone's dick because you show no interest towards them.

I'll give the benefit of the doubt because English isn't your first language. Read it again.

>Now you may rightfully point out that Aryan women are a global minority but keep in mind most /pol/posters come from places where blondes are more common than blacks and Asians.

I guarantee that you as a German have met more blonde girls than you've met Japanese girls.

Korean girls dressing and dancing like American ghetto trash...hmmm who could be behind this trend???
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Also, what is it with guys and going for the face? It'll be obvious you hit her afterwards and it takes a lot more hits to put someone down like that than a simple gut punch.
I told you where you can fuck off to, now go there
if the mods did what they are supposed to we wouldn't be having this conversation
Aryan woman
woops, that's a bit too nsfw
Reminder that the Japanese hate halfbreeds.
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They must hate looking at their children. They've already bought and scheduled the epicanthic surgery and the nosejobs for their 16th birthdays.
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As an American white guy with yellow fever, thank you based bulgaria. I see you on every fucking thread and you've always got our back.
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if only we knew anon...
I don't care to be "manly" for some woman though
Dude, fuck off. You're being very autistic and you need to either calm down or inform your handler.
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what I don't understand is why there are no threads about women from when the west was thriving.

Why only threads about some dumb sluts?
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Why do you feel the need to post girls who are nude or wearing very little clothing? Whores are hardly a good thing.
I love how they try to get more white features through plastic surgery.
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>picks a pic with a deformed ass because artist can't into proportions
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so close from devil trips...
Is it... Is it the Jews?

Putrid, abhorrent, disgusting, vile
That's cultural moron. The same goes for many white guys too. We don't hold our gazes as we should when we like a person.
All this cockteasing and we finally get to see something. Based Switzerland.
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Then you have no room to complain ever. You choose your own level of involvement in the pussy/ass market. Or perhaps the cock market in your case idk. I think if you found a woman of your own race and got to fuck her every night you'd stop making excuses against being a man.

I see dutch girls like that all the time, I highly doubt it's shopped

Only 12 million of us left... sigh
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don't get the tissues yet anon, it's a soft-core movie and the title is in the filename..

pretty much
korean girls are shit tier and all other asains look down on them like tgey are niggers.
i had a flippo girlfriend and met her mother and i was fuckin with em a little bit on race and her 60 yr old mother went on a rant on how all korean women were stabbers and would kill you in your sleep.Wish i had video of it was fucking awesome.

Is it ever not the Jews?
>how dare you guys shitpost in a non-politic related thread. Ugh, I can't even
Fuck you too
this is obviously is a sexual thing. she's kkissing him between slaps/hits.
>Why ist da pol dum dum and not appreßiate true womenz?!

Aryan race is a fiction, you mean caucas women? That like seperating your africans... At the end of the day they're still negroids...

Now anon, you're not suggesting that our No.1 ally is in the business of corrupting our youth and turning them into sex addicted, materialistic, narcissists are you?
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I don't even remember what this thread was about anymore but I'm enjoying it.
Well its still true that we as a race and people have survived much worse than what is happening to us now.

The right will rise in europe, and when it does...
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As an adult man you shouldpossess breadth of mind, clearness of thought and better perception than a literal monkey or baby. What you describe is how babies or animals work, not humans. We don't have to see things to know they're there. I consider white women the most precious things there are in this world and I couldn't worship them any more. I know they are rare and they are declining. I'm not a retard.

The thought that in just a few hundred years they're completely gone should make you value them unless you are this kind of disgusting subhuman shithole retard:


Literal subhuman. Then again, he isn't white so he probably wouldn't care regardless. Still a subhuman.
and yet most white men take them for granted.

Also if you honestly think beauty is never devalued than you have never considered the social dynamics of beauty. Put a beautiful woman in a room of ugly women and she will expect men to cater to her every whim. Put a beautiful woman in a room full of beautiful women and she will necome insecure and compete to suck the ugliest fattest Jews cock for half the attention they would have gotten in a room full of uglies.

Beauty that is viewed as common becomes disposable beauty.
I'd probably get laid more but my butt is an exit, not a two-way street.
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Shut up faggot, he has a point. Let's get some fucking white pride in this bitch for once...
>muh wimmin

i don't care 2be honest famiglia

i'm not gonna meet anyone anyway so your shitposting has no effect on me
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>i'm pathetic and no white woman wants my gypsie ass


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pls guys, stop being angry, just shitpost until thread is deleted.
Looks like elephantiasis

I can never actually tell whether this is a meme or not
Girls Day?
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God, kill yourself. Be glad I even reply to you 40% white nigger worshippers.. This thread is probably the only thread on /pol/ that's actually non-degenerate atm.
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I guess I have the same problem as Boris Becker. We grow up in our cute little villages and than we get this cosmopolitan (inb4 Jewish) look on the world where there is a lot to be seen and conquered.
I browse through black girl threads because I don't see them around here. I also don't go through threads about Rhönschafe but I would go through a thread about parrots because they are quite exotic. That doesn't mean I don't love my sweet little Rhönschaf any less!
This might be the best dump I've ever seen
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GTFO you beta males gook lovers

Mate that's the hardest softcore I've ever seen
thanks for censoring that
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are you even aware how many ethnicities are there in europe anon? are you even aware that for the majority of history Europe was at war with itself? Are you even aware how mixed half of europe is?

Whatever you think "white aryan" means it's not what you think it is. What will go is the western civilization, and not to say good riddance, but everything dies. Deal with it.

>the far right in europe will rise, top kek

Only an american can be so delusional. Europe was lost 70 years ago. Get over it.

