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Why can't the pope be like him?
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Why can't the pope be like him?
Because the Pope is a masonic cryptokike, and the Dalai Lama is not.
Elect Based Polish Pope again, and we he will get you a crusade, kebab removal, and eternal salvation
Deus vult
The Pope is the whore of Babylone and anyone who follows the catholic Church is a cuck. The catholic Church is a company advertising for the products of a rival company. Follow Christian principles all you want because the core product is good but reject the Church's organization and dogma.
Fuck off Frog muncher
You rejected church and now you have sandniggers infestation

Because Abrahamic religions have a expansionist mentality.
Deus Vult.
Dont tell me faggot.

Bet my ass we italian fags have to pay for those 12 rapefugees he imported some time ago.
Deus Vult.
I love that nigga
File: jewchart.png (51 KB, 1302x1296) Image search: [Google]
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He's not a very good Christian
because the current pope is a commie globalist
Deus Vult, taking a non-Polish pope was a mistake.
Fake and gay
Emperor Palpatine angered god when he resigned. This feet kissing clown is our punishment
Source on this chart??
Im actually interested in finding out more
Deus vult.
File: deus-vault.png (109 KB, 800x3356) Image search: [Google]
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Deus vult.
This. Chart actually made me think.
This or something thing similar. He works for the nwo, Benedict was deposed so he could be put in place, and he is purported to despise white Americans.
Deus vult
Because the pope has a trump-wall to hide behind. Plus he's a kike.
>help rebuild their countries
but they German now inshallah.
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