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Should VR be illegal?
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VR is starting to become a mainstream thing. Soon it will no longer be limited to gaming and therapy, but companies will delve into daily life replacement. If you think video games spread lazy, degenerate, autistic behavior, then wait until you see what VR does to people. Now people can go pretty much go their whole life without engaging other people. Most of the public will be happy to spend all of their free time in a fantasy world. Work ethic and morals will be destroyed. I actually believe it would be better to put heroin in the hands of the general public than VR. Should we stomp out this degeneracy before it becomes a thing?
It's only going to have that effect on the same kind of people that vidya and instant access porn does. Behavioral science dictates this to be true, the same as with drug use.
VR will make me able to have sex with my pony waifu
>Born too late to explore the earth.
>Born too early to explore the galaxy.
>Born just in time to live my life in a VR fantasy.
What a time to be alive!
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Yep. I can't wait to play a VRMMORPG with my waifu.
I don't have a waifu yet I guess I need to get serious about finding one now.
barneyfag blah blah blah
ah, whatever, who fucking cares...
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>VR is starting to become a mainstream
[citation needed]
It's a fad for youtubers.
I remember other "revolutionary" things.
They only reason I didn't get one is that I don't go outside.
I think the bigger issue will be all of the vision problems from constant use.
>I don't play video games, nor do I understand them, nor do I want to
>but here, this is going to happen if we don't stop them now!

Vidya is already like that, putting the screen on your face isn't much more immersive. You're thinking about direct sensory input Ghost in the Shell type shit.
>It's only going to have that effect on the same kind of people that vidya and instant access porn does. Behavioral science dictates this to be true, the same as with drug use.
vidya and porn have been on the huge rise since technology has enabled greater ease and convenience. I'm with OP in the fear that VR will exacerbate social woe's and further disconnect individuals from reality
thats next
>should it be illegal
No, it'll keep plebs out of the labour market and free up jobs while creating more jobs for psychologists/therapists
Aside from the idea being simple retarded.. just how do you plan on making it illegal ? There is no possible way to enforce it
>There is no possible way to enforce it
VR headsets don't grow on trees. It would be pretty damn easy to enforce
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People can just easily put together similar setups as gear.
alright smart guy. How do I make my own VR headset?
The only problem here is how long it's going to take.
>>I don't wanna remember nothing. Nothing, you understand? And I want to be rich. You know, someone important…like an actor.
You do realize that the VR headset is essentially just a screen held really close to your eyes with sensors to track head movement?
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Zuckerberg is pleased
No, I plan to make my fortune on VR. It's the new gold rush.

Nice trips btw
yes. Do you think people will make these at home? I consider myself to be pretty alright with computers and I could probably "make" one but it would take a lot of time and looking shit up. It's way beyond the reach of your average tech user
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Worse than socialism?
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>what VR does to people.
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Is the dream dead?
Thread replies: 28
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