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>this is the leader of /pol/ what went wrong?
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>this is the leader of /pol/

what went wrong?
no he's not
We decided dicks were pretty cute

He takes the more palatable ideas from /pol/ and normie'izes them.

You're still a faggot, OP.

He's a nigger fucking faggot. I pay zero attention to him
It is only natural since OP is a fag as well.
Remember kiddies, faggots are incompatible with nationalism.
>the leader of /pol/
speak for yourself, faggot
He's got good messages
I like em. He's spunky. He fights for us. He is our friend.
/pol/ by its very nature does not have a leader.
You're like those faggots that tried to make boxxy queen of /b/ years back but your queen isn't even cute.
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It went exactly as planned fagit.
What was trigglycuck's youtube channel?
Hes reaching all the faggots over the world and rallies them under Trump, and thus we have threads like yours.

He a useful faggot, unlike you

>this is considered normal in usa
At most he's a spokesperson.
/pol/ is gay as fuck lmao
Fake quote to troll SJWs or just redpilled CEO?
it actually fits perfectly when you consider the context of the rest of 4chan

we aren't stormfront and that's a good thing

What does he lead? The masochistic parade of /lgbtpol/? Probably. Actual /pol/ users? Absolutely not, nobody does and most of us intend to keep it that way. Nobody likes being labeled because of some spokesperson cunt that adopts a new title.
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>the leader of /pol/
He's like a sleep agent with his cover blown.
Milo is the first of many high profile individuals who have seen the truth through /pol/. He is not our leader he is /pol/'s creation.
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Milo, stop talking about yourself you stupid faggot
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They trusted a jew.

It's like they didn't learn anything from Shapiro
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I thought this was the leader of /pol/?
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there is a queen of the chans tho

implying majority of pol users aren't gay
Milo is just one of the queens of /pol/

Are they?
/pol/ will never have a leader as contrary to popular belief, /pol/ is too diverse on politics to have a singular leader. Most of /pol/ falls under the right wing umbrella but there's everything from nationalists, traditionalists to neo cons, authoritarians, classic liberals and natsocs


He's been more effective than your average Stormfronter (it's okay Stormfront, I love you too).
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No there isn't faggot.
And Lain was a shitty 2deep4u anime
>aryan man
>pretends to be jewish
>pretends to be gay
>untouchable by SJWs
>redpills normies all day everyday
damnit I have a cop fetish but I think he's gross for sleeping with darkies

isn't it weird? even when I was younger and a total sjw type anti-racist bleeding heart, if I heard someone I fancied slept with anyone who wasn't white or south east Asian i'd get an instant revulsion towards them, which I denied

now I embrace the redflag. white people who sleep with other colours gross me out, I cant stop imagining they don't take baths and they smell bad
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>Implying a gay Jew who dye his hair can be the leader of /pol/
Ghost is the true leader of /pol/. Not milo.
hes so /fa/ tho
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The closest thing 4chan ever had to a leader is gone, and now we're free roaming.

We almost killed ourselves trying to crown a Queen. Let's just drop this leader idea.
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The alt right is a fucking joke

It's time to leave the identity politics in the trash where they belong and embrace centrism
Hitler had that man killed as well as every other known homosexual SA member
Milo isn't just some faggot. He's our faggot.
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>They have no real problem with race-mixing, homosexuality, or even diverse societies: it’s just fun to watch the mayhem and outrage that erupts when those secular shibboleths are openly mocked.

He is a fucking gay jew. Deal with it.
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He's a plant trying to hijack /pol/ for his own personal interests. He's a coalburning jew after all.
nothing, he's hot as fuck

:3 queen milo
1. No he's not.
2. It's his SJW armor
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Sargon please go.
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thats not john though

t. Sargon of Cuckkad
Pretty sure it's fake, unfortunately
He's technically useful for now, I just hope we have enough sense to rope the little creep when the day comes.

> leader

one more retard for the pyre.
/pol/ has no leader. Fuck right off.
Jew, faggot, nigger lover, coke head.

