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All you trump supporters think you are saying fuck the establishment,
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All you trump supporters think you are saying fuck the establishment, when in reality you doing exactly what the bilderberg group wants. Replacing government with business and turning America into a fascist country. Hillary is a woman and the bilderberg group is all white men so she couldn't possibly be one. Checkmate.
>bilderberg group is all white men
go to sleep shillary
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Fucking leafs and their shit understanding of everything your fucking opinion will matter when your country stops letting us use it as fucking landfill fuck off with your autism and shit tier knowledge of the bildererg group
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Trips don't lie.

Looks like I'm a Hillfire missle now. Thanks OP.
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Good thing you don't get to vote here kek
Satanic trips always lie
All that wiki "knowledge" is illuminati misinformation you sheep
Its Bilderberg. Who's the one with autism now
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>satanic trips when talking about bilderberg and the illuminati

Alex would being busting a nut right now.
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Me when I get satanic trips
Whats 555 then?
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Trump is a jew-sympathiser and it's hilarious how you delusional americans can't see it.

wow, you've convinced me
Im a #hilldog now!
Honestly, at this point I'm voting Trump just to assblast all of you faggots in November and then feast on your tears for the foreseeable future.
Swedes are godless, lack honor, impotent, children.
Jerusalem is rightful Jewish clay. If you're against Israel, you're not a Christian. I hope your country gets destroyed Swede, that's what you get for being athiest hedon filth.
They're all Jew sympathizers. Best to take the one that knows how to out-Jew the Jew.
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>Jerusalem is rightful Jewish clay.
Wrong. They are not God's chosen race. The white race is. Jesus was not a jew, but an israelite. Jews are of the serpent seed. They literally descend from Satan, and his works they do.
>If you're against Israel, you're not a Christian
If you're not against jews, you're not a christian.
>I hope your country gets destroyed Swede, that's what you get for being athiest hedon filth.
You'd like that, wouldn't you? Filthy jew. Your kind wants to destroy the last germanic bastion on the planet. That's why you jews are targetting us so much.
>Best to take the one that knows how to out-Jew the Jew.
His daughter and grandchild are literally jews. He is the most jew'd one of them all. You need a revolution. Realize that you can't bring forth a change through the political system anymore. It's corrupt. Jewish influence runs to deep. They are too embedded within your systems (education, media, politics, etc).
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Give me some pointers from your own revolution against multiculturalism and Jew-instigated mass immigration. Oh, wait. Nevermind.
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It's a sign from Allah most high
Women can(rare) be used for other things than sex. Checkmate
Never said Sweden doesn't need a revolution. SD is our controlled-opposition. Trump is yours.
Prove it with bible passages, hethon

So you're one of the new age Christians who doesn't believe in the Jewish laws? Typical. I suggest you read the bible.

Jesus attacked the Jews because they were corrupt, they were changing the laws of god so that they could "morally" swindle and lie.

USA has 20x your German population, and 20x less muslims.
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>Prove it with bible passages, hethon
>So you're one of the new age Christians who doesn't believe in the Jewish laws?
Are you talking about the laws of the old testament? I believe they still apply. Are they jewish? No.
>Jesus attacked the Jews because they were corrupt, they were changing the laws of god so that they could "morally" swindle and lie.
Jesus attacked the jews because they are of their father, Satan. They are not the children of God. The white race is (that doesn't include mongrels like slavs, americans or people from mediterranean countries).
>USA has 20x your German population, and 20x less muslims.
I didn't say german. I said germanic. You're illiterate and uneducated.
Gee I wonder who could be behind that post…
>and turning America into a fascist country.
Seem to have forgot what board you're on.
>bilderberg group is all white men

But Hillary is white though.
Ok, so it looks like, from your picture, you think Ashkenazim aren't Jews, but then you call them Jews and say they're sons of satan.
Which is it? Are Ashkenazim Jews not Jews, or are they descended from Satan?
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The word "jew" in the KJV is a transliteration from judean. These "jews" that we're generally talking about today are not judean. I call them jews because of simplicity. I could go on and refer to them as the synagogue of satan if you'd prefer.
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How exactly is trump controlled by bilderberg if he is the President of his own company with billion of dollars?

No one but his dad helped him build his organization, well the italian mafia did controll all new york construction back in the 1970's, but still.

I don't see how he is establisment, when in realitiy he is completly his own man, and why would anyone want to replace a single unchanging government system with mutiple buisinesses that never stay the same, and always risk falling apart, or being taken over by other groups? I can't ruin the world if I'm getting my shit pushed in by a rival company can I?
Lol, fucking leaf.
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noice, checked.
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Nice trips Lucifer.

Riddle me this:
The nose is the smell.
The ear is the hear.
The tongue is the taste.
The skin is the feel.
The eye is ...
This is who rules America.
Sight rules america?
Trump and his company is part of bilderberg. Wake up
>bilderBERG group wants fascism
Ok, faggot. Now go back to re ddit.
But his dad and him made their own company.
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So you've been lying for the sake of lying, it makes sense now. Had you simply said that the Russian/slav mongrols aren't Jewish, i would have simply agreed with you, but you had to be hyperbolic for the sake of replies.

And, according to your own pic, the mongrol Jews are still technically Jews via their mixing with likely descendants of Abraham. Israel is rightful Jewish clay, that was my original statement, and you just clearly expressed that you changed the topic and tried to deceive my factual and mutual understanding of Jews.

You're going to have to try harder, Swede. Omitting relevant information for the sake of conveniently portraying your argument solid is also lying. You're not here for discussion, you're here to shill anti Christian, anti Jewish propoganda.
The Hillary is the lesser of two evils Trump is a Saboteur meme is not going to take off until we see some serious connections between Trump and the NWO.
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>Hillary is a woman and the bilderberg group is all white men

Here is the leader of the Bilderberg Group, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. Her father actually founded the group.
But the establishment isn't?
And your photo is garbage. If this is the origin of your "Jews are satan" nonsense, then you're even worse than i assumed.

>3 quotes which have nothing to do with eachother
>martin Luther

Try harder.
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Whatever you say, Satan.

Patriot get. Very nice. Praise Kek


(pic related)
>The eye is the Kikes
This riddle is shit. How the hell was I supposed to guess that?
Funny because they are all germanic

It's germanic elite who want NWO

Germanics are a plague that spread degeneracy everywhere they go
They must be exterminated
She's actually a man you can see it in her bone structure and eyebrows. She was made a female for misinformation.
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