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Now that the dust has settled : What went wrong?
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Now that the dust has settled : What went wrong?
Bought media. Bought politicians. 2 party system that is literally divide and conquer. Textbook controlling a population. The US is the culmination of thousands of years of trial and error.
pulled every punch
That he ran as a democrat rather than an independent.
He wasn't part of the Bush/Clinton crime dynasty, and wasn't sophisticated enough to stand up to it.

Pretty simple.
Yeah definitely not because he's a,horrible candidate. Right, comrade?
First post best post

> keep insulting super delegates
he lost the exact second "enough with the damn emails" exited his mouth
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Here is the very moment his chances died
Braindead followers. They should have been attacking hillary, like we attacked guac! instead of attacking trump.
He is an old communist Jew
His campaign didn't hit clinton hard enough but it is unreasonable to deny that Clinton had plenty of help all around
A large mix of lots of little things and some big things.
Yes the Clintons are corrupt but even so
>constituents are primarily keyboard warriors who don't actually vote
>white apologies alienating moderate dems who don't want Hillary but aren't ready to apologize daily for shit they didn't do
>a real life actual fucking socialist
>a real life actual fucking socialist running as a Democrat while saying he wants to make America Democratic socialism.
Nigger should have ran as a socialist if he was so confident America wanted that
>that black lives matter debacle
>despite being only 6 years older than trump he always looks like he just woke up from a 3 day bender and his alarm didn't go off in time
>that cuck story 'satire' piece he wrote
>too much of his campaign was just promising handouts instead of actually making this country better
>all of his ideas that would make this country better consisted of taxing the middle and upper class and literally just giving that money away
>no spine
>literally got the Democrats to stop talking about clintons emails
>never attacked anyone as a means of proving his candidacy was worth more than the others
>went to attack trump with the same buzzwords that didn't work when Hillary barrack and the rest of liberal media attacked him
He's just shit m8. He's Caleb in 3rd grade who says that the water fountains will have soda and 3 hours of recess every day. Sure it sounds nice but rational adults don't buy into that shit
Bernie is a weakling, he never fought back. The only thing he is good at is his own rallies, and he would bash Hillary behind her back.

Trump did the exact opposite, when the starting gun went off, he threw several hand grenades into the republicans tea party and never looked back. If he played nice like Bernie we would be looking at Jeb's turn today.
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>now that the dust has settled
It hasn't. He's pledged to stay in the race.

He wants to get every last possible shekel. But if that hurts Hillary it's okay by me.
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Reminds me of this image.

>mostly targeted Trump
>didn't do jack shit to Hillary
How much is Abuela Hillary paying you to troll 4chan?
instead of attacking trump.
appealing to peoples desire for free shit is retarded. thats how you deal with children, not adults

if he was willing to get his hands dirty he would have won.
and ironically that explains why most of his supporters arent old enough to vote
this too. this is when the average joe realized he's a pussy the likes of which we have never seen run for president. Even Jimmy Carter would have had those hoes hauled off.
He's clearly hoping the FBI takes her down before the end.
Truly the most Jewish tactic
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What do Berniebots think is gonna happen? That all the superdelegates are at the last moment gonna think "actually nevermind lol I'll vote Bernie at the convention".
>implying we don't all want the fbi to take her down
Have to time it right, though, for maximum effect.

And you'd want avoid a presidential pardon on Obama's way out.
Of course we do but being a piece of shit who is losing by a country mile and staying in to jewishly rat your way into the general which he would also lose but stay in the race 'til the end in hopes dons trump university thing puts him up the creek.

I could see Bernie becoming president only in a situation where he didn't win, but they couldn't put anyone else in because of reasons.
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>shillary needs bernouts to win
>bernie doesn't want to quit
>shillary can't attack bernie and tell him to quit, or she will alienate bernouts
>they will be alienated by force anyway come the convention
based bernie sabotaging shillary
He's economically illiterate and only got votes because Hillary is a shit candidate by any reasonable measure. If Warren had run she would have excited the same liberal base and BTFO Hillary.

Nothing went wrong. He just couldn't turn the tide fast enough.
He's not a proud womyn, so they won't elect him.