Start lifting. Prepare for the right wing death squads.
what genius made the webm


Don't give away the twist.
>Not based Gavin
Didn't this guy just shoot up ucla?
>Let's just drop this leader idea.
Why not getting a Bot as a leader instead? No cute shit. Just a bot

I agree.

Just as soon as the left is utterly destroyed and left in complete ruin.

Then we can peacefully move back to the center.

Of course, we will have to remain on guard.
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Word up baby whats the word
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>people think /pol/ has a leader
that's what went wrong
> what went wrong?

fanboyism, /pol/ worships the person

Trump could come out tomorrow as a flaming liberal and his supporters would follow
he jumped the shark
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Oh shit.

I think you might be right.
intentionally provocative. The more the left attacks a gay guy, the more they are seen as hypocrites.
He was never our leader
He's an attention whore who likes to piss people off so he used us to garnish attention and make a name for himself
He's a leech

lurk more.
>implying /pol/ has a leader
If anyone is a leader on /pol/ it's weev, I'm sad to say. Him and his invisible empire of occult string pullers.

Beware the hidden hand....
No just drop the leader idea. /pol/ is a collection of political right wing ideals that often do nothing but compete with each other( protectionism vs economic libertarianism)

Why do we even need a "leader"? The current system is great.
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Leader of /pol/ is pol-tan, who by some magic of memeology actually exists.
Why do gays always have to be so overly sexual? You don't see straight public speakers carrying around fleshlights and blow up fuck dolls
No one but fucking newfags and """alt-right""" shills support MIlo.
because their entire identity is literally constructed around who they fuck obviously.
Is he actually gay?
Or do you guys just call him a faggot because he's so faggy
He literally tweets and talks about fucking niggers at every chance he gets. He's painfully, obnoxiously gay.
The left will destroy itself, it always does because it's completely unsustainable yet for some reason leftism continues to gain followers

Hitler was a die hard socialist; led his country to ruin

Soviet Union imploded pretty spectacularly

China moved away from leftism once they realized that all it did was get a whole lot of people killed with nothing to show for it

Cuba is now privatizing businesses

Venezuela is in utter ruin

We will weather the storm
Europe might be fucked but the Anglosphere will be okay
He's certainly not the leader of anything, but he's alright. Entertaining, at least
when you don't realize that he is what the far left is fighting for but he knows that its wrong the way they are doing it and that's his whole gimmick and you act as if encouraging the idea of being red pilled is wrong just cuz hes a homo sexual
Milo is nothing more than a character, a persona. Love him or hate him, never once believe that the act he puts on is his true self.

But yes I agree, many gays need to fuck off with overtly sexual shit. Last year I was in Toronto, the pride parade was going on and I saw a bunch of gay guys handing out cock shaped popsicles to children.

I got no issue if you wanna fuck dudes but don't be a perv in public. Not even memeing, it's just degenerate.
Nah, he is gay as fuck but not like a gay pride parade participant. He is a cool faggot.
>feminine penises
/pol/ is old /b/ though, how is that not hard to comprehend?
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He's actually gay and not only is he gay he is a bottom and he is attracted to black men

He's written extensively about it because it insulates him from attacks by SJWs
Hard to attack a gay man who gets fucked by black guys when you're supposed to be all about tolerance

not the leader

but he is useful

helps to frame the crazy feminists in the same light as the religious right 20 years ago that they loath
Is narcissistic the right word? They like to draw attention and controversy to themselves because they like men? I don't understand how he couldn't be like
>yeah I'm gay
Then just continue on his speeches but it's like
>oh I'm gay
>I take it in the ass
>I also like black dick more than white dick
>in my ass btw
>dresses in slutty outfit and carries a dildo
So annoying
Milo said it himself that he was just an "agent provocateur"

He has no special interest in alt right thinking it just happens to be the cool counter culture ideology so he's latched onto it in an attempt to build up his brand so that he can eventually become a regular on tv news

