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>"Ah need mah AR-15 so ah can over-trow the gubbmint!"
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Thread replies: 87
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>"Ah need mah AR-15 so ah can over-trow the gubbmint!"

Do you gun nuts even hear yourselves? Why won't you support COMMON SENSE gun regulation?
Has Horsey ever been right about literally anything?
Because of niggers
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The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. And I know you are worried about well-intentioned idiots but those can easily be stopped with a tiger. Tigers are afraid of rattlesnakes, and rattlesnakes can be stopped with the bitter cold ice age that is inevitably coming (in somewhere between 5000 and 150,000 years from now). So gun control is an issue that will eventually correct itself.

Now let's talk about gays.
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Stop been such a fucking giant fag you have some of the best gun laws ever also how can you gun grabbers not understand shall not be infringed
sage and report this stupid spam thread, reposted every day with the same picture
Global Rule #7
>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
Well shit...

So, once.
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>COMMON SENSE gun regulation

We already have enough laws on the books. We should be getting rid of regulations, not adding more.

How will making it harder for innocent people to protect themselves from criminals stop criminals?
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Daily reminder Horsey is a horrible racist.
Well if you regulate private sales then black market dealers won't just scratch of serial numbers.

If it weren't for AR-15s, we'd all be dead already.

The Jews really want to kill us all using a Soviet Apparatus.

Just like they did in Russia and Ukraine. Not to mention everywhere else.
>regulate private sales th
And how does one achieve this without it just affecting already law abiding citizens who aren't the problem with illegal guns? What makes you think they won't just scratch off the serial to start with?
An unarmed man doesn't exist.
protip: if you're reading a comment on /pol/ that sounds like sarcasm, it's sarcasm.

I'm pointing out that regulating private sales is a fruitless endeavor easily gotten around.

As is the government doesn't track ownership like that so they don't need to take off the numbers, but if they did it wouldn't be an obstacle.
The only thing a regulation of private sales would do is fuck with law abiding people. Do you think Tyrone and Jamal will go to the Bass Property shop to transfer because there is a law written?
>this thread again
Sage and report
And I'm a dumbass. Fucking /k/ in me cannot stop taking the b8.
newfags, newfags everywhere


hol up
Because slippery slope.
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Where is the common sense in banning a gun that is virtually never used in crime?
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Fight me
>Fucking /k/ in me cannot stop taking the b8
Welcome to the /k/lub
Wow I'm impressed he wasn't drawn and quartered by his libshit bosses and friends.

Must have been before about a year ago when the libs turned their focus onto sandniggers. Looks like it says 2011 in the bottom left so that sounds about right.
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2/10 bait
That photo has been posted like 10 times before
The only people that fear a well-armed society, are those who have already resigned themselves to a fascist government.
I mean thats probably true. Blacks already kill whites more than whites kill blacks. and most firearms in "the hood" aren't legal. most guns in suburbs are.
Same difference, Senpai.

Total opposites.
Horseshoe theory.
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IIRC that is a cuck edit. I don't have the original saved, though.

Horsey is actually redpilled, pic related some of his actual work.
I'll bite.
What are "common sense" gun regulations, you failed to make that clear.
Zyklon Horsey when? This is getting ridiculous
>deletes the rolls but doesn't delete a spam bait thread
Nigger mods nigger janitors.
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>You don't need an AR-15!
Go to /b/ if you want that shit
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Why won't you get a real JOB instead of CORRECTING THE RECORD?
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Mods/janitors are overworked, and do it for free. They are always accepting apps, and /pol/ needs a few janitors that care.
If you care so much about it, volunteer.
Nigger poster.
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lol wut teh fuckl
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Kill yourself.
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Isn't that an M16A1 on his shirt tho??
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You can keep crying about the problem, IDC.
The measure of a man is what he does about his problems.

Seems like you should wear dresses.
Full vid?
No idea, got it from /k/
Shit, I'll roll.
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Welcome to /k/ now git out.
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Thinking of getting a gun. Been looking at CZ 75 SP-01.
white male coming through everyone better check their privilege.
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CZs are sexy
Not a argument.
Only if you support "common sense" voting rights reforms :^)
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Uncuck yourself or just end it for the betterment of all our lives, my man.

>I don't want a gun.
>The government should ban them.
>Mass shootings aren't off the charts in statistical rarity.
>you don't need your guns, cause no one's trying to take your guns, so turn in your guns
You're the fucking retard, retard.
Implying that because you put a pleasing name on it, it makes it any better
Implying that hassling law abiding gun owners with longer waiting periods and other bull shit will stop niggers from killing people with guns
>Common sense gun laws
>Right to work
It's a shame that all it takes is a nice name to trick most people
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>don't need an AR-15 hurr durr
LiberalFag would rather defend himself against an intruder who might have a better weapon than him with a handgun that has a "common sense" size of 7 fucking rounds
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>7 rounds
For close quarters get one pistol for each hand and let the volume of fire do the trick.

Or at least is what i'd like to do
Go to a gun range and try that and see if you can hit anything
the better question is
Can we do to Horsey what we did to Ben
Dual wielding is a meme. You are many times better off with a rifle or shotgun then that nonsense.
Ben "Peek-a-boo Jigaboo!" Garrison always had the seed deep inside of his white Germanic soul. Horsey is a lost cause.
10 meters or 3?

And let's tell the truth. I've put "dual wield like in a John Woo movie" in my list of thing to do before i die
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You know that really makes you think....
Also, i highly doubt that any range would allow that.

And this is not AMERICA where you can have outdoor ranges where you can fuck around with your guns as you like
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I'm not saying it's not fun, just not practical

>can't go on public land and shoot hundreds of rounds in an afternoon
Shame, I did that just yesterday
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You can keep crying about the problem, IDC.
The measure of a man is what he does about his problems.

Seems like you should wear dresses.
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Thread images: 31

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