I'd rather Bernie than Hillary tbph. At least Bernie is actually a conviction politician.
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>why is he staying again? there is no way he can win why the fuck is he still running?
He was a fucking bitch and tried to nice guy his way to the presidency like Kaisach

Giving her a pass on the emails during the debate was a colossal mistake
And also technically the FBI is supposed to be only for investigations. When I got an FBI visit, they brought law enforcement along to do more than just take reports.

You'd need the DOJ in on it to do it right. Is Loretta Lynch enough of a man to lynch her?
Pocahontas wouldn't stand a chance, people like her because she hasn't had lots of spotlight on her.

Imagine trump spending more than 3 seconds on her lying about her race. the liberals would kill themselves
Can't have a communist revolution in a leftist totalitarian state
His entire manifesto was GIBSMEDATS
I fear for the world now that you've chosen president Trump.
Why for, nipfriend?
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get back to work, hayato
I hope you get nuked
>What went wrong?

He never actually went after Clinton. If he really went after her regarding Bill's Bimbos, the intimidation tactic against those that slept with Bill, Benghazi, Emails, Gun running to the Al Nusra Front, lying, sniper fire in Bosnia, all of it. If he actually went after her for all of these things, he would have blown her out of the race a long time ago. But, he didn't and that is why he lost.
He is going to make Japan be great again.
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Minority voters.

Clinton beat him by such high margins in the south mainly states with a high black or population and she was able to hold that lead ever since.

Bernie also tried to appeal to black voters by talking to Al Sharpton and a rapper, which is just stupid.
fuck off usaf/usn
He started with little to no name recognition and didnt pick up steam until halfway through the primary. He failed to diversify his platform. Plus the Clinton machine should not be underestimated
Nah, she already wrote it off as old family stories. It would come up but wouldn't sway the average voter against her. The only race relation liberals really care about is black vs white.

Both Hillary and Trump have far worse lies and mistakes in more recent history.
weak on policy. I'd like someone a bit to the left of hillary, but I also want them to know what they're talking about.

Also, it's really not clear that his increasing bitterness isn't caused by simple ambition. I mean, really.
He was a jew that capitalised on the election on all sides : donations from retarded idealists and big cushion from Clinton.

Very smart for a guy that didn't had a penny to his name beforehand.
And since he's a jew, he don't have a conscience to torture him over betrayal of retarded goyim.
That's because he's under the Clinton foundation's payroll, right behind Trump.
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yeah I thought they were joking but it's really going to happen
I've hated the united states my whole life now it's time to watch it with popcorn before we all die
Is this a meme or do you honestly think Hillary funded someone to take primaries away from her when she started out far far ahead?
I dont know why you queers say theres ajust a two party system. There are plenty of other parties, but the vast majority of american voters go rep or dem.

No ones stopping you from wasting your vote on indy or libertarian or green party.

Stop acting so fucking persecuted
>Giving her a pass on the emails during the debate was a colossal mistake

unlike republicucks, most dems could give less of a fuck about highly partisan issues that have been beaten to death for years.
Is an honest person with a bit of integrity not willing to engage in degenerate shitflinging. Can't win like that.
The poor fucker was Hillary's sacrificial goat. He was never going to be chosen. He was the guy who warms up the audience before the big act comes on gets them all excited.
He tested the water she observers the result, what arguments work against trump which don't.
Basically he was the fluffer not the porn star. Now the cameras rolling he's out, unless some use can be made of him.
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there are women who voted for hilary SOLELY because she was a woman. No other reason needed.

he was doomed from the beginning because of this.
that's weird, why does your flag have those blue and red streaks on it?
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>a socialist jew

what could go wrong?
I'm sorry, but did the Bernie Sanders already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only June. Does not having the lead in June count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Bernie Sanders is still campaigning right now and he has been the Senator in Vermont for how many years now? Hes campaigning one of the worst candidates in the USA who just happen to have a lead because they're feeding off the energy of being a women. But you know what? She still fucking sucks. Sanders is one of the best candidates in the USA, he went 3-1 this may and would of won in April if Hillary didn't cheat. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the Sanders wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Hillary just said something raciest and bigoted, just like Trump. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Sanders topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like him because hes good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking teams on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
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This too.The only under 30's Hilary voters I know have straight up said, "because she's a woman and we need to vote for her."
>republicans actually believe this
he would have been laughed out of the primary. Democrats have a dim view of the pseudo-scandals.