Also it's gotta be pretty nice being a paid speaker who essentially just regurgitates the same points over and over
>not like a gay pride parade participant
>drinks out of cock shaped water bottles and openly talks about niggers ejaculating inside of him
Bad bait.
Needs to get necked when we're finished with him.
This would work for me!
I feel like a lot of gays do that to blow off steam built up from a lifetime of repressed desires
Pride paraders are way worse.
>implying I don't have 4chan gold
Nice try Hilary shill
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lol @ how hard the jews are trying to subvert us
when the right starts worshiping an homosexual jew, things can only be wrong
(((milo yiannopolous))) is mind pollution
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>grabs roses

Will you go to the ball with me again, /pol/-senpai?
The alt right was created by the Jews to appeal to disenfranchised young white males and feed them propaganda, the Jews have been at the forefront of alt right thought from the very beginning
that meme again
triggering the left and having the morally honest and the intellectualy honest run is not what can be called a good job
that faggot is perverting and destroying the right
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real answer .

after depaul and now UCLA either milo or his handlers are shook.

they figure if they dial up the fag, the hype will die down

thats whats really happening here.

he's not our leader faggot, most of us hate him
Milo was the only one with courage to fight the system.

/pol/ are a bunch of faggots who piss themselves at the very thought of standing up for their principles
Claims to be a conservative but he's just as depraved as your average gaylord. He just wants to make sure his condition gets normalized but appearing in public dressed like that? With a dildo in his hand? He's no better than the dragqueens publicly sucking dick in the parades.
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Thats actually not surprising for most 4chan boards
He is a literally who american meme
the night of the long knifes
that was a glorious day
getting rid of degenerate leaders and deviant leaders
Only if you wear a dress
I mean, outside of chimping out and other shit that would get you arrested, there isn't much /pol/ can do beyond starting up clubs at their schools and voting for a figure that suits their interests best.

Sitting at home shitposting is preferable to getting bottled by someone because you have a different opinion.
this faggot is a bush loving neo-con shill.
wish /pol/ were more common filth than dangerous faggot
where was this?
I doubt Milo is retarded or have a short term memory. He knows and remembers how conservatives were hating him just a decade ago.

I think he just rides newly found fame to richers&glory, and probably calls the trad-cons who support him as idiots. Hence some of his actions-beliefs are just a façade (his "Catholicism" for one)
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Like you are doing anything to combat this insane society.
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It was more about pacifying the SA and uplifting the SS

Ernst Röhm was becoming too powerful for Hitler's liking and Hitler feared that the SA would be more loyal to Röhm than to himself
Only cuckservatives care about abortion

Abortions are used almost exclusively by minorities because almost all white women are on birth control these days
there's a shitload of "traditionalists" on /pol/ that are firmly anti abortion. Also a lot of neocon apologists as well.

Anti abortion has pretty strong presence within the alt right.
fuck you, I hate abortion

easy solution for the both of us; abortions should come with mandatory sterilization
Abortion has kept a lot of future felons off our streets and is a big reason why black birth rates are essentially just at replacement level
I don't care.

attach a sterilization to it and you only have to kill one unborn child instead of having multiple repeats

that still sickens me but it's a good compromise
This is absolutely true. Shapiro, Weev, Milo, all the lolbertarian kikes are all jews AND/OR faggots. It's ridiculous.
Senpai I'm pro choice within reason, I just dislike back alley abortion culture that's so prevalent within ghettos. I know it works out well economically and socially in our favor, still bugs me a bit though.
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/pol/ having leaders
top kek
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>/pol/ by its very nature does not have a leader.

shut up Mikado
Yeah, because millennials don't have any morals! Yet more proof the "alt" right is just the republican party for millennials - all the monstrous evil and self-absorption of the mainstream right with not even the pretense of morals of it.
absolutely retarded

jesus christ almighty
alt right is more like the young conservative's reaction to neo-conservatism foreign policy and immigration policy that doesn't "conserve" anything

plus a dose of nationalism and skepticism about ideals asserted by the enlightenment

You've got it all backwards. He doesn't lead us. We aren't his foot soldiers.

He's one of our pawns.
Yeah, you're giving this shit way too much credit. It's literally just the republican party with more libertinism and edge.

It's a necessary evil
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no, it's not. It's the same shit they pulled with the tea party..co-opting and subverting
I mean, he's pretty extreme but he has a point. A lot of (mostly black) teenage girls go through high school trying to rack up abortions as some sort of point system.

