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Only at a Bernie rally where you'll diverse and accepting
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Thread replies: 81
Thread images: 22
File: Bernie Trump Rally.png (678 KB, 906x904) Image search: [Google]
Bernie Trump Rally.png
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Face it. Trump has no chance of winning this November when based Berniebro sweeps up the nomination.
>noticing race that much
>cherry picking images that show race in certain pictures

Doesn't that guy realise how racist he is being?

Also, there are ethnic minorities in the Trump picture anyway - not shit skinned enough I guess?
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We even have disabled supporters. Where are the proud Autistic voters for Trump, huh?
muslims are never suicide bombers when you need them to be.
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I'll take the crowd of well dressed Americans
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>Proud autistic
At home, too busy shitposting on /pol/
>those teef
propah brittish

the bernie supporters look poor and dirty
Have fun with your food lines
I would think America would want the American one. The democrats decide everything based only on racism.
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At least liberals are finally being honest about wanting less white people.
About 34% of people whose faces can be seen in Bernie's crowd are not white. About 25% of Trump's crowd are not white. That's not really that big of a difference. Any idiot can see that if these pictures were at a different location and/or a day, the tables might be flipped.
Reminder that Michael Ian Black lives in Redding, Connecticut.

Here are the town's racial demographics:
94.90% White, 0.70% African American, 0.10% Native American, 2.20% Asian, 2.10% from other races or from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 2.60% of the population.

What a fucking hypocrite.
There's an Asian lady with presumably her daughter and a black man in that Trump photo. They can't even cherry pick right.
under-rated post
Disgusting white people

Bernie supporters
Bernie has all the young voters though. And Trump voters are all old and dying out.
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Bernie Crowd
>weird looking teenagers.
>muhamedeens and non-descript browns and african americans
>two asian teenagers
>all poorly dressed and waving their phones around

Trump Crowd
>an asian family
>a single black guy
>american flag for patrotism
>lots of white people
>all well dressed and listening, not flailing their phones around
What's with the overt racism against whites recently?
>hurr we need more diversity for vaguely defined reasons (really means "less whites")
>all that "white tears" shit
>constant fucking bashing of white men by the likes of (((Seth Rogen))) and also by numale cucks
It's really starting to bother me. It's like these people are either too stupid to realize that they're literally racist, or legitimately delusional.
This is the most racist thing I've seen (in the PCsphere). What an idiot.

I've never liked twitter (or even known how to use it), but this is too much.
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Hard choice, isn`t it ? As soon as i saw the Headscarf i looked the nuclear launch codes.
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>not autistic

Theres only like 2 black people in the Bernie crowd

Im just sayin
I don't get those people, I hated not understanding social cues and making an ass out of myself so I worked to fix it. These morons just embrace it and yell at anyone that calls them on their shit.
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I can't even comprehend how this pic is supposed to make bernie look good.

On the left you have tons of poor, sad looking people, half of which are shitskins, the other half looking like twitter activists. A crow of gibsmedat.

On the right you have well dressed people that seem educated and look like they pay their taxes.

Gee I wonder which crowd would make a better country.
>dirty unemployed miserable sandniggers
>people who look like they just got off their job and dressed adequately to see the next president
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Diversity is strength goy, do not forget that
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Those Teeth.jpg
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>people not paying attention
>dressed poorly

>everyone is alert
>dressed well

Hard choice lads.
fuck you, I have 2 immunity cats at my side
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>Proud bipolar who supports Bernie here
Wasn't it 6 Brazilians? Why won't the Jews ever stop talking about those spics?
The Bernie crowd is, after all, the changing millennial face of America. 50 shades of brown. This is the future you asked for.
I thought it was meant to make Trump look good.
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overlooked joke of the day
The right one.

Go away dogger. I am eatibg my berg
Go away evil dogger.
You never know with leftists and sjw.
B-b-but minorities!
Go away evil dogger
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>Whole world exited about bernie
Meh.. Nope. People laugh at that guy over here. He's gonna drive america down the path of the USSR. But instead of a strong military he's just gonna breed a nation of cucks.
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Get a load of this stupid nigger...
The requirements to be a bernout are as follows
1. Be overweight to obese
2. Be mentally challenged to the extent that understanding basic economics is impossible
3. Incapable of operating a motor vehicle
4. Engaged in one form or another of degenerate behavior.
5. Incapable of doing a simple google search to see what socialism has done to Venezuela.
6. Totally against more than one brand of deodorant.
I love you immunity cat
>No one notices the mixed race family at the top right of the Trump pic
So what exactly is wrong with it? It's filled with professional looking people and is progressive
He's gonna tax people's asses heavily. Very heavily.
Did Ian Black not realize there were non whites in Trump's crowd?
>not transgendered

Shame at voting booths you don't see diverse Bernie supporters
This actually blows my fucking mind

On the left we can see people who have contributed basically nothing to society so far (maybe a job at McDonald's or something) and believe in a fairy tail fantasy world and are yet educated enough through experience to see the world how it is. They claim they 'hate the system' yet the system had appeased them this whole time with great schools, healthcare and activities. 10 years ago? They where sitting in their pyjamas playing Pokemon and watching spongebob. Sounds horrible doesn't it? They have spent recent years in a room looking at books, all the are required to do is read and write during this time. Hardly strenuous work. They talk about how educated they are but who provided this education? How got their shit together? The white man and woman. Who doesn't have education? Who didn't get their shit together? The man and woman of colour eg Middle Eastern. That is an UNDISPUTABLE fact. But sadly, these disillusioned liberals don't like facts

