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Is Sanders doing a little bit too horribly in California?
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Look at this shit, the spread is fucking 2% in the polls and in the results it's fucking 18%, how could they all fuck up so badly?
Im upset over stuff
I lie every time that I am polled, I'm sure that I am not the only one.

Also the people polling skew the results depending on how they predict voters will react.
Bet you support voter id laws now dontcha you fucking cuck. Reap what you sow
Silent voters. They don't want to admit they're voting for a monster
The media called Hillary the victor the day before the election (despite that only being with super delegates) so no one voted for Bernie

pretty underhanded stuff, but that's how the Clintons roll
The goyim know.

This. I dont ever tell the truth to polls. And honestly does a president even matter?

Its like the manager of mcdonalds.

The franchise owner doesnt change.
>Does the president even matter?
Nuclear launch codes.
Bernie supporters are lazy
Maybe Bernie's support is concentrated in the districts still to come.
make polls near iniversities and high schools
have wrong results
california is more centrist than /pol/tards think
lots of entrepreneurs, lots of rather wealthy workers, lots of good people who want to be awarded for their hard work and not having all their money pumped up
I also perfectly understand that trumplets are mad about bernie not winning
Trump would have crushed, rolled over, destroyed Bernie at the elections
Now the outcome is blurry and Trump's attitude and his inability to take it down a notch is endengering his chances
Trump is the main anti-Trump argument
He said so many stupid things, he angered the GOP so much that he fucked himself up
People will put Hillary at the white house not for her ideas and plans but just to be sure that Trump will never be elected
Trump destroyed the GOP and also US politics
He's just a little kid who is trowing a neverending tantrum and who has a strong apetite for destruction
stupid meme

It's not like the President has full control over Nukes

Any authorisation for Nukes would have to go through a dozen layers of the pentagon

Anyone who brings up Nuclear launch codes as an argument against a candidate is reaching very hard.
typical far right strategy
lose the elections call election rigged
it has been doing that in Europe for ages
The best way to end human suffering is to end humanity. What better way than a painless vaporizing from a nuclear holocaust.

We need an AI president.
File: hill supporters.jpg (765 KB, 1152x1536) Image search: [Google]
hill supporters.jpg
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Are you suggesting Hillary might be crooked? That's farcical anon, absolutely farcical.

Dems rigged this shit against him. They knew California was important.

We had Anon poll workers telling us for weeks that suspicious shit was happening, that Hill Shills were manning the polls, and other stuff.

No surprises here. The Dems are crooked as fuck.
this, the only time the president has any say or control is for retaliatory strikes with the Nuclear Comand and Control module AKA the nuclear football. Even then it's mostly just so he can give the OK to use them.
>What are sample sizes
>What are sample sizes
>What are sample sizes
The media reported that Hillary was the nominee and it was all over just before the vote.
another typical far right strategy: try to reach power democratically, if that doesn't work declare democracy dead, cancelled and irrelevant
then try to reach power not in a democratic way
Have you not read the sticky pierre
It's going up, surprisingly. Initially, it was all Clinton voters because it was early voting that was counted first. Sanders has been climbing now. Last time I checked he was at 42%.
please enlight me
i know what Sagan would do, ask why a whale is beached so far inland
go back to the 2012 elections and polls should romney and obama very close of one another up until election day. some actually showed romney winning by 1 - 2%. election day comes? obama destroys romney in a landslide in both popular vote and electoral college.

it all comes down to sample size and districts polled.
Also pollster house effect
Some pollsters just lean one way or the other, so if they put out a poll saying Candidate A+3 that's really B+4 or for another it's A+10, all because pollsters have to take shortcuts on methodology
All those Trump supporters who were going to vote for Bernie said fuck it after he started attacking Trump hard and had his bernouts assault Trump supporters. Remember, Trump supporters are the reason Bernie won Indiana. The exit polls showed only about 50% of the people who voted Bernie actually planned on voting for him in the primary if he became the nominee.

Bernouts are all bums who are too busy smoking medical marijuana and strolling around on segways to actually have the time to vote

The simple answer is looking at WHO is polling, wouldn't their ratings be better if it was "supposed to be" a close race?
It's odd how in recent elections most people seemed to realize polls were fairly inaccurate and heavily biased.

Then everyone wanted their dreamboi bernie to win and suddenly had 100% faith in the all mighty polling gods. I guess they wanted to latch onto the only semblance of a chance they had.
You have no understanding of stats if you think its sample sizes
turns out people don't like losing no matter their political views
The fact that the media declared Shilldog as the winner 24 hours prior might have had a little to do with it. Probably didnt result in the full 18% difference, but I'd guess about half of it could be attributed to that. I dont even like Bernie but that was a scumfuck thing to do.
Will voter Id help against a rigged scan tron?
>the people polling skew the results depending on how they predict voters will react.
That is not how opinion polling works at all.
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