I think you should undergo mandatory safe sex seminars after 3 abortions, get fined after 5 with all of the money going towards orphan charities and face an interview after 8 of them where they deem if you're fit to carry children or not.
Nothing wrong with fewer black people brought into the world

In fact the world would be a much better place without blacks
There's nothing immoral about aborting black and Latino fetuses
Fucking this.
call me a cuck all you want, but I don't like to see murder, period.

which is why I think sterilization is a good solution

Exactly this. We will be seeing him on Fox News regularly within 5 years, probably sooner.
>abortion is murder!

Go to sleep, Cletus
>muh clump of cells
>abortion is murder

No it isn't, based on legal definitions of murder.

If a miscarriage occurs, is a woman liable for manslaughter?

No, because that would be retarded.

Abortion is a net positive for society, and being practical means understanding that abortion literally helps the world not get worse.
Gay white males got kicked off the progressive stack. Now they're waking up and joining us.
> Fag who makes a living being as outlandish and gay as possible

"Why is he dressed like that and holding a pink cock? How can you guys like him??"
Fuck abortion, we have bigger fish to fry. We can argue about abortion when the globalists aren't bleeding the country dry.
What the?

Really starting to turn off Milo. He was cool when he was trolling feminists, but his act is getting too obnoxiously gay for my taste. His constant black dick jokes and this type of shit is rapidly losing my support.
Hes a kike faggot that shills on here, it's all bullshit but he seems to suck in some dumb goys.
>Abortion is a net positive for society, and being practical means understanding that abortion literally helps the world not get worse.

If it's predominately niggers that get abortions, you should have no problem with just sterilizing them instead of letting them get pregnant over and over again.

If they want an abortion, they should give up their reproductive rights.

Whether you think it's murder or not to kill an unborn child, you can clearly see why sterilization is more ethical than abortion.

it is a wedge issue, I agree

I would rather have a functioning economy not on the verge of collapse and a protected border, I agree, but it still irks me.

I don't think degeneracy was the main factor. I think Hitler telling Rohm to tone it the fuck down and put the Brown Shirts on ice and Rohm deciding to carry on full Street Thug and rile up Hooligans is what saw him shanked.
>you should have no problem with just sterilizing them instead of letting them get pregnant over and over again

I do have a problem with an authoritarian body deciding something like that yeah.

>If they want an abortion, they should give up their reproductive rights.

How does this follow? In what universe do you live in where this follows?

>Whether you think it's murder or not to kill an unborn child, you can clearly see why sterilization is more ethical than abortion.

It's not more ethical to force a person to be sterilized than it is to allow them the choice of pregnancy or not. What makes you think that it's more ethical? What branch of ethics states that forcing a person into being barren is more morally righteous than allowing them the option of ending a pregancy?
he did coin any of the ideas he is exploiting
he is just doing what he did all his life, surfing on what's trendy and making money out of it
he's a fraud
but he's (((milo)))
How about this... 2 abortion limit, give them a freebie because accidents happen. Medical necessity doesn't count towards the limit, judge can override based on circumstance (Sudden, unpredictable life changes and such. House fires, death of the father, that sort of thing). After the second, mandatory sterilization. You get one free shot, after that you better have a good reason.
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Hi, Planned Parenthood. Haven't seen you in 15 minutes.

I would be fine paying niggers to get sterilized since I know all but the rare smart and motivated ones would do it willingly.
Forces Sterilization infringes on people's rights, abortion does not

>muh fetal rights!
Fetuses do not have rights
He's right, though. Only white fetuses should be protected as having human status.
lol at people trying to derail that embarrassing discussion by talking about abortion
a pure judeo-bolchevic soviet kind of strategy
kikery is a spreading disease
Sure he's a faggot, but he's a cool faggot like Freddy Mercury or Neil Patrick Harris.
>Implying she gives a shit and isn't just shilling for abortion
Neither do you.
Fags like him are what destroy nations.
NPH is a campy tryhard though.
He talks about fucking black dudes and doing ketamine at gay bars, he is far from cool.
>Faggot kikes
A pedo enabler is no leader of mine.
My rights are laid out in the first ten amendments to the constitution
Rights are a myth. Good try, though faggot. And the constitution doesn't grant you the right of abortion.
why not just give undesirables a one time payment for being made sterile?
I'm the leader of /pol/.