On the right

On the right we have the moms, dads and grandparents who have contributed so much to society. First of all their taxes just paid to build schools and playparks for these young liberals to learn and play in. Some of those guys, built the houses that keep the liberal safe, another guy, well he fought in the army, risking his life and putting it all on the line, but what for? To support his family and country how he could. He simply put his head down and got shit done. He didn't moan, whine and complain, the was presented with a problem and solved it. Yes perhaps some wars where unjust, but at the end of the day there where people on the other side who would have liked nothing more than see the heads of him and his close friends on spikes. The woman? Raised 3 kids, cleaning the House and helping them with homework. Maybe she had a job too, and still devoted much of her time to her kids. Money she earns goes towards supporting them.
Go away evil dogger.
It's pretty much a victim mentality
Liberal can whine of about the cost of education and how expensive it is they can hardly live ALL WHILE they have the latest iPhones, 19 pairs of vans, the latest bape shirts and purchase atleast 7g of weed daily along with other shit too like their £5 Starbucks coffee that they just "Can't live without"

What are the majority of liberals? Lazy, greedy, self absorbed, whiny, disillusioned, racist and evil. They don't give a fuck about you and me or anyone, they only care about themselves and their desperate attempts to stay an dependent child, liberals grow the fuck up YOU are the privileged ones if any such thing exists
OP's pic: Kids dressed like shit vs. adults.

I want adults.
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Senpai the phone thing isn't true tho. I went to a Trump rally and the volume of faggots using their phones to see above the crowd, like a fucking periscope, was ridiculous. Short manlets who need to get their shit together.

The point about dependency is so true. Obamacare lifting dependency on health insurance to 26 or some fuck... I'm aware that the youngest generations today have an incomparably difficult time economically, but that one concession just reeks of immaturity.
the one where people are dressed nicer
the one on the right easily
Yes I agree naturally enough due to the recent economic clash that things are tough, but please don't lecture me when you complain about the cost of living when you buy so much shit you could do without, and while university shouldn't be overly expensive, atleast here in the UK £4000 a year over 4 years is not bad if you are basically being trained to enter a high paying job, and this money is paid to the university in advance, you pay it off in stages. Sounds fair to me
Bump for trump
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>Trump has been the republican candidate for weeks and the democractic party still hasnt unified

The one that isn't filled with a bunch of entitled minorities.
>sjw, muslims and niggers
>white, civilized people in suits and formal wear
This is bait. No one would pick the trump pic, it's a dystopian patriarchal society void of multicultural vibrance
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>Stains on her shirt
Yup, definitely autistic.
The town trump was I had a mainly white demographic. He got btfo on twitter with census results.
File: Cinder_ProfilePic_Young.png (444 KB, 540x1080) Image search: [Google]
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Autism doesn't exist. What you call an autist is a crystal child.

The Crystal children began to appear on the planet from about 1990-2010, although a few scouts came earlier. Their main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution and reveal to us our inner and higher power. They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the “Law of One” or global oneness. They are also advocates for love and peace on this planet.

They are mostly born into the Gold Ray of Incarnation and Evolution, which means they have access to gifts of clairvoyance and healing. They are born on the sixth dimension of consciousness, with the potential to open up rapidly to the ninth dimensional level of full Christ consciousness, and then from there to the thirteenth dimension, which represents universal consciousness.

Crystal children’s auras aren’t specifically opalescent, but are octarine, which is a color that isn’t in the normal visual range of human eyes, but is the manifest color of high magic, and on another color octave entirely. They have beautiful pastel hues to them. To the untrained eye, it appears to be without color at all, therefore Crystal, but the extremely high frequency of the energy field is what gives it away.

The first thing you will recognize about Crystal children is their forgiving nature. They are very sensitive, warm, and caring. Don’t mistake these characteristics as a sign of weakness as Crystal children are also very powerful.
Hope has driven humanity to this point. He gives them hope. This s is psych 101 tier shit. On either side it's the same story.
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But Trump rallies are just as diverse as that kikes rallies, it'd just that all the non-whites that go there aren't commie fucks and are always upstanding hard working citizens so the leftists try to pretend they don't exist.
Fuck I've got countless pics from all the way back in September that I took pictures of
There was even a kebab woman wearing her ninja hood
>being this autistic
I fucking hate Trump but those people in bernies pic look like the most smug not it all intellectual wannabes Ive ever seen, it looks like they went to community college transfered to university with a 2.0 gpa and literally majored in liberal arts only to continue to be unemployed or stuck in a minimum wage job. They look to bernie to help them pay their liberal art college debt thats literally why he has their support
>Being this delusional
Why do you hate Trump?
>Dec 8 2015
why the fuck are you still posting this? Bernie has L O S T.
sage and hide folks
File: Bernie Kikesplaining.png (1011 KB, 1139x764) Image search: [Google]
Bernie Kikesplaining.png
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What did he mean by this?
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Ah, now it becomes clear who is backing bernie
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