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Monday Night QandA Livewatch
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 70
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Get in here, Ausfags! It's time for bingo!

Watch with us:

Tonight's Panel:
>Barnaby Joyce - Deputy Prime Minister
>Joel Fitzgibbon - Shadow Minister for Agriculture
>Tony Windsor - Former MP and Independent Candidate
>Fiona Simson - Vice President of National Farmers' Federation
>Robbie Sefton - Farmer and Businesswoman

Don't forget to tweet along using the hashtag #qanda, and if you want to ask a question add @qanda. I dunno if #factcheck still works since it's being defunded.

Tonight's episode is being filmed from Tamworth. Will also need a ticker-offer tonight if any one of you gents would be so kind as to offer.
on Media Watch
Shouldn't be too bad of an episode, hopefully.
Who is being accused this time?
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Hopefully we see some biff between Bananaby and Tony Windsor.
>muh farms

This one is going to suck, but hopefully we get some keks from Barnaby getting roasted for that Indonesian cattle trade comment.
some meme facebook page that posted a picture comparing Adam Goodes to that gorilla that got shot
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>barnaby joyce and tony windsor
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that's what i said about the science episode they still went on about muh wommenz
sgarn arn carnts
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Oh yeah I saw that. The memes weren't very spicy to be honest.
I hope you guys don't watch Q&A tonight, considering they've never solved a single problem. You could watch Hughsy's special, where he'll Lose It and solve plenty of problems!

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IS this guy still around? I was tired of him ten years ago.

Media watch confirmed /pol/?
Go to bed, Hughesy
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>mfw hearing that
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>Katriina Heikkanen

Finns mastering the menes as usual.
Don't be fooled. About two weeks ago they were complaining that there were too few Chink and Curry newsreaders on TV.
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>tfw no country music in sight.
Mediawatch is basically just something you shouldn't use to inform your political views. They just dig up media-related crap.

google the name. you might be surprised by the results.
Might actually be good tonight tb h
I'm getting ready for the rage
>that snarling look of disgust on that woman's face


yeeeee booooiiiiiiiiii
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Do you think we'll get an unfunny question about Pistol and Boo tonight?

well shit.
Lads, how much is a Tam worth?
Why are country people so ugly?
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>Giant Barnaby head
dat autist ginger
>Why are country people so ugly?
They are white.
Lack of shade. That country sun is relentless.
tfw got lag on the participants D:
about tree fiddy
> say no to fracking

They could relocate them
>muh fracking

bored already. dont think i'll make it through all the way tonight even with shitposting.
>passing the buck

le country man getting btfo already
oi fucken yeah passing the buck ay
She's fucking pissed

And at least she's got a legitimate grievance unlike that hobo Duncan Storarr
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whats up with that bitches face?
given that its all about agriculture, im surprised there wasnt a token greens member on the panel
okay honestly I'm out of the loop, what's /pol/'s current opinion on fracking anyway
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Did I miss anything good lads?
Anger, age and incest
Did I just witness a ginger muttering curses upon the panel?

the free market absolves all sins
>Implying Green's members are able to stomach leaving their inner-city hug box.
Ouch, crowd's not having a bar of this
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CUNTry Businessman
> Jim beam

My fucking negro

She's pissed because she's getting ignored by the government who are fracking their land.
The problem with fracking is they can do it on your property even if you don't want them to.
Jewish conspiracy to make Australia barren.

pls think of the children guys
Fair enough aye
tha lidl peuyple ay tha truy bluy aussie battlas
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Does this mean that Barnaby is a good boy?
How can they legally frack on your own property if you don't give permission first?
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Off we go lads
She should shoot the fuckers on her land.

You just know she's got a sawn off hidden under the bed
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Lead's a carcinogenic... which causes cancer.
Barnaby is pretty based.
>cranky woman born in a certain time in history
Here's grandma.
Don't forget 'think of the children'.

its probably bad but whatever. as long as i have drinking water.
Barnaby getting fucking roasted
It's technically not your land below a certain level
Mineral rights are separate to land rights.