Aren't you supposed to be burning down refugee centers about now?
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Good thing "exotic" black and brown flood is coming your way anyway.
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I apologize for my fuccboi countrymen shitting up the place. We're not all that bad, I assure you. It is fucking sad though.
and thats why u treat them like shit to get laid.
>these girls are 13yo

What kind of hormones have you been feeding them?
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truth spoken.png
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>literally always have a superior Aryan girl thread on inifnity chan
>it's fucking normal, people enjoy and contirbute
>make one on cuckchan
>immediately 20 Americans telling you thread is off topic and should get deleted despite them posting Asian girls threads every day
>have Bulgaria and Switzerland spamming Asian girls

Checks out again. 4chan as a whole is just a degenerate, disgusting shithole and underage containment.
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Bruh, the quality of your picture tho
Never understood this at all.

t. from a small village of a few hundred people originally
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>a fucking leaf
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They have no ass I am trying to see it but I cant.
Only LOW teste cucks would enjoy that
regular american girls.

I dunno m8, I just now the age from fakebook :^)
>taking HFY tier shit seriously
wew how pathetic can you get
>What you describe is how babies or animals work, not humans.

You give your fellow man to much credit anon. To take a page from Herbert, very few of us would survive the gom jabbar.
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>So much yellow fever in thei thread
White women are only the most annoying because culture allows them

They are still the most beautiful, wake the fuck up
>why we never have Aryan girls threads
Because white beauties should be treated as a treasure - hidden and protected from the ugly world.
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Iron Pill Degenerate.png
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The Fire Rises, friend.
Even in the deepest pits of liberalism, white people are waking up.

t.San Francisco

>muh white wimmin

nah, m8
Flip girls look like men though so your opinion on asians is automatically irrelevant
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Asian women are the most feminine, what is your argument for not liking them, unless fagit.
Okay, but ask anyone if they'd rather see a room full of ugly women with one hot girl or a room full of hot girls. Give a painter a canvas and see if he tries to create something ugly or something beautiful. We all prefer beauty no matter how common it is. You don't live in a palace for 30 years and decide you'd rather go live in a cave instead.

White women are considered the most beautiful not because of their expose, but regardless of their exposure. A sunrise doesn't cease to be beautiful just because it occurs every morning.
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pussy isnt political
I fucked a korean two nights ago. irregardless of race every race will have their good looking ones who everyone will be attracted to. It's just different and that's what attracts most people. Something different than themself.
No, that toxic flood ebbs out before it reaches here. That's the good thing about living near the ass of the world.
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>>have Bulgaria and Switzerland spamming Asian girls
I posted 2 asians and 5 whites.
maybe even more.
stop spreading lies german caliphate
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you almost got me m8 fucking lel


Please made a video of you reciting this
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Good looking Asians all look the fucking same anyway. Always exact same eye color, same hair color, same puppet face, ridiculously small body (which you don't see in pictures) and don't get fooled by those thick girls, thick Asians are an absolute anomaly.

Just report and hide this Bulgarian cuck.
Don't worry, they will never be gone. All this race mixing and infertility is only going to remove the inferior genes from the pool, and make them visible with a darker skin. In the future we will have a truly superior white race controlling the world. Most of the population will consist of colored slaves, but the ruling elite will be clearly distinguishable through their pure white skins.
Why do people find something people shit out of to be sexually attractive?
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>regular american girls.
In that case they are on estrogen(from BPA) and rBGT and the fluoride in the water.
>tfw only into Asians and some whites
>none of them acknowledge me
>nearly every Latina I know has been into me at some point
>I have no interest in them
How do I convince myself to be attratcted to Brown girls
>Liking things that are different
OK, Shlomo.
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Holy shit you're just a beta cuck for white women only.
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As dave chappelle once said
"How old is fifteen really?"
It is a black thing which is why americans like it. They have been niggerfied.
you wouldn't want to fuck yourself right?
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It doesn't matter if you're white or not, white wymin are still the best
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>posts NSFW
>wants to report me

top fucking kek, you are a joke
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I just like whatever makes my penis hard. Sometimes it's whites, sometimes asian, doesn't really matter.
>""""""white"""""" girls with dyed blonde hair and a pound of makeup


That is very... interesting. And a bit scary to think they seem so pubescent at this age.

Do you have more of them?
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>[other race] women are the most [positive trait], what is your argument for not liking them, unless [seeing through the merchants schemes].
who is behind this post?
>that eye flab
yeah, no
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Watch more anime that caters to that fetish.
No, but I meant specifically in the context of girls.
>Those noses
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Daily reminder that by reading this thread, you are the victim of a controlled cognitive attack.
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Got any more of them nudes?.jpg
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>"How old is fifteen really?"
More of this goddess, I don't care if the tits are fake
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That's because /pol/ is majority non-white.
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Is this a horror movie monster?

Also, /pol/ is a red board, newfag. I didn't post porn.
I'm in Commiefornia and yes white girls are the most beautiful but they are just so fucked up by leftist culture I don't want anything to do with most of them. Asians usually have more conservative values and some are pretty cute.
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well, if her age ain't on the clock...

germany you're not austria, pls stop (no sorry i only have the 2 pics)
he's a man you know ?
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i dont know man, whatever makes my dick hard, can be aryan like me, asian, anything. As long as it looks good.
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dem trips
>Underwear says California

Aaaand dropped. Probably fucks niggers.
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Transcomic Gee Bill, .jpg
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>A sunrise doesn't cease to be beautiful just because it occurs every morning.

Correct, but ask yourself how many people take the time to appreciate the sun rise? When was the last time you watched the sun rise anon?

It's arguably one of the most beautiful things a man can experience, yet there are people who will never witness one in their entire life because they would rather sleep late.

It's very easy not to appreciate beauty when you expect to see it.
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Thread replies: 255
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