Trump has a 1/4 chance. It's probably going to be hillary.
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I knew she was a vicious, vicious snake.
There's a reason why Florida usually is one of the states that define the election. People there are old and actually vote.

Young people seriously overestimate their influence. You can bully everyone on social media into parroting your ideals or be treated as a racist, but not everyone is on social media or the internet at all. The silent majority won't stand with a weak man.
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is the sanders peak New york?

It's really stupid that he chose to call his policies democratic socialism. Associating your program with what was the major world antagonist for the last century? Not very smart.
And of course it doesn't have any strong democratic or socialist elements. Should just have gone with the phrase The New Deal, cause that's what it essentially is.
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>"because she's a woman and we need to vote for her."

I hate that.

Not only because it's stupid to value gender over what she'll do, but it makes no sense. If she's a bad president, it will only backfire. The people they're trying to fight will only use that as a reason to conclude "see women shouldn't be in charge". It's one step forward and in no time two steps back for these women.
>>republicans actually believe this

Not a Republican, registered as a NPA.

Sanders' entire campaign was regarding corruption, he never went after Clinton on her corruption. How she takes money from Saudi Arabia while speaking about forced equality here in the US and ignoring the very thing in the middle east. He never went after her hypocrisy.
All respect for Bernie and his party was lost when he was cucked by BLM at his own fucking rally. Everything else is a minor problem compared to that. His campaign died that day.
>"because she's a woman and we need to vote for her."

This is true. A friend of mine who lives in CA was telling me this morning that her mother and sister voted for Clinton not because of policy, but, "because she is a woman"
Obviously socialism, you fucking degenerate faggot. I half expected better from you, Michel
>is the sanders peak New york?

Yes. Maximum is April 14th, NY was the 19th.
I'd say she had too much help
Blue and red have been the colours of the Paris emblem for centuries, before the cancerous states of america were formed

I wouldn't expect you to know that, you uncultured americanocentrist lard
he defended crooked hillary instead of attacking her. he was a cuck all along who doesnt know the definition of winning, which is why his entire career has been funded by tax payers.
Aagh I hated watching this.


The image of Hillary bursting with joy and nearly giving him a hug after he said it will forever be etched in my memory. Sanders did a few things right, a few things wrong- but the damn emails ended it before it even began.

Runner up would be losing Ohio and Florida.
I fucking love this election
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I think there could be a completely fine female president. Hell, maybe even a great one. I don't think gender really has a say in these sorts of things.

What matters is the actual person and what they have done and who they are associated with.

If hillary becomes the next president, it's gonna suck real bad when she turns out being a super shitty one. Some will blame her gender, and some will just say "I told ya so" (in regards to saying that she will be a bad president).

Ultimately if she ended up as a bad president, it would hurt the country more than it would help it. Sure, we had our first woman president, but it she was a terrible choice for a president in the first place, regardless of her gender. She's a liar, and these dumb feminists and airheads are ignoring this fact because she is a woman and want to "progress" this country and its values, even if it's at the cost of a shitty presidential term which can fuck america up REAL BAD right now.
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t. Rudolph Pattinson sent from my 13" MacBook Pro Retina from Southern california
He never actually went after Hillary and every time she told him to pipe down he did.

In short, he's a cuck
They honestly don't care about policy in my experience. I was talking to one that I know is a bit of a SJW so I asked about Hillary being against gay marriage until fairly recently and she said it this way, "I like Bernie, I do, but I want my future daughter to grow up in a world where a woman can be president."

Almost an exact quote. That's honestly all it is about for many and women are 51% of the voters in the US.
>implying this doesn't seal the deal for Hillary
/pol/'s butthurt will be worse
Fucking done. We're not rescuing you smelly shitholes next time. Brits and us just gonna laugh next time you get invaded and beg us for help
>Not getting the joke
Ahmed, isn't it time for you to pray or something?

Why the fuck do you care about the US election, Bruce?

And mathematically the only way bernie can still get the nom is if Shillary is indicted.