Think about it like this
>you only own the surface of the land
>somebody else can own the ground underneath
>you can't legally stop them from accessing it
Barnaby is going to get rekt
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step it up Æ’am
You may own the space on top but if you've got the goods underground consider them wholly government owned to do with what they want
Fuck, wrong pic, it is a carcinogen.
So it's basically a land rights issue. muh mabo.
> angry farmers instead of limp wristed city cucks

Best episode of the year already
if it affects your land it's an issue
these things have always been handled badly
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>election a literal merchant banker to the office of Prime Minister

Tell me you goys aren't thinking of doing this?
He went from mildly amusing bogan to turbo media cuck surprisingly quickly.
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>"Won't someone think of the children?"
The first questioner tried to frame her question as her kids were being negatively affected.
wtf was that squeal
still forgot 'think of the children'
Did someone just fart?
This woman looks like she has had a stroke
I agree particularly for arable land for which there is fuck all in Australia
Was that bitch a stroke victim?
Punch-up between Barnaby and Tony in Tamworth carpark when?
Yeah that was me
either him or a lefty cuck, take your pick /pol/
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Malcolm the feminist turnbull
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>and yet another reason why I've forsaken Christ as my saviour..
>no NBN
>can't watch #QandA without it stuttering like a bitch
I just want to watch #QandA and discuss it with my bros on a Taiwanese sewing board
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>question for Joyce
>last to have a response

ABC / leftism, everyone
Say what you want about the greens, they're the only anti-Israel party in this country.
>implying it's not just empty pandering
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man, im not angry yet

what a snoozefest
Hes too retarded to answer anything
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>lefty cuck
>AWU heavyweight
Pick one.
Big Red is an ugly bitch
>I was just pretending to be retarded
Kay whatever helps you sleep at night
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Joyce getting roasted fucking hard.

How safe is his seat?
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Fuck the Jews, but Fuck the bolsheviks harder
This is going to impact that shit
his opponent is on the panel m8
>right faction of the Labor party
>leftist cuck

Pick only one.
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Not very with Windsor running against him.
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my stream is fucking up, im pretty sure its delayed by at least a minute now
Close the pORN bro, or you know. Watch it on tv .
Yeah I know, but does he have a chance?
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who /madkatter/ here?
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>Surely... heh heh I mean, surely, there's a third choice [laughs manically] I MEAN THERE'S A THIRD BLOOMING CHOICE YOU PACK OF UTTER GALAHS
Anyone here get any drama with the storms and flooding?
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Possible RIP
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Based latter roasting palmer on 4corners
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Why can't we go nuclear

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stream is fucked ey
Tfw i live in the Soviet Socialist Republic of Canberra and there is no KAP candidate
that's it, thanks senpai
lel what a faggot
He's going to get completely btfo
topkek Joyce is fucked.

the greens are actually split on their anti irsael policy. its the so called eastern bloc, communist faction of the nsw greens who are anti israel, the more rank and file environmentalist greens are pro-israel. its caused problems within the party for a few years now.
They ran one last election

He was the one who started the drama by saying he'd vote for fag marriage, but I think he's sex party now.

Surprised they didn't replace him.

t. former canberra fag
... and their second Labor senate candidate has a chance of winning!
Yeah i think so
>t. former canberra fag
You made the right choice senpai.
Inside baseball coming out
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>people comparing coons to noble gorillas
Oh Fuck
What an ice cold motherfucker
wow, this guy's a dork.
This questioner:

Kill him now.
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They're no so much pro-Israel as much as they're "let's shut up about this issue before the jews call us antisemites" Labor and the Liberals fellate the fuck out of Israel, take the sponsored trips etc. Greens don't do that shit.
armidale has got it because the university has got it dickhead

i got a bit wet the other day.
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RIP in Peace Barnaby
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>tfw might be going back for postgrad next year
Joyce is done for
[tamworth shill crowd intensify]
those bants
Muh streams fucking up just as he talks of NBN
Nah but there is a chance the greens may take the Liberals Senate seat. Mind you the greens candidate is pretty amateur even if she is a qt.
Aarnet does not peer like that get rekt shill faggog
Then why doesn't my regional NSW university have it?
>my legs are sore
>I want to sit down
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Oh, it's not that Uniting Church hamcow?
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>going to charles sturt

