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Ukraine arrests Frenchman accused of plotting Euro 2016 attacks
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Ukraine's intelligence agency said Monday that it had arrested a French national suspected of plotting multiple terrorist attacks to coincide with the European soccer championship.

The SBU said in a statement that it had followed the unidentified man since December and allowed him to purchase five machine guns, two rocket propelled grenades and other weapons before he was arrested on the border between Ukraine and Poland last month.

The SBU didn't identify the man but said he was driven by ultra-nationalist views and planned 15 attacks on bridges, railways and other pieces of infrastructure for the Euro 2016 tournament, which begins Friday in France.

Extremist attacks are a major concern for French authorities as they prepare to host the month-long tournament at stadiums in the Paris area and eight other cities from Friday through July 10.

Islamic State (ISIS) extremists have threatened France during the tournament, but authorities have not confirmed specific dangers.

France is deploying 90,000 security forces for the tournament, and French President Francois Hollande said Sunday night that the threat of attacks won't stop it from being successful.

Ukrainian authorities released photos of a fair-haired man, with his face blurred, holding various weapons.

The SBU said the French man came up on their radar last year during his stay in eastern Ukraine, and where he was "trying to establish ties with Ukrainian troops under the guise of volunteering."

Ukrainian troops and Russia-backed separatists have fought in the east since April 2014, killing more than 9,400 people. It was not immediately clear which side of the conflict the French man had stayed at.

"The Frenchman spoke negatively about his government's migration policies, the spread of Islam and globalization," the SBU said. "He also said that he wanted to perpetrate acts of terror in protest."
Ear-says until you present sources.
He is a soros (((national socialist))).
Unsurprisingly it's in Ukraine, the land where Soros is everywhere.
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what a goddamn fucking idiot. that's just water on the mills of leftists and pro muslim socialists. be prepared for some massive leftist glee.
Now the french government is waiting a terrorist attack from "fat right".
Obviously a false flag will appear.

>The SBU said in a statement that it had followed the unidentified man since December and allowed him to purchase five machine guns, two rocket propelled grenades and other weapons

>"Hey man, he already bought more than 100kg of explosives, a rocket launcher and multiple assault rifles. Shouldn't we arrest him?"
>"No, let him buy ten more first!"
That's some serious stuff

What's in the crates?
Thank you Ukraine.
>The 25 year old worked as an insemination technician at a agricultural cooperative

top kek
nerve gas
Always wonder how many more terrorist cells out there that have the same target in mind.

Which reminds me that currently there is a "competition" to win the hearts and minds of jihadists between al-Qaeda and ISIS. It's raging across Africa and the Middle East mostly, but I bet al-Qaeda has some plans to attack Europe so is doesn't look outdated compared to ISIS, which already has two major attacks in Europe to brag about.
He was obliviously not alone.. KEEP ME POSTED.

Literally prepping the bull.
there is an video of the arrest, will try to convert it
Let's not pretend it's true.

Mortar rockets/shells.
video of the guy getting rekt
webm is too big, so have a link instead:

Cops here do the waiting to make your crime bigger. More awards for them, more years for you.
Whats up with those triple parentheses?
Cucking the bull, more like. Since his job is impregnating animals.
Pure coincidence.
Seems extremely fishy.

This looks like a training exercise being sold as a white supremacist terror.
>ultra-nationalist views
nice move big nose desu
It's weird how not liking radical Islam and mass migration is "ultra nationalist"

Cultural maxism dysphemism at it's finest
He inseminate the animals with the bulls semen so not really
>which already has two major attacks in Europe to brag about

Three, I would count Charlie's hebdo aswell, since even the "moderates" didn't even try to hide their pleasure for that attack, it was a major boost for IS propaganda
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>Faggot Neonazis cry about muslim terrorists
>Faggot neonazis plan terrorist attacks in their own country
Wew lads, at least decent frogs fight against the true enemy on the streets.
Gonna be fun Europe to live in 10 years

Even without mudskins we'd have enormous boomer induced housing prices and probably economic collapse

Can't wait to see how it all turns out
>Ukraine's intelligence
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>buys weapons from East Ukraine """"""rebels""""""

Why are paramilitary groups lead by FSB colonels arming """"""French"""""" terrorists?
Well we already live that here. It seems like we're back in 1900. Economy's crumbling, Democracy can't solve the problems, Fascism on the rise, people are getting angry. Surely we will experience plenty of happenings in the near future.

False flag to prop up the "Not All Muslims" narrative.
Why is Ukraine so far up Muslim ass? Is it because they're Turkish rape babies?
>right-wing french supporter wanted to attack islamic and jewish places during the Euro

Yeah, I'm sure it totally happened. And he just so happened to have been in one country desperate to suck the EU dick.
>Fascism on the rise

Nigga, you, me and Portugal gonna get Communism up our asses.

No fascism execpt if we do what we did in 1936.

And so the narrative changes from foreign terrorists to domestic terrorists.

Watch as ISIS miraculously vanishes from the picture, and all those laws they have been pushing for your safety since Charlie Hebdo turn on dissenters and EU skeptics.
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I'm not even surprised. It was obvious something like this was going to happen. Governments see how more and more people are voting for anti-immigration parties. It had to be stopped somehow.

Prepare for:
I guess they ran out of people with Russian passports, so it's time to arrest anyone looking funny now, their own international volunteers included.
I like how he waited for intelligence agencies to be on high alert before he tried to pull this shit off.

Stinks worse than a false flag but he could just be that dumb.
As an anarchist, i want exactly the opposite of what happened in Catalonia '36, but don't worry, Communism is dead. What you'll have is what we have now, good old socialism, like the one you had in 1930. Then political tense, with extreme right and (hopefully) left getting power.

Fascism is on the rise in Europe, it goes much better than i thought, and it's gonna get much better when problems intensify. Golden eggs in Greece rose in only 2-3 years and despite having murders on their hands they're 3rd political party and more than 300.000 voters. (although non-existant on the streets). I'm sure something will happen in Spain too, you have a strong fascist tradition.
>catch dude who hate migration policies and spread of Islam without problem and make show out of it
>being unable to prevent hundreds of people dying from terrorist attacks organized by muslims who don't even try to hide it

Fucking A
Is it this easy to buy weapons in the ukraine right now?
How much for an assault rifle with a few mags and a few hundred bullets?
few years in prison for trying to take it through EU border
Great work of ZOG.

They are getting increasingly desperate.
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