France contributes literally nothing to the world.
Are you new?
It just didn't work as well for her last time because Obama was black.
>jew revolution
>Obama was black
Obama was white
Hillary's done with Sanders now. The machine can gear up for the big battle.
Trump is going to get turned into mince meat.
Mostly white cucks voted for him and then he shits further on whites.
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He had limited appeal. Hillary crushed the berniekike when it comes to popular vote
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Didn't attack Hillary but let her walk all over him.

Now it's just going to be worse for Hillary when Trump attacks her weak points because they'll be fresh.

Donald's went stale months ago.

Bernie's campaign is what you get when you let idiots think they're principled for not fighting back against those who want to slit their throats.
It can't. Trump is the nimblest of navigators
Not in the eyes of those voting for him or those voting against him. I was a senior in HS at the time and there were people screaming "kill the nigger" in the hallway for like a week after he won.
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Bernie Sanders is so economically retarded only the most ignorant Americans would have voted for him. He would have done great in France though.
Anybody of a refined age knows that Bill Clinton was the first black president.
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>>Bernie's campaign is what you get when you let idiots think they're principled for not fighting back against those who want to slit their throats.
Except when it comes to minorities, women, and white males sympathetic to them. Only reason he has a chance is because Hillary is a shit candidate.
t. Toni
He attacked Trump instead of Clinton. Also

>Enough off that Email stuff!
He is a demented old man.
it's really obvious you have no idea how goverments work.

Goverment takes money from you from taxes,and gives you back shit.Free shit.
Bernie wasn't going to give "free shit" you mong.
"hurr durr public healthcare is a meme/communist paradise"
im in fucking greece and i have free medical healthcare
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The oligarchy didn't want him. Media and political establishment very obviously didn't like him, cause he was serious about shaking their shit up.

Mostly all the "I like him, but I don't think he is gonna win" quitters that have been saying that about him since he started, despite him freakishly closing the gap between them very rapidly, not realizing they would have made a difference.

But of course, I don't expect anyone on this shit board to think anything other than "he's a cuck".
>Enough off that Email stuff!

Right then, I'd gone from being 99% sure he was fucked to 100%.
You don't seem to understand the meaning of the word minority. If Hillary starts really attacking Trump on racism, we'll get more and more chimpouts on TV. This will only encourage more whites to vote Trump

Now that's a shining beacon of prosperity.
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You can't win when you show such disdain for your main voters. Bernie is an old school anti White commie kike and there aren't that many White cucks and weirdos to win him an election
I didn't mind him or see him as a threat until he outlined his tax plan on vox. That's when I became 100% opposed to him.
How is your definition of "minority" different than mine?
>"I like him, but I don't think he is gonna win"

It was like that for Trump also, and look where he is now. But since Bernie supporters are a bunch of pro-socialist pansies, of course they're gonna quit early on.
couldn't get the black vote.

I live in Ohio and before the primary here I got like 8 different fuckers with clipboards getting votes for Bernie. My area is like 80% white, and he got almost no black votes in the Cleveland. All his little white college kids stuck to the white areas of Cleveland instead of going to the hood, which was where he actually needed them.
That some intricate level of shitposting here. Keep going Straya.
Maybe you just don't understand the concept. Minorities make up a minor portion of the population. You can technically win an election with only white votes

Because even blacks aren't THAT stupid. They know that if he became president, it'd be slavery all over again, but not just them but for everyone who wants free college.
Super delegates would do shit for him now since he lost California
Sanders had everything going for him except for 2 things
Pretty much all of the bernie people I've met have been white, and typically middle class.
Man I am going to miss Ghost's Sanders impression.
Nothing at all. He was never meant to win, just shift the debate to the left for the young generation. Sanders policies are the future of America. Not the next election but probably within a decade
>Sanders policies are the future of America

They're currently enacted in Venezuela :^)
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and this stupid shit is taking the eurozone to hell with himself
>Maybe you just don't understand the concept. Minorities make up a minor portion of the population. You can technically win an election with only white votes

Yes but you are much less likely too. Do you really not understand that 30% of the country is enough to seriously sway an election?

You've ignored the rest of the post. Women are a majority and Trump is particularly weak with them. Additionally, lots of white males are sympathetic to the causes of minorities and women which will split the "white vote."
Prepare your anus for the cuntocracy!
This kind of thinking is why both Bernie and Trump have upset the apple cart so much.

