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Why aren't you a socialist?
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Why aren't you a socialist?
Because it wasn't working out for me in Europe so I became a rich American capitalist instead.
i don't follow -isms and i'm not an -ist

i'm free
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But I am a socialist, it's the only way to fight back against the Jews alongside the niggers

Bernie 2016
>Fight back against the jews
And yet here your are going to vote for a jew. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Bernie is a based Jew, he fucking didn't even work until he was 40. The bigger Jews despise that. You really want to push away every ally you can get when a massive fight is about to happen? I don't.
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from what.jpg
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>every commie leader is a jew
>b-but he's a based jew, t-the other jews totally hate him
Again, he was a fuck all member of society, so why would the Big Jews like him? It doesn't make sense. Go ahead and fight it, but you're only gonna push our potential allies away with Trump. Rubio would've made allies with the Mexicans, which is what we needed, but now we're destroying vital relationships. Who else is going to mow my lawn? Brazilians?
Because I don't want to live in Venezuela.
Too white for you?
Too poor, like all socialist countries.
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we are socialist in France. Look at us, we're as much socialist as american
>socialism exist
I don't like bread lines.
I'm not into supporting failed 19th century ideas.
>posts commie pepe
>pepe based on the worst commie ever
Because its boring as all hell, people who don't do shit gets other peoples shit and the state can do what ever it wants
Because I don't trust man.
I live in a socialist country i don't think i need more of a reason to why iam not one.
Because I don't want to give more of my money to immigrants
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