shiggy shiggy doo
What field?
> that thousand yard stare from the questioner
northside or southside mate? Favourite takeaway?
meant for
Labor greens diatribe
Rudd Hillard Rudd diatribe
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debt deficit
dysfunctional goverment
jobs and growth
economic plan
sick ID m8
>this guy fucks
I think all future governments will be power shared. Due to '14 budget people have lost faith in government
>dat ID
Hah, Barnaby visibly rocking as the guy says he's a lib voter
Yes fucking chink ownership
Belconnen and Oporto.
Barnaby won uncontested last time right?
Barnaby will be running soon...

Based ID
Almost McCunt tier.
Vote Katter you flaming galah

Fuck your kids degrees, they can get fee help
>They're no so much pro-Israel

a couple of them are. all environmentalist faction and not communist faction. probably jews themselves. i forget their names already.
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>not kingsleys
>there is a chance the greens may take the Liberals Senate seat
Nah, not with the new Senate voting rules. It was possible before, but not any more. Now they would basically have to outpoll the liberals on primary votes.
Not watching it tonight, I'm out at the movies watching a couple of Andrei Tarkovsky films.

Has anyone complained about people's social media usage? Roz Ward, Cory Bernadi, Daniel from Supanova?
Did this bitch have a stroke or something?
Will he fulfill his promise to walk backwards through his entire electorate if his electorate has a single homo?

Yeah, she did.
What the fuck is this woman?
Nah, it's farms tonight
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>not Chicken Gormet
Yeah, but the show must go on!
Tamworth jonesing for xHamster without buffering
Funny but the nbn is no joke
>this tired old meme again
mate just fuck off already
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There was a girl there I had a massive crush on. No idea if she's still there though as I don't live in the ACT. Just visted a friend, still, she was hot.
Fuck this globalising labor cunt.
shut up laborfag nobody cares
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lel stack.png
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>chicken gourmet
>not checkers
Kingsleys is best. Even when I'm drunk, I still don't go to Chicken Gourmet as it's undercooked festering piles of shit with soggy chips and watery gravy.
Has this guy been here the whole time?
After once getting halfed cooked chicken from them once I resolved to never go back.
is #auspol us or not?
> trump
> being compared to labor and Corbin

Haha haha haha haha

maybe go beat off and you'll calm down
Not establishment candidate
the kingsleys in tuggers is awful
I'm BTFO about that spiel as well. Super gay.
Federal ICAC would be great
Who will get these quints?
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#auspol is for normals
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>unironically living in tuggers
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Trump is going to mentioned every week now?
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>trending on twatter with only a few passing comments
wew lad
We should fuck both parties in the upper house
Fucking hell these cunts push the greens hard
>>76277777 #

Checking on mobile
Hopefully they get him on.
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government run station not pushing commies
is this chick wearing a snuggie?
My fucking stream atm
I saw an auspol tweet just now.
If only...Or Milo for #maximumtriggering
watch it on tv ya cunt
>all these "Why don't we have a fucking huge government?" questions
Dubs of truth
Except NBN. Rural cunts get Satellite :^)
Unless we can invent teleporation or flying cars country people will always have to travel far to get services
Good goys
DW mike braid will consolidate all regional towns in mega towns
>Why can't they bring the million dollar, as big as a room MRI, with it's suite of operators and doctors, to me?

Yeah it sucks that she has to travel for care, but be realistic.
This stream is absolutely rooted
is she having a stroke?
Stroke victim is based nbn champion
This bitch giving everyone the stank eye. constantly
I feel like the best way to fix this is to build a space elevator in the middle of the outback.
Does /auspol/ support the NBN?
Time to rage about the NBN

lel nice voice
Bad things are happening
I'm le not liberal/labor inclined
Demand from our government x!
and then someone attempts to actually explain a concept and why it is what it is

whats going on ozbros why arent the legit answers respected
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I decided to have a stroke on my own just now
I think this lady's still recovering from her trip to the studio
that poofter cancelled his talk in sydney
How the fuck does a liberal and NATIONAL coalition make policies that everyone in the regions just fucking hate?
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 70

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