It's so easy, folks. So easy. It's so easy.
What kind of thinking?
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How's teaching English in Japan?
Perhaps we can put it as an equation between people and numbers. The real reason is probably not in your educational background.
Mainstreet America is easily decades away from being willing to vote for a socialist.

Being popular on reddit doesnt mean shit to the vast majority of voting aged America
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>France could be prosperous, that's not what America is!

what trumpers really believe
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Kill your self you cringy commie redditard subhuman
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>There are people on /pol/ who unironically support bernie the kike

Wtf I thought it was a meme. Where did those weirdos come from?
What are you even trying to say?

Why should you be worried? He's probably gonna give you guys nukes.
>not understanding what the term two-party system means
>unironically defending a broken and corrupt electoral process because muh patriotism

Why are ameridiots so pathetic?
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>still believing in war
>Yes but you are much less likely too. Do you really not understand that 30% of the country is enough to seriously sway an election? You've ignored the rest of the post. Women are a majority and Trump is particularly weak with them. Additionally, lots of white males are sympathetic to the causes of minorities and women which will split the "white vote."
So you're not even a statistician?
>ignoring the fact that 400 superdelegates declared for Hillary before the first primary
Le upboated xD

He's gonna make sure that China doesn't waltz right in and take our Nintendo.
They're superdelegates. They don't have to play by any rules, even their own.
Doer bernie have some built guys like trump does? Or are they all so bad looking?
>takes your money
>gives you back free shit

This is why our country is going to hell i bet you voted syriza you absolute mongrel. Fucking kill yourself.
1. Senile commie kike
2. Supporters total scum, no sane person wanted to be associated with them
3. Never read an economics book
4. Anyone not high can see his policies would destroy our country
5. Venezuela
he might have been able to change that by winning, but he refused to attack the only other canidate in the race
Comprehensive post, nice
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But Bernieberg still lost the popular vote by a huge margin. Why are Berniecucks so undemocratic?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Hahaha hahaha Jesus Christ
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>Majority of hardcore bernie funs are freaks. Trannies, faggots, ugly people, pedophiles, sluts, legit autists, male feminists, SJW weirdos etc.

Look at this picture and tell me if you see a single normal person
Literally the only way to avoid obummer's meddling would be to wait till after the general, and that's not an option
You're pm is literally a faggot, please sit down.
Anybody who Heils Hitler is a friend of mine.
that's called a 'college' which you may not recognize since you've had all yours repossessed by merkel and can only read the labels of ouzo bottles
Yeah this

Also the very moment when Trump campaign took off for some reason
He spent way to much media time attacking Trump and not enough attacking Hillary, Bernie barely mentioned anything about Hillary corruption while he constantly said the same shit everyone said, the same shit 10 other republican said before him. Trump is a racist. Bernie tried proving the democratic party was civil and professional level and the republican party was a cluster fuck but it backfired and Hillary outmaneuvered him in a civil, professional level with only a little bit of corruption.
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No learn to speak fucking English. What kind of thinking are you even talking about? What real reason? What do you think is my educational background? Real reason for what?
That's why pressure has to be applied carefully and through alternate means.
so many memes
pepperssss been 2 long
Communism. Communism is what went wrong.
Fun fact: convincing the Super delegates to vote Bernie instead of Hillary is the perfect way to murder Hillary. Her shell of a body would not be able to cope with the rage.
Excuse me I scored perfectly at English on the SAT, and that was before they revised the scoring method.

I'm really not sure what you're arguing about, but if you'd like to keep it up then perhaps I will continue to respond.
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Butthurt much you cringy effeminate ugly male feminist numale virgin?
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hahahahahahahahahahaha ahaahahahahaha
Serious question: What is Sander's chance of winning now? Is he relying entirely on the super delegates now? What exactly is his plan for converting hundreds of super delegates to his side in less than two months?
Oh yeah, it's never going to happen because Bernie isn't Obama, but if that happened to her a second time she'd probably try to murder him with her bare hands at the Convention.
Your president is literally a nigger

Your next president is literally a criminal woman
No one cares about your SAT scores. This wasn't even an argument, you just aren't capable of expressing a coherent thought to save your life. I still have no idea what you were trying to say in the first place and you can't answer simple questions.
Bootlickers gonna bootlick.