Minions, off with his head.
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I wouldn't go that far. Kühnen was one of the first neo-Nazi leaders after the fall of Third Reich and he never abandoned those thoughts even after sitting in jail. Milo definitely isn't face of nationalism though, he escaped Britain and he wasn't even ethnic Brit in the first place.
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>thinking Milo leads anybody

Do you even /pol/, OP?
No they're not, rights exist so long as you are willing to fight for them, or have a group of people who will fight for them for you, big guy
I can get on board with this
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/pol/ sees him as one thing: a convenient tool. He's gay so he can get away with saying anything he wants because he has more 'oppression points'. He normalizes ideas that people here agree with (for the most part at least), which is viewed as a good thing.
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I support his right to say and do whatever the hell he wants as long as he's not breaking the law.
Fuck leftists and fuck stormniggers, this is America. If you want to be a retarded neonazi then that's your right but don't go pushing your beliefs on others you cunts
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>He normalizes ideas that people here agree with
Like pedophilia and racemixing?
I see you completely skipped over the 'for the most part' part of my post. Of course I doubt anyone here completely agrees with everything he says, but he does say a lot of things a lot of people agree with.
So he's against feminazis(like most people) so he somehow is our ally. Never mind all the degeneracy he enables.

/pol/ is dead. At this point you'd find more pro-fascist and pro-purity ideas from /lgbt/.
refer to >>75948941
go lick some boots, yuroscum
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And mind you I don't find his homosexuality a problem. It's the lifestyle he promotes. A good gay ally would:
>show good example and stay in monogamous relationship and not allow casual sex/sex outside stable relationship
>not promote racemixing
>say no to alcohol and drugs
>praise nationalism
>judge materialist, hedonist lifestyle

So is /pol/ now just a liberal board? Good grief.
it's very simple

if they don't want to be sterilized, then they shouldn't kill their own offspring

>Fetuses do not have rights
and neither should subhumans who want to willingly kill their own offspring

that is the line they draw to forfeit their reproductive rights as responsible adults
Why do you have such a problem with black people getting abortions?
Giving yourself a label was the worst thing you faggots could do

Now that alt-rightist is firmly tied to a fedora faggot no one will take you seriously kek
because I don't want to see anyone killing their offspring

if they're intelligent, they'll be responsible and wait until they're in a position to have a child

sterilization is more humane than repeated abortions

that is my argument and it comes grounded from a family member who had repeated abortions
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>because I don't want to see anyone killing their offspring

Even if it results in fewer black people?
sterilization for abortion would have the same effect, with a drastically reduced need to kill things
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All hope has been lost for quite some time, familia.

Basically this. He is a useful tool for right now, the best thing about him is how much he riles up and leftist sjws.

The second best thing aboit will be his protests about how he is one of us when he gets dragged away with the rest of the degenerates on the day of the rope.
>getting triggered by this
the alt-right truly is conservatism + identity politics

Killing is not always wrong
You mean you're his tool.
unborn children are quite literally the most innocent living thing you could kill in the entire universe

yes, even unborn nigger children

now call me a cuck

just accept the sterilization argument, it's humane
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Why did he do that? I liked him because he was a dangerous, but respectable looking faggot.
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Sammy Hyde Sammy Hyde by your will I will abide.
I'm ok with gay people.
He likes trump lefties hate him therefore you are a leftie Sjw anti trump faggot now fuck off back to buzzfeed bitch!
Queen Milo > Shit > powergap > Animefaggots
>the enemy of my enemy is my friend