The prospect of civilisation is terrifying to most Americans. They prefer being slaves to tribal leaders who promise to step on other peoples necks to take the pressure off their own.

A few things

1. Hillary's massive corruption giving her an unfair advantage
2. Minorities that are too dumb to think outside of the two-party system box
3. Most of the energy for actual anti-establishment rebellion these days is on the right
It hasn't been mathematically feasible for him to win for a while now. At first I thought he was staying in for shillary's sake, to give her more time to persuade the bernie-voters she needs to win, now I think he might just be stupid. It could also be a combination of the two, where he's staying in to help shillary, but he's too stupid to be able to help effectively and just ends up shitting things up worse for her.
He has no chance unless one of Hillary's scandals suddenly takes her down.

The guy in the back with the grey sweater is in limbo between alpha and beta male, otherwise they are all fat dykes, dwarves, baby-faced cucks, and smelly hipsters.
it's called "twist their arm and make demands or he tells everyone under 30 to stay home on election day"
I swear, nothing is funnier than a statist faggot calling anyone a bootlicker
I don't support that old commie kike, I was just responding to the poster that seemed to imply the delegates were for Hillary because bernout was a dick to them, when in actuality it was because she had bought and paid for them from day one
He's hoping Hillary gets indicted and the delegates don't fuck him and pick someone who didn't run instead. It's a pretty low chance of victory. He has a much better chance of screwing over her campaign platform by forcing in a bunch of far left socialist ideas onto it at the convention.
Fucking this, I thought he at least had some balls before that event.
He kept getting even more cucked as the campaign dragged on.
Attention and sway within the party and on a national stage.
Would you like to continue arguing, or are you done not expressing yourself?
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Clinton: 15,565,922
Kike: 11,883,209

>The establishment stole the election from poor old bernie!!!
>It's unfair!!!!

Why are bernietrash so irrational and insane?
He didn't get how Americans do not want a weak president. If you can't out-debate/bully some unemployed fat black bitch with an agenda(esp when you used to be a civil rights supporter back in the day) how can you stand up to Putin,or order around the yuropoors.
Dep down,most americans know that politics is a cesspool and you need to be a real snake to waddle through and get shit done Hillary can do that,idk about Trump.
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(and we're way better at it anyway)
Unless Hillary drops out for some reason, there is no possible way for Sanders to win, even if all of the super delegates voted for him at this point
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When did the meme that bernie is "anti establishment" come from?

He is the embodiment of establishment new york values.
This post reeks of reddit
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He was a complete cuck and didn't attack

It's funny how Bernie was all pro-democracy until he started losing the vote, now he's sucking up to the super delegates just like an any other establishment shill would.
His campaign nailed their own coffin.

When he said that, "when you're white, you don't know what it's like to live in the ghetto, to be poor" that pissed off his non trust fund/college retard voter block.

When his campaign tried to use supernaturalism with the whole Birdie Sanders thing, that pissed off the realists and genuine atheists.

When his campaign...

You know what, whenever the retard opened his mouth, there was a rush to clean his mess. Guy had zero chance.

For real? Where can I find the numbers to confirm this?
Not to mention he's a career politician whose done almost nothingn his entire time in politics
You are quite correct about our mass psychology. But historical fact is also necessary. Hillary has never been able to get shit done. That's why they never let her into the banking industry. She previously wanted to be head of the World Bank.

That would have been a disaster that not even the banking industry could have tolerated.
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>post nonsense
>incapable of clarifying
>brag about SAT scores
>not even able to understand what an argument is

Good luck you poor fuck.
I didn't realize everyone on /pol/ was so retarded. He lost not only because of the rigged system, but because minorities all voted for Hillary.

If the 3/5 Compromise were still intact, Bernie would be the nominee

Trump is hardly a political radical either, friendo, but he's still anti-establishment

Having contrarian views doesn't make you anti-establishment (indeed, academics often have views that go far beyond typical democratic politics, but they are very much establishment types)

Sanders and Trump are both anti-establishment because they threatened to do away with the current power structure of their parties

Neither would have radically shifted US politics, but they would have threatened the fat, bloated, entitled party leaders and their legions of adoring, effete court journalists
>not even able to understand what an argument is
I'm sorry. Were you mounting an argument?

With an autistic person?
This was another mark against him. Guy was supposedly against cronyism/career politicians, yet held different offices for over 3 decades. Definitive wolf in sheep's clothing.
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Which is ironic because bernie has spent his entire life as a jewish communist agitator fighting for the "civil rights" of minorities
when in doubt, call them autistic. hehe works every time.
Living proof no matter how shit your country is there are always based people in it

Except Turkey
>Were you mounting an argument?

No. I was asking you to clarify what you meant by "this kind of thinking." Jesus Christ.

This and worst of all, his supporters were fucking violent even after claiming the opposition as violent. They're losing so hard that they're deluding themselves to believing Bernie still has a chance.
Why the fuck are presidents allowed to pardon people no questions asked?
This shit hasn't been used for any good purposes for the past 50 years and just lets scumbags like Clinton pardon his old donors.
Oh god the smell in there.
How's that freedom of speech doing for you Anglotards?

Are you saying it's a (((Coincidence)))?
Post the screenshot, not the text, retard
I guess it seemed like a good check and balance at the time, and then nobody wanted to rock the boat when it turned out to have only been used like a banana republic.

I'm open to debate on the finer points of our constitution.
Same thing as ¡Jeb!.
Low energy.
Excessive pandering to feminists and minorities who didn't even vote for him, to the point of alienating white men.

Acting weak and unfit for leadership (the BLM stage takeover debacle).
you mean the thing you doner-gobbling flagellants never had in the first place?
>I was asking you to clarify what you meant by "this kind of thinking."
I'm not sure it was any kind of thinking anymore. I think you answered my question well enough.
a platform based on the status quo just with more stealing of other peoples money
Nice meme
>What went wrong?

Being a KEK
Last night's "losing" speech he spend more time on Trump than the one who actually receiving money from wall street and being his current competitor.
That is just nonsensical.
Is the left the incarnation of the Ouroboros?
Socialists don't appeal to Americans

It's a shame that Bernie didn't do well, but I'm glad it's at least pushed wealth inequality into public consciousness. I know my opinions are not the same as /pol/, but I'm sure we can all agree that the levels of poverty in so called developed countries is a sign our economic system is failing. I dunno if Bernie could really do anything about that, I just hope that the debate he's helped start goes somewhere regardless of who's president.
10/10 memes
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Reported for underage
NWO when?
>le Bernie is a communist maymay
Great, so you didn't have any point in the first place. Next time, think before you speak. It's not even clear which question you are even referring too.
I've never understood this one. It's obviously just to discredit him, but it's not based in reality in any sense. America could never turn communist with it's current system, and it seems that anyone to the left of center get's labeled a commie or a socialist.
>le commie joo conspeeruhsee
>le ebin A Wyatt Mann comic
>or a socialist.
But he is one. He's openly admitted it.
Explain. Did he watch someone fuck his wife on stage?
Sorry, did you have a question?
hahahahahaha wew lad le ebin kek funny post le hahahahaha XDDDDDDDDDDDD
I didn't mean with Bernie specifically, I just meant there's a real trend of left-wing politics being boiled down into one or the other at the moment. It just kills of any chance of actually discussing their pros or cons.
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Holy crap kill your self you cringy autist
He refused to attack Hillary on the points that actually mattered.
Don't try to understand it. There's nothing to understand.
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Ah I hear ya.

Have a smug anime girl Nigel
I dont understand "not enough media"

EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY, on the FUCKING HOUR its about Bernie, Donald, and Hillary.
If the cuck can't say something controversial to get on mainstream, like hmm maybe attack hillary?? just a little??

He always poses the question back to the reporter before attacking hillary so he looks like a complete cuck when he actually tries to stand up

HE LOST as soon as BLM kicked his cuck ass off the stage and he sat in the back looking like a pathetic fucking loser

Thats what happened

oh ya, hildabeast beat him by MILLIONS and MILLIONS of popular votes, not even fucking closer

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Looks like that's his dad in the background and he's killing himself
>this kills the campaign
u mad?
The way I see it, if you can't deal with a few chimps at your own event, why the fuck should you be trusted to deal with national and international matters?
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