At the moment, who else is exposing the hypocrisy of the left as effectively as milo?
When someone who better aligns with us comes along, we can hop over to them.
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america, they can never get it right
Film Major..
Fucked a Tranny
Bro Milo is less faggoty than this guy
that doesnt fit the ebil nazi narrative
>Have you tried being not jewish
Um Milo Is Christian or Catholic he looks nothing like a jew get your shit straight
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If he's for Trump he's literally against his own gayness.
Look at this novela *pic related*, it was the most popular show on television and this was before Chris Jenner. It's about a man who turns into a transgender to impress a girl. His boss always tries to put the moves on him at the office, constantly trying to seduce him and fuck him in the ass

also here's an article noting a milestone in television history: https://www.buzzfeed.com/adriancarrasquillo/spanish-language-giant-univision-shows-historic-first-novela?utm_term=.gc7zX2RY5#.dt32qpODl

>leader of /pol/

u wot? i've always hated this guy since day 1
Ben Garrison is the leader of /pol/

Sam Hyde is the secretary general

Milo is a meme mutation.

We tried, but something went wrong so the spawned creation turned gay. First 1 is always a bit bugged. Pepe was the beta version. With version 2 the meme magic will be strong enough to resurrect Hitler.

Keep praising kek, faggots. We're doing it wrong.
>zero attention
i see...
What are women unquestioningly better at than men?

Not trying to be sexist just curious so I can use it as examples of differences between men and women.

Oh yeah Trump is so anti-gay... kek


>Trump himself underscored the problem on the weekend when he told a New Hampshire television station that from the White House he would push “equality” for homosexuals even further forward.

>NOM has also been highly critical of Trump, saying he has “abandoned” their cause. The organization said in its January 27 blog post just prior to the Iowa Caucus that “Donald Trump does not support a constitutional amendment to restore marriage to our laws. Worse, he has publicly abandoned the fight for marriage. When the US Supreme Court issued their illegitimate ruling redefining marriage, Trump promptly threw in the towel with these comments on MSNBC: ‘You have to go with it. The decision's been made, and that is the law of the land.’”

He also wished Elton John all the best after his marriage with David Furnis:


>There's a lot to celebrate this holiday season. Elton John married his long-time partner David Furnish on December 21. That's the first day that civil partnerships between gay couples became legal in England under the new Civil Partnership Act.

>In any event, I'm very happy for them. If two people dig each other, they dig each other. Good luck, Elton. Good luck, David. Have a great life.
I've heard two:
Multitasking and Driving.

The latter is clearly false, the first is probably right.
I just looked it up and multitasking is a myth and there is no evidence for gendered difference
Yeah then I'm going to go with absolutely nothing.

2beehonest the only thing that annoys me about women is their complete lack of opinions or interests. It's like talking to a chat bot on the computer.
>he looks nothing like a jew
He IS a jew though, fucking aussie.
Not enough people reminding that he's a kike that denounces racism
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>no trigger discipline

He's no right wing deaths quad buddy o mine
he ain't muh nigger
Yeah no. He's quite notable desu
Also he's a bong.
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>he looks nothing like a jew
>Hitler was a die hard socialist
>presided over merging of biggest industries and the state
That's not socialism, you retard.
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giving birth to children
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This my culture not a costume.jpg
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We are a culture, not a costume.

This is not who I am,

and it's NOT OKAY.

Sammy Hyde Sammy Hyde by your will I will abide

Jesus, your an idiot

>literally using naivthe millineals for 'fame'

People like this use whatever means possible for notirioty
Allegorically the same thing is with putin and ex-soviets. I`m not in all-out opposition, but this guy is fucking anglo and cultural marxist. You cant cooperate with this.

And putin is anti-russian nationalist and anglo puppet. The only good thing he is doing today - he is not killing russians en-masse. And comparing to recent history - it`s something.

And ex-soviets are ruled by the same commies. No lustration was made. They are the same welfare niggers, whom they where in "ex"USSR.

What can went wrong these cases?
I tell you what. Americunts are irresponsible. And they do not listen to warnings and clear signals, that something is good or bad. But when shit happens it`s always "jew tricks" or "commie conspiracy". While the only one who tricks amerifats here is amerifat himself.
Bizzarre to watch though, it's a butt boy minstrel show...then suddenly the fag starts reading off racial crime statistics he got off pol.
[spoiler]YOU WANT FRIES WITH THAT?[/spoiler]
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